Web-Based Information Systems Developing A Design Theory

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INCITEST 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 879 (2020) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/879/1/012015

Web-Based Information Systems: Developing a Design Theory

I B S Nusa1*, F M Faisal2
1Departemen Akuntansi , Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

Email: *[email protected]

Abstract. The purpose of this research is to determine a proposed taxonomy that classified
information systems theory concerning how four main objectives are handled namely
analysis, explanation, prediction, and prescription. This research used a descriptive
qualitative and experimental research methods. This information technology system design
stage is the stage after the analysis of the information technology system development cycle.
The results show the definition of system requirements for information technology,
preparation for design, or implementation describes how an information technology system
can be formed. It can be seen in the form of planning, drawing, making a sketch, or
arrangement of several separate elements into a unified whole and functioning. In conclusion,
the most important thing in the development of information systems is the user and the system
should be integrated.

1. Introduction
Information Systems has an impact toward information technology in organizations and communities
[1]. It is because the web-based implementation of Education (WBE) requires proper support of
information systems. The characteristics of the WBE make the design and implementation of IS befitting
a difficult and time-consuming task that currently has a theoretical guidance. To overcome this problem,
this research develops theory-based principles in the form of information systems Design Theory
(ISDT). For the WBE, a lot of research has been done in the field of information systems starting from
the design, delivery, use, and effective assessment of information technology in organizations and
society [1]. Hereinafter, information systems development is carried out through several stages, where
each step produces a more detailed than the previous stage. The initial stage of developing a system
generally begins by describing user needs in terms of a strategic approach to the macro system, followed
by a description of the strategic plan and the needs of the medium as well as long term organization.
Information systems development includes the stages where system development always takes place
incrementally. The development of a new system usually starts from a lack of clarity. From the various
development models available, we have to use a development model that can help us to achieve a quality
and integrated development process.
IS makes it easy for users to do all activities, one of which is in the dissemination of information [2].
The use of the website becomes tangible evidence of the development of information and
communication technology as a means of disseminating information. The ease in the process of creating
and using a website is a strength of the website [3]. The information system is an example of the websites
use as a medium for the dissemination of information that is fast and accurate [4]. Information systems
has functions in obtaining, managing, collecting, analyzing, and distributing information with specific
objectives [5]. Information systems increase the amount of information dissemination and exchange in

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INCITEST 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 879 (2020) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/879/1/012015

various parts of the world. The use of information systems will increase the distribution of resources
and the success of an organization [6].
The purpose of this research is to determine a proposed taxonomy that classified information systems
theory concerning how four main objectives are handled namely analysis, explanation, prediction, and
prescription. Five types of interrelated theories are distinguished: (1) to analyze, (2) to explain, (3) to
predict, (4) to explain and predict, and (5) to design and action. The theory that is developed should
depend on this problem and the questions that are addressed. The questions themselves should be
considered against the state of knowledge in the area at the time. The primary goals of theory discerned
are analysis and description. The theory describes the phenomena of interest, analysis of relationships
among those constructs, the degree of generalizability in constructs and relationships, the boundaries
within which relationships, and observations hold. The theory provides an explanation of how, why, and
when things happened, relying on varying views of causality and methods for argumentation. This
explanation will usually be intended to promote greater understanding or insights by others into the
phenomena of interest. Besides, the prediction theory states what will happen in the future if certain
preconditions hold. The degree of certainty in the prediction is expected to be only approximate or
probabilistic in IS [7]. This research used a descriptive qualitative and experimental research methods.

2. Method
This research used a descriptive qualitative and experimental research methods. It shows that
participatory action research is distinguished by the involvement of additional characteristics from
practitioners both as subjects and another researchers [8]. An important change in participatory action
research from traditional action research is the realignment of the roles of researchers and subjects in a
more collaborative and synergistic form.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Theory for web-based systems

The Technology Acceptance Model was adopted from Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), which is a
theory of action based on the premise that one's reaction and perception of something, will determine
one's attitude and behavior [9]. The Technology Acceptance Model developed from psychological
theory, explains the behavior of computer users, which is based on trust, attitudes, intensity and the
relationship of user behavior [10]. The purpose of this model is to explain the main factors of
Information Technology (IT) user behavior towards IT user acceptance in more detail by describing IT
acceptance with certain dimensions that the user can easily influence IT acceptance. The level of
acceptance of information technology users is determined by six constructs, namely variables external
variables, user perceptions about convenience, user perceptions about usability, user attitudes,
behavioral tendencies, and actual use [11]. It is to test variables that can predict the level of user
computer acceptance. Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are the basic determinants of
computer use. The term information systems design theory has been used in a certain sense. This refers
to a set of concepts, beliefs, conjectures, and general scientific laws, both natural and social, where
designers map design problems effectively solutions for special classes of information systems problems
The design theory is a theoretical belief, norm, and concept of the faculties on two distinctive
characteristics of design [13]. First, each design refers to the theory-in-use and it can see the quality of
the design produced. We can validate this theory when the application of design principles has been
implemented with good results. Second, it is to provide effective normative ideas contained in guidelines
for practicing by formulating general rules. This study used the first theory referred to as Kernel Theory.
This is made as a collection of basic concepts, statements, or practitioners that are formulated
scientifically. Theories used were made explicit through the codification hermeneutic process [11]. The
Kernel Theory can make it possible to formulate predictions that can be tested from solutions and their
behavior in the information system design process (see Table 1).

INCITEST 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 879 (2020) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/879/1/012015

Tabel 1. Components of an IS design theory

Requirements / Goals Describes the class of goals to which the theory applies
A set of system features A set of IT artifacts hypothesized to meet the requirements
Kernel Theory Theories from natural and soial sciences governing the design
requirements or the process arriving at them
Design Priciples A codification of procedures which when applied increase the
likehood of achieving a set of system features.
There procedures are derived logically from kernel theories

A summary of the sub-theory of design theory covers every stage in designing all types of
information systems such as the current theories in building information systems design theory that
still general and accurate enough to help formulate in effective information systems design guidelines

3.2. Definition of an Information Infrastructure

IT infrastructure is defined as a shared technology resource that provides a platform for detailed
enterprise information system applications. IT infrastructure includes investments in hardware,
software, and services such as consulting, education, and training, which are the largest in all companies
or spread across all business units in a company. IT infrastructure consists of a set of software tools and
applications that are needed to run large companies as a whole. However, IT infrastructure is also a set
of firm-wide services that are budgeted by management and consist of human and technical capabilities.
The service that companies can provide to customers, suppliers, and employees is the direct use of the
company's IT infrastructure. Ideally, this infrastructure supports business strategies and company
information systems. New information technology has a large impact on business and corporate
information systems strategies. New information technology has a large impact on business and IT
strategies, just as services can be provided to customers.
The ability to adapt to the changes that occur throughout the life of the system. The system is well-
organized so that solutions can be made from within the system to adapt properly. Substantial
characteristics of information systems whose features can adapt to the form of information system
functions desired by users. Information systems that can adapt to the flow of reorganization and
organizational transformation (service flow), can adapt to data construction (the core of the database) as
a framework the basis of maintaining the information system operating structure and can adapt to
management patterns including policy decisions, oversight of various types of authority (see Table 2).

INCITEST 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 879 (2020) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/879/1/012015

Table 2. Components of a IS design theory for information infrastructures

Requirements / goals Grow the installed base as to obtain
momentum, manage flexibility, and offer
openness for evolution
A set of system features Evolving, shared, heterogeneous set of an
installed base IT capability among a community
of users
Kernel Theory Complexity theory, evolutionary economics:
• Enable organic growth and new
• Gain momentum
• Recognize path dependency
• Create lock-in trough positive network
• Use modularity to offer organic growth
and evolution
Design Principles A codification of five design principles which
when applied will increase the likelihood of
achieving a desired set of system features i.e.
managed complexity, openness, and growth in
the installed base:
• Design initially for usefulness
• Draw upon existing installed bases
• Expand installed base by persuasive
• Make it simple
• Modularize by building separately key
functions of each infrastructure, use
layering, and gateways

In addition, to the components of development, some factors can increase the success of information
systems development involving users. Users here are all people involved in the development, whether
it is external parties (developers) or internal (companies) such as users, analysts, designers,
programmers, builders, managers, owners, etc. There is a method of approach to problem-solving,
namely Structured Problem Solving. Documenting the development process is done to determine the
strengths and weaknesses of a system that is being developed. A good system is an integrated system
with IT, some standards serve as benchmarks for an ideal and competitive system. Usually, analysts
make common standards that characterize dynamic and advanced systems such as the use of database
technology, software, and so on. A good system in the present and future must be flexible. Therefore, if
you want to make improvements, the development is only done in several aspects.

4. Conclusion
From the results obtained, we can conclude that some factors can make the information systems
development increase the succes by involving users. The development process should be documented
for determining the strengths and weakness of a system. The most important thing in the development
of information systems is the user and the system should be integrated. Some standards serve as
benchmarks for an ideal and competitive system.

INCITEST 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 879 (2020) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/879/1/012015

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