V-Doped NiFe

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Tuning Electronic Structure of NiFe Layered Double Hydroxides with

Vanadium Doping toward High Efficient Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation

Article  in  Advanced Energy Materials · February 2018

DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201703341


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7 authors, including:

Pengsong Li Yaping Li
Beijing University of Chemical Technology Beijing University of Chemical Technology


Guoxin Zhang Wen Liu

Shandong University of Science and Technology Yale University


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Water Oxidation www.advenergymat.de

Tuning Electronic Structure of NiFe Layered Double

Hydroxides with Vanadium Doping toward High Efficient
Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation
Pengsong Li, Xinxuan Duan, Yun Kuang, Yaping Li, Guoxin Zhang, Wen Liu,*
and Xiaoming Sun*

but still limited to noble metal, such as

Binary NiFe layer double hydroxide (LDH) serves as a benchmark non-noble iridium (Ir) and ruthenium (Ru).[3] The
metal electrocatalyst for the oxygen evolution reaction, however, it still needs high cost of noble metal and scarcity in
a relatively high overpotential to achieve the threshold current density. Herein resources have hindered their wide appli-
cation as the catalytic electrode for H2 pro-
the catalyst’s electronic structure is tuned by doping vanadium ions into the duction. Therefore it is urgent to obtain
NiFe LDHs laminate forming ternary NiFeV LDHs to reduce the onset poten- high performance OER catalysts based on
tial, achieving unprecedentedly efficient electrocatalysis for water oxidation. the earth-abundant elements other than
Only 1.42 V (vs reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE), ≈195 mV overpotential) the noble metal-based catalysts (IrO2 and
is required to achieve catalytic current density of 20 mA cm−2 with a small RuO2).[4] The layered double hydroxides
(LDHs),[5] also known as hydrotalcite-like
Tafel slope of 42 mV dec−1 in 1 m KOH solution, which manifests the best of
clays, is a typical non-noble-metal-based
NiFe-based catalysts reported till now. Electrochemical analysis and density material that composed of layers of divalent
functional theory +U simulation indicate that the high catalytic activity of NiFeV and trivalent metal cations coordinated
LDHs mainly attributes to the vanadium doping which can modify the elec- to hydroxide anions with guest anions
tronic structure and narrow the bandgap thereby bring enhanced conductivity, (typically CO32−) intercalated between the
facile electron transfer, and abundant active sites. layers.[6] The highly tunable structures,
such as layer numbers, metal species,
interlayer spacing, and more importantly,
Water splitting driving by renewable energy sources has drawn the specific cation arrangements in the hydroxide layers, make
much more attention for sustainable hydrogen production, LDHs-based materials as promising OER catalysts to replace
owing to the limited reserve of fossil fuels and increasing the state-of-the-art noble metal based catalysts.[7]
concern on environmental pollution.[1] Oxygen evolution reac- The NiFe LDHs is nowadays known as one of the most active
tion (OER) is a half-reaction for water splitting, which actually OER catalysts with a low overpotential and high electrolysis
plays a central role in controlling the energy efficiency of H2 current.[8] However, it is still suffering from poor electronic con-
production, featuring with complexity and sluggish kinetics.[2] ductivity that hindering its further improvement and practical
Driving OER with advanced electrocatalyst is highly desired application.[9] Recently, tremendous efforts have been devoted to
enhance the electrocatalytic activity, such as, exfoliation to fabri-
P. S. Li, X. X. Duan, Dr. Y. Kuang, Dr. Y. P. Li, Dr. W. Liu, cate a single layer structure,[10] integrating the LDHs nanosheets
Prof. X. M. Sun to form array on a conductive substrate,[11] loading noble metal
State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering on the surface,[12] modification the interlayer anion to change
College of Energy
Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Soft Matter Science the electronic structure,[13] sulfurization,[14] defect engineering
and Engineering to increase the active site,[15] topotactic reduction to metallic
Beijing University of Chemical Technology nanosheets,[16] and doping.[17] It is already known that Fe in
Beijing 100029, China NiFe LDHs is the key aspect for the high OER catalytic perfor-
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
mance,[18] so we can modify the chemical environment of Fe
Dr. Y. Kuang
Department of Chemistry
by incorporating other valence variable transition metals (such
Stanford University as Co[17a] and Mn[17b]) into NiFe LDHs laminate to enhance the
Stanford, CA 94305, USA catalyst activity. Vanadium is an earth-abundant element and its
Dr. G. X. Zhang activity for electrochemical water oxidation has been explored as
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation active sites in NiV LDHs.[19] However, as a typical transition metal
Shandong University of Science and Technology with a series of valence states, the electron interaction and syner-
Tsingtao 266590, China
getic effect between V and other metals in the laminate of LDHs
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
can be found under https://doi.org/10.1002/aenm.201703341.
have never been touched. On the other hand, the integrating of
nanosheets materials can enhance the intrinsic activity of OER
DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201703341 by providing electron transfer pathways from electron-conductive

Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 1703341 1703341  (1 of 8) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Figure 1.  A) The schematic diagram of NiFeV LDHs structure. B, C) SEM images of as-prepared NiFe LDHs and NiFeV LDHs nanosheets array. D) TEM
image of typical NiFeV LDHs nanosheets, the inset of (D) shows the thickness with obvious laminates. E) SAED patterns of NiFeV LDHs nanosheets
marked in (D), evidencing NiFeV LDHs had a good crystallinity. F) EDX patterns and corresponding element ratio of NiFeV LDHs.

substrate accelerating the OER kinetics.[20] Hence, it would be addition. After hydrothermal reaction, a brown film was coated
worthwhile to explore the NiFeV LDHs nanosheets array elec- on the surface of nickel foam (Figure S1, Supporting Informa-
trode as a promising OER electrocatalyst in energy research area. tion), indicating the successful growth of LDHs. The NiFeV
Herein, for the first time, we synthesized vanadium doped LDHs array had a darker color than the NiFe LDHs. The scanning
NiFe LDHs nanosheets array on nickel foam (denoted as NiFeV electron microscopy (SEM) images of the NiFe LDHs (Figure 1B)
LDHs) via a one-step hydrothermal method for OER electroca- and NiFeV LDHs (Figure 1C) both show 3D open porous struc-
talysis. By the incorporation of vanadium into the NiFe LDHs ture with interconnected nanosheets growing vertically on the Ni
laminate, the NiFeV LDHs with a layered structure (as shown in foam substrate. The NiFeV LDHs were very similar to NiFe LDHs
Figure 1A) showed an excellent OER catalytic performance. The in morphology with a lateral size of several hundred nanometers.
electrochemical results demonstrated that only a very low over- As shown in Figure 1D, the 2D morphology of NiFeV LDHs
potential (195 mV) was required for achieving the current density could be revealed again by the transmission electron microscopy
of 20 mA cm−2, and afforded a small Tafel slope of 42 mV dec−1, (TEM), which is peeled off from the surface of nickel foam by
which was better than the NiFe LDHs and commercial RuO2/C the assistance of ultrasonication. The high-resolution TEM image
catalysts. The vanadium doping can narrow the bandgap of NiFe (inset of Figure 1D) revealed the thickness of ≈4.8 nm, corre-
LDHs, enhance the electric conductivity of the active material, sponding to 6–7 edge sharing octahedral MO6 layers. Figure 1E
and promote OER activity, which is revealed by detailed electro- showed the selected area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns of
chemical analysis and density functional theory (DFT)+U simu- NiFeV LDHs nanosheets marked in Figure 1D, which revealed
lation. The electronic structure engineering strategy developed the NiFeV LDHs had a well hexagonal crystal phase and the dif-
here by doping transition metal with high valence states can be fraction rings indexed the (100) and (110) lattices, which was
extended to other metal oxides or hydroxides to explore more consistent with the X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern (Figure 2A,
advanced OER electrocatalyst. black line). The atomic ratios of transition metals in the as-
The vanadium doping NiFe LDHs nanosheets array were synthesized samples were determined by energy dispersive
directly grown on nickel foam from metal salt precursors in water X-ray (EDX) spectrometry analysis (Figure 1F), which revealed
solution with the addition of urea via a one-step hydrothermal that the Ni:Fe:V ratio (6.04:0.83:1) was close to the ratio of the
method under optimized temperature and time. The NiFe LDHs starting materials (6:1:1). High angle annular dark field imaging-
were synthesized by the similar route without vanadium salt scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM)

Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 1703341 1703341  (2 of 8) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Figure 2.  A) XRD patterns of as-prepared NiFe LDHs and NiFeV LDHs nanosheets array. The high-resolution XPS of B) Ni and C) Fe in the NiFe LDHs
and NiFeV LDHs nanosheets array. D) The XPS spectra of V in the NiFeV LDHs nanosheets array.

observation and elemental mapping were utilized to confirm (Figure 2B) showed two peaks with binding energies at 856.4
the elemental distributions of the NiFeV LDHs structure. As and 874.1 eV correspond to the Ni2+ 2p3/2 and Ni2+ 2p1/2, respec-
shown in Figure S2 (Supporting Information), a typical NiFeV tively, which was in good agreement with a previous report.[21]
LDHs nanosheet was revealed that the vanadium element was The Fe 2p signal was composed of two peaks (Figure 2C)
uniformly distributed with the iron and nickel element in LDHs belonging to Fe 2p1/2 and Fe 2p3/2 binding energies of the Fe
structure, and no local aggregation of vanadium can be observed. oxidation state (Fe3+).[22] Compared the valence states of Ni and
The XRD patterns were employed to verify the crystal struc- Fe between the NiFe LDHs and NiFeV LDHs, we could find
ture and composition of LDHs. The red line in Figure 2A illus- that there was no difference between the nickel element while
trated the XRD patterns of the NiFe LDHs nanoarrays samples the binding energy of iron had some decrease from 713.1 to
(JCPDF: 40–0125, the clear reflections of (003), (006), (012), 712.4 eV after doping, indicating the chemical environment of
(015), (110) and (113) were observed) following hydrothermal iron ion was modified by doping vanadium into the laminate.
synthesis on the Ni foam substrate (the peaks marked “#” stand The high-resolution V 2p spectrum was also decomposed into
for the Ni foam). The XRD data of the NiFeV LDHs (black line) V 2p3/2 and V 2p1/2 due to the spin-orbit splitting that separated
showed a series of Bragg reflections in good agreement with the by ≈7.7 eV. Three components could be distinguished at 515.6 eV
well-known NiFe LDHs, indicating that the vanadium doping (in magenta), 517.2 eV (in dark cyan), and 519.2 eV (in blue) and
did not change the layered structure. Vanadium ion could be were in good agreement with respectively V3+, V4+, and V5+.[23]
easily coprecipitated into the laminate of LDHs because it had This result indicated that V3+ was partially oxidized by oxygen
the six-coordination structure matching well with the crystal to V4+ and V5+ during the synthesis.
structure of hydrotalcite. In order to evaluate the oxygen-evolving performance of
In order to investigate the influence of vanadium element the LDHs, electrochemical measurements were conducted on
on the surface chemical states and composition of NiFeV LDHs the catalysts with an area of 1 cm2. Linear sweep voltammetry
nanosheets, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was carried (LSV) was recorded in an O2-saturated 1 m KOH solution using
out. The NiFe LDHs nanosheets served as the reference, and the a standard three-electrode system in which a platinum elec-
obtained results were shown in Figure 2B–D. The profile surveys trode as the counter electrode, a saturated calomel electrode as
of the NiFe LDHs and NiFeV LDHs were provided in Figure S3 the reference electrode, and our catalyst electrode as the work
(Supporting Information). For NiFeV LDHs (black line, Figure S3, electrode, respectively. The NiFeV LDHs were directly applied
Supporting Information), the spectrum clearly exhibits the ele- as the working electrode. For comparison, we measured the
ment signals of Ni, Fe, V, O and C, which were consistent with electrocatalytic activity of RuO2/C, NiFe LDHs, NiV LDHs,
the EDX results in Figure 1F. The high-resolution Ni 2p spectra and Ni(OH)2. Figure 3A showed the LSV polarization curves

Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 1703341 1703341  (3 of 8) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Figure 3.  A) Polarization curves of the non-noble metal catalysts (NiFeV LDHs, NiFe LDHs, Ni(OH)2 and NiV LDHs) and the commercial RuO2/C
catalyst. B) The overpotential comparison of NiFeV LDHs, NiFe LDHs, and NiV LDHs at the current density of 20 mA cm−2 and 100 mA cm−2. C) The
corresponding Tafel plots of the three catalysts. D) The EIS curves of NiFe LDHs, NiV LDHs, and NiFeV LDHs. E) The Cdl calculations of NiFeV LDHs
and NiFe LDHs. F) The potentiostatic stability test under a certain potential (at 1.48 V vs RHE), the corresponding current density of NiFeV LDHs is
stable for over 18 h (the current density maintain 98%), demonstrating unprecedented high stability.

of OER on the catalytic electrodes. The NiFeV LDHs exhibited a higher turnover frequency (TOF) value (0.04 s−1, Figure S6,
a remarkable catalytic activity toward OER, which had a lower Supporting Information) at 1.48 V versus RHE, implying the
onset potential than the commercial RuO2, NiV LDHs and even favorable OER kinetics for NiFeV LDHs. The electrochemical
NiFe LDHs. The reverse scan of CV curve from positive to nega- active surface area (ECSA) was in proportion to the electro-
tive potential (Figure S4, Supporting Information) revealed that chemical double layer capacitance (Cdl). Therefore, Cdl was
NiFeV LDHs only needed overpotential of 192 mV to achieve calculated to estimate the ECSA by measuring the cyclic vol-
the current density of 10 mA cm−2. To further highlight the tammetry curves in the proper potential range without redox
superiority of the NiFeV LDHs, the overpotentials at current processes (Figure S7, Supporting Information). The NiFeV
densities of 20 and 100 mA cm−2 were compared in Figure 3B. LDHs had much larger Cdl (6483 uF cm−2) than the NiFe LDHs
The NiFeV LDHs, NiFe LDHs, and NiV LDHs needed overpo- (3775 uF cm−2), suggesting more electrochemical active sites
tential of 195, 249, and 330 mV to achieve the current density of the NiFeV LDHs. Furthermore, electrochemical impedance
of 20 mA cm−2, and 233, 280, and 390 mV to obtain current spectroscopy (EIS) analysis is performed to study the interfacial
of 100 mA cm−2, respectively, indicating that the NiFeV LDHs properties of the electrocatalysts electrodes. From Figure 3D,
catalyst had a very high energy efficiency for catalyzing OER the electron-transfer resistance of NiFeV LHDs was much
process. At the same time, we also explored the influence of lower than that of NiFe LDHs, which might be another reason
different metal ratios on the electrocatalytic water oxidation per- for the enhanced electrocatalytic performance. Long-term sta-
formance (Figure S5, Supporting Information). From Figure S5 bility was a crucial criterion to evaluate the performance of the
(Supporting Information), we could draw a conclusion that the catalysts. When operating the OER at the constant potential
NiFeV LDHs exhibited the best OER performance when the metal of 1.48 V versus RHE, corresponding stable current densities
ratio (Ni2+:Fe3+:V3+) was 6:1:1. As we all know, when the ratio of were observed on the NiFeV LDHs and NiFe LDHs electrodes
divalent to trivalent metal ion was 3:1 in hydrotalcite structure, in 1 m KOH. The initial current density (about 187 mA cm−2) of
the trivalent metal ion was atomic dispersion in the laminate of NiFeV LDHs was with slight attenuation (≈2%) after 18 h of
LDHs,[7c] which was beneficial to promote the electrocatalysis. testing, and that of the NiFe LDHs maintaining only 89% of the
After part of the iron sties replaced by vanadium atoms, the initial value (about 22 mA cm−2) as shown in Figure 3F,
chemical environment of the iron ion was further optimized, revealing the NiFeV LDHs were much more stable than NiFe
thereby enhancing the intrinsic activity. The Tafel slopes of LDHs under OER conditions. Moreover, the nearly unchanged
the NiFeV LDHs, NiFe LDHs, and NiV LDHs were shown in morphology of NiFeV LDHs after long-term stability test further
Figure 3C. The Tafel slope of 42 mV dec−1 for NiFeV LDHs demonstrates the robustness of the array electrode (Figure S10,
was lower than 49 mV dec−1 for NiFe LDHs and 72 mV dec−1 Supporting Information). The EDX spectrometry of NiFeV
for NiV LDHs, in the meantime, the NiFeV LDHs exhibited LDHs electrode (Figure S11, Supporting Information) revealed

Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 1703341 1703341  (4 of 8) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Figure 4.  Proposed 4e-mechanism of oxygen evolution reaction on A) NiFe LDHs and B) NiFeV LDHs for DFT+U calculation. The Fe ion (*) in the
(100) crystal plane was the active site. G stands for the reaction Gibbs free energy. C) Gibbs free energy diagram for the four steps of OER on NiFe
LDHs (black line) and NiFeV LDHs (red line). The top was the brief 4e-mechanism of OER. The green box step was the determining step and η was
stand for overpotential. The lower activation Gibbs free energy of NiFeV LDHs predicts more favorable OER kinetics. D) Total density of states (TDOS)
curves of NiFeV LDHs and NiFe LDHs, the narrower bandgap of NiFeV LDHs indicates a more conductive structure.

that the Ni:Fe:V ratio was 75.76:11.59:12.65, which was similar to the stable structure of LDHs. In the same time, the high-
to the value of 76.72:10.58:12.70 before OER test, indicating resolution XPS profile of V after long term stability test was also
that vanadium was not etched out in 1.0 m KOH solution due illustrated in Figure S12 (Supporting Information). The V4+ and

Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 1703341 1703341  (5 of 8) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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V5+ ions still existed on the NiFeV LDHs surface, which once difference value (GII = 2.4 eV) was very higher than that of NiFe
again proved that the vanadium was very stable in the LDHs LDHs, which indicated that the vanadium was not the active
structure and hard to dissolve in 1 m KOH solution. All the site in NiFeV LDHs catalyst for OER, and the doping of vana-
results demonstrate that the NiFeV LDHs have superior OER dium could enhance the catalytic activity of Fe sites by electronic
activity as well as outstanding stability. Table S1 (Supporting interaction between Fe and V atoms in the laminate. To further
Information) compared the activity of NiFeV LDHs with recently understand the doping effect in depth, the electronic structures
reported state-of-the-art LDHs catalysts. The NiFeV LDHs of NiFe LDHs and NiFeV LDHs were also calculated by DFT+U
showed superior catalytic performance than other reported method. As shown in the total densities of states (TDOSs,
LDHs,[24] also ranking one of the most active non-noble metal- Figure 4D) and the projected densities of sates (Figure S15,
based electrocatalyst in KOH, to the best of our knowledge. Supporting Information), the bandgap between the valence and
The electrochemical performance revealed that the vana- conduction bands of NiFe LDH was about 1.56 eV, while a nar-
dium doping into the laminate of NiFe LDHs could enhance rower bandgap was observed after doping with vanadium ele-
the electrocatalytic activity for OER. To search the reasonable ment, indicating a more conductive electronic structure. The
analysis, we performed DFT+U computations to calculate the vanadium doping into the NiFe LDHs, which mainly changed
Gibbs free energy of coordinate elementary steps and overpo- the conduction band sate of LDHs, could narrow the bandgap
tential for OER based on the following 4e-mechanism proposed thereby improving the electric conductivity of the active mate-
by Norskov for water oxidation rial. In addition, the sheet resistance of the NiFe LDHs was
measured to be (2.4 ± 0.3) × 103 Ω sq−1, while that of NiFeV
+H2 O →* OH + (H+ + e − ) ∆GI (I) LDHs was (1.3 ± 0.2) × 103 Ω sq−1, directly evidencing the
higher conductivity of NiFeV LDHs (Table S3, Supporting Infor-
mation). Therefore, the theory and experiment were in a great
OH →* O + (H+ + e − ) ∆GII (II) agreement that the OER kinetics on the electrode could be facili-
tated by vanadium doping to improve the electric conductivity
O + H2 O →* OOH + (H+ + e − ) ∆GIII (III) along with the significantly enhanced intrinsic electrocatalytic
In summary, the vanadium doping NiFe LDHs nanosheets
OOH →* +O2 + (H+ + e − ) ∆GIV (IV) array on the nickel foam (NiFeV LDHs) was fabricated using
a simple one-step hydrothermal method and evaluated as an
where * stands for the active sites in catalysts, the ∆GI, ∆GII, efficient electrocatalyst for OER. The NiFeV LDHs nanosheets
∆GIII, and ∆GIV stand for the reaction Gibbs free energies. array showed an outstanding OER activity with a low Tafel
The overpotential η is defined in Equation (5) slope of 42 mV dec−1 and only a small overpotential of 195 mV
to drive current of 20 mA cm−2 in 1.0 m KOH solution, mani-
η = max( ∆GI, ∆GII, ∆GIII, ∆GIV ) − 1.23eV (1) festing one of the best non-noble metal electrocatalyst for water
oxidation. The vanadium doping in the laminate of the layered
The Fe ion played an important role in NiFe LDHs for OER structure played an important role in boosting the OER catalytic
catalysis, and there were plenty of Fe ions with unsaturated coor- performance, which modulated the electronic structure and
dination in the edge of layered double hydroxides nanosheets, so thereby enhancing the electric conductivity, ensuring plentiful
the Fe ion in the (100) crystal plane was selected as the active site catalytic sites on the electrode surface, and favoring fast electron
of both NiFeV LDHs and NiFe LDHs for DFT+U computations. transfer, as revealed by the detailed electrochemical analysis
The corresponding LDHs structures were shown in Figure S13 and DFT+U calculation. The facile fabrication process and out-
(Supporting Information). Half of the iron ions in NiFe LDHs standing catalytic activity, together with the robust durable nature
structure were substituted by vanadium for the NiFeV LDHs. of NiFeV LDHs, promise its practical application in the electro-
Proposed 4e-mechanism of oxygen evolution reaction of NiFe chemical water oxidation devices. In addition, this work may
LDHs and NiFeV LDHs was presented in Figure 4A,B. The opti- open up opportunities in engineering the electronic structure
mized structures of the intermediates in the Gibbs free energy of LDHs to design more innovative electrocatalysts for H2 gas
landscape were shown in Figure 4C and Table S2 (Supporting production.
Information). The intermediate *OH, *O, and *OOH bound to
the active site through oxygen with a single bond in correspond-
ence with the above-mentioned 4e-mechanism. The largest
Gibbs free energy difference (Step II) was the rate determining Experimental Section
step, as shown in Figure 4B, which was the same for these Chemicals: Fe(NO3)3·9H2O, Ni(NO3)2·6H2O, VCl3, urea(CO(NH2)2),
two catalysts. The Gibbs free energy difference value of NiFe KOH, HCl (≈37 wt%), Ni foam, water, and hexamethylenetetramine
LDHs (∆GII = 1.89 eV) was larger than that of the NiFeV LDHs (HMT) were purchased from China National Pharmaceutical Industry
(∆GII = 1.64 eV). In other words, the NiFeV LDHs need a lower Corporation Ltd. All the reagents were of analytical grade and used as
received without further purification.
overpotential to drive water oxidation. For comparison, the V ion
Synthesis of NiFeV LDHs Nanosheets Array: Ni(NO3)2·6H2O (2.4 mmol),
in the (100) crystal plane was selected as the active site of NiFeV Fe(NO3)3·9H2O (0.4 mmol), VCl3 (0.4 mmol), and CO(NH2)2 (5 mmol)
LDHs for DFT+U computations. The Gibbs free-energy diagram were dissolved in 35 mL of distilled water and stirred to form a clear
was shown in the Figure S14 (Supporting Information), similarly, solution. Nickel foam (about 3 cm × 4 cm) was carefully cleaned with
the step II was the determining step, while the Gibbs free energy concentrated HCl solution (37 wt%) in an ultrasound bath for 5 min in

Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 1703341 1703341  (6 of 8) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
www.advancedsciencenews.com www.advenergymat.de

order to remove the surface NiO layer, and then cleaned by deionized calculated by the loading weight and the molecular weight of the LDHs
water and absolute ethanol for 3 min each time. The above solution and catalyst.
Nickel foam were then transferred to a 40 mL Teflon-lined stainless-steel Theoretical Calculation: All DFT calculations were carried out
autoclave, which was sealed and maintained at 120 °C for 12 h, and then by Vienna ab Initio Simulation Package. The projector augmented
cooled to room temperature naturally. A brown thin film on the metal wave pseudopotentials method was used for describing electron-ion
substrate was formed, then the products were subsequently rinsed interactions. The Perdew–Burke–Ernzerh exchange correlation functional
with deionized water/ethanol for three times with the assistance of with the on-site Coulomb Repulsion U term was used. The value of
ultrasonication, and dried at 80 °C for 6 h. Loading amount (2.8 mg cm−2) U is 4.3 for Fe, 3.8 for Ni, and 3.4 for V. These U values are selected
on the surface of the Ni foam was calculated by combining the inductively according to the literature.[19,26] All the atom positions in the bulk LDHs
coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP), EDX spectrometry, were optimized by the conjugate-gradient optimization procedure. The
and the general formula [M1−xIIMxIII(OH)2]z+(An−)z/n·2H2O (MII: Brillouin zone integrations were performed using a 3 × 3 × 3 Monkhorst-
divalent metals, MIII: trivalent metals, An−: the interlayer anion).[10a] Pack grid for the bulk. A spin-polarized approach was adopted. The
The NiV LDHs nanosheets array was synthesized by the same k-point sampling consists of 5 × 5 × 1 Monkhorst-Pack points for all
method without Fe(NO3)3·9H2O, and the amount of VCl3 was replaced slab models. A vacuum of at least 16 Å was adopted along z-axis. During
by 0.8 mmol. structure optimization, all energies change criterion was set to 10−4 eV,
The NiFe LDHs Nanosheets Array Was Synthesized Following the Previous the atoms were relaxed until the force acting on each atom was less than
Report[11] with Some Modification: In a typical procedure, Ni(NO3)2·6H2O 0.05 eV Å−1, the plane wave cutoff was set to 400 eV.
(0.75 mmol), Fe(NO3)3·9H2O (0.25 mmol), and CO(NH2)2 (5 mmol)
were dissolved in 36 mL of distilled water and stirred to form a clear
solution. Nickel foam was carefully cleaned. The aqueous solution and
the Ni foam were transferred to a 40 mL Teflon-lined stainless-steel Supporting Information
autoclave, which was sealed, maintained at 120 °C for 12 h, and then
Supporting Information is available from the Wiley Online Library or
allowed to cool to room temperature naturally. The post-treatment was
from the author.
the same as NiFeV LDHs.
The Ni(OH)2 Nanosheets Array were Synthesized Following the Previous
Reports[25] without Any Change: In a typical procedure, Ni(NO3)2·6H2O
(1.45 g) and HMT (1.40 g) were dissolved in 35–38 mL distilled water
and stirred to form a clear solution. The aqueous solution and the Ni
foam were transferred to a 40 mL Teflon-lined stainless-steel autoclave, The authors sincerely appreciate the helpful discussion with Prof. Lei
which was sealed, maintained at 100 °C for 10 h, and then allowed to Jiang. This work was financially supported by the National Natural
cool to room temperature within 15 min using cooling water. The thin Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the National Key Research and
film on the metal substrate was rinsed several times with distilled water Development Project (Grant No. 2016YFF0204402), the Program for
and ethanol with the assistance of ultrasonication, and dried at 80 °C Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in the University
for 6 h. (Grant No. IRT1205), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Materials Characterization: The size and morphology of the samples Universities, the Long-Term Subsidy Mechanism from the Ministry of
were characterized using a field-emission SEM (JEOL JSM6335) Finance and the Ministry of Education of PRC.
operating at 20 kV. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy
measurements were carried out using a JEOL JEM 2100 system operating
at 200 kV. X-ray powder diffraction patterns were recorded on an X-ray
diffractometer (Rigaku D/max 2500) with Cu Kα radiation (40 kV, Conflict of Interest
30 mA, λ = 1.5418 Å) at a scan rate of 10° min−1 in the 2θ range
from 8° to 80°. X-ray photoelectron spectra were carried out by using The authors declare no conflict of interest.
a model of ESCALAB 250 and LabRAMAramis. The measurement of
sheet resistance was performed using the four points probe method in
sheet resistance measurement system (RTS-8). Elemental ratio of LDHs
catalysts was also investigated by inductively coupled plasma optical
emission spectrometry (ICP-MS; Thermo X Series 2). electronic structure, layered double hydroxides, vanadium doping, water
Electrochemical Measurements: The electrochemical measurements oxidation
were carried out at room temperature in a three-electrode glass
cell connected to an electrochemical workstation (CHI 660e, CH, Received: November 27, 2017
Shanghai.). The nanosheets array on the metal substrate (1 cm × 1 cm) Revised: December 24, 2017
was used as a working electrode. A platinum electrode and a saturated Published online:
calomel electrode (SCE) were used as counter and reference electrode,
respectively. Freshly prepared 1 m KOH aqueous solution was used as
the electrolyte, which was saturated by oxygen bubbles before and during
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