Mathematical Modeling

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org © 2019 IJCRT | Volume 7, Issue 2 April 2019 | ISSN: 2320-2882

Dr Shailendra Kumar Srivastava1 Dr Subhash Kumar Sharma2
Associate Professor Assistant Professor
Department Of Physics Department Of Electronics
MGPG College ,Gorakhpur MGPG College ,Gorakhpur

In case of system Mathematical model plays an important role to give response. This paper explains different
kinds of system such as electrical and mechanical. In Accordance of it examples of Mechanical, Electrical
system are represented by mathematical model; in different types of Mathematical model i.e. Mechanical
System by Differential Equation Model, Electrical system by State-Space Model and Transfer Function
Model. To describe the behaviour of electrical circuits involving resistors, capacitors, and inductors using
mathematical equations. This model using analysis, design and Mathematical modelling of electromechanical
Keywords: Mathematical modelling, Electrical, Mechanical systems and their behaviour.

Basics Terminology:

We Know that the basics terminology are as follows.

•Voltage: It is the electromotive force needed to produce the flow of electrons (analogous to pressure). The
unit of voltage is volt (V).

•Charge: It is proportional to the excess of electrons (negative charge) over protons (positive charge) in a
matter. The unit of charge is coulomb. 1 coulomb = charge of 6.25×1018 electrons
•Current: It is the rate of flow of electrical charge (coloumb/sec=amp):

Power Sources:
There are two types of electrical power sources. Which are as follows.
•Voltage source delivers a specified voltage regardless of the current drawn by the load
• Current Source delivers a specified current regardless of the voltage drop across the load

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Fig(1) Voltage and Current Source

Basic Electrical Elements: The basic electrical elements are shown in table(1)


Kirchhoff’s Current & Voltage Laws: The Kirchhoff ‘s law are two types one is Kirchhoff ‘s Current
Law(KCL) and Kirchhoff ‘s Voltage Law(KVL).
According to KCL the algebraic sum of all currents at any node should be equal to zero.
And According to KVL the algebraic sum of Voltage of each element in a closed loop should be equal to the
voltage source in that closed loop. Which is shown in fig(2).

Fig(2) KVL and KCL

IJCRT1134255 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) 716 © 2019 IJCRT | Volume 7, Issue 2 April 2019 | ISSN: 2320-2882
Mathematical Modelling: For mathematical modelling generally the following,
There are 3 commonly used methods are used. Which are as follows.
Loop Method „
Node Method „
Complex Impedances

Loop Method:
1.First of all Label each node and assign cyclic current to each loop.
2.Now Write the Kirchhoff Voltage law for each loop. Express voltage across each element in terms of the
cyclic currents assigned in step.
3.Now Assemble the equations into a set of differential/integral equations with an equal number equations and
unknown variables.
4.If desired eliminate all the integrals using the relationship q=∫i dt to obtain a system of differential

Node Method:
1.First of all Label each node.
2.Now Apply the Kirchhoff-current law at each node.
3.Now Express all currents in terms of nodal or elemental voltages.
4.After that Assemble the equations into a set of ordinary differential equations with an equal number
equations and unknown variables. Eliminate integrals using i L=∫vLdt for all the inductors.
Loop Method Example:

Fig(3) Example for Loop Method

From Fig (3) The loop equations are given by

Loop equations: R1i 1+(1/C)∫(i1-i2)dt=es
Ldi2/dt+R2i2+(1/C)∫(i2-i1) dt=0
How to get rid of integrals? Try using charges q1= ∫i1dt and q2= ∫i2dt instead of i1 and i2: R1dq1/dt+(1/C)(q1-q2)
= es
Ld2q2/dt2+R2dq2/dt +(1/C)(q2-q1) = 0

Method of Complex Impedances:

• First of all Transforms the circuit directly into the Laplace domain by using each elements
Impedances .
• Results in input-output transfer function.
• This method is described in the text pages and have been.
• Illustrated in classroom.

Mixed Systems:
•The Most systems in mechatronics are of the mixed type, e.g., electromechanical, hydro mechanical, etc
• And Each subsystem within a mixed system can be modelled as single discipline system first
•Power transformation among various subsystems are used to integrate them into the entire system
•Overall mathematical model may be assembled into a system of equations, or a transfer function

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D.C. Motor Illustrating D.C. Motor:

Fig.(4) Illustrating DC Motor

D.C. Motor Model:
D.C. Motor converts electrical power to mechanical power. It can be used as a velocity or position actuator.
•Motor torque is a function of armature current
•Motor angular velocity is proportional to its (back-emf) voltage.

Electro-Mechanical Example:
Input: Voltage u
Output: Angular Velocity ω
Electrical Subsystem (Loop Method):

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Electro-Mechanical Example:
Input: Voltage u
Output: Angular Velocity ω
Electrical Subsystem (Loop Method):

Mechanical Subsystem
Tmotor = Jω + Bω

Power Transformation:
Torque-Current: Tmotor = Kt ia
Voltage-Speed: eb = Kb ω
Where Kt: Torque Constant, Kb: Velocity Constant
For an ideal motor
Combing previous equations results in the following mathematical model:

Transfer Function of Electromechanical Example:

Taking Laplace transform of the system’s differential equations with zero initial conditions gives:

Reduced Order Model:

Assuming small inductance, La ≈0

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Electro-Mechanical Example:
Mixed Systems:
•Most systems in mechatronics are of the mixed type, e.g., electromechanical, hydro mechanical, etc
•Each subsystem within a mixed system can be modeled as single discipline system first
•Power transformation among various subsystems are used to integrate them into the entire system.
•Overall mathematical model may be assembled into a system of equations, or a transfer function.
It has been shown already that the input and output of a linear system in general, is related by a linear or a set
of linear differential equations. Such relationships are capable of completely describing the system behaviour
in the presence of a particular input excitation and known initial conditions.
differential equation of Eq.(A) is seldom used in its original form for the analysis and design of control
systems. To obtain the transfer function of the linear system that is represented by Eq.(A), we simply take the
Laplace transform on both sides of the equation, and assume zero initial conditions. The result is


The transfer function between r(t) and c(t) is given by


We can summarize the properties of the transfer function as follows:

1.Transfer function is defined only for a linear time-invariant system. It is meaningless for nonlinear systems.
2.The transfer function between an input variable and an output variable of a system is defined as the Laplace
transform of the impulse response. Alternately, the transfer function between a pair of input and output
variables is the ratio of the Laplace transform of the output to the Laplace transform of the input.
3.When defining the transfer function, all initial conditions of the system are set to zero.
4.The transfer function is independent of the input of the system.
5.Transfer function is expressed only as a function of the complex variable s. It is not a function of the real
variable, time, or any other variable that is used as the independent variable.
Transfer Function (Multivariable Systems) :
The definition of transfer function is easily extended to a system with a multiple number of inputs and
outputs. A system of this type is often referred to as the multivariable system. In a multivariable system, a
differential equation of the form of Eq. (A) may be used to describe the relationship between a pair of input
and output variables. When dealing with the relationship between one input and one output, it is assumed that
all other inputs are set to zero. Since the principle of superposition is valid for linear systems, the total effect
on any output variable due to all the inputs acting simultaneously is obtained by adding up the outputs due to
each input acting alone. A number of examples is appropriate to illustrate the concept of transfer function.

Conclusion: In Order to understand the behaviour of systems, Mathematical Models are needed. These are
simplified representations of certain aspects of real system. Such a model is created using equations to
describe the relationship between input and output of system and can then be used to enable prediction to be
made of the behaviour of a system under specific condition.

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