CM Alzheimer's Disease Santos

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Only definitive with autopsy PARKINSON’S DISEASE Dysphagia Pneumonia Dehydration

A progressive, irreversible, degenerative neurologic disease

 complete blood that begins insidiously and is characterized by gradual Incontinence Malnutrition
count losses of cognitive function and disturbances in behavior
and affect.
 chemistry profile
 vitamin B12 and
thyroid hormone Neuropathological and biochemical changes consisting
levels of neurofibrillary tangles and senile or neuritic plaques
 CSF Examination
Neurotransmission interference
 computed  Neurotransmitter Medical Treatment Diet and Nutrition
tomography (CT) Changes Help maintain mental  Preparing foods that look
Cerebral Brain size
 magnetic  Vascular function as well as manage appetizing
cortex damage decrease
resonance imaging Abnormalities the cognitive and behavioral  As deficits progress, it may
(MRI)  Stress hormones symptoms, and slow down become necessary to feed the
 Circadian Enzyme active in producing the symptoms of the patient.
Changes acetylcholine is decreased. disease.

Pharmacologic Treatment
Health  Aging (65 yrs. and older) Signs and Symptoms  Cholinesterase inhibitors such as
 Environmental Factors donepezil hydrochloride and rivastigmine
forgetfulness and subtle memory loss suspicious tartrate - enhance acetylcholine uptake in
 Dietary Factors
the brain, thus maintaining memory skills
 Inflammatory Factors
difficulty in conversation and word- paranoid for a period of time.
 Genetic Factor
finding  Rivastigmine - indicated for severe AD
 Circadian Changes
and it is recommended that treatment
 Head Trauma personality changes hostile continue as long as possible.
 Vascular Abnormalities
depressed combative

Nursing Management

Supporting Cognitive Function Improving Communication

Promoting Physical Safety Providing for Socialization and Intimacy Needs
Promoting Independence in Self-Care Activities Promoting Adequate Nutrition
Reducing Anxiety and Agitation Promoting Balanced Activity and Rest

Christian Kyle C. Santos Hinkle, J., Cheever, K., & Overbaugh, K. (2022). Brunner and
BSN – 3A Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing
15th Edition. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.

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