SARS CoV 2 Info

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SARS-COV2 Wuhan strain (Wuhan-Hu-1) - National As of December 18, 2022,

[SUMMARY] DOH reports a total of 4,056,239

cases and currently 17,900 active
Virus Morphology cases. 3,973,275 cases have
- Genus: Coronavirus recovered since then. However, a
- Family: Coronaviridae total of 65,064 people have died
- Genome: non-segmented single-
stranded positive-sense RNA Disease
genome Disease Associated
- With reverse transcriptase - Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19)
- Beta-coronavirus
- Structure : Infection Cycle
o Similar to SARS-CoV
o Virion Size: 70-90nm
o Enveloped

[Picture is found in
[Picture is found in 8-981-15-4814-7_3?
10.1007/978-981-15-4814-7_3? fbclid=IwAR0Imvt2n2VyqIHUUdlIWoUpjv1U
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Primary Mode of Transmission
Occurrence and Distribution - Transmitted through respiratory
- SARS-CoV-2 virus was first spotted droplets and direct contact
in Wuhan, China - As of this strain, there was no
- In its onset, SARS-CoV-2 has been evidence of aerosol transmission
declared as a pandemic, with
1,844,683 confirmed cases and Clinical Manifestation
117,021 deaths globally by 14th - Common signs and symptoms of
April 2020 those who first contracted the
- Worldwide: Currently, there have disease are fever, cough, headache,
been a total 647,972,911 confirmed diarrhea, hemoptysis, and dyspnea
cases of COVID-19, including
6,642,832 deaths as of December
16, 2022, as reported by WHO
Complication Vaccines available
- May develop acute respiratory - Vaccine available (approved and
disease, secondary infections, acute authorized sa US)
heart injury, and o mRNA vaccines: Pfizer-
BioNTech and Moderna
Laboratory Diagnosis COVID-19
Specimen o Protein subunit vaccine:
- Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal Novavax COVID-19 vaccine
samples from the upper respiratory o Viral Vector vaccine:
tract Johnson & Johnson’s
Janssen (J&J/Janssen)
Laboratory Methods and Expected Results COVID-19
- Real time RT-PCR – detects viral
nucleic acids
- Rapid Antigen Tests – however it is
not sensitive enough to detect
antibodies during the first few weeks

Prevention and Control

- symptomatic treatment, with organ
support in intensive care for
seriously ill patients
o bed rest
o immunomodulating therapy
o organ function support,
o respiratory support,
o bronchoalveolar lavage
o blood purification and
extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation (ECMO)

Preventive Measures
- Use of chemical disinfectants ( ex.
Sodium hypochlorite) and aseptics
(ex. Ethyl alcohol) since they are
easily destroyed by these
- Proper handwashing
- Social Distancing
- Vaccination
- nfection was originated in Huanan
[Unsummarized Notes] seafood and animal market in
Virus Morphology Wuhan city of Hubei province and it
- SARS-CoV-2 is the seventh member provided some link to an animal to
of the family coronaviruses, which is human transmission through the
the beta-CoV (animals are the sale of seafood and live animals
sources) with over 70% similarity in - SARS-CoV-2 has been declared as
genetic sequence to SARS-nCoV a pandemic, with 1,844,683
- large family of enveloped RNA confirmed cases and 117,021
viruses that possess crown-like deaths globally by 14th April 2020
surface glycoprotein projections (World Health Organization 2020
- non-segmented single-stranded - As of December 16, 2022, there
positive-sense RNA genome have been 647,972,911 confirmed
- expresses a heavily glycosylated cases of COVID-19, including
spike protein (S-protein) on its 6,642,832 deaths, reported (WHO
envelope COIVD-19 dashboard)
- belongs to genus Coronavirus and - As of December 18, 2022, DOH
family Coronaviridae reports a total of 4,056,239 cases
- The structure of SARS-CoV-2 is and currently 17,900 active cases.
found to be similar to SARS-CoV 3,973,275 cases have recovered
with virion size ranging from 70 to 90 since then. However, a total of
nm. Spike, membrane, and envelope 65,064 people have died
surface viral proteins of coronavirus
are embedded in host membrane- Disease 
derived lipid bilayer encapsulating Disease associated
the helical nucleocapsid comprising - Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19)
viral RNA. The genome comprises of
6–11 open reading frames (ORFs) Infection Cycle
with 5′ and 3′ flanking untranslated
regions (UTRs) Primary Mode of Transmission
- virus particle sizes ranging from 70 - Respiratory droplet transmission is
to 90 nm the main route of transmission, and
it can also be transmitted through
Occurrence and Distribution  aerial droplets and contact.
- The SARS-CoV-2 virus was first infectious droplets can spread to a
identified in the Chinese city of distance of 1-2 meters and may
Wuhan, where the pandemic was remain viable on surfaces for days in
firstly spotted a favorable environment
- Rf. COVID Live. Coronavirus - asymptomatic cases, which may
Statistics - Worldometer. play a critical role in the transmission process
avirus/ [Ref list] - As of that moment, there is no
- Rf. (World Health Organization evidence for aerosol transmission of
[WHO] Covid Dashboard) CoVID-19
with cough and the Broncho-alveolar
Clinical Manifestation (Signs & Symptoms) lavage (BAL)/endotracheal tube
- mild, moderate, to severe and aspirates in mechanically ventilated
rapidly progressive and fulminant patients is recommended [35]. The
disease. Most of the patients with samples are needed to be stored at
SARS-CoV-2 were normal and mild, 2-4 °C
and their mortality was lower than in
SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Laboratory Methods & Expected Results
- Symptom of CoVID-19 are non- - Chest X-ray examination
specific and the disease o show multiple small patchy
presentation can range from no shadows and interstitial
symptoms (asymptomatic) to severe changes
pneumonia and death o Severe cases can further
- Common symptoms: fever, cough, develop to bilateral multiple
myalgia, sputum, headache, ground-glass opacity,
hemotypsis, and diarrhea. About half infiltrating shadows, and
of patients have dyspnea. pulmonary consolidation
Lymphocytopenia was observed in - Chest CT scan:
63% of patients. All patients had o Pulmonary lesions are shown
pneumonia more clearly by CT than X-
ray examination, including
Complication (If applicable) ground-glass opacity and
- Complications included acute segmental consolidation in
respiratory distress syndrome (29%), bilateral lungs, especially in
acute heart injury (12%), and the lung periphery. In
secondary infections (10%); 32% of children with severe infection,
patients required treatment in the multiple lobar lesions may be
ICU. present in both lung
- Real time RT-PCR – detection of
Laboratory Diagnosis viral nucleic acids
Specimen - Rapid antigen test and antibody
- CDC advocates collecting samples tests are also available. However,
from the upper respiratory tract there are higher chances of missing
(nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal an active infection with the antigen
samples), and if possible from the test. Antibody tests only detect
lower respiratory tract. antibodies the immune system
- e nasopharyngeal swabs are develops in response to the virus. It
advocated to be collected by using generally takes one to two weeks to
synthetic fiber swabs with plastic develop enough antibodies to be
shafts [34,35]. The use of calcium detected by a test and hence it
alginate swabs is not advisable as it should not be used to diagnose an
is inhibitory to viruses and interferes active infection
with PCR testing [35]. The collection
of a sputum sample from patients
Prevention and Control
Treatment er
- The mainstay of clinical Dwivedi, R., Sharma, P., Farrag, M., Kim, S.
management is largely symptomatic B., Fassero, L. A., Tandon, R., &
treatment, with organ support in Pomin, V. H. (2022). Inhibition of
intensive care for seriously ill SARS-CoV-2 wild-type (Wuhan-Hu-
patients (Zumla et al., 2020). 1) and Delta (B.1.617.2) strains by
- The general strategies include bed marine sulfated glycans.
rest and supportive treatment, Glycobiology.
including antiviral therapy (Arabi et
al., 2018), antibioic application, 42
immunomodulating therapy (Arabi et Kumar, S., Nyodu, R., Maurya, V. K., &
al., 2020), organ function support, Saxena, S. K. (2020). Morphology,
respiratory support, bronchoalveolar Genome Organization, Replication,
lavage (BAL), blood purification and and Pathogenesis of Severe Acute
extracorporeal membrane Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus
oxygenation (ECMO) (Wang et al., 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Medical Virology:
2020). From Pathogenesis to Disease
Control, 23–31.
Preventive Measures
- they are readily destroyed by 4814-7_3
chemical disinfectants such as World Health Organiztion. (n.d.). WHO
sodium hypochlorite, ethyl alcohol, Coronavirus (COVID-19)
hydrogen peroxide, and others Dashboard.
- Vaccine available (approved and Wu, D., Wu, T., Liu, Q., & Yang, Z. (2020).
authorized sa US) The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak: What
o mRNA vaccines: Pfizer- we know. International Journal of
BioNTech and Moderna Infectious Diseases, 94, 44–48.
o Protein subunit vaccine: 004
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine
o Viral Vector vaccine:
Johnson & Johnson’s
Janssen (J&J/Janssen)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

(2020, February 11). COVID-19
Department of Health. (n.d.). COVID-19

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