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Comparing Terminal Sterilization and Aseptic Processing

of Pharmaceutical Products

The purpose of sterilization is to provide to the patient an Aseptic Processing

efficient drug product that can be used with the highest
Aseptic processing is a process performed maintaining the
safety level. Terminal sterilization and aseptic processing
sterility of a material that is assembled from components,
are two approaches to obtain a sterile drug product;
each of which has been previously sterilized. This is
however, they are two fundamentally different methods.
achieved by using adequate conditions and facilities
For personnel within the pharmaceutical and medical
designed to prevent microbial contamination. Aseptic
device industries, this Industry Insight compares terminal
processing relies on several independent factors for
sterilization and aseptic processing.
prevention of recontamination of previously sterilized
components. Therefore, a SAL is not applicable as accidental
While terminal sterilization and aseptic processing are two contamination caused by inadequate technique cannot be
different methods to obtain a sterile drug product, regulatory reliably eliminated. Aseptic processing presents a higher risk
bodies in the United States (US) and European Union (EU) of microbial contamination of the product than terminal
agree that terminal sterilization is preferred and should be sterilization. Any manual or mechanical manipulation of
considered first to minimize the risk of contamination and the sterilized drug, containers, or closures prior to or during
its consequences. aseptic filling and assembly poses the risk of microbial

“Wherever possible, a process in which the Decision Making

product is sterilized in its final container The selection of the sterilization method follows a clearly
(terminal sterilization) is chosen.” defined decision tree that starts with terminal sterilization.
There are various terminal sterilization technologies.
—European Pharmacopoeia Heat sterilization is the preferred technology. In case of
temperature-sensitive products, the application of an
alternative technology, ionizing radiation (Gamma or
E-beam) is an alternative, followed by gas sterilization
Terminal Sterilization (e.g., Peracetic Acid (PA), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), EO). Aseptic
Terminal sterilization is achieved by exposure to a physical processing is the last possibility as stated in all major
(e.g., temperature, radiation) or chemical sterilizing agent standards (European Medicines Agency (EMA), US Food and
(e.g., Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide (VHP), Vaporized Drug Administration (FDA)).
Peracetic Acid (VPA), Ethylene Oxide (EO)) for a
predetermined extent of treatment. The product is sterilized The justification for the chosen sterilization or aseptic process
in its final packaging (or final assembled form), which highly should include an extensive and science-based benefit risk
reduces subsequent sterility risk. The process is validated evaluation and it should be demonstrated that suitable
to provide a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) lower than 10-6, development efforts have been made to enable terminal
which means a probability of less than one unsterile product sterilization (i.e., adapt formulation, container and more).
on a one million population. Terminal sterilization provides a
SAL that is possible to calculate, validate and control, and thus
incorporates a safety margin.

For more information or to contact a Sterigenics’ Expert Advisor

visit sterigenics.com or call +1 (800) 472-4508 page 1 of 2

Summary - Eudralex Vol 4 Annex 1 Draft Manufacture of Sterile

Medicinal Products
Terminal sterilization is preferred to sterilization by aseptic
processing for pharmaceutical products because it provides - Eudralex Vol 4 Annex 12 Use of ionising radiation in the
a SAL that is possible to calculate, validate and control, and manufacture of medicinal products
thus incorporates a safety margin. For aseptic processes, a - Guidance for Industry Sterile Drug Products produced by
SAL is not applicable as accidental contamination caused by Aseptic processing - cGMP
inadequate technique cannot be reliably eliminated.
- Guidance for Industry Submission of Documentation for
The manufacturer of sterile medicinal product must deploy sterilization Process Validation in Applications for Human
all possible efforts during product development to use a and veterinary Drug Products
terminal sterilization technology as it provides the highest - Guidance for Industry Submission of Documentation
assurance of sterility and as a result the highest patient in Applications for Parametric release of human and
safety level. veterinary Drug Products Terminally sterilized by Moist
Heat Processes
Reference - ICH M7 (R1) on assessment and control of DNA reactive
- AAMI (Association for the Advancement of Medical (mutagenic) impurities in pharmaceuticals to limit
Instrumentation) TIR (Technical Information Report) potential carcinogenic risk
16:2013 Microbiological aspects of ethylene oxide
sterilization - ICH Q11 Development and manufacture of drug substances

- CPMP (Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products)/ - ISO (International Standards Organization) 11135:2014
QWP (Quality Working Party)/054/98 Decision Tree for Sterilization of healthcare products - Ethylene Oxide -
the selection of sterilization methods Requirements for development, validation and routine
control of a sterilization process for medical devices
- CPMP/QWP/155/96 Note for guidance on development
pharmaceutics - ISO 13408-2 Aseptic processing of health care products –
Sterilizing filtration
- CPMP/QWP/159/01 EMA (European Medicines Agency)/
CVMP (Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary - ISO TS 19930:2017 Guidance on aspects of a risk-based
Use)/271/01 Rev.1Note for guidance on limitations to the approach to assuring sterility of a terminally-sterilized,
use of ethylene oxide in the manufacture of medicinal single use health care product unable to withstand
products processing to achieve maximally a sterility assurance level
of 10-6
- EMA/CHMP (Committee for Medicinal Products for
Human Use)/CVMP/QWP/128000/2014 Concept Paper - PDA (Parenteral Drug Association) (2017) Aseptic and
on Guideline on the selection of sterilization processed Sterile Processing. Control compliance and future trends.
Tim Sandle and Edward C. Tidswell
- EMA/CHMP /CVMP/QWP/BWP/85074/2015 - Draft
Guideline on the sterilization of the medicinal product, - PDA 2017 Aseptic Processing Survey, questions 5 and 6
active substance, excipient and primary container
- USP (U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention) 1229.4 STERILIZING
- EMA/CHMP/ICH (International Council for Harmonisation FILTRATION OF LIQUIDS
of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for
Human Use)/167068/2004 Guideline on Pharmaceutical - WHO (World Health Organization) Annex 6 GMP for sterile
development pharmaceutical products
- EMA/CHMP/ICH/83812/2013”Assesment and control of
DNA reactive (mutagenic) impurities in pharmaceuticals
to limit potential carcinogenic risk

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for errors or omissions in the contents. Sterigenics reserves the right to make additions, deletions or modification to the contents of this
document at any time without prior notice.
©2019 Sterigenics. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the
express written permission of Sterigenics. AC105.Industry Insight 9 v1, November, 2019.

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visit sterigenics.com or call +1 (800) 472-4508 page 2 of 2

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