HV - MV Substations Civil Works - 1.0
HV - MV Substations Civil Works - 1.0
HV - MV Substations Civil Works - 1.0
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
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Business Line: Enel Grids
4. REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 5
7. DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................... 9
8. INPUT DATA.............................................................................................................................................. 9
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
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Business Line: Enel Grids
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
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Business Line: Enel Grids
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
Aim of the document is to describe the necessary activities oriented to a standard design of the civil elements
characterizing a primary electrical substation, starting from the topographical and geotechnical surveys to the
project and the execution of the civil works.
Therefore, the technical specification defines the design criteria to be performed and the references to the
technical documentation (international, European standards, internal specifications, etc.). Furthermore, it's
always necessary to consider all the applicable local standards and regulations where present. The most
stringent requirements shall be applied.
The design of the civil elements that characterize a primary substation must be inspired by the following
• Safety;
• Sustainability;
• Standardization;
• Functionality;
The design of the civil works must take place in accordance with the standard plant solutions (Liberty Solutions)
envisaged in the document GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0001 HV/MV Liberty Substations Construction Specification -
ex OPI-EC-ND-2022-0132-GRI - ex OI 2421 and in the ANNEX I – LIBERTY SUBSTATIONS SCHEMES AND
LAYOUTS, therefore in perfect synergy between the different technical disciplines coexisting in the electrical
substation. Every initiative and/or constructive solution that is based on the principles of sustainability and
respect for the environment must take place in compliance with the provisions of the document GRI-GRI-GUI-
E&C-0018. The use of the BIM methodology allows the integration between the different disciplines, the
creation of standard "Libraries" of the elements and their functional design based on the addition of a highly
informative part to the geometric 3D model.
This document shall be implemented and applied to the extent possible within the Enel Grids Business Line
and in compliance with any applicable laws, regulations, and governance rules, including any stock exchange
and unbundling-relevant provisions, which in any case prevail over the provisions contained in this document.
Within the corresponding geographical perimeter, each Enel Grids Company shall issue, under the supervision
of Enel Grids Global Network Design, a detailed document in accordance with the provisions of this document.
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
The following reference standards shall be considered for the preparation of the design documentation,
regardless the Country where the Plant will be built.
It must be considered the local standards, codes and regulations as applicable in Country where the Plant will
be built and the list of additional local standards and requirement that may be defined for a specific Country.
The list is not exhaustive and it is provided only an exemplificative title. It will be reserved the right to complete
the list with new documents at any time.
In case of discrepancies highlighted between the different codes applicable, these shall be submitted.
Regulations and standard to be considered in each case will be the last one in force at the time.
• Integrated Policy for Quality, Health and Safety, Environment, anti-Bribery and Information security;
• ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System - Requirements with guidance for use;
• ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management System - Requirements with guidance for
• ISO 37001 - Anti-bribery Management System - Requirements with guidance for use;
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
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Business Line: Enel Grids
• ASTM C 143: Standard Test Method C143, Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete;
• ASTM A615: Covers deformed and plain carbon steel bars for concrete reinforcement;
• ASTM A497: Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Deformed, for Concrete;
• ASTM 2487: Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil
Classification System);
• ASTM 2488: Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedures);
• IEEE 980: Guide for Containment and Control of Oil Spills in Substations;
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
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Business Line: Enel Grids
• EN 10029: Hot rolled steel plates 3 mm thick or above – Tolerance on dimensions and shape;
• ISO 898-1: Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel – Part 1: Bolt,
screws and studs with specified property classes – Coarse thread and fine pitch thread;
• ISO 1461: Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles — Specifications and test
• ISO 2247 5-1: Geotechnical investigation and testing. Sampling methods and groundwater
measurements, Part 1: technical principles for execution;
• ISO 14688-1: Geotechnical investigation and testing. Identification and classification of soil, Part 1:
identification and description.
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
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Business Line: Enel Grids
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
The purpose of this document is to define the requirements for the design criteria of the civil works of the
electrical substation.
This document therefore describes the activities aimed at a standard design of the civil elements characterizing
a primary electrical substation and sets out the design criteria to be performed and references to the technical
The design of the civil works must take place according to the standard plant engineering solutions (Liberty
Solutions) set out in the document GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0001 HV/MV Liberty Substations Construction
Specification - ex OPI-EC-ND-2022-0132-GRI - ex OI 2421 and in ANNEX I - DIAGRAMS AND
CONNECTIONS OF LIBERTY CABINS, on the sustainability principles envisaged by the GRI-GRI-GUI-E&C-
0018 document and using the application of the BIM methodology which helps the plant design processes and
allows to create a digital twin.
To start the civil design of the ES, the following data are necessary:
• topographical survey;
• geotechnical & geological report and laboratory and site investigation report;
• hydrological studies;
• electromechanical layout;
Before defining the investigation plan, it needs to know the main geological properties of the site.
Geological report has the purpose to check, from the geological point of view, the feasibility of civil works for
the ES; the same report should be aimed at obtaining a construction permit or other authorization documents
(environmental, landscaping, etc.).
The report must be developed considering existing hazard and feasibility maps and, if not available, the
mentioned maps must be carried out for the site.
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
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Business Line: Enel Grids
The geological report shall define, with specific reference to the site/project, the main geomorphological
aspects, the climatic characteristics, the morphogenetic and instability processes occurring and active, if any,
and their evolution/tendency; the main stratigraphy of the site including detailed description of the different
lithotypes, their alteration/fracturation state and degradation; besides, the report must describe the main
structural aspects (occurrence of faults, folding, etc), the characteristics of discontinuity surfaces, especially of
rocks in detail; it must provide the main hydrogeological aspects and the surface/subsurface hydraulic
circulation scheme, highlighting the hydrogeological features in case of existing restrictions.
The report must also provide all the necessary data to assess the site seismic hazard and action of the project.
The report shall be accompanied by drawings/sketches, geological maps and sections, and by all the
documentation of site and laboratory surveys, historical and performed.
It’s necessary to define an adequate investigation plan including the field geotechnical and geophysical survey
and the laboratory tests to be performed for a complete definition of the properties of the ES area.
At the end of investigation, it’s necessary a final geological/geotechnical report describing in detail all activities
performed included detailed photographic and geotechnical report, the results, the technical codes, the
recommendations and conclusions related to geotechnical parameters to be used for ES geotechnical and
structural dimensioning.
The geotechnical report shall be defining the stratigraphy for each performed site test for a drilling and a trial
pit, respectively.
Based on the tests performed on site and in the laboratory, the following parameters shall be clearly defined
at each layer:
• friction angle;
• cohesion;
• unit weight;
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
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Business Line: Enel Grids
• USCS Classification;
• stratigraphy;
In case of the substation platform or foundation close to a slope, the global stability must be checked. The
mechanical properties of the area will be defined along the slope under investigation. The use of a proper 2D
slope stability method (such as Bishop, Janbu or Morgenstern and Price methods) is necessary. The output of
the analysis shall report the safety factors for the different sliding surfaces and highlight the smallest safety
The safety margin for the verification must be following the applicable code.
Structural supports, foundations and anchorages of electrical equipment in voltage classes greater than 35 kV
should be designed according to IEEE Std. 693.
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
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Business Line: Enel Grids
The Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) should be defined to select the appropriate seismic qualification level.
The PGA shall be carefully estimated considering seismic zone, soil classification and site conditions.
However, different and more stringent classification or requirement may be adopted as per local standards.
The main objective of the hydrological study is to define the maximum flow rates expected in every of the
basins or drainage areas that are relevant for the project, and for return periods of, at least, 10, 50, 100 and
200 years.
All the required hydrological analysis for the external and internal drainage systems of the substation area,
including the access roads shall be performed with the purpose of understanding the baseline hydrological
environment. The hydrological study is necessary to:
• assess the sensitivity of the baseline hydrological environment at the subject site and in the
surrounding area with respect to the proposed project;
• identify any potential impacts on the hydrological environment associated with the proposed
• identify any constraints posed by the existing hydrological environment to the proposed development;
• recommend appropriate mitigation measures to ensure that the potential impact of the proposed
project is slight and neutral.
The hydrological study must be based on the best available rainfall data for the region under analysis. These
data are aimed to define the rainfall height (mm) or the rainfall intensity (mm/h). One of the following source,
or a combination of them, may be used to get the necessary data:
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
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Business Line: Enel Grids
• Probabilistic (classic) analysis: in case of existing of a good set of rainfall data (at least 20 years of
data registrations). Statistical analysis of the rain data must be performed by using one of the
traditionally applied approaches, such as Gumbel, Gamma, GEV, TCEV, Log Pearson, Log Normal,
etc. The most adequate method must be selected by performing a reliability test, e.g. Kolgomorov
• Literature review: in case of existing, consistent and readily available processed data nearby the
project site that can be considered as representative;
• Spatial Interpolation: if the available rainfall data resulted scattered and not representative for the
project area, a spatial interpolation can be adopted to identify a better and more adherent data
• Raw Data Processing: in case of missing rain gauge data, either for the project site and the
surrounding area, precipitation data can be collected from on-line archives such as TRMM (Tropical
Rainfall Measurement Mission – NASA: https://gpm.nasa.gov/data), NOAA or any other official source
of the country in which the project is being developed.
Once the design rainfall has been defined for every required return period, it’s necessary to delineate all the
relevant basins and drainage areas for the project, and then, start the evaluation of the expected runoff.
Calculation of runoff is a critical step and must be estimated accurately with a reasonable margin of safety to
ensure protection of the structures and natural streams, and a cost-effective design. For this reason, it’s
needed to decide an appropriate model of transformation rainfall-runoff.
• Rational Method: Acceptable for drainage areas less than 2.5 km² (1 mi²) when only peak flow rates
are needed.
• Kinematic Wave Method: Acceptable for any size watershed and appropriate for complex watersheds
and any drainage areas greater than 2.5 km² (1 mi²). The Kinematic Wave Method is the preferred
method for most complex urban runoff conditions.
• SCS Unit Hydrograph Method: Acceptable for any size watershed and appropriate for complex
watersheds and any drainage areas greater than 2.5 km² (1 mi²).
In the case that the Kinematic Wave or SCS Unit Hydrograph Method is chosen, a hydrologic modeling
software capable to simulate the precipitation-runoff processes of dendritic basin like HEC-HMS shall be used.
Regarding the delineation of the relevant basins and the definition of their physical characteristics, if a Digital
Elevation Model (DEM) is available for the analysis, all the parameters shall be obtained from the DEM using
proper Geographical Information Systems (GIS) tools.
When using the Rational Method, the concentration time as per traditionally applied equations it shall be
defined, selecting the one that better suit the morphology of the area.
The effects of the substation area on the Hydrology of the area surrounding it shall be adequately investigated
(post-development effects). The studies shall be following the requirements of the local authorities.
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
A flood risk evaluation, to evaluate the vulnerability of the site selected for the ES, it has to performed. The
study must be performed considering a return period not lower than 200 years, following the results of the
hydrology analysis and using a 2D numerical model, if applicable. In the case that an unsteady flow analysis
(2D) is considered necessary to define the vulnerability of the ES area, it must be performed using an
appropriate software. The return period of 200 years represents a minimum value, it shall be compared to the
requirement of local authorities and the most restrictive value shall apply.
In the flooding risk assessment report the following data shall be included:
• Drawing/Maps showing the existing ground level for the substation site location;
A proper hydraulic study shall be performed to define the flow rate values, considering the morphology, geology
and land use of the catchment area and the existing atmospheric conditions (i.e. moisture content).
The aim of the hydraulic report is to define the dimensions and the characteristics of all structures related with
the drainage system designed for:
• complete description of the main morphologic characteristic of the involved area (basins, sub-basin
and catchment areas);
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
• delineation of the main basin and of all the contributing drainage areas;
• definition of the main characteristics of all the catchment areas (percentage of permeable and
impermeable area, concentration time, hydraulic length, basin slope, etc.).
The report shall include all the relevant data (allowable flow rate, section details, slope, and flow speed) for
the analyzed items using standard design methods and/or adequate software. The size of all the hydraulic
works already present shall be verified and eventually the improvements to define, in compliance with the
principles of hydraulic invariance. The drawings and the calculations shall be included all the geotechnical and
structural checks of the hydraulic works.
Cross culverts shall be located as close to the natural drainage waterway as possible. The combining of flows
from several channels into a common channel to use only one cross culvert is discouraged. From the
standpoint of hydraulic efficiency, durability and maintenance, abrupt changes in flow direction are undesirable.
The maximum angle of bend at any point along a culvert horizontal or vertical alignment should be 22.5º.
The hydraulic capacity of a culvert shall be improved by appropriate inlet selection. It’s important to provide a
more gradual flow transition to lessen the energy loss and thus create a more hydraulically efficient inlet
condition. In this regard, properly designed beveled edges or side-tapered and slope-tapered inlets are all
The maximum allowable velocity for unlined ditches is defined, for different kind of soils (according to Unified
soil Classification System, ASTM 2487), in the following table (Table 1):
If the flow speed exceeds the above listed limits, earth ditches shall be modified (by reducing the distance
between adjacent ditches or modifying their size or slope). Alternatively, or when the above-mentioned
alternatives can’t be implemented, ditches shall be coated (lined ditches) by using concrete, steel, stone tiles,
riprap. The maximum speed for coated ditches is reported in the following table (Table 2):
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
If, due to a particular site condition, the improvements are not sufficient to keep the runoff speed below the
above defined limits, alternative solutions shall be defined and proposed.
The plan showing the drainage works shall report the side ditches to be built along the access roads to ES and
along the perimeter of the substation area, culverts, gutters and all the works design necessary for the runoff
surface water to avoid erosion of soil or stagnation of water in the substation area.
The plan views shall be drawn on the contour levels and shall clearly report the design path to the final
rainwater discharge point.
Figure 2 – Example of a plan view that show the drainage works for the main access road to the ES area
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
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Business Line: Enel Grids
Figure 3 – Example of a plan view that show the drainage works for platform substation and detail of outlet
point of discharge
So, the layout will be defined in accordance with the standard solution and the technical specifications for
electrical design.
The civil and structural design of all the components defined in the electro-mechanical drawings (steel
supports, foundations, buildings, trenches, underground works and whatever necessary for the construction of
the substation) it’s described in the following paragraphs.
The main civil elements needed in a primary substation belong to different categories. The main categories to
which the civil elements of a primary substation belong are:
• the supports: they can be in reinforced concrete, centrifuged reinforced concrete and steel. They are
generally made of steel and they are usually provided by the electrical equipment Supplier. Indeed,
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
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Business Line: Enel Grids
these are vertical elements and their functionality is to support electrical equipment such as
dischargers, three-pole supports, busbar support, etc;
• WATER MANAGEMENT: water regimentation systems are necessary to convey rainwater outside the
cabin or into specific retention systems. The layout and the correct sizing are defined through hydraulic
engineering criteria;
• the FOUNDATIONS: they are made of reinforced concrete and are sized to guarantee the correct
functionality and stability of the equipment that rests on them. The sizing takes place according to
geotechnical and structural criteria;
• the SUBSTATION MV AND CONTROL BUILDING: some Liberty Solutions provides the use of
container and others the use of the services building. The building is a complex element of civil
engineering which is schematically divided into vertical elements (columns), horizontal elements
(beams, slabs and foundations), systems of utilities (lighting, air conditioning, sanitary water,
wastewater, etc.) and finishes (windows, doors, internal and external coatings, flooring, etc).
• the COMPLEMENTARY FACILITIES: the channels, pavements, the underground utilities, the fences,
Unless otherwise defined in the local regulation, rainwater of the electric station platforms is to be considered
as clean water. Only the rainwater falling in the transformer foundation and in the foundation of the Petersen
coil shall be treated as water contaminated by oils.
It is appropriate to provide that the control and management of rainwater is carried out, where possible, by
means of sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS) which provide for the disposal of rainfall volumes
according to the following criteria (in accordance with local environmental and health regulations):
• the reuse of stored volumes, according to quality constraints, such as watering green areas, sanitary
uses (after purification), washing floors and other uses;
• by infiltration into the soil or into the surface layers of the subsoil, compatibly with the pedological
characteristics of the soil and hydrogeological characteristics of the subsoil;
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
Sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS) can perform a diversified set of functions linked to both the
management of water flows and the improvement of water and landscape quality.
The design criteria of the SuDS must therefore refer to the principles of water reuse, exploitation of the
processes of infiltration, removal of water, deriving from surface runoff, using systems based on triggering
flow lamination effects with discharge in a surface water receptor natural, artificial or sewer (always
according to the limits established by local regulations).
The realization of sustainable drainage systems must always be performed in compliance with the objectives
and limits indicated by local regulations on hydraulic-hydrological invariance.
To reduce the impact related to the construction of an electrical substation (ES), in terms of rainwater
management, it is first necessary to provide for an optimization of spaces by minimizing the waterproof areas
and providing them only where there are obvious logistical and functional needs.
The sustainable drainage systems to be adopted in an electrical substation can be set up both for the regulation
of rainwater falling inside the substation and for regulation of the water coming from the surrounding areas and
relative to the access roads of the plant. Furthermore, the systems that can be adopted, in addition to having
certain techniques characteristics, must be such as not to require frequent maintenance cycles or expensive
Therefore, the sustainable drainage systems that could be used in the case of an electrical substation,
according to what has been said, could be for example one or more of the following types:
• permeable pavements;
• green roofs.
For sustainable drainage solutions and for all sustainable solutions to be used in ES it is necessary to refer to
the document GRI-GRI-GUI-E&C-0018 Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions Guideline.
The hydraulic underground network shall be designed at a minimum depth of 80 cm, from the final grade.
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
Where possible, to reduce the cost and construction time, the hydraulic network for the drainage of rainwater
shall be designed as much as possible close to the electrical utilizes. All the possible interferences between
the utilities shall be checked.
• the rainwater collected by electrical cabins (if any) shall be connected to the ES drainage network;
• the oil-water gravity separator (if any) shall be connected to the rainwater drainage system.
At every 20 m and at any change of direction, an inspection manhole shall be considered. Inspection manhole
shall be of precast or cast in situ concrete.
In case the outdoor transformers/equipment are with oil operation, the event of oil spillage shall be considered.
Oil spillage can be caused by failure or leakage of the oil containers, can derive from sweating (normal
functioning) or from not perfect sealing of the equipment or of the fittings.
• prevent that eventual oil spillage may fall out of the waterproofed area (i.e., the eventual oil spilled
from the transformer must fall in the transformer foundation);
• size a foundation for the total volume of transformers’ oil or alternatively define a system to separate
oil and water properly filtering the oily water in a dedicated tank;
• facilitate the extinguish actions in case of any fires may occur in the transformer area.
→ an individual pit around the transformer foundation sized to hold all the transformer oil volume;
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
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Business Line: Enel Grids
→ a limited volume containment area around the transformer, with piped drainage to an underground
storage tank;
The individual pit approach may be economical in a substation with just one transformer, while a lined area
or a limited storage catchment area with a common underground storage tank might be the best choice in a
station with multiple power transformers.
The system used is that of a single foundation tank, used as a containment tank, for substations with several
transformers greater than / equal to two, where the oily water is collected and periodically emptied manually
through a mobile pumping system, then it is a service to be carried out periodically with specialized companies.
The transformer foundation pit shall be sized considering the indications of section TRANSFORMER
FOUNDATION for the minimum dimensions.
Alternative systems to assure the proper treatment of the oily water may be proposed, within the limits set by
local law and regulations.
In this paragraph are provided the main features of principal foundations that are present in primary electrical
substation. The foundations are designed according to loads and combination loads that the structural design
must perform. The structural design should be based on limit states in compliance with the standards indicated
in the section.
The foundations shall be designed to withstand the maximum combination of induced factored moment,
compression and torsion.
The structural reinforcements of the foundations are always connected to the grounding mesh through the
reinforcement grounding. This takes place by means of a steel plate of fixed dimensions (200x50x4 mm)
galvanized according to the ISO 1461 standard (Figure 6). Generally, 4 steel plate are placed for large
foundations, 2 for each short side. For smaller foundations (for example unipolar and tripolar foundations) 1
steel plate is sufficient.
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
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Business Line: Enel Grids
The edges of the above ground part of each foundation must be chamfered in accordance with the.
The following materials should be used in the structural design, considered as minimum indications:
Lean Concrete:
• environmental Exposure Class: to be defined according to the EN 206 standard or equivalent local
standard (see ACI 318)
• environmental Exposure Class: to be defined according to the EN 206 standard or equivalent local
standard (see ACI 318)
• concrete cover: 40 mm
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
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Business Line: Enel Grids
Reinforcing Steel:
The tubular steel supports of the electrical equipment (for example in the case of UNIPOLAR & TRIPOLAR
FOUNDATION) may be anchored to the foundation by stubs or anchor bolts. The anchorage to the foundation
shall be checked by a combination of tension plus shear and compression plus shear, according to the failure
mode for anchors (ACI 318, Annex D).
For the design of the anchor bolts it is necessary to refer to the design indications of Eurocodes 2 and 3, for
the respective checks of the base plate, the concrete foundation and the anchors (EN 1992 – Design of
concrete structures - Part 4: Design of attachments for use in concrete; EN 1993 – Design of steel structures
– Part 1-8: Design of connections).
For the materials the EN 1993 part 1-8, in point 3.3, considers the following materials for the construction of
anchor bolts:
• Threaded rods and other structural steel elements for metal carpentry compliant with the UNI EN
10025-1 harmonized standard series;
For the connection to the foundation, the designer can evaluate the shape, materials and surface treatments
of the most suitable anchoring systems for the project, which are then made to measure. According to the
project needs, the designer can decide to use either custom-made anchors or customized "standardized"
anchoring systems already available on the market.
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
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Business Line: Enel Grids
• Arrival underground.
Each of the aforementioned types will prepare the appropriate foundation. The dead-end tower type is divided
into three types depending on its height 9 m and 15 m, respectively called H9 and H15. For each type, the
appropriate dimensioned foundation is defined (Figure 10).
The gantry tower has a base for each support on the ground (Figure 13, Figure 14, Figure 15).
The underground line arrival is characterized by a base from which 3 cables rise from the ground, each for
each phase, which cross it and reach the provided insulators. The foundation relative to the underground
arrival it’s generally defined for each project by the Supplier.
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
E – 1.1 Columns 2
E – 1.2 Beam 1
A0 – 1 Franklin point 1
C1 Ground wire --
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
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Business Line: Enel Grids
TYPE – C – S/PL PF0002
The single-pole foundation is used in the high voltage section for fixing the measurement transformers and
current dischargers. It is a foundation plinth whose dimensions are as follows:
• The partially underground part centered with respect to the completely underground part and with
dimensions equal to 60 cm x 60 cm x 40 cm. This part emerges from the yard height of 5 cm.
The minimum concrete cover is conventionally fixed at 4 cm, higher values of concrete cover are always
permitted and in accordance with the exposure classes of the EN 206 standard.
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Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
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Business Line: Enel Grids
The metal structures relating to the tubular supports of the equipment must be fixed to the foundation plinth
using suitably sized plates and fixed using anchor bolts. The anchor bolts must be adequately designed and
sized in accordance with the EN 1090 standard.
The foundation element rests on lean concrete 10 cm thick and larger in plan dimensions than the sub-plinth.
The minimum concrete class of lean concrete is C12/15.
The foundation element can be cast on site or prefabricated. Its minimum concrete strength class must be
The tripolar foundation changes from the single-pole foundation only for the dimensions of the sub-plinth, in
this case the dimensions are equal to 160 cm x 160 cm x 60 cm, always in check-conformity with the
geotechnical and structural calculations. It is used in the high voltage section for fixing the high voltage busbar.
The images relating to the foundation element with an example list of reinforcements are shown below. The
structural and geotechnical calculation of the element must always be carried out.
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Business Line: Enel Grids
15.2.1. HV Busbar
The main HV busbars will be of the single busbar type and will be of aluminum. The height for the installation
will be 7.15 m and the separation between the centers of the main equipment will be 14 m.
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Business Line: Enel Grids
It is possible to modify the lateral bar structure to allow the removal of hybrid equipment in case of failure.
The foundation, on which the hybrid module will be installed, it will be made of concrete and it will contain pipes
for protection, control and communication cables. In general, the foundations of the elements of the section
will be surface type, based on insulated footings and made with reinforced concrete.
The dimensions of the standard foundation will be such that they allow fixing the different support structures
of defined hybrid modules, regardless of the number of supports of the structure. In addition, these dimensions
will also depend on the type of soil. Thus, depending on the results of the geotechnical study, the
characteristics of the land or the size of the foundations should be improved, if necessary.
The sizing of the foundation relating to the hybrid module must comply with the following general technical
• the dimensions of the foundation must be standard and adequate for the installation of all types of
hybrid module currently in use;
• the dimensions of the foundation must be compatible with the liberty standard layout of primary
electrical substations;
• on the foundation, in addition to the module, the cables trenches and the control box of the module
must be arranged;
• the dimensions of the electrical panel must be contained and must not exceed those admissible in
order to guarantee adequate operating distances from the spring drive circuit breaker and adequate
safety distances from the electrical parts of the module;
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Business Line: Enel Grids
• the opening of the control cabinet for its inspection must be on the side of the transformer.
The thickness of the foundation must be at least 40 cm, lower thicknesses must be adequately justified. The
foundation must rest on lean rock at least 10 cm thick and larger in plan view than the main base. The minimum
material specifications to be observed on the materials are indicated in FOUNDATIONS paragraph.
The solution design is shown in the following figures (Figure 25; Figure 26; Figure 27; Figure 28).
All considerations are necessaries on the structural and geotechnical design of the element, as well as on the
implementation of detailed drawings and technical specifications to adopt.
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Business Line: Enel Grids
In progress.
The transformer foundation pit shall be sized considering the following indications for the minimum plan
The transformer foundation shall be considered as a basin suitable to contain the eventual spillage of oil to
prevent the eventual spillage of oil from polluting the surrounding areas.
The minimum distance from the oil container and the internal edge of the transformer foundation shall be at
least 1.5 meters, as per IEEE 980, see figure above.
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Business Line: Enel Grids
The system shall be sized taking into account the following operational conditions:
• Normal service of the transformer: rainy water and possible limited losses;
• Heavy duty service for a serious fault of the transformer: rainy water and discharge of all oil.
• amount of oil present in the transformer (in case of several transformers the volume of the largest oil
container shall be considered) to determine the max capacity of the container;
• rainfall values, necessary to determine the capacity of the transformer foundation/basin or the capacity
of the retention pit.
A general criterion is to dimension the transformer foundation according to a total volume equal to the oil
volume of a transformer plus 30%.
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Business Line: Enel Grids
The internal surfaces of the pit shall be waterproofed with oil-resistant paint. The bottom surface shall be
smoothed and sloped toward the siphon outlet pipe. Construction and expansion joints shall be sealed using
oil resistant materials. In order to prevent any leak from or in the foundation, inlet and outlet pipes shall be
The top level of the foundation shall be at least 20cm above ground, in order to prevent the rainwater to flow
The transformer foundation pit shall be covered with gratings. The grating, supports, all connections and
embedment shall be hot dip galvanized. Grating must be Keller type. Gravel generally 40 to 60mm diameter
and 40cm height, shall be placed over the mesh, as a way to avoid spreading of fire from the equipment in
case of accidents. A different solution to the traditional pebbles and stones, such as fire protection gratings, it
could be considered.
The distance between the 2 transformers will be at least 10 m, depending on the oil volume (in this case it’s
considered 2 000 ≤liquid volume ≤ 20 000 l), in compliance with the Table 4 (“Guide values for outdoor
transformer clearances”) of the IEC 61936-1-2021.
Only in the case where it is not possible to allow for adequate clearance, fire-resistant separating walls with
the following dimensions shall be provided:
- between transformers (see Figure 32) separating walls. For example, EI 60:
o height H: higher than or equal to top of the expansion chamber (if any), otherwise the top of
the transformer tank;
o length L: longer than or equal to longest part of the sump width/length (in the case of a dry-
type transformer, the width or length of the transformer, depending upon the direction of the
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
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Business Line: Enel Grids
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Business Line: Enel Grids
The concrete foundations have standard dimensions and they allow the installation of transformers up to 40
MVA without any modification.
The fixing points used for transformers are considered seismic and the oil container is located under the
Figure 33 – Example of base and unique oil container for two HV/MV transformer
The oil container must be waterproof, thus some type of additive that guarantees this condition must be added.
The main materials that must be considered for the base are:
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Business Line: Enel Grids
Surface finish
Metal surface exposed must be hot galvanized EN 1461
(for Keller grating)
• Correct assembly;
• Correct dimensioning;
The following figure shows the P6 concrete shaft to be used for the transformer cable cabinet.
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Business Line: Enel Grids
For the earthing section relating to the transformation section and depending on the reference wiring diagram,
there may be different solutions/alternatives. The reference electromechanical equipment consists of the
following main machines:
• Fixed coil;
• TFN;
• Resistor.
The main reference scheme is made up of electromechanical equipment which rests on a foundation tank
such as to allow the collection, also in this case, of the oily waters. The dimensions of the single tank are fixed
in plan and in height. In plan view, the tank has an overall dimension of 4.1 m in width and 6.9 m in length,
while the height between the bottom of the tank and its top is 0.7 m.
In the case, for example, of an electrical substation with 2 transformers, the section will consist of two specular
tanks with the concentration area of the low voltage cables in the center and the positioning of the PET
switchboard, while the arrivals of the medium voltage cables are lateral. The general diagrams of the
configuration can be viewed in the plan and in section in the following figures.
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Figure 38 – Section of Petersen foundation considering the perimeter envisaged by CEI standards for oil
containment (IEEE 980)
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Other type of solution, regarding the specific neutral system chosen for the substation, a modular solution with
the following two platform types must be made:
• A 3x3 m platform foundation for equipment in oil. In this case the foundation is concepted to contain
oil water and its height is equal to 0,3 m respect the tank’s bottom;
• A 3x3 m concrete platform for equipment not in oil. In this case the platform is a simple foundation
without a containment function.
An example of a possible positioning for tanks and platforms with the correct dimensions is shown below (case
of two transformer).
Another way is the positioning the unique 3x6 m foundation as the next scheme:
Figure 41 – Unique foundation for the example case of TFN plus resistor
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Business Line: Enel Grids
It is important that all the equipment of the neutral management and grounding system will be positioned at
ground level.
The container is made of a self-supporting metal structure with profiles, insulated panels and corner blocks.
The floor of the container has openings, provided with suitable anti-animal closures, for the output of the MV
and LV cables.
The container size in transport configuration is approximately 12.2 m long, 2.55 m wide and 2.7 m high. An
articulated truck is used for transportation. The truck places the container close to its foundation.
By means of four lifters, the container is lifted and the articulated vehicle leaves the station maintaining a
straight path so as not to hit the lifters.
Obviously, a minimum straight space of 16 m is needed in front of the foundations to allow maneuvering to the
articulated truck. Subsequently, the stands are placed at the prepared points and then, maneuvering the lifters,
the container is lowered.
The six supports have a plate at the base to distribute the load so that it does not exceed 10 N/cm2. The plates
must be fixed to the base, as set out in the assembly manual.
The long side doors open and the space between them closes with special panels to create a service corridor
on each long side of the container.
The necessary cover must be mounted on the container to protect it from sunlight and weather.
The reinforced concrete base must support the container and allow the placement of the MV and LV cables to
reach the equipment.
The main dimensions of the container foundations are indicated in the figure below.
In order to allocate the conditioning, the foundation must be extended by at least 50 cm beyond the edge of
the entrance staircase. Moreover, the connection pipes and the pipes necessary for the power cables must be
considered and placed.
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Business Line: Enel Grids
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Business Line: Enel Grids
Container Support
Double Sheath
Lean Concrete 10 CM
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Business Line: Enel Grids
The cable entrance into the container from the transformer will be on both long sides (one lateral canalization
per transformer), as shown in Figure 48.
The MV output cables will exit from the container long sides, each one from its own busbar side.
The LV outputs will exit from the container long sides, in the part near the entrance stairs, while the MV cables
for the Auxiliary Services, the capacitor bank and TFN connection will exit from the container short side, the
one opposite to the entrance stairs.
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Business Line: Enel Grids
The internal configuration and disposition of the control building’s electrical equipment is provided in the plan
view electrical drawing.
The structural elevation of the building could be realized with one of the following type:
• Concrete prefabricated beams and columns and structure with precast modular concrete panels;
• concrete frame structure cast in situ, cladding wall in prefabricated concrete sandwich panels or in
brick, and roof covering;
• steel frame structure and cladding wall in prefabricated metal sandwich panels;
The control building must be constructed so as to ensure a degree of protection to outside not less than IP-33
as per CEI 60529.
According to the IEEE 979, the control building should be constructed of fire-resistive or noncombustible
materials. The building should be located and designed so that the largest estimated fire (e.g., of an oil-filled
transformer, a circuit breaker, or neighboring plants or storage facilities) will not involve or affect the operation
of the equipment within the building or vice versa.
• reliable waterproofing of the building, in order to obtain protection against the water infiltration or
The scope of the supply shall include but not be limited to the following activities:
• detailed structural and architectural design for the building, including the thermal and acoustic design
in compliance with the regulation indicated or local standard;
• construction;
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Application Areas
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Business Line: Enel Grids
• procurement;
• transportation;
• erection;
• as-built documentation.
The scope of supply includes all materials, components and activities necessary to ensure a proper and safe
operation of the building.
This paragraph provides the main features of materials, loads and combination loads according to which the
structural design of the Control Building must performed.
The structural design should be based on limit states in compliance with the international and local standard.
All documentation required by the regulations in force of the country concerned by the works shall be provided.
The dimensions of the relative standard layouts are consequent to the type, therefore to the dimensions, of
the MV switchgear to be used in the case of an electrical substation with two or three transformers. The table
below shows the types of layouts and the related MV frameworks that can be hosted within the considered
In progress.
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Business Line: Enel Grids
Each solution is conceived using the same construction typology, i.e. common functional characteristics and
using the same construction criteria.
The different solutions are described below. The 2D layouts of each solution (relative to the MV/LV level), with
the respective example of positioning of the MV switchboards as expressed in the Table 5, they can be viewed
within the “Example layout of the MV switchboards in the substation control building”.
The SMALL solution is used only in the case of an electrical substation with two transformers. It is composed
of 4 spans of 6 meters each, for a total of 24 meters in length. The span in the other direction is 6 m. The
length of the LV room, in this case, varies according to needs, for example, in the case of using the MV GIS
switchboard, the LV room has a maximum of 7.80 m available, while in the case of using the COMPACT
switchboard, the LV room has a maximum useful length of 6 m.
The STANDARD solution is used in the case of an electrical substation with both two and three transformers.
Its use depends on the type of MV switchgear in use, as defined in the table. It is made up of 4 spans of 7
meters each for a total of 28 meters in length. The span in the other direction is 10.5 m. The maximum available
length of the LV room is 6.8 m.
The STANDARD+1 solution is used only in the case of an electrical substation with three transformers. It is
obtained by adding 1 module of 7 m in length to the standard solution, for a total length of 35 m. The other
features are the same as the standard solution. Its use is conditional on the use of AIS-type MV switchboards.
In progress.
16.2.1. Levels
• Level of trampling floor MV and LV: +1.50 m; useful height of MV and LV room: 3.80 m;
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Business Line: Enel Grids
The main elements characterizing the building solution are summarized in the following points:
• Sub-switchboard with a useful height of 2 meters, bottom walking surface at a height of -0.80 m with
respect to the ground level (square level). A metal carpentry framework must be built inside, the
extrados of which represents the walking surface (+1.50 m) of the MV room made with metal gratings.
This structure will have to bear the load of the MV compartments also in their handling;
• LV room located at the same floor level as the MV room and communicating with the latter through an
opening with a minimum width of 1.30 m (generally set to 1.50 m);
• Internal staircase for access to the sub-switchboard through the LV room (tread 30 cm, riser 17.70 cm,
ramp width 1 m, total difference in height of the staircase equal to 2.30 m);
• Internal escape staircase from the sub-switchboard to the outside (tread 30 cm, riser 20 cm, 5 risers,
therefore total difference in height 1 m, from sub-switchboard level to external pavement level). For
the construction of this staircase, a shaft of adequate size is required in the MV room, so as to have
the useful height necessary to walk the staircase safely.
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Business Line: Enel Grids
• External access stairs to the building from the pavement level of the sidewalk (+0.20 m with respect
to the ground level) to the main floor located at a height of 1.50 m with respect to the ground level
(tread 34 cm, riser 16.25 cm, width ramp 1.30 m, covered height difference of 1.30 m);
• Ventilation openings of the sub-switchboard: upper openings in the sub-switchboard to allow its
ventilation whose lower limit is +0.70 m with respect to the ground level (to avoid infiltration of rainwater
or water coming from any hydraulic tie rods flood).
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Business Line: Enel Grids
• Sidewalk surrounding the entire perimeter of the building (thickness 15-20 cm) built with a counter
slope such as to allow the correct removal of rainwater;
• Main access doors, i.e. access door to the MT room and access door to the BT room, 2 m wide;
• Side doors (right and left side of the building) with a width of 1.50 m;
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Business Line: Enel Grids
The foundation can be cast on site or made up of prefabricated modules. In the case of foundations cast on
site, it is necessary to provide for the use of special connection points which guarantee the fixing of the pillars
if the superstructure is built using prefabricated elements (therefore in the case of a mixed structure: reinforced
concrete and prestressed reinforced concrete).
The building base will be prepared with suitable openings to allow the passage of MV and LV cables, drainage
ducts and any other utility. Openings will be realized with sections of PVC pipe, corrugated pipe or ducts
embedded in the concrete.
The main structure will consist mainly of precast prestressed concrete elements and, where necessary, cast-
in-situ reinforced concrete elements. The use of prefabricated elements allows for better management of the
modularity necessary for the conception of the solutions. The frame of the building is therefore designed with
elements in prefabricated concrete such as pillars, gabled transversal beams for the roof and longitudinal
beams for the plan development.
The external vertical infills will be in lightened prefabricated panels, suitably connected to the pillars either
through pilasters or through other types of joints. The separation wall from the switchgear room can also be
made of prefabricated panels, from the ground up to the roof intrados, following its double pitched profile.
The roof will be built with double-pitched beams (double-pitched roof) and prefabricated panels lightened with
high-density insulation. The roof must have a minimum slope of 30° and allow for the correct drainage of
rainwater. The cover will have to constitute a single body with the structure of the building, so it must be suitably
anchored to the structure. Coverage should be protected by a suitable waterproof coating. The roof slope must
have a full perimeter drip.
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Business Line: Enel Grids
The design of underground utilities (electrical/communication & hydraulic) is part of the scope of work. The
works related to the underground utilities are of primary importance since they will affect the construction of
the whole ES. Since different aspects are involved, it’s necessary to properly coordinate the civil and structural
aspects of the design with the other disciplines (electrical and communication) to define the best solution and
the most effective layout from a constructability and safety point of view.
The trench section and the catch basin for rainwater system and electric conduits shall be designed considering
the local practices, the site conditions and the vehicular load traffic.
In the layout of the underground electrical and communication utilities the number and type of cables and
conduits will be defined. MV and LV cables will be installed in areas to consider as carriageable areas.
The electrical and communication cable may be installed in trenches or in precast/cast in place concrete
In both cases, cables and conduits directly buried in the ground, or in case of concrete trenches, it shall be
considered the cable diameter of the cable for a correct definition of the vertical and horizontal radius of
curvature. The drawings shall clearly report the details for the cables entrance to the Substation MV & Control
Building, showing the slope and the reinforcement details of the trenches.
The conduits that lead the cables below the floating floor of the Substation MV & Control Building, must be
equipped of sealing system for waterproof and fire protection.
All trenches cover shall be able to withstand a distributed load of 20MPa. Meanwhile covers suitable for the
traffic loads shall be able to withstand a traffic load as per AASHTTO HS20-44. In case of manholes, the cover
shall be able to withstand a breaking load equal to 400kN (equivalent to a class D400 according to EN 124).
Covers shall be easily removable. Also, shall have a maximum weight not higher than 30kg, except for those
used for traffic loads who may be heavier for designing reasons.
The concrete trenches shall be designed considering the effective dimensions and the loads applied by the
vehicular traffic, directly on the cover or on the surrounding areas.
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Business Line: Enel Grids
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Business Line: Enel Grids
The above example layouts define the path of the following types of cables:
• MV cables: they connect the transformers to the medium voltage switchgears (TR MV output), the
switchgears to the earthing section and the MV outputs of the cables. In the first case, from the
transformer to the container/s/building, the cable trenches must be inspectable, consequently these
trenches must necessarily be made of cast-in-situ or prefabricated reinforced concrete;
• Communication cables.
17.3.1. TR MV Output
The MV channeling inside the substation between the transformer and the container will be performed through
electric canalizations, one per transformer. Each canalization should be at least 600 mm wide, to carry 6x630
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Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
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Business Line: Enel Grids
mm2 cables (two cables for each phase), spaced 40 mm. The trenches cover may be in reinforced concrete,
in galvanized steel (Keller type) or in Fiber Reinforced Polymers (such as Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer)
This type of solution allows to promote the air flow and water drainage.
The images are representative, in fact it is preferable to position cable holders at a constant pitch which act as
a space-meter between one cable and another to respect the distance of 40 mm.
The pipeline must be connected to the ground mesh according to the following scheme:
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Business Line: Enel Grids
17.3.2. MV output
The channeling of MV lines leaving the HV/MV substation shall be underground, in Ø200 mm tubes and with
a distance between centers of 60 cm, according to the following figure.
Figure 62 - MV outputs
There will be six MV outputs, grouped in two tracks, each of them with three lines. Moreover, if needed,
concrete shafts for insulating joints will be installed. One concrete shaft must be installed every three cables
for the insulating joint. MV distribution chamber, for the inspection of the cables and for the changes of
direction, is chosen prefabricated, class D400, with cast iron cover.
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Business Line: Enel Grids
17.3.3. LV pipeline
LV pipelines shall exit from the container along the short side, the side with the entrance ladder. The channeling
will be carried out in Ø200 mm tubes. In each intersection point, the following sectional concrete in according
to the number of cables shafts must be used:
• Concrete shaft P1 700x700 mm (or LV small) one cable in input and one in output, prefabricated, use
for sectioning (Figure 64);
• Concrete shaft P4 1000x1000 mm (or LV large), up to 3 inputs and 3 outputs (Figure 65).
The connection to the ground mesh will be made in the same way as the MV cable trench.
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Business Line: Enel Grids
17.4 FENCE
The external perimeter must be protected by a suitable fence, made of durable, unbreakable, it must not be
by-passable, therefore it must be high such as not to allow any attempt to pass over in according to the
regulations. It must be respecting the urban requirements.
To reduce the risk of voltage transfer, the perimeter closure of the substation must be performed in parts
electrically separated.
The unified solution for the HV/MV substation fence consists of a wall made of reinforced concrete 0.30 m
wide and at least 0.70 m above ground and by a top grid with hot galvanized according to the standard UNI
5744/66 (ISO 1461) or higher, grid with maximum dimensions of 50x50 mm, for a total height of 2.70 m (for
both closure and door) and minimum IP grade 1X.
At the top of the fence, it is possible to insert additional protective elements proportional to the threat to be
evaluated together with the Country Security Unit, in compliance with security regulations and applicable laws.
The fence will be completely isolated and at least 6 m away from the ground mesh perimeter ring. The closure
will be electrically interrupted at least every 6 m with insulating inserts (e.g. insulators in Teflon, as shown in
Figure 68). Moreover, the panel supports will be isolated from the concrete wall through the insertion of cups
in PVC, as shown in Figure 69.
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
The door must have adequate strength and a height no less than the perimeter closure. The impact of opening
the solution into the gate at possible step/contact voltages transferred must be verified.
All filler materials must be suitable for the purpose for which they are intended and must meet acceptance
For all land used, the necessary tests must be carried out in accordance with ASTM standards and in
accordance with the Technical Specifications for determining physical and mechanical requirements. Fills will
normally be made with arid material (calcareous or basaltic) from the quarry, placed in regular horizontal layers
of thickness no more than 50 cm, to be compacted with a 12-ton roller until the percentage of best compaction
is reached.
The filling of excavations with cable ducts shall be carried out with all necessary precautions not to damage
the cables and/or pipes, after placing the mechanical protections of the cables or the curing of the concrete
pillar cables when necessary.
In the execution of the work on the foundations and fillers, the following land settlement should be taken into
account to ensure compliance with the final dimensions with those of the project.
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
The layouts are shown in the typical composition consisting of an HV section made of single or double bar
(GIS or hybrid), with two HV lines (aerial on dead-end tower) and two HV / MV transformers, a Medium Voltage
section (Container or building), a neutral grounding system (TFN and coils), batteries of power factor correction
capacitors, an Auxiliary Services box and ducts for the outgoing MV, made in accordance with the indications
contained in this document.
In all the layouts, the spaces useful for the handling of HV/MV transformers and containers have been
For GIS configurations it is assumed only the arrival of the AT line in cable and the only outdoor installation.
• any additional components (Franklin tip, additional AT transducers for measurement or protection, etc
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
HV busbar
MV busbar
1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A
2C 4C 6C 8C 10C 12C
Liberty 1.A 1.A.1 1.B 2.A 2.B 2.C 3.A 3.B 4.A 4.B 4.C 5.A 5.B 6.A 6.B 6.C 7.A 7.B 8.A 8.B 8.C 9.B 10.B 10.C 11.B 12.B 12.C
Fig. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6 7 8 16 17 11 12 13 5 7 8 15 7 8
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
18.4 Liberty 1A
7.000 mq
5.500 mq
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
18.6 Liberty 1B – 9B
6.900 mq
18.7 Liberty 2A – 6A
6.000 mq
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
6.000 mq
2.300 mq
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
18.10 Liberty 3A
8.000 mq
18.11 Liberty 3B
9.700 mq
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
18.12 Liberty 4A – 8A
7.000 mq
18.13 Liberty 4B – 8B
8.600 mq
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
18.14 Liberty 4C – 8C
2.600 mq
18.15 Liberty 5A
10.700 mq
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
12.800 mq
18.17 Liberty 7A
12.200 mq
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
18.18 Liberty 7B
16.000 mq
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
The layouts express the maximum capacity of the configurations described. The modularity of the buildings
allows the adaptation of the dimensions to the specific consistencies of the project.
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids
Operating Instruction code: GRI-GRI-OPI-E&C-0005
Version no 1 dated 07/02/2023
Application Areas
Perimeter: Global
Staff Function: -
Service Function: -
Business Line: Enel Grids