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was called Abbas Populi.

Du Cange, in his glossary, also gives

snow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,037

the means at its disposal. He took pains to define the

use. There is some evidence which seems to point to a

were temporarily deserted for the new diggings. Other gold

we see the Aegean area clearly, it is dominated by Hellenes,

but to Brown properly belongs the title of the first American

in, and at other times to have been covered by harrowing.

December 1851). The policy followed at this period consisted

(941-965) to Constantinople, where he found his Greek

that a great inducement exists to increase the yield either

is described as a monster of ugliness and deformity, as he is

after its suppression the administration was entrusted to an

Assam, and is bounded on the east by the Daphla Hills and on

(25) The war, so disastrous to Italy, attracted the attention of

opposite shore of the Hellespont. The assassination of

a popular legend, put into verse as The Courtship of Miles

Richard Church strongly advocated, not only the retention of

in use at the end of the 2nd century A.D. Wimmer supports his

and V. barbastellus, both found from England to India.

philosopher assumed instead of his family name, ``Francois

silver medals which are given by the society in the case

attributable to the persuasiveness with which he enunciated his

took place before the ascent. The balloon, which was painted

a wider field for its exercise in the great theological

perhaps the climax was in 1837, when Adams presented a petition

may be absorbed into the system. Overlying and sometimes

conquest. On the death of Alexander VI. he aspired to the

face or on the hands, and breaks into an ulcer which lasts

from Asia to America, some ethnologists have supposed that by

and charterers, by which the shipowner agrees to let and

Tiersalpljochl (Campitello to'I.iers), foot path. . . . . . . . . . . .8,055

(London, 1785); T. Forster, Annals of some Remarkable aerial

ambition and bigotry. Though ranking with Augustine, Jerome,

contorted species of kapsias, mesembryanthemums, aloes and

they act as trustees, liquidators, receivers and managers of

consists of two parts of different styles and date. The older

Alfred turned his attention to the increase of the navy, and

Alexander left the conquered portion of India east of the

of ethylene bromide by dropping it slowly into a boiling

mud. Modern Amsterdam extends southward beyond the Singel

from St Louis to Alton. He had attracted considerable

of placing the ``confederation of Europe'' on a firm basis of

since at the point of contact in the latter case the acid

1875 has filled it with authentic topographical details.

sufficient to say that it is not synonymous with force majeure;

Romans. The polygonal wabs of the acropolis may still be

Agave americana, Century plant or American aloe. About

officiating prelate. After the battle of Hastings Aldred

in these circumstances that in the Anglo-French declaration

brought into France by Blanche, daughter of Louis IX., who

thus employed he devoted his leisure to the translation

unaccountably concluded a four months' truce and withdrew his

its English contemporaries in the field of weekly journalism.

sulphur it forms gold, while with various kinds of impure

de la ciudad de Compluto (Alcala, 1725-1728); and the

lighting large fires, and purifying the air with perfumes,

command. Made field-marshal after the assault of the Alte

important silk factory in the department, occupying over 1000

obviously connected, with those of any other script. This is

the idea of the family held together by the patria potestas;

O.S. Old Style.

The award of the tribunal made in October 1903 was arrived

sultans from 1361, when it was captured by Murad I., until

long journey round the island of Ceylon which was previously

gemsbuck, hartebeest, gerenuk (the most common--it has

necessaries for production are owned in common by the Labour

advised that a special officer be appointed by the Local

revolt. Under these circumstances Albert returned to

aid in deciphering Aegean characters, nor is it by any means

nearer state, and in the development of American law all

researches. Of his astronomical writings during this period

provinces of Teramo (population in 1901, 307,444), Aquila

is comparable with that of the amalgams of the alkali metals.

ALBATEGNIUS (c. 850--929), an Arab prince and astronomer,

of chlorophyll, and the consequent parasitic or saprophytic

acids, and double salts with platinum chloride, and they

has been criticized, but no fault can justly be found with

genius. There is good reason for believing that his tragedy of

19 See below, and Bosanquet, op. cit. pp. 382 ff.

exhausted, and it is not improbable that the alloy-producing

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