Test Schedule - 12 Pass Iit

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Current Electricity:
Electric Current, Current density, Drift speed, Mobility, Ohm's law, Resistance
13.02.2023 and resistivity, condcutance and conductivity.EMF,combination of
Preparation of carboxylic acidProperties of carboxylic Limit of function, Methods to find limitDifferent indeterminate forms,
cells,Kirchoffs law,Wheatstone bridge, Heating effect of current,Maximum
JEE MAIN 100% power transfer theoremcombination of resistance, Electrical
acidProperties of carboxylic acidAcid derivativespractice session L'Hospital's rule, sandwitch theoremContinuity of
MODEL-2022 on carboxylic acid functionDifferentiabilityDIFFERENTIATION
Instruments(Potentiometer,meter bridge,PO box,Ammeter,voltmeter)RC -
CircuitMoving charges and magnetism :
Definition of magnetic field,Biot-Savart law & its application

Current Electricity:
Electric Current, Current density, Drift speed, Mobility, Ohm's law, Resistance
and resistivity, condcutance and conductivity.EMF,combination of
Preparation of carboxylic acidProperties of carboxylic Limit of function, Methods to find limitDifferent indeterminate forms,
cells,Kirchoffs law,Wheatstone bridge, Heating effect of current,Maximum
50% power transfer theoremcombination of resistance, Electrical
acidProperties of carboxylic acidAcid derivativespractice session L'Hospital's rule, sandwitch theoremContinuity of
on carboxylic acid functionDifferentiabilityDIFFERENTIATION
Instruments(Potentiometer,meter bridge,PO box,Ammeter,voltmeter)RC -
CircuitMoving charges and magnetism :
Definition of magnetic field,Biot-Savart law & its application

Amperes Circuital Law & its application to solenoid, toroid e.t.c., Concept of
JEE MAIN magnetic moment and Gyromagnetic ratio its estimation to various
MODEL-2022 sysems.Motion of charged particle in magnetic field, Lorentz force on charge on
combined Electric and magnetic fields, Condtion of no deflection, velocity
Nitrogen Containing Compound preparation of Aminebasic
selector principle, Cyclotron.Force on current carrying conductor, Force Rate of change, Errors, Tangent and normal, Angle betweeen two
strength & chemical properties of amines anilines &
50% between parallel conductorsTorque on a current loop ,potential energy of loop
diazotization practice session on amines Biomolecules:
curvesIncreasing and decreasing function, Mean value theorem, Rolle’s
in magnetic field, Moving coil galvano meter, Tangent galvano meterMagnetism TheoremMaxima and minimaMaxima and minima
and materials: Magnetic field of barmagnets,Tangent law, DMM, VMM Torque
on barmagnet in external magnetic field, P.E of bar magnet in external magnetic
field,Earth magnetism, angle of dip and diclination, classification of magnetic
materials. intensity of magnetisation, susceptibility, Hysterisis curve-50%

Amperes Circuital Law & its application to solenoid, toroid e.t.c., Concept of
magnetic moment and Gyromagnetic ratio its estimation to various
sysems.Motion of charged particle in magnetic field, Lorentz force on charge on
combined Electric and magnetic fields, Condtion of no deflection, velocity
27.02.2023 Nitrogen Containing Compound preparation of Aminebasic
selector principle, Cyclotron.Force on current carrying conductor, Force Rate of change, Errors, Tangent and normal, Angle betweeen two
strength & chemical properties of amines anilines &
JEE MAIN 50% between parallel conductorsTorque on a current loop ,potential energy of loop
diazotization practice session on amines Biomolecules:
curvesIncreasing and decreasing function, Mean value theorem, Rolle’s
MODEL-2022 in magnetic field, Moving coil galvano meter, Tangent galvano meterMagnetism TheoremMaxima and minimaMaxima and minima
and materials: Magnetic field of barmagnets,Tangent law, DMM, VMM Torque
on barmagnet in external magnetic field, P.E of bar magnet in external magnetic
field,Earth magnetism, angle of dip and diclination, classification of magnetic
materials. intensity of magnetisation, susceptibility, Hysterisis curve-50%
Electo magnetic Induction :
Magnetic flux and its estimation in various cases, Faraday‘s Law, Lenz’s
LawMotional emf by translation, by rotation and oscillation, Time varying
PRACTICE SESSIONMetallurgy and Extraction of Metals: Modes
magnetic field and induced electric fieldsself and mutual induction,LR
of occurrence of elements in nature, minerals, ores. Indefinite integration-(Substitution method)Integration by parts, Partial
27.02.2023 circuitAlternating current :
Steps involved in the extraction of metals: concentration, fraction
RMS value, Mean values of Alter nating currents and voltages, Behaviour of
JEE MAIN 50% Circuit components like resistor, capacitor and inductorphase relation between
reduction (chemical and electrolytic methods)refining OF Integration of irrational functionDefinite integral,Limit of a
MODEL-2022 METALS with special reference to the extraction of Al, Cu, Zn, sumProperties of definite integral, Leibnitz ruleProperties of definite
current and voltage, Series Combinations circuits like , LR, CR and LCR, LCR,
and Fe. integral, Leibnitz rule
Impedance of circuits, resonating condition, Power in series combinations, half
Thermodynamic and electrochemical principles involved in the
power points, power factor and Q-facotr of LCR circuits, LC Oscillation
extraction of metals.
comparision to mechanical oscillations of loaded spring, Transformer, Problems
from material and assignment, Elecrtromagnetic waves

Electo magnetic Induction :

Magnetic flux and its estimation in various cases, Faraday‘s Law, Lenz’s
LawMotional emf by translation, by rotation and oscillation, Time varying
PRACTICE SESSIONMetallurgy and Extraction of Metals: Modes
magnetic field and induced electric fieldsself and mutual induction,LR
of occurrence of elements in nature, minerals, ores. Indefinite integration-(Substitution method)Integration by parts, Partial
circuitAlternating current :
Steps involved in the extraction of metals: concentration, fraction
RMS value, Mean values of Alter nating currents and voltages, Behaviour of
50% Circuit components like resistor, capacitor and inductorphase relation between
reduction (chemical and electrolytic methods)refining OF Integration of irrational functionDefinite integral,Limit of a
METALS with special reference to the extraction of Al, Cu, Zn, sumProperties of definite integral, Leibnitz ruleProperties of definite
current and voltage, Series Combinations circuits like , LR, CR and LCR, LCR,
and Fe. integral, Leibnitz rule
Impedance of circuits, resonating condition, Power in series combinations, half
Thermodynamic and electrochemical principles involved in the
power points, power factor and Q-facotr of LCR circuits, LC Oscillation
extraction of metals.
comparision to mechanical oscillations of loaded spring, Transformer, Problems
from material and assignment, Elecrtromagnetic waves

06.03.2023 Transition metals (d&f block elements): Transition Elements:

General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence and
JEE MAIN characteristics, general trends in properties of the first-row
MODEL-2022 transition elements: physical properties, ionization enthalpy,
Ray Optics:
oxidation states, atomic radii, colour, catalytic behaviour,
Reflection, Laws of Reflection, Reflection on plane surface(Plane
magnetic properties, complex formation, interstitial
Mirrors)Reflection on curved surface( spherical Mirrors)Refraction, laws of
compounds, alloy formation.K2Cr2O7, Cu2+, Reaction
Refractrion, Refraction on plane boundaries, applications like apparant depth
chemistry of KMnO4Inner Transition Elements: Lanthanides, Area under curvesArea under curvesDifferential equation-
and apparent height Refraction through glass slabRefraction on plane
50% surface(prism), Deviation and dispersion in prism, Concepts of thin prism,
Electronic configuration, oxidation states, chemical reactivity (Definition, order & degree)Different types of differential equation
and lanthanoid contraction, and Actinoids: Electronic (Linear & Homogeneous)Exact D.E./Non-homogenius D.E.
Combination of prisms like achromatic combination and direct vision
configuration and oxidation states., Coordination compound:
combination.Critical angle , TIR , Refraction from curved surface,
types of ligands, chelation, IUPAC nomenclaturewerner theory,
Lense,Combination of lenses, Cutting of lens,Silvering of lens,Combination of
VBT and HybridizationCrystal field theory, octahedral
lenses & mirror, Optical Instruments
complexes, tetrahedral complexes, square planar complexes,
colour and magnetic properties.
Importance of coordination compounds (in qualitative analysis,
extraction of metals and in biological systems).
Transition metals (d&f block elements): Transition Elements:
General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence and
characteristics, general trends in properties of the first-row
transition elements: physical properties, ionization enthalpy,
Ray Optics:
oxidation states, atomic radii, colour, catalytic behaviour,
Reflection, Laws of Reflection, Reflection on plane surface(Plane
magnetic properties, complex formation, interstitial
Mirrors)Reflection on curved surface( spherical Mirrors)Refraction, laws of
compounds, alloy formation.K2Cr2O7, Cu2+, Reaction
Refractrion, Refraction on plane boundaries, applications like apparant depth
chemistry of KMnO4Inner Transition Elements: Lanthanides, Area under curvesArea under curvesDifferential equation-
and apparent height Refraction through glass slabRefraction on plane
50% surface(prism), Deviation and dispersion in prism, Concepts of thin prism,
Electronic configuration, oxidation states, chemical reactivity (Definition, order & degree)Different types of differential equation
and lanthanoid contraction, and Actinoids: Electronic (Linear & Homogeneous)Exact D.E./Non-homogenius D.E.
Combination of prisms like achromatic combination and direct vision
configuration and oxidation states., Coordination compound:
combination.Critical angle , TIR , Refraction from curved surface,
types of ligands, chelation, IUPAC nomenclaturewerner theory,
Lense,Combination of lenses, Cutting of lens,Silvering of lens,Combination of
13.03.2023 VBT and HybridizationCrystal field theory, octahedral
lenses & mirror, Optical Instruments
complexes, tetrahedral complexes, square planar complexes,
colour and magnetic properties.
MODEL-2022 Importance of coordination compounds (in qualitative analysis,
extraction of metals and in biological systems).

Wave Optics :
Magnetism of complexstructural isomerism of
Huygen's principle, Refraction and reflection through Huygen's wave theroy,
complexGeometrical and optical isomersim in coordination
Interference Coherence and incoherence concepts YDSE,Position of maxima &
compoundspractice session on coordination compoundP-block Vector algebra, section formulaProduct of Vector-(Dot and
minima, Fringe width estimation.Optical path,Shift of interference
50% pattern,interference through thin filmDiffraction single slit diffraction resolving
elements: Gr - 13, Group 13: Preparation, properties, and uses Cross)SCALAR AND VECTOR TRIPLE PRODUCT3-D GeometryPlane and
of boron and aluminium; Structure, properties and uses of line, Foot and image
power of instruments & PolarisationDual Nature of matter :
borax, boric acid, diborane, boron trifluoride, aluminium
De Broglie's Waves, Photo Electric Effect, Davission and Germer Expt.,Atoms,
chloride, and alums.
Electron emission, Thomson Expt., Bohr's theroy, Hydrogen spetrum,
Wave Optics :
Magnetism of complexstructural isomerism of
Huygen's principle, Refraction and reflection through Huygen's wave theroy,
complexGeometrical and optical isomersim in coordination
Interference Coherence and incoherence concepts YDSE,Position of maxima &
compoundspractice session on coordination compoundP-block Vector algebra, section formulaProduct of Vector-(Dot and
minima, Fringe width estimation.Optical path,Shift of interference
50% pattern,interference through thin filmDiffraction single slit diffraction resolving
elements: Gr - 13, Group 13: Preparation, properties, and uses Cross)SCALAR AND VECTOR TRIPLE PRODUCT3-D GeometryPlane and
of boron and aluminium; Structure, properties and uses of line, Foot and image
power of instruments & PolarisationDual Nature of matter :
borax, boric acid, diborane, boron trifluoride, aluminium
De Broglie's Waves, Photo Electric Effect, Davission and Germer Expt.,Atoms,
chloride, and alums.
Electron emission, Thomson Expt., Bohr's theroy, Hydrogen spetrum,

Concept, notation, order, equality, types of matrices, zero and identity
matrix, transpose of a matrix, symmetric and skew symmetric
matrices., Operation on matrices: Addition and multiplication and
20.03.2023 multiplication with a scalar, Concept of elementary row and column
X- rays production, study of spetra of X-raysNuclei :
operations, Invertible matrices and proof of the uniqueness of inverse,
JEE MAIN Composition of nuclei, isotopes isobars isotones, nuclear forces, mass edfect
if it exists; (Here all matrices will have real entries). System of
MODEL-2022 and binding energy, packing fraction, Stability curve N/Z ratio,Natural radio
equationsDeterminant :
activity, Artificial radioactivity, Nuclear fission and fusion, classification of
Determinant of a square matrix (up to 3 × 3 matrices), properties of
elementary particlesSemiconductors: (Only for mains)
determinants, minors, co-factors and applications of determinants in
Intrinsic and Extrensic semiconductors, P-N juction formation, Pn juction diode
group -14 elementsgroup-15 & 16elementsgroup-17 & 18 finding the area of a triangle
50% forward and reverse bias charachters, Diode as rectifier (Half wave, Full wave
elementssurface chemistrypolymers, chemistry in everyday life Ad joint and inverse of a square matrix, Consistency, inconsistency and
and Bridge rectifier), Special purpose diodes like Zener diode and its function as
number of solutions of system of linear equations by examples, solving
voltage regulator, Photo diode, Light emitting diode, Solar cell, Breif
system of linear equations in two or three variables (having unique
information about transistor, Logic gates.Communication system: (only for
solution) using inverse of a matrixIntroduction of Probability
Random experiments −Outcomes. Sample spaces (set representaNon)
Vernier calipers, Screwgauge, OHM's law verification by half deflection method,
Events −Occurrence of events, 'not', 'and' and 'or' events, ExhausNve
Mutually exclusive events, Axiomatic (set theoretic) probability,
Connections with the theories of earlier classes, Probability of −An
event, probability of 'not', 'and' and 'or' eventsConditional Probability,
Baye's theorem, Sets and relation, Properties and solution of triangle


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