Assignment 1 RPH

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 What is history?
 History is the study of how things change over time, and it encompasses all aspects of human society.
History includes political, social, economic, scientific, technological, medical, cultural, intellectual,
religious, and military advancements.
of History in Human Development - Bill Nasson
History: The Meaning and Role of History in Human Development (
 History is the study of the past in order to comprehend the meaning and dynamics of the link
between cause and effect in the evolution of human societies as a whole.
 History was simply a narrative description of past events in its first known uses in human culture. It
came into the English language as a word from the French concept of histoire, the Latin concept of
historia, and the Greek concept of istoria, all of which conveyed the fundamental idea of knowledge
of the past. The understanding of history in these early concepts included both an imagined fiction
of events and a narrative or chronicle of previous occurrences.
 History is a continuous sequence of productive human stages, a process with unavoidable future

 What limits one’s historical consciousness?

First, history is interpretive: two people can interpret history differently just as they can interpret art
differently. Second, history provides academics and professionals with analogies. These analogies are
sometimes misused due to flawed methods in analysis or because they serve to justify the interpreter’s
ideological needs. Third, history is incomplete. There are many truths lost in time because they were not
written down, or lost to the changing nature of oral traditions, or lost to the selective process of
interpretation by historians. History and intelligence have two things in common: they both have to be
based on reliable sources, and they both seldom access the full story.[52] Furthermore, the history of
intelligence works with official documents produced by the government. These documents are not always
available; thus, history is sometimes limited in the field of intelligence.

The intuitive daily/cyclic, social and mythical temporal awareness is being opposed to historical
consciousness of time, defined in six central concepts: chronology, anachronism, historical distance,
contingency, evidence and narration.

 What is historical consciousness?

historical consciousness is defined as the concept of the relationship among past

interpretations, current understanding, and future perspectives. This definition is then applied to explain
how people understand history, orient themselves in contemporary society, see themselves and their
counterparts, act morally, make history, analyze and take part in cultural history, and gain insight into
themselves, contemporary society and its history.

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