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Practice Paper
CLASS-VII (2022 -23)
ENGLISH – Language and Literature
General Instructions:
i. This question paper is divided into four sections:
Section A: Reading: 16 marks
Section B: Writing: 12 marks
Section C: Grammar: 14 marks
Section D: Literature: 18 marks
ii. All the questions are compulsory
iii. Marks are indicated against each question
Section A: Reading
Q1.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow (Any 4)
Saeeda’s mother had been ailing for a long time – fever, cough, body-ache and painful joints. Treated by a
variety of physicians for weeks, she often showed signs of improvement but soon relapsed into her old, sick
self, one complaint substituted by another. Though weak and colourless, she was forbidden normal food and
was under strict orders to remain perpetually confined to her small, dingy room with doors and windows
fastened, deprived of sunshine and fresh air.
When she became critical, her relatives and neighbours persuaded her to consult a specialist even though his
fee was likely to be high. Life is more precious than money, they said. Saeeda’s mother was poor but she
heeded their advice and sold a few trinkets to pay the doctor’s fee and the cost of medicine.
The doctor came in a few days and examined her and prescribed effective but costly medicine. To the
question as to what she should eat he said, “Anything you wish to eat – chapatti, vegetables, milk and fruits
in addition to all this,” he added emphatically, “leave this dark hovel and occupy a bigger room with doors
and windows open. Sit in the sun every morning from eight to nine. Sunshine and fresh air,” he concluded,
“are more important than medicine.”
1 2 3 4
i. Option 1
ii. Option 2
iii. Option 3
iv. Option 4
d. In the context of the above passage, which statement is NOT correct?
i. Saeeda’s mother was suffering from fever, cough and joint pains.
ii. The doctor examined Saeeda’s
aeeda’s mother and prescribed effective medicine.
iii. The doctor advised her to sit in the sun every morn
iv. Money is more precious than life.
e. Arrange the statements in a correct sequence.
I. She was treated by many physicians but all in vain.
II. Gradually, her condition became critical.
III. Saeeda’s mother was suffering from fever, cough, body
body-ache etc.
IV. She was forbidden
dden normal food.
Q2. Read the following passage carefully and answer nswer the questions that follow:
follow (Any 4)
4*2 marks = 8 marks
A Bull and a Lion once entered into a quarrel. As usually happens, it started with a small argument over a
trifle. But, soon they were at each other, the Bull using his horns and the Lion attacking with his teeth and
claws, started fighting. However, as th
thee battle progressed, the Bull saw that he was not really a match for the
Lion. Since prudence is the better part of valour, the Bull decided to flee. The Bull saw a cave, so he entered
it to escape the Lion hot on his chase.
The Goatherds used that cave to shelter their flocks in stormy weather. It happened that one of the Goats had
been left behind in the cave. When this Goat saw the Bull intrude into ‘his’ cave, he lowered his head and
butted the Bull with his horns. The Lion was still prowling outside th thee entrance to the cave, waiting for the
Bull. So, the Bull submitted to the Goat’s insult. At least, for th
the time being.
“Don’t think”, warned the Bull, “that I have tolerated your rude treatment because I can possibly be afraid of
you. As soon as that Lionn leaves, I shall teach you a lesson you won’t forget the rest of your life!”
Section B: Writing
Q3. Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics: 1*6 marks= 6 marks
i. The teacher I like the most
ii. The School Library
Q4. Write a story on the basis of the Verbal Inputs/Visual Inputs given below: (any one)
1*6 marks= 6 marks
ii. An old farmer on death bed ---- sons idle ---- tells them of treasure hidden in fields ----- sons dig
---- no treasure found ---- sow the field ---- rich harvest ----- learn a lesson.
Section C: Grammar
Q5. Fill the blanks by choosing the correct options . (Any 4) 4*1 marks = 4 marks
Q6. Fill the blanks with correct degree of Adjective. (Any 4) 4*1 marks = 4 marks
Column A Column B
a. a shallow lake i. clean
b. a costly dress ii. blunt
c. dirty clothes iii. deep
d. a sharp knife iv. cheap
Q8. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets: (Any 3)
3*1 marks = 3 marks
Section D: literature
Q9. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: (Any 2)
The king turned round and saw a bearded man running towards them. His hands were pressed against his
stomach, from which blood was flowing. When he reached the king he fainted and fell to the ground. The
king and the hermit removed the man’s clothing and found a large wound in his stomach. The king washed
and covered it with his handkerchief, but the blood would not stop flowing. The king re-dressed the wound
until at last the bleeding stopped.
Q10. Read the following stanza and answer the questions that follow: (Any 2)
a. “There is only one time that is important and that time is ‘Now’.” Justify the statement with
reference to any real world situation of your life.
b. According to the poet Mildred Bowers Armstrong, the squirrel “wore a question mark for tail”.
Describe it.
c. In the chapter “Three Questions”, who was the bearded man and why did he ask for the king’s
d. Why did the king forgive his enemy who swore revenge on him?
e. “I know that there isn’t really a ghost.” Was the speaker of the poem “The Shed” sure that there was
no ghost? Justify your answer.