Electroplating Engineering Handbook 1955

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WY, 1955.


household goods, appliances, jewelry, auto- ELECTROPLATING ENGINEERING HANDBOOK,

mobiles, radios and light metalwork, and edited by A. Kenneth Graham. 650 pages.
their merchandising, the book evidences the diagrams, illustrations, 18 X 26 cm. New
prodigious amount of research conducted by York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 195.5.
the author. His thesis is that it is just as Price, $10.00.
important for mass-produced articles to be If there is a problem remotely connected
Lvell designed as it is for the product of the with electroplating, the answer will be found
individual craftsman. His book covers rc- in this complete, up-to-date handbook on the
tail trade practices, arts and crafts schoois, subject. Profusely illustrated with charts
the governmental and private societies and and diagrams, and full of tables of useful
committees concerned with design. He goes information, the book is a valuable refcrencc
for all those interested in electroplating-
beyond presentation of facts, in the Part III
engineer, manufacturer, designer, user, pur-
(Conclusions) and even has Suggestions for
chasing agent or company executive. The
Improvements in Part IV. These sugges-
material, contributed by 43 experts and
tions include greater recognition of industrial
edited by A. Kenneth Graham, is divided
art through the universities, art schools for
into two parts: one on General Processing
training industrial designers, establishment of
Data (including metal surface preparatioil,
a museum of modern industrial art, and the plating processes, testing, waste disposal, in
formation of a new school for industrial art dustrial hygiene and finishing) ; and the
training. The author’s views are provocative other on Engineering Fundamentals and
and will probably not meet with universal Practice (including plant layout, care of
approval, especially among the groups he equipment, exhaust systems, generators, rins-
criticizes. ing and drying practices, etc.).

ALUMINUM PAINT AND POWDER, by Junius D. Edwards and Robert I. Wray. Third edition,
219 pages, illustrations, 16 X 24 cm. New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1955.
Price, $4.50.
ELEMENTS OF PHYSICS, by George Shortley and Dudley Williams. Second edition, 898 pages,
diagrams, 16 X 24 cm. New York, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1955. Price, $7.95.
ANALYTIC GEOMETRY, by Ross R. Middlemiss. Second edition, 310 pages, 16 X 24 cm.
New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 19.55. Price, $3.75.
DAILY RIVER STAGES, VOLUME XLVIII 1952. 180 pages, 21 X 27 cm. Washington, U. S.
Department of Commerce, 1955. Price, $1.00 (paper).
PLANTS WITHOUT FLOWERS, by Harold Bastin. 146 pages, plates, 15 X 22 cm. New York,
Philosophical Library, 1955. Price, $6.00.
THE BIOLOGY OF THE AMPHIBIA, by G. Kingsley Noble. Unabridged republication of the
first edition (1931). 577 pages, diagrams, 14 X 21 cm. New York, Dover Publications,
Inc., 1955. Price, $4.95 (cloth).
republication of the sixth edition (1905). 484 pages, 14 X 21 cm. New York, Dover
Publications, Inc., 1955. Price: $3.95 (cloth) ; $1.95 (paper).
THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES, by Sir James Jeans. Unabridged republication of the
fourth edition (1925). 444 pages, 15 X 23 cm. New York, Dover Publications, Inc.,
1955. Price: $3.95 (cloth) ; $2.00 (paper).

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