Activity Sheet, Friction and Kinds of Friction

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Day 1

Activity Sheet

Moving on Different Surface

Let’s find out: How does friction affect the motion of objects?

Let’s use these materials: spring balance, block of wood with a string. Wooden board for your
ramp, wax paper, masking tape

Let’s do it this way:

1. Set the ramp with one side higher.

2. Cover one side of the ramp with wax paper. This is your smooth surface.
3. Cover the other side of the ramp with sand paper. This is your rough surface.
4. Set the block of wood at the lower end of the ramp in the smooth surface.
5. Hook the spring balance to the block of wood.
6. Pull the spring balance slowly. Take note of the reading on the string balance ust before
the block moves. Record your reading.
7. Repeat numbers 4-6 on the rough surface. Compare the data gathered.

Let’s write down our observation

1. What is the reading on the spring balance on the

smooth surface? __________________________
rough surface? ____________________________

2. Which surface registered a greater force in pulling the block? Why?


3. In which surface does the block of wood move easily or fast?


Let’s share our knowledge:

How does friction affect the motion of an object?


Measuring Distance of a Moving

Let’s find out: How does friction affect the distance travelled by a moving object?

Let’s use this materials:

Ball, meterstick, stopwatch

Let’s do it this way:

1. Look for a smooth floor (i.e. stage). Draw a starting line.

2. From the starting line, roll the ball gently. Make sure that the ball will not hit any
object while rolling.
3. Use the stopwatch to get the time the ball start rolling until it stops. Record this on
the table below.
4. Observe if there is a change in the ball speed.
5. Measure the distance travelled by the ball using your meter stick>Record this on the
table below.
6. Repeat the procedure. Have at least two more trials. Be sure to apply the same
amount of force.
7. Compute for the average distance and average time.
8. Look for a rough ground (i.e. stony ground)
9. Do the same procedure as you have done in the smooth surface. Be sure to apply
the same amount of force.
10. Compare your data.

Distance and Time Travelled by a Rolling Ball on a Smooth Floor

Trial Distance (m) Time (s)


Distance and Time Travelled by a Rolling Ball on a Rough Floor

Trial Distance (m) Time (s)


Let’s write our observation:

1. What happens to the ball after rolling for some time?

2. Is the speed of the ball the same all throughout the travel?
3. What causes the ball to change speed and stops?

4. Compare the average distance travelled by a moving object?

Let’ share our knowledge:

How does friction affect he distance travelled by a moving object?


Formative Test.

Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Circle the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following statement is true?

1. Friction makes an object circle
2. Gravity pushes an object upward
3. Force is neede to stop an object
4. An object in motion will remain in motion
2. A boy sits on a grassy slope. What force stops him sliding down?
1. Friction
2. Magnetic
3. Gravcity
4. Weight
3. What makes a rolling ball slow down and stop?
a. Air resistance
b. Brake
c. Friction
d. Gravity
4. Which of the following is true?
I. Friction slows down a moving object
II. Smooth surface has more friction
III. Objects move slowly on a rough surface
IV. Friction is not present iin a smooth surface
a. I,II
c. I,III
5. The boat is sailing on the sea slows down. What kind of friction is acting on it?
a. Static friction
b. Rolling friction
c. Fluid friction
d. Sliding friction

Identify the kind of friction. Choose your answer inside the box below.

6. Rubbing both hands together to create heat.

7. Roller skates and skateboard
8. Swimmer swimming
9. A sled sliding acoos snow o ice
10. When the balloon is rubbed on your hand

Sliding friction Rolling friction

Static friction Fluid friction


Different Kinds of Friction

Study the pictures. Identify the word that could describe the picture.
Summative Test:

1. Which of the following is true?

V. Friction slows down a moving object
VI. Smooth surface has more friction
VII. Objects move slowly on a rough surface
VIII. Friction is not present iin a smooth surface
e. I,II
g. I,III
2. The boat is sailing on the sea slows down. What kind of friction is acting on it?
e. Static friction
f. Rolling friction
g. Fluid friction
h. Sliding friction

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