MozaMap Digital Maps en
MozaMap Digital Maps en
MozaMap Digital Maps en
digital maps
for interactive board
digital maps for in-class teaching
in accordance with printed atlases
digital version
printed version
printed tableaux
of school atlases
printed version
digital version
• The atlases are full of images, thus students can learn about historical events
and history of arts at the same time. Historical maps are complemented by
topographical information from the history of fine arts, music and literature.
• Children can learn perception processing skills and acquire long-lasting
knowledge visually.
• The content of the atlases reflects current historical understanding in all cases.
• Each atlas contains an index with hundreds of historical and geographical names
and concepts.
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digital maps for interactive board and home learning
Based on the work of our cartographic department, MOZAIK Education is ready
to develop high quality, multi-layered, interactive digital maps for any region
requested. These maps are available in mozaMap and also in print.
Every feature is built up based on the educational requirements. Easy to use, but
also has many features. We can create interactive digital maps from our atlases
with features such as switchable layers and area zooming. The teachers can draw
on the maps, save views, etc.
These features
can be accessed
through mozaMap,
a desktop
application for
IWBs, replacing wall
maps and taking
teaching with
geographical and
historical maps to
the next level.
9. Save picture 10. Zoom
Screen Overview Save your own views together with After activating this tool, drag the
your own drawings and markers as mouse pointer to select the area to
images. Saved maps and views can zoom in or out.
be inserted into mozaBook.
1. Map Title and Mode
1 4 5 6 7 11. In-map magnify
This is where you can see the Title
of the map and the active mode and pan tool
(Map, Exercise or Animation).
Turn on the navigation tool which
2 allows you to pan and zoom in
2. Side panel 3 and out. You can move this tool to
Use the green button to display or anywhere on the screen.
hide the side panel. The panel can
be opened on both sides of the 12. Legend
screen. You can also drag the panel Show or hide the legend or drag
to the other side. it to anywhere on the screen. You
can resize the legend window by
3. Layers tab dragging its bottom right corner.
It displays the layers of the active
map, which can be switched on and 13. Default view
off or set to flashing. For the latter, Reset the map to the (full) default view.
change Map Items mode to 3
14. Undo/Redo
8 10 12 14 16 You can undo all your changes on the map.
15. Settings
4. Language
Use the panel to customize
Digital maps are designed to enable the program to best suit your needs.
easy switching between several This will make your work faster and
languages with just a few clicks. 9 11 13 15 more enjoyable.
5. Search 6. Exercise tab 7. One level back 8. Drawing Tools 16. Switch to…
You can also search the text of the Create your own exercises To choose another map, Draw on the map, measure Switch to Exercise view or – if it is
map here and display your own and questions. To learn return to the map list of distances or insert map included in the map – to Animation
(saved) layers and search results. how, see page 1516. the current atlas or to the items. To learn how, see view, then back to Map view.
list of atlases. page 13.
Navigation on the map All of our maps are vector-based, so the quality of the maps remains the same
regardless of the level of magnification. An overview of the maps helps navigate over
the map, and acts as a panning tool as well. From every view and modification, the
The mozaMap offers various tools for navigating the maps: user can go back to the default view by simply clicking on the “home” button.
zoom slider, area-selection zoom, in-map navigator for zooming
and panning. The maps can also be magnified using the scroll
wheel and panned by dragging on the screen.
& pan tool
& pan tool
This feature allows the user to access these maps as one. Each map contains different
layers based on its topic. Switching between these maps will retain user content,
magnification and map position. It helps the teacher to demonstrate the correlations
between contributing factors.
Supporting factors of the world
famous British wool production.
To demonstrate correlations between
climate, natural vegetation, soil
and agriculture the user can switch
between these maps retaining the
map cut-out (zoom, position) and all
user content and annotation.
with mozaBook
Every map can have multiple
pre-set and user-created
views. Links can be inserted
into books and booklets in the
mozaBook application to access
the pre-set map views with
a single click.
Annotative bubbles can be inserted for placing text and images onto the map, allowing the user
to enrich the map’s content according to his or her needs. With these custom options and the fact
they can be saved: lesson-focused, specialized maps can be created
and linked directly to any book’s pages,
if used together with mozaBook.
With the above functions the user can create
presentations on the map by placing their own content
into their own layers, and saving it as their own view.
Drawing and Measuring a category on the toolbar header and drag the selected bubble or
marker on the map
8 9
5 10
You can draw on maps , If you want to change the
highlight important details , properties of an item, select
or measure distances it ; to delete it, just drag
it into the Trash
Tips 3
• You can drag a straight or 6
broken line by switching
• You can measure distances
or areas by selecting these
buttons 11
• You can insert images Don’t worry, you can undo
into the text bubbles by all your changes
dragging. 13 12
• Close the drawing tool by
clicking again on the pencil
with dynamic change
Our maps may also be animated. By selecting and highlighting
different characteristics or parts at various historic dates our
software is able to animate the transitions between these
events over time.
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Switch to
Exercise view
and open a new
12 Tips
To create a new exercise, you must be 10 •
by choosing this option, the location of the items will
logged in with your mozaLearn user
not be marked on the map.
account . If you haven’t yet logged
in, you can do it here. 11 • You can set the time available for solving the exercise
• Add as many items as you want, here you can set
which ones you want to be displayed at one time.
• You can share the new exercise with your
Number of exercises. school or with any mozaMap users
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