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Pavan Patel
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Submitted: 02-01-2022 Accepted: 12-01-2022
ABSTRACT easily penetrate the skin can be delivered by this
Topicaldrug delivery systems have been shown to method. This review article describes introduction,
overcome difficulties in drug delivery, especially physiology of skin, criteria for drug selection of
orally. A topical patch is a drug-containing topical patch, which conditions topical patches are
adhesive patch that is attached to the skin, and a used/not used, advantages, disadvantages, Factor
specific dose of drug can be delivered to the blood affecting topical drug delivery system, Components
through the skin. It promotes the healing of an of Topical Drug Delivery System, a general clinical
injured area of the body. Advantages of the drug considerations in the use of tdds, methods of
delivery route through the skin compared to other preparation of tdds, evaluation parameter.
routes such as oral, topical, intravenous, etc. is a
patch that allows a controlled release of medication INTRODUCTION
into the patient, usually through a porous Topical products are classified according
membrane that covers a drug reservoir or by body to those that are applied to produce local and
heat melting thin layers of medication embedded in systemic effects. These systems are commonly
an adhesive.The main disadvantage of thetopical used for localized skin infections when other routes
delivery system is that the skin is a very effective of administration have failed. See in Figure 11,2.
barrier, so only drugs with small molecules that can
distribution system. An important aspect of topical lipid/water partition and it is a non-electrolyte, the
drug use is making the skin the target organ for absorption of the drug is improved through the
diagnosis and treatment. This review is more skin. Dermatological products come in a variety of
concerned with all the details regarding formulations and their consistency, although the
conventional and current advances in topical drug most common dermatological products are semi-
delivery4,5,6. solid dosage forms7.
A topical drug delivery system is a local Based on qualitative(Q1) &
drug delivery system for the delivery of topical quantitative(Q2) composition, Semi solid
drugs through the skin for the treatment of skin products(Q3), TCS provides a framework for
disorders. These systems are commonly used for classifying topical drug products. Topical drug
local skin infections. Formulations are available in products are classified into 4 classes, as seen in
different forms, from solid to semi-solid to liquid. Figure 28.
If the drug substance in solution has a favorable
Fig. 2:-Classification of Topical Drug Products Based on Qualitative & Quantitative Composition
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF SKIN parts: living cells or cells of the squamous layer
The skin is most extensive part of the body. Human (existing epidermis) and squamous cells. dead cells
body covering an area in skin about 2 m2. Human of the corneal layer.5 called the stratum corneum.
skin three distinct layer. Each layer has perform Viable epidermis further classified into four
own function and own importance to maintain the distinct layers, as shown in Fig.39.
integrity of skin. The stratum lucidum
Cellular epidermis The stratum granulosum
The epidermis is a constantly renewing The stratum spinosum
squamous epithelium that covers the entire outer The stratum basale
surface of the body and is mainly made up of two
DOI: 10.35629/7781-0701292302 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 293
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 1 Jan-Feb 2022, pp: 292-302 ISSN: 2249-7781
Viable epidermis: various layers such as the lucidum layer, the seed
It lies below the stratum corneum and layer, the organism layer and the substrate layer. In
varies in thickness from 0.06mm on the eyelids to the basal layer, cell mitosis continuously renews
0.8mm on the palms. Going inside, it consists of the epidermis and this proliferation compensates
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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 1 Jan-Feb 2022, pp: 292-302 ISSN: 2249-7781
for the loss of dead keratinocytes from the surface histological changes on their own, undergoing
of the skin. As the cells produced by the basal layer keratinization to form the outermost layer of the
migrate outward, they undergo morphological and stratum corneum11. shown in Fig. 5.
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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 1 Jan-Feb 2022, pp: 292-302 ISSN: 2249-7781
(2) When rapid dose titration is required. A wide field of application compared to other
(3) When the required dose is equal to or less than routes.
30 mg/24 hours16,17. Dispensing drugs to a specific location
Avoid first-pass metabolism. Possibility of local skin irritation at the site of
It is easy to use and easy to apply. application.
Easy withdrawal of medicine. Drug-induced contact dermatitis may occur.
Drugs are selectively distributed to a specific Some drugs with low permeability are difficult
location. to penetrate through the skin.
Gastrointestinal incompatibility should be Drugs with larger particles are difficult to
avoided. penetrate.
Provide the use of drugs with short biological Possibility of an allergic reaction.
half-lives and narrow therapeutic windows. Drugs with very low plasma concentrations
Improve patient compliance.Self-medication. may be used to action
It gives effect at low dose and by continuous
Avoid drug concentration fluctuations and PERMEABILITY:20,21
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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 1 Jan-Feb 2022, pp: 292-302 ISSN: 2249-7781
Types of polymer: -
Natural polymers: Synthetic Elastomers: Synthetic polymers:
Cellulose derivative, Waxes, Hydrin rubber, Polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl
Gelatin, Proteins, Gum, Shellac, silicone chloride, polyethylene,
starch, Natural rubber. rubber, Nitrile, polypropylene, polyamiode,
Acrylonitrile, polyurea, epoxy.
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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 1 Jan-Feb 2022, pp: 292-302 ISSN: 2249-7781
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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 1 Jan-Feb 2022, pp: 292-302 ISSN: 2249-7781
transferred to the vial. glassware and stored at standard deviation values should be calculated
cryogenic temperature until properties can be from the individual weights.
Thickness of patch
By using Free Film Method:In this process, a The thickness of the loaded patch was
cellulose acetate-free film is first prepared by measured for different points by use of digital
casting it onto a mercury surface. And 2% w/w micrometer and the mean thickness and standard
polymer solution was prepared using deviation of the patch were determined to ensure
chloroform. Plasticizers should be added at a the thickness of the prepared patch.
concentration of 40% by weight/weight of
polymer. Then, 5 ml of the polymer solution
was poured into a glass ring placed over the Flatness Test:
mercury surface in a glass petri dish. The Three longitudinal strips should be cut
solvent evaporation rate can be controlled by from each film into different sections such as one
placing an inverted funnel over the Petri dish. from the center, another from the left side and
Film formation was observed by observing the another from the right side. The length of each
surface of the mercury after the solvent had strips was measured and the change in length due
completely evaporated. The dry film will be to non uniform flatness was measured by
separated and stored between wax paper sheets determining the percent constriction, with 0%
in a desiccator until use. By this process, we constriction equivalent to 100% flatness.
can prepare freestanding films of different
thicknesses, which can be prepared by varying A Percentage Moisture Uptake:
the volume of the polymer solution. A Weighed films should be stored in a
desiccator at room temperature for 24 h containing
EVALUATION PARAMETER OF TOPICAL saturated solution of potassium chloride to
PATCH:30-47 maintain 84% RH. After 24 h, the films should be
A Drug Excipients Interaction Studies of reweighed and the percentage of moisture uptake
patch determined according to the formula below.
Drugs and excipients must be compatible Percentage moisture uptake = [initial weight-final
to make a stable product and it is imperative to weight/ final weight] × 100.
detect any possible physical and chemical
interactions. Interaction studies are usually A Moisture Loss:
performed using thermal analysis, FTIR studies, Prepared films should be weighed individually and
UV techniques and chromatography comparing stored in a desiccator containing calcium chloride
their physicochemical characteristics such as at 40 °C. After 24 h, the films should be reweighed
assays, fusion fusion, characteristic wave numbers and the percentage moisture loss determined
and absorption maxima, etc. according to the formula below.
% Moisture Loss = [Initial wt – Final wt/ Final wt]
× 100
Drug Content of patch
A specific area of the patch must be Water Vapor Transmission Rate (WVTR)
dissolved in the appropriate solvent for a specific Studies of patch
volume. The solution should then be filtered Glass vials of equal diameter are used as a
through a filter media and analyzed for drug transmission cells. These transmission cells were
content by an appropriate method (UV or HPLC thoroughly washed and dried in an oven at 100 °C
technique). Each value represents the mean of three for a period of time. Approximately 1 g of
samples. anhydrous calcium chloride was placed into the
cells and the corresponding polymeric films were
Weight Uniformity of patch attached to the edge. Cells were accurately weighed
Prepared patches should be dried at 60°C and stored in a sealed desiccator containing a
for 4 hrs prior before testing. A specific area of the saturated solution of potassium chloride to
patch should be cut into different parts of the patch maintain a relative humidity of 84 %. Cells were
and weighed in a digital balance. The mean and removed and weighed after storage. The amount of
DOI: 10.35629/7781-0701292302 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 299
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 1 Jan-Feb 2022, pp: 292-302 ISSN: 2249-7781
water vapor passed by found using following Skin Irritation Study of patch
formula. Skin sensitization and irritation tests can
Water Vapor Transmission Rate = Final Weight – be performed on healthy rabbits (mean weight 1.2-
Initial WeightTime X Area 1.5 kg). The dorsal surface (50 cm2) of the rabbit
It is expressed in grams of moisture should be cleaned and hair removed from the clean
gained/hrs/cm.sq. dorsal surface by scraping and cleaning the surface
using disinfected alcohol and representative
Swellability of patch formulations may be used for application. onto the
The 3.1 cm2 patch were weighed and placed in10 skin. The patch should be removed after 24 hours
ml of double distilled water petri dish and allowed and the skin should be observed and graded into 5
to imbibe. Patch weight increase were determined grades based on the severity of the skin damage.
at preset time intervals, until observed constant
weight. In-vitro drug release studies of patch
Degree of swelling (S) = Wt– Wo/Wo× 100 The paddle-over-disk method (USP V
Where S is the percentage of swelling, device) can be used to assess drug release from
Wt is the weight of the patch at time t, and Wo is prepared patches. The dry film of known thickness
the weight of the patch at time 0. shall be cut into a defined shape, weighed and fixed
to the glass plate with an adhesive. Then place the
Folding Endurance of patch: glass dish in 500 ml of dissolution medium or
A specific area strip should be cut evenly and phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) and the apparatus
repeatedly folded in the same place until it breaks. equilibrated at 32 ± 0,5 °C. The stirrer isset from
The number of times the film can be folded in the the glass plate 2.5 cm and operates at 50 rpm.
same position without breaking gives value to its Samples (aliquots 5 ml) can be sampled over an
folding endurance. appropriate period of up to 24 h and analyzed by
UV spectrophotometer or high performance liquid
Polariscope Examination of patch chromatography (HPLC). The test shall be carried
This test should be done to check for drug crystals out in triplicate and an average value may be
in the patch with a polariscope. A specific surface calculated.
area of the patch should be kept on a slide and
observed for drug crystals to distinguish whether Stability Studies of patch
the drug is crystalline or amorphous in the patch. Stability studies should be performed
according to ICH guidelines by storing TDDS
Tensile Strength: samples at 40 ± 0.5 °C and 75 ± 5% RH for 6
The tensile strength of the film was months. Samples were taken at 0, 30, 60, 90 and
determined using a universal strength tester. The 180 days and analyzed for suitable drug content.
sensitivity of the device is 1 g. It includes two force
sensing handles. The bottom is fixed and the top is REFERENCES
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