SST All in One Class9
SST All in One Class9
SST All in One Class9
Ans. The Rann of Kutch is the wetland that is most and scrub forests?
popular with flamingoes which are nesting. Ans,5. In thorn and scrub forests, the common anima
found are rats, mice, rabbits, foxes, wolves, tige
4 State one characteristic of forests. lions, wild ass, horses and camels.
Ans. Forests give humus to soil, control soil erosion and
regulate the flow of water. 13 Sundari tree is an example of whichtyped
natural vegetation?
5 Which Union Territory has the maximum mangrove forests.
percentage of its area under forest cover? Ans. Sundari tree is an example of
Ans. Andaman and Nicobar Islands is the Union 4 Which trees out of coconut, cactus, acacia
Territory which has the maximum percentage of its and cinchona are found in mangrove forestsl
area under forest cover, i.e. 86%.
Ans. Only coconut trees are found in mangrove
forests. Cactus and acacia are found in thornfores
What are the
climatic conditions of tropical
while cinchona trees are found in tropical evergret
Aus. The climatic conditions of tropical avergreen
are high temperature and heavy rainfall (above
15 What is the main medicinal use of the
200 cm per year).
Sarpagandha plant?
7 What kinds of commercially important trees Ans. The main medicinal use of the Sarpagandhapani
are found in tropical evergreen forests? to treat high blood pressure.
Ans, The commercially important trees found in tropical
evergreen forests are ebony, mahogany, rosewood, Which medicinal plant has both anti-bacte
rubber and cinchona. and anti-biotic properties?
8 What kinds of forests are found in the areas Ans. The neem plant has both anti-bacterial and
with annual rainfall between 100 and 200 anti-biotic properties.
cm? 17 Which major the
animals are preserved in
deciduous type of forests are found
Ans. Tropical moist Kaziranga, Sunderbans, Gir and Simlipa
in the areas with annual rainfall between 100 and Sanctuary/Reserve?
200 cm.
Ans. Kaziranga National Park is the reserve
What are the most widespread forests in India? the rhinoceros, Sunderban is the home of
Tropical deciduous forests, which cover 64% of India's the Royal Bengal Tiger. Gir is famous as tne
forest areg (Dry 30% and Moist 34%), as per a survey Sole home of the Asiatic Lion in India and
Simlipal is well-known as a sanctu forelep
carried out in 2009 are most widespread forests in
Vegetation and Wildlife
which state is Gir forest located? 24 HOTS Are mangrove toreste fur
is ocated in Gujarat state of india. regions wbere the Narmada ai
Gir forest
low into the Arabtan Seat
How will you define a sanctuary? Ans. No, they are not, as mangrive fiereat
is an area designated for the protection
A sanctu. the delta regions of the kast cenaat,
ofwild animals. estuaries of the Narmada and fapi
tax was imposed by British colonists on 29 Where is Samburu National Park located?
hich t
2 Ans. Samburu National Park is located in Kenya.
colonists on pastoralists.
Grazing Tax was imposed by
30 Where is Serengeti National Park located?
which continent about half of the population
Ans. Serengeti National Park is located in
22 In pastoralists?
ive as population live as 31 What happened to the Maasai during the
Africa, about half of th
Ans in severe drought of 1933-34?
Ans. The severe drought of 1933-34
reduced the
do the Maasai cattle herders live?
n Where cattle population to almost half of what existed in
3 Maasai cattle herders live primarily in East 1930s.
32 HOTSJ Why were the Maasai tribes pushed
could Maasai warriors prove their into a small area in South Kenya and North
8 How
manliness? Tanzania?
mcmbers taken over by the British
Ans Massai young men came to be recognised as Ans. The best grazing lands were
of the Warrior class when they proved their
manliness imperialists for settlement, thus the Maasai tribes
groups and were pushed into a small area in South
Kenya and
by raiding the cattle of other pastoral
participating in wars. North Tanzania.
3 MarkS eac
5A) Type Questions
Short Answer
shepherds live? Descri
Gujjar 2 Where did the Gaddi
1 Explain
the annual movement of the the seasonalmovement of the Gaddis.
Bakarwals. shepherds of Himachal Pradesh spend
Ans. The Gaddi grazi
TheGujjar Bakarwals of Jammu and Kashmir winter in the low hills of Siwalik range,
and sheep. In winter, they forests. By April, they
Rrat herders of coat their flogks in the scrub
Very Short Answer VSAIType Queslions [1 Mark each]
wass the ffirst census held in India? 9 What are the male and female literary rates and
census in India (on a limited scale) the general literacy level in India as per census
Thefirst 1872. he first complete census 2011?
held in
taken in I1881 and subsequently has been Ans. As per census 2011, the male literacy rate is 82.1470,
aken every 10 years. female literacy rate is 65.46% and general iteracy ratc is
Almost 50% of India's
population lives in
ivestates. Name them. 10 Give two reasons responsible for unfavourable
Almost 50%
6.fve states Uttar Pradesh,Pradesh.
West Bengal
50%.of India's population lives in the
Maharashtra, Bihar,
sex ratio in India.
Ans. The two reasons responsible for unfavourable sex-ratio in
India are
() Lack of education among people.
3 As
per the 2011 Census, which state has (i) Cultural norms that favour the' male child.
theleast,density of
state with the least density of population, 11 What ages are considered as the age of the
a Der the 2011 Census was Arunachal Pradesh working population in India?
persons per sq km. people who
Ans. In India, the working age population the
with 17 is
Short Answer (SA) Type Questions [3 Marks each]
o the
importance of family planningor
having a small family.
occupations found
ngaped i :ce 11
"Resources, calamite>ues and huma tn
Long Answer (LA) Type Questions
O [5 Marks each]
2 Write two main dimensions of poverty. 11 Which agency conducts the periodical.
Ans. Hunger and lack of shelter are two main
surveys for estimating the poverty line
i India?
poverty line imated periodica)
dimensions of poverty Or How is
periodically by the N
Can social exclusion cause poverty in rural Ans. Poverty line is estimated Nation
Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) by conducting
sample surveys.
Ans. Yes, social exclusion of the Scheduled Castes
(SCs) in rural areas is a major cause of their
n12 What is the full form of NSSO?
poverty. Ans. The full form of NSSO is National Sample
4What do we mean by the term Organisation.
vulnerability to poverty'? 13 Why is World Bank important in estimating
Ans. Vulnerability to poverty' means the chances of poverty line?
Some communities or persons to become poor or
Ans. Different countries have different poverty line as per n
remain poor in the future. existing level of development. The World Bank compar
5 Define poverty line. countries by presenting a unitorm standard for povery
line which is acceptable by all countries.
Ans. Each country uses an imaginary line that is
considered appropriate for its existing level of 14 Who is a poor person according to the World Ban
development and its accepted minimum social Ans. The person is considered poor, who does not have
norms. This is called the poverty line. minimum earning more than S1.25 per day per person.
6 When is a person considered poor? 15 What was the percentage of people living belo
Ans. A person is considered poor if the income or the poverty line in 2000 in India?
consumption level of person falls belowa Ans. In 2000, 26% of population was living below povery
given 'minimum level' necessary to fulfil the basic
line in India.
16 Name four categories of
7What factors affects the poverty line? people who are
vulnerable to poverty.
Ans. Time and place are two important factors that
Ans. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled
affects the poverty line. Tribes, rural agricultur
labour households and urban casual labour househod=
8 On what factors do calorie needs vary for a are vulnerable to
Which state out of Bihar,
4ns. The calorie needs vary depending on sex, age and Odisha, Punjaband
Assam has the highest
ype of work that a person does. poverty ratiof
Ans. Bihar has the
highest poverty ratio of 33./90, 9
9What is the average number of calories P
Economic Survey
of 2013-14.
required per person per day in rural areas
8 By what method
of India? has the state of West benga
The average number of calories required per reduced rural poverty?
1S. Proper implementation
person per day in rural areas of India is 2400. ofland reforms have heip du
reduce rural
poverty in West Bengal.
37 HOTS Which economic groups out of rural resources increases. More people will be zhi. et
smaller share ot resources, thus bringing
agricultural labour households, Scheduled avail of a
Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) more people belov the poverty
households, urban casual labour households 41 HOTS What are the major reasons for
and female daily wagers, are vulnerable to
ineffectiveness of anti-poverty
Ans. Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs)
Ans. The major rcasons for inetfectiveness of
households are a social group, not an economic group. anti-poverty measures in India are lack of Dron
All the other groups mentioned are economic groups
implementation of the programmes, overlapping c
which are vulnerable to poverty.
schemes and lack of right targeting of people.
38 HOTSWhich state out of Madhya Pradesh
42 HOTS Is it correct that India has the largest
Maharashtra, Assam and Uttar Pradesh has a concentration of poor in the world?
poverty ratio below the national average?
Ans. Yes, India has about 270 milion people who live
Ans. The national average poverty ratio was 21.92%. Only
in poverty, as per an estimate made in the year
Maharashtra, out of the given four states, with a poverty 2011-12.
ratio of 17.4% is below the national average.
43 HOTS Which indicator out of quantity of milk
39 HOTS Name some countries show decline in
consumed, amount of pocket moneyy
poverty substantially according to World Bank.
received, illiteracy level and the number of
lns. According to World Bank, poverty declined shoes people have, is a social indicator of
substantially in China and South-East Asia. This poverty?
decline is the result of rapid economic growth and
massive investments in human resource development in
Ans. Social indicator of poverty is illiteracy level. All
these countries. others are not social indicators.
40 HOTS Is regular growth of population regarded 44 HOTS Is it true that the state of Kerala has
as one of the major causes of poverty? reduced poverty by distribution of foodgrains
1s. High population growth rate increases the rate of at highly subsidised prices?
depletion of resources. Due to this, pressure on Ans. No, the state of Kerala has used human resource
(Very Short Answer VSAI Type Questions [1 Mark eaxh
by food securíty?
What is meantdefincd T Nane any one group who is the sufferer of
ecurity is as the availability,
Food food insecurity.
ssibility. and affordability of food to all
people at BegEars, casual ladourers, ete are categories of
all A5 people having an uncertain income. They are
sufferers of food insecurity.
hat do you can by availabílity of food?
ilability means all the food currently available in Through which agency does the government
the country. procure its buffer stock of fooxdgrains?
Ans. The government procures its buffer stock of
what do you mean byY accessibility of food? toodgrains through the Food Corporation of
Acessibility means that food is within reach of India (FCI).
12 Write the full form of FCI.
Corporation of Inudia.
What do you mean by affordability of food? Ans. The full form of FCI is Food
Affordabilitcy means that people can buy enough foodgrains?
13 From where does FCI purchase
food for thcir requirement.
rice from the surplu
Ans. The FCI purchases wheat and
your entitlement of production of the farmers in states.
What do you mean by
14 At what price does the
government purchase
Economist Amartya Sen added a new dimension to the foodgrains for having a bufler
food security and emphasised the access to food the foodgrains for
combination of Ans. The government purchases
through entitlements' which is a having a buffer stock ar the Minimum
what one can produce and exchange in the Price (MSP).
alongwith state or other socially provided Price (MSP)
15 When is the Minimum Support
Which was the most devastating famine that declared by the government?
occurred in India during the 20th Ans. The MSP is declared by the government
just before
the famine of farmers to grow
s. The most devastating famine was people died. the sowing season to motivate the
Bengal in 1943, in which 30
lakh more.
are starvation What is meant by 'Issue Price'?
1 From which places of Odisha 16
which the government offers to
deaths reported? Ans. This is the price at
from Kalahandi and sell foodgrains at subsidised rates.
Starvation deaths are reported
these areas are prone
Kashipur in Odisha, as 17 In which year was the
Integrated Child
regular basis.
famine-like conditions on a Development Services (1CDS) programne
8 Define chronic hunger programme was introduccd in 1975 on
consequence of Ans. The ICDS
S Chronic hunger is a quality an experimental basis.
inadequate diets in terms of
18 Which social group is the
target of the
and/or quantity
commonly found in which Annapurna Scheme?
easonal hunger is Ans. The Annapurna
Scheme is for indigent senior
areas of India?
rural and tribal areas, citizens who are not inancially supported by
s, Seasonal hunger is prevalentdependent on anybody.
population is mostly labour is subject
The areas, casual
Culture. In urban
this problem.
23 How are most fair price shops
run in the
19 Which schemes for food security are directed at
specific target groups? of Tamil Nadu?
Nadu run most of the fair
s. The schemes for food security directed at specific Ans. Cooperatives of Tamil fi.
price shops in that state.
target groups are Targeted Public Distribution System
(TPDS), Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) and the 24 What is the other name of White
Annapurna Scheme (APS). is 'operation floo
Ans. Other name of white revolution
20 What is the brand name of the successful1
cooperative in Gujarat for milk and milk 25 HOTS What is the trend of the proportion
products? of seasonal and chronic hunger in India from
Te 1983 to 2000?
1s. The brand name of the successful cooperative in
Gujarat for milk and milk products is 'Amul. Ans. Both seasonal and chronic hunger have shown a
drastically reducing trend. Seasonal hunger reduced
i In which state of India the famous cooperative from 16.2% to 2.6% and chronic hunger from 2.3%
AMUL is located? to 0.7% in rural areas, with urban areas also showing
S. In Anand district of Gujarat, the famous cooperative a similar trend.
AMUL is located.
26 HOTS Is it true that India has become
2 What is the work area of the cooperative self-sufficient in foodgrains during the last
Mother Dairy? thirty years?
Mother Dairy is supplying milk and vegetables in the Ans. Yes, India has become self-sufficient because of the
Delhil NCR area. variety of crops grown in the country.