PERC2016 TalbotIII
PERC2016 TalbotIII
PERC2016 TalbotIII
learning courses
FIG. 1. The Activity System.
tribute to student success. In the activity system on the top of [17] who take a situated view of knowledge. They state that
Figure 2, the Discipline is the Subject and student success is practitioners typically engage in reasoning that utilizes causal
again the Object. Communities exist within and across each models to solve ill-defined problems and suggest that stu-
of these interacting systems. The complex interaction of these dents gain conceptual understanding through an apprentice-
three levels of the object comprise our object of ultimate in- ship where they engage in the practices of a domain.
terest: student success within the systems. The concept of three-dimensional learning [18] promotes
the integration of scientific practices, concepts that span the
science disciplines, and disciplinary core ideas in develop-
IV. METHODOLOGY ing tasks. Not only does engaging in scientific practice align
with the way we described authentic activity above, but also
The interacting activity systems depicted in Figure 2 help focusing on a few central concepts creates further alignment
to define our data collection and analyses. Research ques- because it is around those that science practitioners organize
tion 1 (What are the characteristics of active learning tasks and contextualize their knowledge [19]. Although originally
employed in undergraduate science courses?) is focused on developed for K-12, we contend that the concept of three-
mediating artifacts in the course level system. Research ques- dimensional learning applies equally well to post-secondary
tions 2 and 3 (How can the design and implementation of classrooms because of the importance of authenticity. The
active learning methods be understood in terms of a theoret- Three-Dimensional Learning Assessment Protocol [20] was
ical framework? and How are LAs involved in supporting designed, in part, to determine if assessment tasks are likely
active learning?) are focused on community, rules, and di- to prompt students engagement with the three dimensions.
vision of labor (if the activity is social) in the course level We are using the protocol to characterize the active learning
system. Finally, research question 4 (How does engaging in tasks being used in the courses we are observing. Again, we
active learning with and without LA support contribute to stu- will develop this characterization into predictor variables in
dent level outcomes?) is focused on the interacting resultant our quantitative models. We will interpret how well aligned
object of all three activity systems. In this section, we discuss the task is with three-dimensional learning as a measure of
the instruments we have identified, adapted, or developed for the authenticity of the task.
data collection and analysis, and the quantitative analyses we
propose in order to answer each of the research questions.
B. Characterizing Community
A. Characterizing Mediating Artifacts
We are constraining the bounds of Community for our sci-
The Mediating Artifacts of our activity system correspond ence learning activity system to the classroom. This means
to the active learning tasks students engage with in the class- that the Community will consist of the students, the instruc-
room. We are concerned with identifying the types of active tor, and the LAs (if it is an LA-supported course). There
learning being used, and with characterizing the tasks as a are three types of interactions that we are aiming to char-
means of developing a set of predictor variables for our quan- acterize within the Community: student-student interactions
titative models (see Section IV C) and to build descriptors for which we will examine through student surveys to define the
our qualitative arguments. classroom network space and each member’s position in that
To identify the types of active learning methods, we are network [21]; instructor-student interactions which we will
observing classes using the Classroom Observation protocol look at through student action COPUS codes (’answering a
for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS) [16]. The codes from the question’, ’asks a question’, ’engaged in whole class discus-
COPUS that we note as active learning types are ’individual sion’) and instructor action COPUS codes (’answering ques-
thinking or problem solving’, ’discussing clicker questions’, tions’, ’moving through class guiding ongoing student work
’working in groups on a worksheet activity’, ’other assigned during active learning task’, ’one-on-one extended discussion
group activity’, and ’engaged in whole class discussion’. The with one or a few individuals’); and LA-student interactions
types of active learning methods used and their frequency are characterized by codes similar to instructor codes from the
possible variables in our quantitative models. COPUS.
To characterize the Mediating Artifacts further, we need In characterizing the link between Community and the Me-
to analyze the tasks involved. Our decision for what analy- diating Artifacts we are concerned with determining the ex-
sis to execute is based on what task characteristics we think tent to which students engage with each other and the tasks,
will have the greatest impact on student success in science and the extent to which instructors and LAs facilitate that en-
courses. Our hypothesis is that students will be more suc- gagement. Class-level engagement will be measured based
cessful in courses where they engage in ’authentic’ tasks. By on Chi’s Interactive>Constructive>Active>Passive frame-
’authentic’ tasks we mean tasks where students do activities work [22] and the other pieces will be measured through
that scientists actually engage in, in ways that scientists do. the frequency of the Community interaction codes described
This is consistent with the definition given by Brown et al. above.
C. Building Quantitative Models example, any effect due to socioeconomic status (for which
Expected Financial Contribution is a proxy) cannot be disen-
Because our object of interest is viewed as existing within tangled statistically or substantively from any other predic-
three interacting activity systems, and because those systems tor variable unless considered in concert with other factors in
exist at different levels (due to the nestedness of students the interacting activity systems. These potential interactions
within courses within disciplines), we are using Hierarchical must not only be understood statistically, but also theoreti-
Linear Modeling (HLM) [23] to model and help make sense cally.
of the outcome measures. In using HLM, we take very seri-
ously the challenge of defining the model variables with "pre-
cise meaning so that statistical results can be related to the
theoretical concerns that motivate the research" [23]. CHAT
helps us to do that in a way that addresses the dialectic nature Although we have yet to answer our research questions, our
of these data and the complexity of the object of interest. current efforts are strengthened by the CHAT framework. Im-
portantly, the dialectic, object-oriented nature of CHAT will
Our initial quantitative models will be run with two levels
help us to make sense of a complex object (student success)
(students within courses), as our current data collection is fo-
in a set of interacting activity systems at multiple levels: stu-
cused there. For now, the discipline level exists only concep-
dent, course, and discipline. Our current challenges are to
tually to help our framing and interpretation of the object of
define our data in meaningful variables which can be mod-
measurement. Outcomes to be modeled include student gains
eled quantitatively. The operationalization of the variables
on concept inventories, course grades and drop/fail/withdraw
will be informed by our qualitative arguments and interpreta-
likelihoods, and persistence in major. At the student level
tions, considering other data sources from each of the inter-
(level 1) the following predictors will be included in the
acting activity systems. In the future, we also plan to charac-
model (as random effects): student engagement, gender, eth-
terize the discipline level in a way that can contribute to the
nicity, Expected Financial Contribution, GPA. At the course
quantitative models.
level (level 2), the following predictors will be included to
model randomly varying slopes at level 1: course activities
variable, class engagement variable, instructor actions vari- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
able, Learning Assistant actions variable.
Without an explicit theoretical framing, the relative contri- This work is supported by NSF DUE award 1525115, and
bution of each effect (i.e., slopes in regression equations) on this paper is Contribution No. LAA-040 of the International
student outcomes would be only minimally interpretable. For Learning Assistant Alliance.