Memo 2022 Festival of Talents Edited
Memo 2022 Festival of Talents Edited
Memo 2022 Festival of Talents Edited
Department of Education
Region V
July 18,2022
Division Memorandum
No. ___ s. 2022
a. School Level-October,2022
b. District Level – November 2022
c. Congressional Level – December 2022
5. The events to be contested for Junior and Senior High School are.
➢ Likhawitan
➢ Pintahusay
➢ Sineliksik
➢ Sulatanghal
➢ Direk ko, Ganap mo
Events to be contested:
Musicality - 40%
Vocal Quality 25%
Repertoire - 15%
Diction 10%
Deportment - 10%
Musicality 25%
Vocal Quality 25%
Harmony and Blending 25%
Repertoire 15%
Deportment 10%
Musicality - 40%
Mastery - 30%
General Performance - 20%
Diction 10%
Musicality - 40%
Interpretation - 20%
Sound Quality - 15%
Mastery 15%
Deportment - 10%
Performance - 45%
Interpretation - 30%
General Effect - 15%
Deportment - 10%
Total 100%
➢ Mastery 25%
➢ Choreography 15%
➢ Style and Technique 10%
➢ Costume 5%
➢ Facial Expression 5%
➢ Body movement 40%
Total 100%
Choreography 35%
(Composition, Creativity, Originality and Style)
Performance 30%
(Skills and Technique, Precision, Timing and
Coordination, Showmanship, Mastery)
Production Design 20%
(Costume, Props, Music)
Theme/Concept 20%
Total 100%
Address: Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur
Email: [email protected]
Telephone No: (telefax) 8713340
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
These criteria will be used for both components of the skills exhibition, in
case of tie, Judges will decide and whatever decision made is FINAL and
1. The congressional winner for Best Composition will be the official entry to
the exhibition. Only one-song entry is allowed per congressional district.
2. A maximum of 5 student participants per gropu/accompanied by 1 coach
is allowed.
3. Performers should have not joined or performed in any professional group
or won in any international competition.
4. Songwriter should have not published works in any paid formats such as
channel/website/recording studio
5. Songs must be written in Filipino or English
6. The songwriter/s may choose any type of music genre (ballad, rock etc.)
for his/ her composition.
7. Compositions should encapsulate the concept of the Division Festival of
Talents. This means that the winning composition will be the official song of
the DFOT.
8. Songwriters will be interviewed by the judges prior to the performance.
9. Song performance must not exceed 10 minutes including entrance/exit:
➢ Official list of likhawitan participants endorsed by the host
congressional district.
➢ Five (5) hard copies of the musical sheet with the melody and
➢ A digital copy of the music in mp3 or mp4 format.
The management will provide 10.5 microphones with mic stands and sound
Lyrics 25%
Melody 25%
Originality 20%
Arrangement /Harmony 20%
Showmanship 10%
1. Schedule of the event will be announced during the orientation day of the
Division Festival of Talents.
2. Participants are given 8 hours to finish their outputs. Failure to comply
will mean disqualification.
3. One (1) student-participant per congressional district is allowed.
4. Student-participant may be accompanied by one coach. However,
coaches are only allowed to assist the student during the setting up of
materials on the day of the competition.
5. Participants must bring their own paintbrushes, sponges, paint
containers, and paint cleaning materials (newspaper, washcloth, etc) Acrylic
paints in primary colors (red, blue, yellow, black and white), easels and
canvass (36 x 48 inches) shall be provided by the participants.
6. Participants are not allowed to bring pictures or images for reference of
their entries.
7. The subject of the painting will be based on a theme, which will be given
during the event.
5. Four (4) hours will be given for shooting and another Four (4) hours for
6. The finished film must be:
• The works are available for use royalty-free, in the public domain, or
under a Creative Commons license for attribution (BY) and non-
commercial use (NC)
• These are obtained from recognized royalty-free or Creative Commons
sources (e.g. Sound Cloud, Jamendo, WikiMedia)
• The artists and works are properly cite in the closing credits (Artist,
Title, website / source)
13. Teams may use to choose any style (e.g. observational, participative,
journalistic, or reflexive) and utilize various tools to deliver content (e.g.
narration, on-camera, interviews, music, dramatization/s, etc.) but it must
be noted that the emphasis of the competition is on visual storytelling rather
narrated or textual stories.
14. Teams will be briefed on the rules and parameters of the competition.
Each team will be given access to the same general film location and a apace
for post-production.
15. Judge will announce the official theme of the film on the day of the
event. This theme will be chosen from the following:
a. “The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow; - Nelson Mandela
b. “This country (the Philippines) is like a pyramid, like a tower. It is
made up of millions of stones… and the foundation stone of this
pyramid is the common man”. – Ramon Magsaysay
c. “We cannot free ourselves unless we move forward united in a single
desire”. – Emilio Aguinaldo
d. “The power of one, if fearless and focused, is formidable, but the
power of many working together is better”. = Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
e. “Filipinos do not realize that victory is the child of struggle, that joy
blossom from suffering and redemption is a product of sacrifice”. – Dr.
Jose Rizal
16. The official competition time begin and end at times designated by the
NTWG; all teams will start from a location designated by the NTWG. Films
13. Top three (3) entreis will be sent to the Gawad CCP screening committee
to evaluate its inclusion in the Gawad CCP during the Cinemalaya.
1. One (1) participant per region accompanied by one (1) Creative Writing
2. Sulat tanghal shall follow the following time allocation.
7:30 Call time
8:00-1:00 Writing
1:00-2:00 Reading by the Judges
2:00-3:00 Memorization
3:00-0nwards – Performance
3. Participants should have not won in any international playwriting/
screenwriting competition.
4. Haven’t had any play produced by a professional theater company
5. Haven’t had any play published work in a literary journal.
6. During the competition, each participant will be tasked to write a one-
act stage play based on a given theme. They will a total of 8 hours to
write and confer with the judges.
7. Scripts should be submitted with the following requirements:
a. Dialogue should be tailored for 2 actors/ actresses
b. Written in Filipino or English
c. Saved in .doc format (Font size 12, double=spaced, letter size
d. Entire script should run for a maximum of 10 minutes.
8. Identity of the participant must not be written on any part of the
9. Winning play/ scrip for Sulatanghal 2020 will be used for the “Direk
ko, Ganap Mo” in 2022.
10. Criteria for Judging:
C.6.Direk Ko, Ganap Mo (Acting)
Direk Ko, Ganap Mo is an acting competition that focuses on the
student’s effective delivery of the scrip while following the instructions of a
Signed by:
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division
Co- Chairperson
Education Program Supervisor
Chairman Technical Committee/Consultant
Documentation: Foods
Chairperson: Maria Alili Balingbing Chairperson- Fely B. Mirana
Co- Chairperson: Co- Chairperson-Reynante V. Geraldino
Member: Shiela Grijalvo Members: Vicente B. Go. Jr.
Dancesports/Zumba Tabulators
Chairperson- Rodrigo Earl Penaredondo Chairperson- Maricel Bermejo
Co- Chairperson- Rodrigo Abellada Co- Chairperson-
Members: Rhodora Osea Members: