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Vishwaniketan Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology

Computer Science & Engineering (AI & ML) Department

University Question Bank TE Computer Network

UNIT 2 Physical and Data Link Layer 10

2.1 Physical Layer: Communication mechanisms and Electromagnetic Spectrum,
Guided Transmission Media: Twisted pair, Coaxial, Fibre optics
2.2 Data Link Layer: DLL Design Issues (Services, Framing, Error Control, Flow
Control), Error Detection and Correction (Hamming Code, CRC, Checksum) ,
Elementary Data Link protocols , Stop and Wait, Sliding Window (Go Back N, Selective
Repeat), Medium Access Control sublayer Channel Allocation problem, Multiple access
Protocol( ALOHA, Carrier Sense Multiple Access, (CSMA/CD)).
Sr. No Question

Explain Design issues of Data link layer Explain Sliding Window protocol
Selective Repeat .10M
2. Explain with diagram relation between protocol, Interface and service 5M
3. Explain Go Back N protocol. 10M
Why does Data Link Layer protocol always put the CRC in a trailer rather than
4. in a header ? Give the data word “1101011011” and divisor “10011” Show
generation of cyclic redundancy check(CRC) code word at the sender side. 10M
Explain channel allocation problem. Explain CSMA/CD protocol. A network
with CDMA/CD. 10M
6. Explain CSMA protocol .Explain collision are handled in CSMA/CD 10MQ
7. List advantages Fiber optics as communication medium. 5M
8. Explain purpose of flow control and error control from DLL perspective. 5M

9. What is error detection and correction? Explain CRC with example.

Explain the method to find number check bits required to correct single bit error
for a 10bit message and compute the check bits for 1110000101. 10M
Explain how value on ‘n’ is decided in an n bit sliding window protocol
.Explain advantage of Selective Repeat over Go Back N protocol 10M
12. Prove that slotted ALOHA performs better than Pure ALOHA. 10M
13. Explain main responsibility of Data Link Layer
Consider a message represented by a polynomial M(x)=x5 +x4+x. Consider
14. generating polynomial G(x)=x3+x2+1. Generate a three bit CRC and show what
will be the transmitted frame. How is error detected by CRC. 10 M
15. Explain Transmission Media: Compare them 10M
16. Discuss different types of guided media in detail .10M

Subject Teacher
Mrs. Shilpa V Shinde

TE AIML Mrs. Shilpa V Shinde

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