09 II Final WEB
09 II Final WEB
09 II Final WEB
- CPMP (Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products)/ - ISO (International Standards Organization) 11135:2014
QWP (Quality Working Party)/054/98 Decision Tree for Sterilization of healthcare products - Ethylene Oxide -
the selection of sterilization methods Requirements for development, validation and routine
control of a sterilization process for medical devices
- CPMP/QWP/155/96 Note for guidance on development
pharmaceutics - ISO 13408-2 Aseptic processing of health care products –
Sterilizing filtration
- CPMP/QWP/159/01 EMA (European Medicines Agency)/
CVMP (Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary - ISO TS 19930:2017 Guidance on aspects of a risk-based
Use)/271/01 Rev.1Note for guidance on limitations to the approach to assuring sterility of a terminally-sterilized,
use of ethylene oxide in the manufacture of medicinal single use health care product unable to withstand
products processing to achieve maximally a sterility assurance level
of 10-6
- EMA/CHMP (Committee for Medicinal Products for
Human Use)/CVMP/QWP/128000/2014 Concept Paper - PDA (Parenteral Drug Association) (2017) Aseptic and
on Guideline on the selection of sterilization processed Sterile Processing. Control compliance and future trends.
Tim Sandle and Edward C. Tidswell
- EMA/CHMP /CVMP/QWP/BWP/85074/2015 - Draft
Guideline on the sterilization of the medicinal product, - PDA 2017 Aseptic Processing Survey, questions 5 and 6
active substance, excipient and primary container
- USP (U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention) 1229.4 STERILIZING
- EMA/CHMP/ICH (International Council for Harmonisation FILTRATION OF LIQUIDS
of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for
Human Use)/167068/2004 Guideline on Pharmaceutical - WHO (World Health Organization) Annex 6 GMP for sterile
development pharmaceutical products
- EMA/CHMP/ICH/83812/2013”Assesment and control of
DNA reactive (mutagenic) impurities in pharmaceuticals
to limit potential carcinogenic risk
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©2019 Sterigenics. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the
express written permission of Sterigenics. AC105.Industry Insight 9 v1, November, 2019.