001B Admiralty Law Sg2021
001B Admiralty Law Sg2021
001B Admiralty Law Sg2021
Admiralty law
Module B: Acquiring
ownership in ships and
the ship as property
This Study Guide was prepared for the University of London by:
̆ Professor Mikis Tsimplis (BSc, LLM, PhD) Professor of Law, City University of
Hong Kong.
This is one of a series of Study Guides published by the University. We regret that
owing to pressure of work the authors are unable to enter into any correspondence
relating to, or arising from, the Guide.
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Chapter 1: Introduction..........................................................................................1
1.1 Admiralty law...........................................................................................................1
1.2 Course aims and outcomes................................................................................. 2
1.3 Introduction to Module B.................................................................................... 2
1.4 How to use this Study Guide.............................................................................. 3
1.5 Preparation for the course................................................................................... 5
1.6 Allocating your time............................................................................................. 7
1.7 The examination.................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2: Ownership and management.......................................................... 11
2.1 Registration of British ships and ownership............................................... 12
2.2 Management of ships........................................................................................ 14
2.3 International Safety Management Code (ISM Code) and possible
liabilities........................................................................................................................ 14
Chapter 3: Ship mortgages .................................................................................. 17
3.1 Nature of a ship mortgage................................................................................. 18
3.2 Priority of a ship mortgage as a secured creditor and conflict of laws...... 18
3.3 Rights and obligations of a mortgagor......................................................... 19
3.4 Rights and obligations of a mortgagee........................................................ 20
3.5 Rights of third parties affected when the mortgagee enters into
possession...................................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 4: Shipbuilding contracts......................................................................25
Introduction.................................................................................................................. 25
4.1 The contract........................................................................................................... 25
4.2 Basic rights and obligations of the parties and remedies for breach.27
Chapter 5: Ship sale and purchase...................................................................... 31
5.1 Negotiations stage and binding contract..................................................... 32
5.2 Important terms of the contract..................................................................... 33
5.3 Parties’ respective remedies for default.......................................................34
Admiralty law: Module B
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Admiralty law: Module B
1.4.2 Reading
This Study Guide is based on the set textbook:
• Modern maritime law: Volumes 1 and 2 by Aleka Mandaraka-
Sheppard. This is available via the VLeBooks database in the Online
This is a comprehensive text, which has been chosen by the University
for your study and is supplemented by additional references provided
in this Guide. Throughout this course, the textbook will be referred to
as ‘Sheppard’.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Admiralty law: Module B
Admiralty law: Module B
Essay questions
Properly structuring an answer to an essay question will facilitate your
writing, and ensure that it is logical and that the conclusions follow a
Chapter 1: Introduction
Problem questions
A problem question has advantages and disadvantages when
compared with an essay question. The advantage is that because
problem questions are normally based on several legal issues there is
a better chance that you will be aware of at least some of them. The
disadvantage is that identifying these issues is by itself part of the
Admiralty law: Module B
Chapter 2: Ownership and management
A ship has the nationality of the state whose flag it is entitled to fly
(Art.91 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS)).
Flag states are free to prescribe laws and regulations for ships in
their national registers which are entitled to fly their flag. They have
enforcement rights on their ships in all their jurisdictional zones and in
the high seas.
There must be a genuine link between the ship and the flag state.
However, each state has the right to set the conditions for granting its
nationality to ships. It follows that the existence of a genuine link is a
matter in essence for each flag state to decide.
Ship registration provides financial activity and income to the flag
state. Thus, states can compete for attracting ships to their registers
by providing taxation benefits (see for example the UK tonnage tax
legislation) and confidentiality with regard to the ownership of the
shipping company. The development of ‘open registers’ or flags of
convenience originally posed significant problems with respect to the
enforcement of international standards on ships. Port state control
provides information about such flags and can lead to the exclusion
of specific ships. See www.parismou.org for information on the Paris
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and look through the white,
grey and black listed flag states and their statistics.
Enforcing regulations by the flag states is one aspect of the safety of
shipping. A second aspect concerns the way the ship is managed; the
deficiencies on the ship are reported to the head office, actioned upon
and repaired quickly and without risking the ship. In this chapter we
will look at issues of management of ships and the duties of managers.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this chapter, and having completed the Essential readings and
activities, you should be able to:
• explain the role of ship registration, distinguishing between its public and
private roles
• discuss the notion of flags of convenience and the argument based on the
requirement of ‘genuine link’
• explain who is entitled to register a UK ship
• identify the obligations of owners and managers under the international
regulations concerning the safety of ships, the International Safety
Management Code (ISM Code)
• analyse the principles of attributing liability to the shipowning or ship
management company.
Admiralty law: Module B
Ship registration has two functions. The first concerns the public law
character of ship registration. This includes:
• the right of a ship to fly the flag
• freedom of navigation in the high seas without interference from
foreign ships
• the entitlement to protection by the flag state’s navy
• the right of diplomatic protection and consular assistance
• rights in the territorial sea of the flag state (for example fishing or
marine research)
• application of the rules of war where the flag state is at war.
The second role of ship registration concerns the private law aspects
of ownership and security. Under English law the Merchant Shipping
Act 1995 (MSA 1995) provides for the creation of a ship registry and
sets out the general provisions for the registration of British ships.
The Merchant Shipping (Registration of Ships) Regulations 1993 (SI
1993/3138) provide for the detail for registration.
A ship is entitled to be registered in the UK Register if it is owned by a
‘qualified owner’ and satisfies the requirements under the MSA 1995
and the regulations.
The following categories of legal and physical persons are defined as
‘qualified owners’ and can register a ship as a British ship:
• A citizen of the UK or one of the British dependent territories
or a British overseas citizen or a citizen of an EU member state
exercising rights under Arts.48 or 52 of the EU Treaty in the UK.
• A company incorporated in one of the European Economic Area
(EEA) countries or in any British overseas possession which has
its principal place of business in the UK or those possessions, or a
company in an European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG).
To do this they have to be either the owners or the bareboat charterers
of the ship.
If none of the registering persons are resident in the UK, a
representative individual resident in the UK or a representative
company incorporated in one of the EEA countries with a place of
business in the UK must be appointed.
The flag state is obliged to exercise jurisdiction and control for
administrative, technical and social matters (UNCLOS, Art.91) and has
jurisdiction with regard to any offences committed on the ship (The
Oteri v The Queen [1977] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 105; The Angel Bell [1979] 2
Lloyd’s Rep 491).
Chapter 2: Ownership and management
Admiralty law: Module B
Chapter 2: Ownership and management
Activities 2.10–2.14
2.10 Identify the mechanisms that the ISM Code introduces in order to improve
safety on board ships.
2.11 Identify the persons responsible for the implementation of the ISM Code
on behalf of the company and those who are part of the ISM Code safety
2.12 Explain the certifications involved, identify which entity certifies companies
and ships and the conditions under which each certification may be
2.13 Read the Meridian case [1995] 3 All ER 918 PC and explain:
• the ‘primary rules of attribution’
• the ‘vicarious liability’ doctrine
• ‘the special rule of attribution’.
2.14 Consider whether, on the analysis of company liability under the Meridian
case, the ISM Code can affect the liability of the shipowner in cases where
negligence is the legal basis of liability, for example, collisions, and in cases
where contractual obligations are in place, for example, for cargo damage
under a charterparty or a bill of lading.
Feedback is available at the end of this chapter.
Self-assessment questions
1. Who can register a ship in the UK Register?
2. How is the ‘genuine link’ requirement expressed in the MSA 1995?
3. Can bareboat chartered ships be registered in the UK even if owned by foreign
entities? What is the ‘genuine link’ then?
4. What is the role of recognised organisations? Which classification societies
have this character for the UK Register? Who do they work for when they
survey a ship for statutory compliance purposes?
5. What is the role of classification societies? Who do they work for when they
survey a vessel for class purposes?
6. How are the following terms defined under the ISM Code: Safety Management
System, Document of Compliance, Safety Management Certificate?
7. What is the role of the designated persons? The designated persons should
have ‘direct access to the highest level of management’. Does this mean that
they impersonate the company in terms of safety decisions? Would they
satisfy the test in the Meridian case [1995] 3 All ER 918 PC?
8. What should happen when a ship officer identifies a deficiency, for example,
in a lifeboat, in order to have a safety management system compliant with the
ISM Code?
Admiralty law: Module B
Chapter 3: Ship mortgages
The second role of ship registration concerns the private law aspects.
Schedule 1 to the MSA 1995 deals with these aspects. Section 7 defines
mortgages of registered ships as an instrument (created in accordance
with the relevant regulations) which makes the ship security for the
repayment of a loan or the discharge of any other obligation. The
statutory mortgage must be registered by the registrar when they are
presented with it. Under s.9 the mortgagee is granted the power to sell
the ship if money is due.
Thus, a bank lending money to a UK shipowner is entitled by the MSA
1995 to register the mortgage and obtain, in addition to its contractual
rights, statutory entitlements to the ship.
The actual contractual ship mortgage transaction is special to shipping
finance which, unlike mortgages to secure loans for land purchases, is
accompanied by voluminous documents. Apart from the mortgage on
the ship, there is also collateral security granted to the mortgagee. This
is necessary because of the nature of the subject matter of the security,
being a floating object, and thus subjected to high risks of loss by perils
which are insurable.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this chapter, and having completed the Essential readings and
activities, you should be able to:
• explain whether or not the nature of a ship mortgage is the transfer of
property to the mortgagee
• describe the effect of the formalities required by statute for the perfection of a
mortgage, and priorities between various security holders
• analyse the rights and obligations of both the mortgagor and the mortgagee
• explain the principles regarding the rights of third parties in the event the
mortgagee enters into possession of the ship under mortgage.
Essential reading
• Sheppard, Vol. 2, Chapter 6.
Admiralty law: Module B
Apart from the statutory provisions governing the rights and duties
of the parties to the loan agreement and the security for the loan, the
contract also contains a series of covenants (contractual terms) which
outline the obligations of the borrower (the mortgagor) until the loan
is discharged. The purpose of the covenants is to ensure that the object
of the security is not depreciated by the occurrence of various insurable
risks. Thus, one of the covenants obliges the borrower to insure the
ship and assign the benefit of the insurance policy to the mortgagee,
as a collateral security, in case the ship is lost by perils of the sea.
Another important covenant is that the borrower will discharge claims,
particularly those which attract a maritime lien and, thus, would take
priority over the mortgagee. In addition the borrower must employ
the ship in a prudent manner and assign the benefit of the earnings
to the mortgagee as an additional collateral security. There are further
obligations stipulated in the covenants which you will find below.
The consequences of a breach of these covenants will be specified in
the contract. Usually a default in payment or impairment of the security
would entitle the mortgagee to take steps, as permitted by the statute
and the contract, to realise their security by taking possession of the ship,
and subsequently proceed with enforcing their power of sale (see below).
Save for these obligations, the borrower can employ their ship, subject
to giving the required notices to the mortgagee, and their ownership
rights are not restricted unless they are in breach of the contract and
pose a threat to the security of the mortgagee.
Once the debt is discharged, the mortgagor has a right of redemption
of their property, which means they have a right to take their property
free of the burden (encumbrance) of the mortgage.
Admiralty law: Module B
Activities 3.7–3.9
3.7 Summarise the obligations of the mortgagor under statute.
3.8 Summarise the rights of the mortgagor, under common law, as derived from
Collins v Lamport (1864) 4 De G J & S 500, Fletcher & Cambell v City Marine
Finance [1968] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 520 and Knightsbridge Estates Trust v Byrne [1939]
Ch 441.
3.9 Why in The Maule [1997] 1 WLR 528 did the Privy Council allow the
mortgagee to take possession of and sell the ship under mortgage
without giving notice to the borrower, although no money was due to the
mortgagee for the relevant period?
Feedback is available at the end of this chapter.
Chapter 3: Ship mortgages
Activities 3.10–3.15
3.10 Explain whether and when a mortgagee can take possession of the
mortgaged ship and the legal basis for such right.
3.11 What actions does the mortgagee have to take in order to lawfully exercise
their rights?
3.12 Examine in detail the situations in which there would be a default or a
threat to the security of the mortgagee.
3.13 When the mortgagee takes possession of the ship, what rights and
obligations are attached to it?
3.14 When can a mortgagee sell the mortgaged ship and what duties do they
have in such a case?
3.15 What are the advantages and disadvantages for a mortgagee of exercising
the power to sell the ship instead of arresting it and requesting the judicial
sale of the ship? (This question requires the study of Module A of the course.)
Feedback is available at the end of this chapter.
You have now learned that the mortgagee has certain rights by statute
and contract when their security is threatened. However, when the
mortgagee exercises those rights, it is likely that third parties, such as
charterers of the ship, have contractual rights under a contract with the
The issue here is this: if the mortgagee enters into possession, it
will inevitably result in the interruption of the performance of the
charterparty unless the mortgagee decides to continue the trading
of the ship as a manager. Does the law or equity protect the rights
of charterers, and what would be the solution if there is a conflict
between their rights and those of the mortgagee? Certain principles
have been established, as you will learn from the relevant reading.
Activities 3.16–3.18
3.16 State the principle derived from Collins v Lamport in relation to the position
of the charterer whose contract with the owner of the ship was entered into
subsequent to the mortgage.
3.17 Contrast the Collins v Lamport decision with the decision in The Myrto and
summarise the principles derived from this case.
3.18 Contrast the position of the charterer when the charterparty had been
entered prior to the mortgage as derived from De Mattos v Gibson (1858) 4
de G & J 276 and The Celtic King [1894] P 175.
Feedback is available at the end of this chapter.
Admiralty law: Module B
Self-assessment questions
1. Explain how ship registration links with the ownership and funding of ships.
2. What rights does the MSA 1995 establish for the registered shipowner?
3. What rights does the MSA 1995 establish for the mortgagee of a registered
4. Why are there unregistered ships? What is the position of the mortgagee of an
unregistered ship? (Read The Shizelle [1992] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 444.)
5. Explain the way para.9 of Schedule 1 to the MSA 1995 operates and whether it
restricts or permits additional powers of sale to be agreed contractually.
6. Explain if and when a mortgagee is obliged to respect contractual obligations
undertaken by the shipowner and which concern the operation of the ship.
Reminder of learning outcomes
Having completed this chapter, and the Essential readings and activities, you
should be able to:
• explain whether or not the nature of a ship mortgage is the transfer of
property to the mortgagee
• describe the effect of the formalities required by statute for the perfection of a
mortgage, and priorities between various security holders
• analyse the rights and obligations of both the mortgagor and the mortgagee
• explain the principles regarding the rights of third parties in the event the
mortgagee enters into possession of the ship under mortgage.
Chapter 3: Ship mortgages
Activities 3.7–3.9
For the rights and obligations of the mortgagor under statute you will be looking at
paras.1 and 10 of Schedule 1 to the MSA 1995.
Read further about endangering the security of the mortgagee in The Manor [1907]
P 339; The Law Guarantee and Trust Society v Russian Bank [1905] 1 KB 815; The
Myrto [1977] EWCA Civ J0527-3, [1977] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 243.
Activities 3.10–3.14
See Sheppard, Vol. 2, Chapter 6, section 9.
Activity 3.15
Compare the consequences of judicial sale with those of taking possession and
Activities 3.16–3.18
The central point here (under 3.16 and 3.17) which may justify an injunction being
granted in favour of the third party is in cases where the mortgagee interferes with
the rights of third parties when he is not justified in doing so, whereupon he will be
committing an actionable wrong, known as the tort of interference with third parties’
contractual rights (read an overview of this in Sheppard, Vol. 2, Chapter 6, section 10).
The principle under 3.18 is that if the mortgagee has knowledge of the charterparty,
he will be bound by it and equity will not permit him to interfere, save for a change of
circumstances which would result in the impairment of the mortgagee’s security.
Admiralty law: Module B
Chapter 4: Shipbuilding contracts
In previous English decisions the courts treated a shipbuilding contract
as one for the sale of goods. However, it is not just that, as it also
involves a contract for construction. This is very important because it
has, in recent years, been appreciated (see Hyundai v Papadopoulos
[1980] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 1 and Stocznia Gdanska v Latvia Shipping [1998] 1
WLR 574 HL) that there are some accrued rights of the parties during
the construction of a ship, and therefore the contract involves an
ongoing contractual relationship until delivery of the completed vessel
to the owner.
So it has been settled that a shipbuilding contract has a hybrid nature
of both construction and sale of a ship.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this chapter, and having completed the Essential readings and
activities, you should be able to:
• distinguish when there is a binding contract and when there is not
• advise on the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract
• determine the remedies of each party in case of default of the other.
Essential reading
• Sheppard, Vol. 2, Chapter 7.
Admiralty law: Module B
Activities 4.1–4.3
4.1 Explain what would constitute a misdescription of the ship.
4.2 At what time would there be a binding contract if the parties stated in the
pre-contract email that the contract was subject to the buyer obtaining
approval for the finance of the project from the parent company?
4.3 At what time would there be a binding contract if the deal was subject to
the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement?
Feedback is available at the end of this chapter.
Useful further reading
• Curtis, S. The law of shipbuilding contracts. (Abingdon, Informa Law, 2012)
4th edition [ISBN 9781842145388].
The standard terms of shipbuilding contracts can be found in the appendices.
Chapter 4: Shipbuilding contracts
The basic obligations of the builder are to build as per specification for
a fixed price, to perform trials and deliver on time. The basic obligation
of the buyer is to pay the price in stages of the building and the
balance upon satisfactory delivery, which they are obliged to accept,
after trials and possible modifications.
The property and risk pass to the buyer upon delivery and payment,
or when the parties intended them to pass. The contract contains
standard terms from the builder. There are certain statutory and
contractual protective terms in favour of the builder in the event of
default by the buyer:
• for repudiatory breach see Spettable Consorzion v Northumberland
Shipbuilding (1919) 121; Stocznia Gdanska v Latvian Shipping [2002]
2 Lloyd’s Rep 436
• on the right of instalments see Hyundai Heavy Industries v
Papadopoulos [1980] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 1.
In addition, there is a guarantee provided to the builder by a
guarantor in case of a financial default by the buyer (on construction
of guarantee, see Gold Coast Ltd v Caja [2002] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 617). The
rights of the ship builder under the guarantee are, in many cases, in
dispute. The ship builder wants unconditional payment on demand
when there is a default by the buyer because it has significant financial
risk. The guarantor wishes to avoid or exempt payment or at least to
pay only where there is a confirmed default under the contract by the
buyer. The categorisation of guarantees depends on who the guarantor
is and the exact language. A recent example of this problem is
Shanghai Shipyard Co Ltd v Reignwood International Investment (Group)
Co Ltd [2020] EWHC 803 (Comm). The ship is the ultimate security for
the builder in case of non-payment.
The buyer also has rights and remedies under contract, statute and
common law for breach by the builder (default depends on the
magnitude of the breach and the possibility of correction: McDougall
v Aeromarine [1958] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 345). On delay in delivery see
Matsoukis v Priestman [1915] 1 KB 681 and Cape v Hatteress [1982] 1
Lloyd’s Rep 518.
Pay attention to the interpretation of contractual terms by the court.
For instance, the following decision of the Court of Appeal may seem
strange to a non-lawyer, but it is based on pure construction of the
contract as agreed.
In BMBF (No.12) v Harland & Wolff Shipbuilding [2001] 2 LLR 227 CA
the arbitrators’ award was restored and the first instance decision
overruled. Basically, on the wording of clause 15(2) of the contract,
when the ship is offered by the builder for delivery and the buyer
claims defaults, the buyer has a choice either to cancel the contract
Admiralty law: Module B
Self-assessment questions
1. What are the consequences of the legal position that a contract for the
construction of a ship is both a contract for the sale of goods and a contract
for construction.
2. What is the effect of a recap communication which is expressly stated as
‘subject to details’ on the existence of the contract under:
(a) English law
(b) US law.
Read Anderson, H.E. III ‘Subject to details and charter party negotiations’ (2001)
26 Tulane Maritime Law Journal 61. Available via HeinOnline in the Online
3. How is a contractual term characterised under English law and what are the
consequences of breach for each category?
4. Who is the owner of a ship under construction? When does ownership pass?
Why does this matter?
Chapter 4: Shipbuilding contracts
5. Discuss whether the implied terms under s.14 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979
apply to a contract of a newly built ship and whether they can be excluded by
6. Does the building yard have any lien of the ship under construction?
7. What can the builder do if there is no payment in time and in full? What type
of contractual breach would that be?
Admiralty law: Module B
Chapter 5: Ship sale and purchase
The sale of second-hand ships largely depends on negotiations
between the representatives of the parties. The representatives,
known as sale and purchase brokers, used to make their proposals in
telexes and when agreement was almost close to become a binding
agreement, they confirmed those terms in the so called ‘recap’
telex (‘recap’ is short for recapitulation). The contents of the telex
could constitute a fully binding agreement to be transferred to the
Memorandum of Agreement (the MOA), but this would depend on
whether the parties were in full agreement (‘ad idem’) on all essential
terms. Invariably, the provisional terms were subject to obtaining
approvals from third parties, or verifying certain other facts. Whether
or not the intention of the parties was to have a binding contract at
this stage would depend on the construction of the telex exchanges
between them. If the contract was subject to essential terms to be
agreed, there would not be a binding agreement under English law.
If there is a binding agreement, then the parties’ obligations are
specified in the contract, which will provide that each of the parties
will have to do certain things before the ship can be ready for delivery
to the buyer. The pre-delivery stages are outlined in this chapter. For
example, it is essential for the buyer to inspect the ship with an expert
and, if necessary, request the seller to rectify any defects which the
seller agrees to carry out.
The condition of the ship on delivery is specified in the standard form
of contract, which contains standard terms as varied by the parties.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this chapter, and having completed the Essential readings and
activities, you should be able to:
• explain when there is a binding contract and when there is not
• illustrate how the courts have interpreted the terms of the contract
• advise the parties to a contract about their respective obligations during the
stages of the contract
• explain the principles applicable to the remedies of the respective parties for
breach of contract by the other.
Essential reading
• Sheppard, Vol. 2, Chapter 8.
Admiralty law: Module B
During the negotiations the parties owe no duty to make full disclosure
of their position to the other party under English law, but they must
not misrepresent facts to induce the contract. The parties must express
their intention clearly to prevent an ambiguous contract which may
not be binding. They are masters of their contractual fate. They may
have agreed all basic terms but they may not wish to be bound
until certain other terms are agreed. To this extent, they must make
their intention clear. Contracts have been held not to be binding
because the parties did not make clear what they wanted. There are
some examples given of such circumstances, which you must try to
understand by doing the activities below.
Activities 5.1–5.6
5.1 Would there be a binding agreement if the Memorandum of Agreement
(MOA) which contains the standard terms had not been signed?
5.2 If an agreement to purchase a ship was concluded ‘subject to further terms
and conditions’, explain whether or not there would be a binding agreement.
5.3 When one party to the agreement agrees to nominate a buyer, would
there be a binding agreement before that nomination is communicated
to the seller? Find the ground of distinction between the decisions in The
Blankenstein [1985] 1 WLR 435, [1985] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 93 and The Action [1987]
1 Lloyd’s Rep 283.
5.4 What difference would the following phrases make to determining whether
or not there was a binding contract:
• the contract was made ‘subject to contract’
• the contract was made ‘subject to details’
• the contract was made ‘subject to necessary modifications’?
5.5 Would there be a binding contract if the parties left blanks in their
exchanges about the particulars of the vessel?
5.6 Now summarise the principles as derived from Pagnan v Feed Products
[1987] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 601 concerning how the courts will proceed to interpret
an agreement in order to decide whether or not there is a binding contract.
Feedback is available at the end of this chapter.
Chapter 5: Ship sale and purchase
The standard statutory implied terms of the Sale of Goods Act 1979
as amended in 1995 will apply if the law of the contract is English. The
property will pass to the buyer when the parties intend it to pass. The
sale of a second-hand ship is normally an agreement to sell, not a sale
contract yet. Before the final stage, during which the seller will give
notice of readiness, the ship is not yet in a deliverable state and the
parties’ intention is that the property shall not pass when the contract
is made but upon payment on the day of delivery.
The term of when the deposit is payable is important, breach of which
entitles the seller to cancel the contract (regardless of whether or
not the MOA was signed) provided there was, in all other respects, a
binding contract (see The Blankenstein [1985] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 93). In such
a case the deposit is payable to the seller as a right accrued prior to the
acceptance of the repudiatory breach (see The Griffon [2014] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep 471). This can be reversed but requires very clear wording.
Payment of the deposit is linked to the buyer’s right to inspect the
vessel which leads to the inspection stage of the sale process. Such
inspection has two parts: inspection of documents, and physical
inspection of the ship. This inspection of the ship afloat will be decisive
as to whether or not the sale will become definite. If the buyer is
satisfied with the ship they will give notice of acceptance, otherwise
the deposit will be returned.
There follows the completion stage during which the classification
society will inspect the ship in the dry-dock to confirm whether or not
there are any defects. If there are not, the classification society will issue
a clean certificate that the vessel is in class. Invariably, however, there is
something to be done to a second-hand ship before it can be classed;
therefore, the classification society will make recommendations which
the seller has to follow. If they do not, the buyer will have the right to
reject the ship, or make a claim for defects. (An example of this is The
Great Marine (No.2) [1990] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 250.)
If all goes well, the seller will give notice of readiness for the delivery
of the documents and physical delivery. The buyer must pay the price
within a certain time after the notice of readiness. The seller has already
undertaken that the ship will be free of maritime liens and any other
debts. Usually disputes arise when the ship is not in the condition as it
was at the time of inspection, or when it is encumbered with maritime
liens or other debts. You will find out how the relevant clauses in this
area have been interpreted by the courts.
The Sale of Goods Act 1979 applies to the sale of used ships and
therefore an implied term as to satisfactory quality is to be implied
under s.14(2). This could be negated by the conduct of the parties or
by custom in the business or expressly excluded in the contract. The
general requirement to accept a ship ‘as is’ or ‘as was’ is not such clear
wording (The Union Power [2013] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 509).
Admiralty law: Module B
Activities 5.7–5.13
5.7 Does the vessel have to be in a deliverable state at the time in which the
notice of readiness is served by the seller or at the time of delivery?
5.8 Find out the difference in the wording of the notice provision between the
Norwegian Sale Form 1987 (NSF) and the amended clause in the NSF 1993.
What is the consequence of such difference?
5.9 What would the consequences be in the event the seller fails to comply
with the notice provision? Which clause specifies the consequences?
5.10 What are the components of clause 9 of the NSF 1987 and the NSF 1993?
Explain what each sentence of the clause contains and the remedies for
breach of each provision.
5.11 What is the meaning of the word ‘encumbrances’ and of the words ‘free from
… any other debts whatsoever’ in the first sentence of clause 9? What is the
meaning of the words ‘to indemnify the buyers against all consequences of
claims’ in the second sentence? Is there any overlap between the two sentences?
5.12 What are the obligations of the seller under clause 11 of the NSF 1987 and
NSF 1993? Explain the meaning of the words ‘fair wear and tear excepted’
and of the words ‘free of recommendation by class’.
5.13 What is the meaning of the words ‘free of average damage’ and ‘present
class maintained’ in clause 11 of the NSF 1993?
Feedback is available at the end of this chapter.
Useful further reading
• Goldrein, I., M. Hannaford and P. Turner Ship sale and purchase.
(Abingdon: Informa Law (Lloyd’s Shipping Law Library), 2013) 6th edition
[ISBN 9781842145876] on the clauses discussed above.
In this section you will read and practise problems about the seller’s
and buyer’s remedies under both the contract and the statute for losses
suffered due to breach by the other party. In any claim for loss suffered
the loss must have been caused by the breach, and the innocent party
must do its best to mitigate its loss.
Activities 5.14–5.18
5.14 What is the seller’s remedy in case the buyer fails to pay the deposit?
Contrast the present position of the amended clause 13 of the NSF 1987
with that which existed prior to that time, for example see The Blankenstein.
5.15 How does the Court of Appeal read clause 13 of the NSF 1993 in The Griffon
[2013] EWCA Civ 1567, [2014] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 471?
5.16 What is the seller’s full remedy under both the contract and the Sale of
Goods Act 1979, if the buyer fails to pay the purchase price?
5.17 Does an acceptance of the vessel in an ‘as is’ condition exclude the implied
terms under s.14 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979? (Read The Union Power
[2012] EWHC 3537 (Comm), [2013] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 509.)
5.18 State the buyer’s remedies in case of default by the seller in the readiness
of the ship.
Feedback is available at the end of this chapter.
Chapter 5: Ship sale and purchase
Self-assessment questions
1. The owner of the vessel Teos seeks your advice on the following aborted sale:
On 15 July 2017, he agreed to sell the Teos to a company to be nominated by
the buyer at a price of USD 5 million, delivery on 1 September, all other terms
as per a Norwegian Sale Form subject to reasonable modifications. No MOA
was drawn up.
On 20 July the buyer formed a company in the name of Prometheus to be
nominated as buyers but they did not communicate this to the seller; so the
deposit which was due on that day was not paid and the seller withdrew from
the sale. In fact, the seller found another buyer who was prepared to pay a
higher price for his ship.
The original buyer now claims damages for breach of contract and your client
says there was never a binding agreement.
How would you advise him? Would your answer differ if the contract was
‘subject to details’?
2. Seller S agreed to sell two of her ships to B. The agreement provides that the
buyers are to ‘buy now’.
The price has not yet been paid but in the voyage to the delivery port, one
ship is sunk due to a collision. The insurers paid the seller for the loss pursuant
to the insurance policy.
The buyer claims the insurance proceeds from the seller; was he the owner at
the time of the loss? How would you advise the seller?
3. The buyer of a used ship sold under the Norwegian Sale Form discovered that
the ship’s equipment was deficient and precluded the ship from performing
several types of contracts. Discuss the buyer’s options.
Admiralty law: Module B
Chapter 5: Ship sale and purchase
Admiralty law: Module B
Chapter 5: Ship sale and purchase
Question 2
Outline answer:
The answer must deal with three issues:
1. The right of BBank to take possession of the ship
2. Any restrictions of this right due to third party rights
3. Benefits or disadvantages of entering into possession with respect to other
1. The right of BBank to take possession.
The right to take possession can be based on statute, common law and contract.
It can be exercised when there is default of payment or the mortgagee’s security is
impaired (see The Myrto, for example). In the specific case BBank has both received
only part of the payment but also the overall situation indicates a shipowner
unable to deal with its financial obligations and perhaps in an unprofitable
charterparty. Therefore, there is a right to take possession.
2. Had BBank known of the charterparty before granting the loan it would be bound
to respect it except where the situation had changed or there were aspects not
disclosed to the mortgagee (DeMattos v Gibson, The Odenfeld). On the facts
this does not appear to be the case and therefore the question is whether the test
in Collins v Lamport, that the charterparty is to be respected except where the
security is impaired (answered above).
The effect of OBG v Allen (which distinguished between inducing breach of
contract and causing loss by unlawful means as two separate torts) means
for mortgagees that it would be very difficult for a charterer to prove that the
mortgagee either intended to cause a breach of contract, or that he employed
unlawful means to cause loss when he interfered with the contract in trying to
protect its security. Thus BBank does not face significant challenges here except if
the covenants provide restrictions.
3. If BBank enters into possession it will take over the existing obligations and benefits
of the mortgagor. Thus it will be entitled to freight if payable but will also need
to discharge the cargo and pay port dues as well as wages for the crew for the
period they are in possession. It is thus a balance of these considerations. Not
entering into possession would mean that the ship will be arrested and sold. The
priority of BBank will be below that of crew members but will depend on whether
the mortgage is registered or not and whether the second loan is registered as a
mortgage and when, as priority depends on date of registration and not on the
date the loan was obtained. The repair yard’s claim would not take priority over the
mortgage because it is not considered a maritime lien (The Halcyon Isle).
Citing case law from Sheppard will gain higher marks.
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