Food Security

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CA- Fod deunt On 9ndia

Lelins tovd dtunity

faad deunrhy aneanu avoulalpil'h acceibit
aAd allandabilih o od t all peal
all tims

@escnbe ha dimamui od 4ecuuty

cina. dkallablihy erod maau od produucti

-0 thia tha Countfood m b t i
thepri e a s Atockihanad in Se
ACLeubihy maams ood i thin 7uach

Aokabilihy implies hat a individua

hagenauan me to bu Aulau0t
salle nd nuttiods ond to met ana'a
dkay maods
3 Houw u Rood Aeuuty aecked duruny a

na O ta a nahunal alamity, Aay droughE

tproduchion a odggalns diiuas9+
Cuaesa ahorcta o e d ia tiu a e t l
Pnas, Abma peopl eant
alad to buy taod
uch calamuty habans in a v u i
aua iatrethad owor a tn
A e period itmay aule a AtuotoM


o knauowo wu aace +u
a amin
heaauultal labouxOu shan man
Asanapo ukand and atar aual Jabaus
wtu Qlece tha mast e amnahcall

Swhak huna uhat ae s a types

escibe in atal oth e.

Cuunan ia anotfax asped indiotina od

ny ungun is not Auut an exprRL d Po
tbaags aeoud paenty

d e perALA tnty inadaq uade
la tuwma
quankiy and Jor quäl dujr
krom chau unyn bitau Paor_peopu law

inuma and nhun otAui Uy

inabilih to buy na
n Sunuiu al

easanal hunu
uas beauss h
AAnithual aiitias dnd in
wban asa

ka ua Lontrudhlan abausu duun ha

phad a tha
ombauns o d Aowty
iohrodatd bu thana
nd we dàaorishaoBulh Stoch. and Pas .

Th Cempenans aua Buta 3teck

OBulr Stok-t' a stadk of dgtaunu, nama i
A Hh roun tha
Food Coposati.on Ondua (fc) H ued to
Aiatnbuse vod qrain in ha dakot acaas and net
menha peca stata a Du4 a a n u
thon tme manlaut pra Thu, t h stock' allo
ad dunn rahral alamities duh ab dought
DS Tha ood prouwud by tta fcI ia diatribulel
trough u n l a e d ratidn dhaps amartg tt th
Aechien a h souehu Thisis olla tfe
fblit Distibudien fytem CPLS).
au i3kndnu


sprdsnundvon paluk

a ut, h tuued

tluu shoch
hashock oicoigai
TONTsA h a t and nu Prourd hay tha

The fcz punchaw wtaat and n u m tha

oui+ae uhu ho ia wnu
sf aurnans uL paid a Du amai
un t i r Lru u pha ia a
0 iukjt Piu [usP).
Ddrnbut arainu in tha doljut s0uety atE

an TMasikt pna da
Fai pnice shops Ration ahopa a
fai shupd uu kaa tuk uoadptaiu,
a a Acd to peopla a a fna Gus 1Ram tha

92a aa 3
g9hat tyhs a sation (astas uad ta

na. mhyadaya atds powk oRo oer

BPL Cads + o e balau paret na
APL Casds al otfws
Qloexrbg tMadctaulad Jaqanu o Ratianuu4 in

e ntroduang ofaiaing in 9adia dales bade

t a auos úaginut tRa Dackd ra o tla Baraa
Tha atianina sulem wa awive in tha usaea oa
QLuke t
oas ihaaap dusia 160 o tofho
4Ra uauion
n a waka al to high tnddaa ethy lgwel
s s o in tho ud Y 70s,
patammad uwre inhraduca

o od ains
s (3nteaed chil aprmon daswias)
) Fod- fos ok (FE W
Dalns dubaiol
Cna. St'a o pament fñot o qownaeas
e Aupplamant Ma Mfo O Commad,
1 2 hak ta o aain msP by thu

hei0osasa io msP has indulaa amu

asctiulay in splus stadea, ha dit land
Pem tRa pnaduchon coaha atainu, i h
Pon t0 ha
pmductio a aaand at
3 ñat ara a tve and -ve eleci e

tue eloe Tha PDS ho poedto bo tu

maat aachive staunanal
pay s
a u in &abliahi_psi nd maki9
aailakl L e u m a u A at aordabl

Ot hos beaa tastnuxnaata o adi

PAad bhunga and tamin b dubekuan1
enupus Luiou a the &udeTI o
( he tm, loduding th m u m pp
pna and pronement has t rn buded
bused o a s

auaaiamdpao producHan dpd p d

- ullus-0 Tha Pas_has Jaud
LnhulM Lnds
nskona ahuunge ae haualnt dal

LdAbma ba.a

J attha adwantaa a (aeperaire

prang douehes
Atable e
a Sndia VElain

1ha Lespativ plandg an

iompnale ia ses
daLwuhy in Ondua epeually in the dauthon and i

ha_Lecbah.e ouchic sut u shob todelll

pnud adA to pora pcbla
o ut o a as poe Jhabi nunaing jq lamul
Nadu aaund qu 0 bun by te ce
odves 9A Uhi, mohon Sisy u maRina
md proMlin o i l k and ctaual& to
ThCenumu ontrollad sale daudad by l

ALAanatfla ex in tus HOgand St ha bu0p

about tio tohute eualuhan in tfla aud
m p L t e s nd NGOS
d purb o tto uounb nurua e
dauity a i uhis Joueku
i h a t ae tio ablania a ta hntt
h a e mans asanc maagen
ind omphen
Lemblaia fatajtn fa a
ONany pabls
anal BeL epla haldin fa APLN
pnor vauabu th th
Thahicm shokharrd oem
in spen mankut L
fesd quain hrah tha rahS
uau erahic ntire
are alsd
The ShobRade
o hich many peopl u
- because

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