Syncrolift Shipyard Solutions
Syncrolift Shipyard Solutions
Syncrolift Shipyard Solutions
Syncrolift® has during the last • Navy yards Syncrolift® has three main
thirty years been a solutions • Commercial repair yards offerings to our clients:
provider to shipyards worldwide. • Newbuilding yards.
Our solutions are characterized • Docking solutions, Transfer
by the focus on productivity and Our vision for the future - is to Systems
logistics. continuously introduce new • Fast Docking Tools (tools
solutions which will improve which improve speed of re-
We are today the world’s leading productivity and lead time for the pair)
supplier of Shiplift and transfer repair of ships. • Services for existing systems
systems. Our clients are: in operation
Syncrolift AS
Holterkollveien 6
1448 Drøbak
Tlf: (+47) 64 90 79 10
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Docking Solutions
Control system and unit
All of our docking solutions have a operation, both on cameras and
control system with which to oper- out the windows. In addition to
ate the equipment. The Syncrolift® lifting/lowering platform, some
is a good example of how features of our Control system are:
Syncrolift® optimises Human
Machine Interaction and • Distribute shipload on
incorporates necessary equipment • platform (allows winches to
in a thoroughly designed user share loads and collectively lift
experience, both when it comes to higher loads)
the visual and user friendly aspects. • Safely Locking platform
• Alarms systems ensuring fail
safe operation
The Syncrolift® control tower is
• Tilting and listing of platform in
usually located at the shore end
case of ships with uneven keel
of the shiplift and elevated above
or uneven ballasting
ground to give a good overview of
the docking
Our control tower with Control
system is designed for a “plug and
play” installation.
The control desk is specially de-
signed to be easy for the user to
(For more information, see Docking
interact with, and at the same time
Solutions brochure.)
have one eye on the
• Syncrolift® (shiplift)
• Slipway – wedged slipway
• Floating Dock
• Docklift
Shiplift. Port Adelaide, Australia Slipway. Pella Russia Moving a ship in to a floating dock
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Ship Transfer Systems
Tire based transfer solutions can in Syncrolift® can help you find the
many cases allow more freedom to best solutions for your yard.
maximize the space-capacity of the
yard, because rail transfer solutions (For more information, see Transfer
move mainly in x and y direction. Systems brochure.)
Tire-based solutions can move in
Overview transfer systems products Layout Rail transfer solutions Layout flexible tires transfer solutions
Syncrolift® has designed and The following is a list over our dif-
delivered transfer systems world- ferent transfer systems:
wide for the last thirty years. This
experience is accumulated into our • Fluid-bed Transfer system
transfer systems. (rails – self-propelled)
• Rigid Transfer system (rails)
A challenge for most yards is the • FlexTrolley (Tires - self-pro-
peak-load characteristic of many pelled)
ships. i.e. a tendency where parts • Power Wheel Transporter PWT
of the ships have a very high load. (Tires-self-propelled)
The problem this creates is higher • Multiwheeler MW
investment in ground or shiplift. (Tires - self-propelled)
Reason being that peakload
becomes the design criteria. Most of these systems require that
the ship/equipment is supported
Syncrolift® has a solution to this Our on some type of trestle, making it
fluid bed technology is designed in possible for the transfer system to
such a way to share loads between get under the ship to lift it up. You
each trolley. This way - a peak load can see 3 types of a trestles in the
will be averaged down and hence pictures to the right. It is the
we lower peak-load and therefore construction between the ship and PWT. Dammen Song, Vietnam FlexTrolley Hydraulic transfer system
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Reduced Docking time
Innovative solutions
Streamlining docking time is crucial improve existing ones. The best
for the owner of the vessel and way to maxmize innovation is to
gives the yard a good accumulate our know-how with our
reputation. The only limits to customers’ experience. This
improving working processes or process will make the products
finding new solutions in this more intuitive, faster and
product group, are one’s safer to use, and will reduce the
knowledge and imagination. docking time for a vessel.
Multi Vessel Docking System Inhaul & Positioning systems Dock Arm Propeller Puller Shiplift Side Support Arm
Bilge Support Arms Dock Side Support Arms Auto Block Guiding Flex Pad
Overview fast docking products An artist`s rendering of a inhaul and positioning system, to one of our costumers
Ship owners make their money repair yards are: • Shiplift Side Support Arm
from continuously sailing cargo. A • Preparation work for ships
repair yard with low lead time and such as blocking for keel/bilge
competitive prices are attractive support
to most ship owners. Most repair • Propeller repair
yards today are based on manual • Manually inhauling ships for
work. This requires a relatively high docking
number of workers and it requires
more lead-time for repair. Syncrolift® Fast Docking Products”
This is a challenge for repair yards.
For Syncrolift® it is an opportunity • Multi Vessel Docking Systems
to find solutions which reduces • Bilge Support Arms
man-hour cost and lead time. This • Inhaul & Positioning Systems
business area is called Fast Dock- • Dock Side Support Arms
ing Products. • Dock Arms
• Auto Block Guiding
Typical operations where manual • Propeller Puller
work is still the standard within • Flex Pad
An artist`s rendering of a propeller puller to one of our costumers Dock Side Support Arms. Harstad, Norway
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How can we support you?
OEM Parts
Syncrolift® strongly recom-
mends employing only original
OEM spare parts and wire ropes
on your Syncrolift® and transfer
Simulator training
In addition to our traditional
training of new and experienced
users of our equipment, we offer
training by use of our simulator, Montage of Syncrolift parts
which will give a more realistic
understanding of our equip-
ment/systems for a user/
dock- master. Simulation train-
Service locations
ing programs are available for
Syncrolift® (shiplift), transfer
systems and maintenance of
Service equipment. The training is suit-
Syncrolift® offers such servies able for all personnel in contact
as maintenance, repairs, spare with the aforementioned Syn-
parts inventory, periodic in- crolift® equipment.
spections, installation, disman-
tling, system upgrades and ca- Remote support
pacity upgrades, etc.
We can support you through Syncrolift® offers remote
any of our worldwide service technical support on demand.
locations. We focus on sup- Users has an option to activate
porting you by keeping the remote connection through a Simulator training
operational safety of the Syn- training courses in operation, lift® wire ropes.
crolift® and transfer system. This maintenance and dockmaster Detailed written reports on the New-sales contact Aftersales and Service contact
will maximizing techniques. system condition are provided,
availability and reduce overall including recommendations for Tel. +47 64 90 79 13 24 hrs service. +47 64 90 79 20
maintenance costs. During Syncrolift® inspections repairs and improvements, and [email protected] [email protected]
we recommend that our engi- condition of wire ropes.
Competence, reliability
and trust are the hallmarks
of our business, and we
work hard with customers
to ensure the effectiveness
of equipment throughout
the ship’s life cycle.
We understand that
expensive assets cannot
be allowed to lie idle,
and that onboard space
must be used to the
maximum. So, from subsea
construction vessels to
heavy lift vessels and
drill ships, our focus is on
creating and delivering
products and tailor-made
service solutions that allow
vessels to operate to their
full capacity at all times.