Lecture 1-3 Introduction To Verilog HDL

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Digital Circuit Design Using Verilog HDL

Lecture: Introduction to Verilog HDL
Emergence of HDLs
➢ With advent of LSI(large scale integration) designer could able to
put thousands of gate on a chip
➢ Complexity further increases with newer technology by the years.
➢ Electronic Design Automation Technique begin to evolve.
➢ Designer felt the need for a standard language to describe digital
➢ HDLs(Hardware Description Language) allowed the designer to
model the concurrency of processes found in hardware elements.
➢ HDLs provide formats for representing the outputs of various
design steps.
➢ Digital design could be described at Register Transfer level(RTL) by
use of an HDL
➢ Popular HDLs like Verilog originated in 1983 at Gateway Design
Automation and VHDL under contract from DARPA
Difference Between Verilog and VHDL
➢Verilog is based on C, while VHDL is based on Pascal and Ada.
➢Verilog HDL allows different levels of abstraction to be mixed in the same models. So the
designer can define hardware model in terms of switches , gates, RTL or behavioral code.
➢Unlike Verilog, VHDL is strongly typed.
➢ Unlike VHDL, Verilog is case sensitive.
➢Verilog is easier to learn compared to VHDL.
➢Verilog has very simple data types, while VHDL allows users to create more complex data
➢Very high-speed integrated circuit hardware description language(VHDL or VHSIC HDL)
Typical IC Design Flow • Steps in the Design Flow
➢ Behavioral design -Specify the
functionality of the chip

Design Specification ➢ Data path design-Generate a

netlist of register transfer
Behavioral Description level components
RTL Description
➢ Logic design- Generate a
Functional Verification and Testing netlist of gates/flip-flops or
standard cells
Logic synthesis/Timing Verification
Gate level netlist
➢ Physical design-Generate the
Logic Verification and Testing final layout

Floor Planning Automation place route

➢ Manufacturing -Fabricate the
Physical Layout chip
Layout Verification
Front end and Back end Design
Front End VLSI Design:
➢ All of the stages from Specification to Functional Verification are normally considered as part of
Front end and engineers working on any of these are Front end VLSI design engineers.
➢ An engineer could start as an RTL design engineer or a Verification engineer and gain deeper
knowledge and skills as they progress in career.
Back End VLSI Design
➢All stages from Logic Synthesis till Fabrication are considered as back end and engineers
working on any of these are considered as Back end VLSI design engineers.
➢engineers can start with logic synthesis, Placement and Routing , Layout, Physical
verification, static timing analysis.
Importance of HDLs
➢ Design can be described at a very abstract level by use of HDLs.
➢ Designer can write RTL description without choosing a specific fabrication technology.
➢ Logic synthesis tool can automatically convert the designs to any fabrication technology.
➢ By describing designs in HDLs, functional verification of the designs can be done early in the
design cycle
➢ Designer can optimize and modify the RTL description until it meets the desired functionality
Most design bugs are eliminated at this point which cuts down design cycle time
➢ Designing with HDL is analogous to computer programming.
Design Methodology
• Top Down Design methodology
• Define the top level block and identify the sub blocks and further divide into
sub block until reach to leaf cells, which are the cells that cannot further
• Bottom up Design
• We first identify building block which are available to us these cells are then
used for higher level blocks until we build the top level block in the design.

Top level Block

Sub Sub Sub Sub

block1 block2 block3 block4
Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf
cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell
• 4-bit Ripple Carry Counter
q0 q1 q2 q3

T0 t3
T1 T2
q0 q1 q2 q3
tff0 tff1 tff2 tff3

4-bit Ripple carry counter
• Here ripple counter is top level block can be implemented by T_FFs. Each T_FFs can be made up
from negative edge triggered D flip flops(D_FF) and inverters
reset qn qn+1
1 1 0
d q
1 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 0 1

➢ Verilog provides the concept of a module.
➢ A module is the basic building block in Verilog.
➢ A module can be an element or a collection of lower-level design blocks.
➢ Elements are grouped into modules to provide common functionality that is used at many places
in the design.
➢ A module provides the necessary functionality to the higher-level block through its port interface
(inputs and outputs), but hides the internal implementation.
➢ A module is declared by the keyword module. A corresponding keyword endmodule must appear
at the end of the module definition.
Module example
module <module-name> (<module-terminal-list>) ;

i <module internals ...>
module T_FF (q, clock, reset) ;
<functionality of T-flipflop>
Level of abstraction in Verilog
➢ Verilog is both a behavioral and a structural language.
➢ Internals of each module can be defined at four levels of abstraction, depending on the needs of
the design.
• Behavioral or algorithmic level
➢ This is the highest level of abstraction provided by Verilog HDL.
➢ A module can be implemented in terms of the desired design algorithm without concern for the
hardware implementation details.
• Dataflow level
➢ At this level the module is designed by specifying the data flow.
➢ The designer is aware of how data flows between hardware registers and how the data is
processed in the design.
Levels of abstraction in Verilog
• Gate level
➢The module is implemented in terms of logic gates and interconnections between these
➢Design at this level is similar to describing a design in terms of a gate-level logic diagram.
• Switch level
➢This is the lowest level of abstraction provided by Verilog.
➢A module can be implemented in terms of switches, storage nodes, and the
interconnections between them.
➢Verilog allows the designer to mix and match all four levels of abstractions in a design.
➢In the digital design community, the term register transfer level (RTL) is frequently used
for a Verilog description that uses a combination of behavioral and dataflow constructs
➢ A module provides a template from which you can create actual objects.
➢ When a module is invoked, Verilog creates a unique object from the template.
➢ Each object has its own name, variables, parameters and I/O interface.
➢ The process of creating objects from a module template is called instantiation, and the objects
are called instances.
➢ In previous example, the top-level block creates four instances from the T-flipflop (T-FF) template.
Each T-FF instantiates a D-FF and an inverter gate.
Example Instances
/ / Define the top-level module called ripple carry
module ripple_carry_counter(q, clk, reset);
output [3:0]q;
input clk, reset;
//each instance is a copy of the module T_FF.
T_FF tff0(q[0],clk,reset);
T_FF tff1(q[1] ,q[0], reset);
T_FF tff2 (q[2] ,q[1], reset) ;
T_FF tff3(q[3] ,q[2], reset) ;
// Define the module T-FF. It instantiates a D-flipflop.
module T_FF(q, clk, reset) ;
output q;
input clk, reset;
wire d;
D-FF dff0 (q, d, clk, reset) ; / / Instantiate D-FF. Call it dff0.
not n1(d, q); / / not gate is a Verilog primitive.
// module D_FF with synchronous reset
module D_FF(q, d, clk, reset) ;
output q;
input d, clk, reset;
reg q;
always @(negedge clk)
if (reset)
q <= 1'b0 //evaluate to a logical 0
q <= d;
Components of Simulation
➢ The functionality of the design block can be tested by applying stimulus and checking results.
➢ The stimulus block is also commonly called a test bench.
➢ Different test benches can be used to thoroughly test the design block.
➢ Stimulus block
➢ Two styles of stimulus application are possible.
➢ In the first style, the stimulus block instantiates the design block and directly drives the signals in
the design block.
➢ The second style of applying stimulus is to instantiate both the stimulus and design blocks in a
top-level dummy module. The stimulus block interacts with the design block only through the
Stimulus for ripple carry counter
module stimulus;
reg clk;
reg reset;
wire [3:0]q;
ripple-carry-counter rl(q, clk, reset);
clk = 1'b0; //set clk to 0
#5 clk = ~clk; //toggle clk every 5 time units
Example Contd.
reset = 1'b1;
#15 reset = 1'b0;
#180 reset = 1'b1;
#10 reset = 1'b0;
#20 $finish; //terminate the simulation
// Monitor the outputs
$monitor ($time, " Output q = %d" , q) ;
Example Contd.
Output of stimulus
0 Output q = 0
20 Output q = 1
30 Output q = 2
40 Output q = 3
50 Output q = 4
60 Output q = 5
70 Output q = 6
80 Output q = 7
90 Output q = 8

Conventions in Verilog
• Lexical Conventions
➢ Verilog contains a stream of tokens.
➢ Tokens can be comments, numbers, strings, identifiers, and keywords.
➢ Verilog HDL is a case-sensitive language.
➢ All keywords are in lowercase.
• Whitespace
➢ Blank spaces (\b) , tabs (\t) and newlines (\n) comprise the whitespace.
➢ Whitespace is ignored by Verilog except when it separates tokens.
➢ Whitespace is not ignored in strings.
Conventions in Verilog
• Comments
➢ Comments can be inserted in the code for readability and documentation.
➢ A one-line comment starts with "//".Verilog skips from that point to the end of line.
➢ A multiple-line comment starts with "/*“ and ends with "*/".
• Operators
➢ Operators are of three types, unary, binary, and ternary. (eg: ~, ^, ?:)
➢ Unary operators precede the operand.
➢ Binary operators appear between two operands. (eg: &, |)
➢ Ternary operators have two separate operators that separate three operands.
assign a = ~b; // ~is a unary operator. b is the operand
assign a = b & c; // & is a binary operator. b and c are operands
assign a = b ? c : d; // ?: is a ternary operator. b, c and d are operands

?: conditional operator

• Number Specification
➢There are two types of number specification in Verilog: sized and unsized.
• Sized numbers
➢Sized numbers are represented as <size> ‘ <base format> <number>.
Example Sized Number
➢<size> is written only in decimal and specifies the number of bits in the number.
➢Legal base formats are decimal ('d or 'D), hexadecimal ('h or 'H), binary ('b or 'B)
and octal (‘o or ‘O)
➢Uppercase letters are legal for number specification only.
4'b1111 // This is a 4-bit binary number 15
12'habc // This is a 12-bit hexadecimal number
16'd255 // This is a 16-bit decimal number.

12’h101010111100 4’d15
Example unsized numbers
• Unsized numbers
➢Numbers that are specified without a <base format> specification are decimal
numbers by default.
➢Numbers that are written without a <size> specification have a default number
of bits that is simulator- and machine-specific (must be at least 32).
• 23456 // This is a 32-bit decimal number by default
• 'hc3 // This is a 32-bit hexadecimal number
• ‘o21 // This is a 32-bit octal number
• X or Z values
• Verilog has two symbols for unknown and high impedance values
• 12'h13x // This is a 12-bit hex number; 4 least significant bits unknown
• 6'hx //This is a 6-bit hex unknown number
• 32'bz //This is a 32-bit high impedance number
Negative numbers
- 4 ’b11 // 4-bit two’s complement of 0011 = 1101 = 4’hd
- 4’d7 // stored as 1001
- 5’ha // stored as 10110
Identifier and Keywords
• Identifier and Keywords
➢Keywords are special identifiers reserved to define the language constructs.
➢Keywords are in lowercase.
➢Identifiers are names given to objects so that they can be referenced in the
➢Identifiers are made up of alphanumeric characters, the underscore ( _ ) and the
dollar sign ( $ ) and are case sensitive.
reg value; // reg is a keyword; value is an identifier
input clk; // input is a keyword, clk is an identifier
Underscore characters and question marks
• Underscore characters and question marks
➢An underscore character "-" is allowed anywhere in a number except the first
➢Underscore characters are allowed only to improve readability of numbers.
➢A question mark "?" is the Verilog HDL alternative for z in the context of
• Numbers
12'b1111_0000_1010 // Use of underline characters for readability
4'b10?? // Equivalent of a 4'b10zz
Data Type
• Value Set
• Verilog supports four values and eight strengths to model the
functionality of real
• hardware.

Value Level Conditions in Hardware

0 Logic zero, false condition
1 Logic one, True condition
x Unknown Value
z High impedance, floating state
Practice Question
1. Decimal number 123 as a sized 8-bit number in binary.
2. A 16-bit hexadecimal unknown number with all x’s. 4. An unsized hex
number 1234.
3. A 4-bit negative 2 in decimal.

8’b0111_1011 8’b00_100_000 8’h20, 8’o40

• Nets
• Nets represent connections between hardware elements

• Net a will continuously assume the value computed at the output of gate
gl, which is b & C.
gl a

wire a; // Declare net a for the above circuit

wire b,c; // Declare two wires b,c for the above circuit
wire d = 1'b0; // Net d is fixed to logic value 0 at declaration.
Registers & Vectors
➢Registers represent data storage elements.
➢Registers retain value until another value is placed onto them.
➢Register data types are commonly declared by the keyword reg.
➢Nets or reg data types can be declared as vectors (multiple bit
➢If bit width is not specified, the default is scalar (1-bit).
Vectors examples
wire a; // scalar net variable, default
wire [7:0] bus; // 8-bit bus
wire [31:0] busA,busB,busC; // 3 buses of 32-bit width.
reg clock; // scalar register, default
reg [0 : 40] virtual_addr; // vector register, virtual address 41 bits wide
Integer, Real, and Time Register Data Types

• Integer
➢An integer is a general purpose register data type used for
manipulating quantities.
➢Integers are declared by the keyword integer
integer counter; // general purpose variable used as a counter.
counter = -1; // A negative one is stored in the counter
• Real
➢Real number constants and real register data types are declared with
the keyword real
real delta; // Define a real variable called delta
delta = 4e10; // delta is assigned in scientific notation
delta = 2.13; // delta is assigned a value 2.13
• Time
➢Verilog simulation is done with respect to simulation time.
➢A special time register data type is used in Verilog to store
simulation time.
➢A time variable is declared with the keyword time.
• Memories
➢In digital simulation, one often needs to model register files, RAMS, and ROMs
➢Memories are modeled in Verilog simply as an array of registers.
➢Each word can be one or more bits.
➢It is important to differentiate between n 1-bit registers and one n-bit register.

reg mem1bit[0:1023]; //memory memlbit with 1K 1-bit words

reg [7 : 0]membyte [0 : 1023]; // memory membyte with 1K 8-bit words (bytes)
membyte[511] //Fetches 1 byte word whose address is 511.

1K: 103 or 1024 (=210 )

1M: 106 or 220
• Parameters
➢Verilog allows constants to be defined in a module by the keyword parameter.
➢Parameters cannot be used as variables.
parameter port_id = 5; //Defines a constant port_id
• Strings
➢Strings can be stored in reg. The width of the register variables must be large
Enough to hold the string. Each character in the string takes up 8 bits (1 byte).

reg [8*18:1] string_value; //Declare a variable that is 18 bytes wide

System Tasks and Compiler Directives
System Tasks
➢Verilog provides standard system tasks to do certain routine operations.
➢ All system tasks appear in the form $<keyword>.
➢Operations such as displaying on the screen, monitoring values of nets, stopping,
and finishing are done by system tasks.
Displaying information
• $display is the main system task for displaying values of variables or strings or
• $display(p1, p2, p3 ,....., pn);
• p1, p2, p3, ..., pn can be quoted strings or variables or expressions.
Example string format
• String Format Specifications
%d or %D Display variable in decimal
%b or %B Display variable in binary
%S or %S Display string
%h or %H Display variable in hex
%c or %C Display ASCII character
%m or %M Display hierarchical name (no argument required)
%v or %V Display strength
%o or %O Display variable in octal
%t or %T Display in current time format
%e or %E Display real number in scientific format (e.g., 3e10)
Example: $display Task
//Display the string in quotes
$display("Hello Verilog World");
-- Hello Verilog World
//Display value of current simulation time 230
$display ($time) ;
-- 230
Example Monitor
• Monitoring information
➢Verilog provides a mechanism to monitor a signal when its value
➢This facility is provided by the $monitor task.
• Usage: $monitor(p1 ,p2,p3 ,...., pn);
• The parameters pl, p2, ... , pn can be variables, signal names, or
quoted strings.
Example: Monitor Statement
//Monitor time and value of the signals clock and reset
//Clock toggles every 5 time units and reset goes down at 10 time unit:
$monitor($time, "Value of signals clock = %b reset = %b", clock, reset);
Partial output of the monitor statement:
-- 0 Value of signals clock = 0 reset = 1
-- 5 Value of signals clock = 1 reset = 1
-- 10 Value of signals clock = 0 reset = 0
Stopping and finishing in a simulation
• Stopping and finishing in a simulation
➢The task $stop is provided to stop during a simulation.
➢The $stop task puts the simulation in an interactive mode. The
designer can then debug the design from the interactive mode.
➢The $stop task is used whenever the designer wants to suspend the
simulation and examine the values of signals in the design.
➢The $finish task terminates the simulation.
Example: Stop and Finish Tasks

Keyword: $stop, $finish

// Stop at time 100 in the simulation and examine the results
// Finish the simulation at time.
clock = 0;
reset = 1;
#100 $stop; // This will suspend the simulation at time = 100
#900 $finish; // This will terminate the simulation at time = 1000
Compiler Directives

All compiler directives are defined by using the '<keyword> construct.

The 'define directive is used to define text macros in Verilog

//define an alias. A $stop will be substituted wherever 'S appears

'define S $stop.
The 'include directive allows you to include entire contents of a Verilog
source file in another Verilog file during compilation.

// Include the file header.v, which contains declarations in the main verilog
file design.v
'include header.v
<Verilog code in file design.v>
Modules and Ports
A module in Verilog consists of distinct parts:
✓Module Name,
✓Port List, Port Declarations (if ports present)
✓Declaration of wires, regs and other variables
✓Data flow statement(assign)
✓Instantiation of lower level modules
✓always and initial blocks. All behavioral statements go in these blocks.
✓Tasks and functions
✓endmodule statement

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