Gibsonand Newman Chapter 1
Gibsonand Newman Chapter 1
Gibsonand Newman Chapter 1
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1 Introduction 1
2 Grassland extent and distribution 1
3 Grassland goods and services 3
4 Climate change as a threat to grassland 3
5 Grasslands and climate change policy 5
6 References 8
1 introduction
Grassland covers 31–43% of the earth’s terrestrial habitats offering a variety of im-
portant, critical ecosystem services including carbon storage, food, forage, and bio-
fuels, and opportunities for tourism and recreation. In addition, grasslands are a
unique repository of biodiversity. Some 792 million people live in grasslands world-
wide (1). Despite their importance, grasslands are an endangered biome, threat-
ened through land-use change, agricultural intensification, suppression of fire, and
abandonment, and now anthropogenic climate change (ACC) leading to warming,
changed patterns of precipitation, and other effects. The aim of this book is to bring
together an international team of researchers to review the scientific knowledge of
the effects of ACC on world grasslands. In doing so, we can better predict the
future of this important biome and understand how anthropogenic effects can be
mitigated as this ecosystem both diminishes in extent and is altered in response to
climate change.
In this introductory chapter, the unique aspects and the importance of grasslands
compared with other biomes are first defined followed by a summary of the effects
of climate change on grasslands worldwide. Broadly, the main threats to grass-
lands will be summarized along with the opportunities that grasslands provide for
ecological research.
grassland extent and distribution 2
(2)). For example, the International Forage Grazing Terminology Committee (3) defines
native or natural grassland as a “natural ecosystem dominated by indigenous or
naturally occurring grasses and other herbaceous species used mainly for grazing
by livestock and wildlife,” in contrast to savannas which are considered as grass-
land “characterized by precipitation between 375 and 1500 mm year-1” . . . “vari-
able proportions of trees or large shrubs” and “often a transitional vegetation type
between grassland and forestland,” and shrublands as “land on which the vegeta-
tion is dominated by low-growing woody plants.” In developing a map of world
grassland types, Dixon et al. (4), define grassland as “. . . with at least 10% vegeta-
tion cover, dominated or co-dominated by graminoid and forb growth forms, and
where the trees form a single-layer canopy with either less than 10% cover and 5 m
height (temperate) or less than 40% cover and 8 m height (tropical)” (4).
Notwithstanding vagaries in definition, grasslands occur historically over 31–43%
of the Earth’s land surface, on every continent except Antarctica (although there are
native and non-native grass populations expanding on Antarctic islands in response
to anthropogenic activities and regional warming (5, 6)), with a global extent rang-
ing 41–56×106 km2 (7). Eleven countries each have more than 1 million km2 of
grassland (in order these are: Australia, Russian Federation, China, United States,
Canada, Kazakhstan, Brazil, Argentina, Mongolia, Sudan, and Angola). In an as-
sessment of 7 proposed anthropogenic biomes, grassland, including rangeland, had
the most extensive land cover occupying 39.7×106 km2 (30.4%). Across all anthro-
pogenic biomes, pasture in remote rangelands was the most extensive single land
cover type (9.5×106 km2 , 7.3%) (8). It is important to recognize that many grass-
lands are not ‘natural’ but are wholly or partly anthropogenic in origin, e.g., many
of the ‘improved grasslands,’ seeded leys, or pastures of Europe. Regardless of
origin, these grasslands are an important part of the global grassland biome and
are likely to change in composition and extent in response to climate change. The
International Vegetation Classification (IVC) recognized 49 taxonomically and spa-
tially distinct historical and current grassland formations and divisions (4). Below
upper-level physiognomic formations, the lower levels of grassland divisions were
characterized by floristics. Eleven IVC grassland divisions individually covered
more than 1.0×106 km2 with the North Sahael Semi-Desert Scrub and Grassland of
Africa being the most extensive (Tab. 1.1). It is notable that the major continental
land masses are all represented on the listing in Tab. 1.1, i.e., Africa, Eurasia, North
and South America, and Australia.
grassland goods and services 3
Figure 1: Projected summer temperature increase in the US Great Plains by 2080–2099 accord-
ing to two IPCC emissions scenarios. This region corresponds closely to the his-
torical extent of the tallgrass prairie (Reproduced with permission by Cambridge
University Press from Karl et al., 2009)( 19)
grasslands, projected climatic changes are variable, but summer rainfall is projected
to increase, but with a delayed onset, and is projected to lead to a decrease in
range extent of native species and widespread species loss throughout the century
(Fig. 1.2) (21). In Europe 13.2% of the land area is under ‘permanent grassland’
and climate change is predicted to lead to warmer temperatures, increased summer
drought, and more frequent heat waves, floods, droughts, and wildfires, although
changes are expected to be region specific and vary among agro-climatic zones (22).
As a result, grassland production is predicted to increase in northern and north-
western Europe, but decrease in southern Europe, phenology will be advanced in
many plant species (but not all), and changes in species composition will occur.
While enhanced production may be beneficial from an agronomic perspective, in
some regions traditional grassland areas are projected to become unsuitable for
grassland production without irrigation and become threatened by more profitable
cropping systems. For example, in Europe, some climate scenarios project a de-
crease in grassland areas by as much as 50% necessitating policy development to
anticipate future use of this land (e.g., continued urban expansion, recreational land,
or forested land use) (23).
In addition to climate change, grassland habitats are under threat worldwide due
to fragmentation, habitat loss, land-use change, invasive species, agricultural inten-
sification, and species loss through ‘improvement.’ Many grasslands are overgrazed
and already suffer from problems of soil erosion and weed encroachment that are
now being exacerbated by the effects of climate change. These altered climatic pat-
terns are leading to altered productivity patterns, shifts in balance among functional
groups (especially dominance of C3 versus C4 grasses), and transient or permanent
regime change (15, and see Fraser Chapter 5 and Lavorel Chapter 8, 25).
Research into the effects of climate change is increasing across the board in all
scientific disciplines including in grassland ecology. A systematic Boolean search of
Web of ScienceTM on June 7th, 2017 retrieved 4963 papers with only 12 papers on
ecological research on climate change in grasslands (broadly defined) in 1992 rising
to 669 in 2016; an exponential increase in research output over a 24 year period (Fig.
1.3). The largest number of articles were published by authors based in the United
States (40.7%) followed by China (18.7%), Germany (10.9%), Australia (8.8%), and
England (8.3%) with 119 other countries less than 12%). These articles were pub-
lished in 324 different journals with the largest number (380 articles, 7.6%) in the
journal Global Change Biology. Other important sources included the journals Plant
and Soil (113, 2.3%), Ecology (112, 2.3%), Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment (110,
2.2%), Climatic Change (109, 2.2%), Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (109, 2.2%)
grasslands and climate change policy 5
Figure 2: Present recorded and predicted, and a projected potential future, ranges and report-
ing rates for four grassland bird species of conservation concern in South African
grassland. (a–c) Geronticus calvus (Southern Bald Ibis); (d–f) Neotis denhami (Den-
ham’s Bustard); (g–i) Eupodotis caerulescens (Blue Korhaan); (j–l) Heteromirafra ruddi
(Rudd’s Lark); (a, d, g, j) Recorded distribution and reporting rates; (b, e, h, k) Pre-
dicted present distribution and reporting rates; (c, f, i, l) Distribution and reporting
rates projected for the HadCM3 2085 climate scenario (24). (Colour scales indicate
relative reporting rate for each species, darker colours indicating higher values.).
Reproduced with permission from Huntley and Barnard 2012 (21).
with the other 318 journals each publishing less than 2% of the articles. Such re-
search is often inter- or transdisciplinary involving teams of researchers from differ-
ent disciplinary backgrounds. This type of collaborative research brings challenges
related to project management and coordination, engagement, and knowledge in-
tegration (26). Moreover, successful facilitation of interdisciplinary climate change
research requires development of new global, regional, and sectorial scenarios to
enable assessment of the range of future climates and their effects of, in this case,
grassland systems and their interaction with social, economic and environmental
components (27, and see Dove Chapter 17). Ecologists can take an important lead
in developing new scientific and conceptual frameworks that can be translated into
the development of sustainable mitigation and adaption policies (11). For exam-
ple, the Great Plains Systems and Climate Change report (28) shows how socio-
ecological research can be brought together to assess the effects of climate change
on the United States Great Plains region in order to develop future projections and
identify research needs.
grasslands and climate change policy 6
Figure 3: Number of articles published per year, and cumulative number, on grassland ecol-
ogy and climate change since 1990. Data extracted from a systematic review using
the Thompson-Reuters Web of Science database using the following terms: (old
field OR savanna* OR steppe* OR grassland* OR prairie OR tallgrass* OR short-
grass* OR veld*) AND (climate change OR global warming OR climatic change)
refined to include only articles, reviews or book chapters in ecology, environmen-
tal science, plant science, biodiversity and conservation, agronomy, remote sensing,
and evolutionary biology journals. As of June 7, 2017 the search revealed 4693
records (280 records from 2017 are not plotted here).
δC = SOCt (h) − SOCt−20 (h)
6 references
1. White R, Murray S, Rohweder M. Pilot Analysis of Global Ecosystems: Grass-
land Ecosystems Technical Report. Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute;
2. Gibson DJ. Grasses and Grassland Ecology. Oxford: Oxford University Press;
2009. 305 p.
3. Allen VG, Batello C, Berretta EJ, Hodgson J, Kothmann M, Li X, et al. An
international terminology for grazing lands and grazing animals. Grass and
Forage Science. 2011;66(1):2-28.
4. Dixon AP, Faber-Langendoen D, Josse C, Morrison J, Loucks CJ. Distribution
mapping of world grassland types. Journal of Biogeography. 2014;41:2003-19.
5. Lewis Smith RI. Vascular plants as bioindicators of regional warming in An-
tartica. Oecologia. 1994;99:322-8.
6. Pertierra LR, Lara F, Benayas J, Hughes KA. Poa pratensis L., current status of
the longest-established non-native vascular plant in the Antarctic. Polar Biol-
ogy. 2013;36:1473-81.
7. World resources 2000-2001. People and ecosystems: the fraying web of life.
Washington, DC: World Resources Institute in collaboration with the United
Nations Development Programme, The United Nations Environment Programme,
and the World Bank; 2000. 389 p.
8. Ellis EC, Ramankutty N. Putting people in the map: anthropogenic biomes of
the world. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2008;6:439-47.
9. Grace J, Meir P, Malhi Y. Keeping track of carbon flows between biosphere and
atmosphere. In: Press MC, Huntly NJ, Levin S, editors. Ecology: Achievement
and Challenge. Symposia of the British Ecological Society. Oxford: Blackwell
Science; 2001. p. 249-69.
10. O’Mara FP. The role of grasslands in food security and climate change. Annals
of Botany. 2012;110(6):1263-70.
11. Bardgett RD, Gibson DJ. Plant ecological solutions to global food security. Jour-
nal of Ecology. 2017;105(4):1-4.
12. Morgan JA. Rising atmospheric CO2 and global climate change: management
implications for grazing lands. In: Reynolds SG, Frame J, editors. Grasslands:
Developments, Opportunities, Perspectives. Enfield, New Hampshire, USA: Sci-
ence Publishers, Inc.; 2005. p. 235-60.
13. IPCC, editor. Annex I: Atlas of Global and Regional Climate Projections [van
Oldenborgh, GJ, M Collins, J Arblaster, JH Christensen, J Marotzke, SB Power,
M Rummukainen and T Zhou (eds.)]. In: Climate Change 2013: The Physical
Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Stocker, TF, D Qin, G-K Plattner, M
Tignor, SK Allen, J Boschung, A Nauels, Y Xia, V Bex and PM Midgley (eds.)].
Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University
Press; 2013.
14. Wulf A. The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt’s New World: Knopf;
2015. 496 p.
15. Belesky D, Malinowski D. Grassland communities in the USA and expected
trends associated with climate change. Acta Agrobotanica. 2016;69(2):1673.
16. Program USGCR. National Climate Assessment
17. Travers SE, Marquardt B, Zerr NJ, Finch JB, Boche MJ, Wilk R, et al. Climate
change and shifting arrival date of migratory birds over a century in the north-
references 9
p. 33-56.
34. Amézquita MC, Murgueitio E, Ibrahim M, Ramírez B. Carbon sequestration in
pasture and silvopastoral systems compared with native forests in ecosystems
of tropical America. In: Abberton M, Conant R, Batello C, editors. Grassland
Carbon Sequestration: Management, Policy and Economics: . Integrated Crop Man-
agement. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;
2010. p. 152-61.
35. Ibrahim M, Guerra L, Casasola F, Neely C. Importance of silvopastoral sys-
tems for mitigation of climate change and harnessing of environmental bene-
fits. In: Abberton M, Conant R, Batello C, editors. Grassland Carbon Sequestra-
tion: Management, Policy and Economics: . Integrated Crop Management. Rome:
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; 2010. p. 188-96.
36. Pokhrel KP. Grassland management for climate change adaptation and water-
shed protection in Karnali watershed area. Journal of Biodiversity & Engangered
Species. 2016;4(3):171. doi:10.4172/2332-543.1000171.
37. Wilkes A, Tennigkeit T. Carbon finance in extensively managed rangelands:
issues in project, programmatic and sectoral approached. In: Abberton M, Co-
nant R, Batello C, editors. Grassland Carbon Sequestration: Management, Policy
and Economics: . Integrated Crop Management. Rome: Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations; 2010. p. 211-33.
38. Ogle SM, Conant RT, Paustian K. Deriving grassland management factors for
a carbon accounting method developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change. Environmental Management. 2004;33(4):474-84.
39. Villarino SH, Studdert GA, Laterra P, Cendoya MG. Agricultural impact on
soil organic carbon content: Testing the IPCC carbon accounting method for
evaluations at county scale. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2014;185:118-
40. Kane S, Shogren JF. Linking Adaptation and Mitigation in Climate Change
Policy. Climatic Change. 2000;45(1):75-102.
41. Hopkins A, Del Prado A. Implications of climate change for grassland in Eu-
rope: impacts, adaptations and mitigation options: a review. Grass and Forage
Science. 2007;62(2):118-26.
Table 2: Practices to reduce rangeland health and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions (With Permission of Springer from Sathaye and Meyers 1995) (28). The possible effect of
implementing a practice is given for carbon and methane, and qualitative cost/benefits estimates are provided. Unhealthy rangelands are those lands where soil loss,
plant species and cover loss, species invasions, and interrupted and poorly functioning nutrient cycling are the norm. Healthy rangelands have nutrient and energy
flows intact, soils are not eroding, and plant species composition and productivity is indicative of a functioning ecosystem.
Practice Healthy rangeland Unhealthy Carbon Methane Bio/physical Social/cultural Economic General comments
rangeland benefit/cost benefit/cost benefit/cost
Reduce animal No Yes Increases carbon Reduces animal Increases plant cover, Depends on country Depends on value of Positive ecosystem
numbers (in animal sink because of methane production increases soil and value of animals livestock products to effect if sufficient
unit months) increasing through reduction in organic matter, and as a social resource national and/or rainfall. May require
vegetation cover and total number improves local economy alternative sources
better root growth productivity of local food
support, this
changes in food
production policies
Change mix of Yes Yes Possible increases in No known effect Potential changes in Depends on country Depends on value of Positive effect in
animals carbon sink with plant species and cultural value of livestock products general, improves
change in plant composition specific animal type efficiency of
plant species utilization
Alter animal Yes Yes Increases carbon No effect Useless in Appropriate in Cost of salt and Positive. Not
distribution by sink because of rangelands already countries where distribution of salt applicable for
placement of salt increasing high in salt animals graze herding systems
vegetation cover extensively rather
overall than being herded
Alter animal Yes Yes Increases carbon No effect Developed water May affect territorial Motorized water Negative if used to
distribution by sink because of resources may not and property sources are often too increase number of
placement of water increasing be sustainable. boundaries costly to purchase animals. Positive if
sources vegetation cover Potential cost to on maintain used to alter animal
overall long-term distribution.
Alter animal No Yes Increases carbon No effect Benefit is to control Depends on country Varies depending on Potentially interferes
distribution by sink because of domestic animal and country and source with wildlife
placement of fences increasing number and livestock/wildlife and kind of migration
vegetation cover distribution system. Costs materials
overall potentially
outweight benefits
Provide livestock No Yes No effect Decrease methane Perhaps will reduce Possible where Cost of protein Potentially difficult
protein supplement production extensive grazing to animals are herded blocks or similar to distribute to local
some degree supplement areas
Table 2 Continued from previous page
Practice Healthy rangeland Unhealthy Carbon Methane Bio/physical Social/cultural Economic General comments
rangeland benefit/cost benefit/cost benefit/cost
Increase native No Yes Increases carbon Potential benefit of Benefit in retention Local people rely on Depends on the Potential unknown
grasses and or plant sink because of methane reduction of native species for native species for value of the livestock benefits from native
adapted species increasing by increasing quality gene conservation medicine and other and wildlife species. Adapted
vegetation cover of diet health-related goods products, and value species survive in
overall of herbal medicine long term
Selective application No Possibly Potentially increase Potentially increase Cost if non-target Cost if non-target Varies depending on Cost if non-target
of herbicides carbon sink if expand animal species, pollution of species, pollution of country and source species, pollution of
numbers water, damage to water, damage to of herbicide water, damage to
food chain food chain food chain
Mechanical No Possibly Potentially increase Potentially increase Potential for May not fit pastoral Varies with country Benefit depends on
treatment or carbon sink if expands animal large-scale alteration system depending on success of treatment
restoration numbers of soil and availability of relative to
vegetation equipment disruption of
Plant halophytes If appropriate If appropriate Increase carbon sink No known effect Benefit with Benefit with Cost of planting and Beings into
(salt and increase increased plant increasing forage maintaining production
tolerant-species) productivity cover and production for vegetation otherwise
productivity livestock and non-productive land
Apply prescribed Yes Yes Increase carbon sink Possible benefit of In systems adapted Use of fire can be Threat of wildfire Short-term increase
burning and increase methane reduction to fire, can increase part of social system. and destruction of in CO2 to
productivity in the by increasing quality productivity, Utilizes local resources atmosphere,
long term on of diet maintain nutrient knowledge long-term benefits in
appropriate cycling adapted systems
rangeland types
Implement Yes Yes Increase carbon sink Possible benefit of Possible benefit with Benefit with Cost of planting and Increases carbon
agroforestry systems and increase methane reduction increased plant increasing forage maintaining storage in trees.
productivity in the by increasing quality cover, diversity, and production for Benefit in diversity
long term on of diet productivity livestock and and productivity if
appropriate wildlife adapted species
rangeland types
Develop large scale Possibly Possibly Increase carbon sink Benefit, methane Potential for large Potential for Cost of dams etc., Potential for
watershed projects and increase reduced by land disturbance, improved foot benefit hyro-electric increased human
productivity increasing quality of with benefit to production, both power and animal
diet human and animal plant and animal populations because
populations because of increase in water
of regulated and
regular water supply
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