Diseño 7

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o~ lter of triang: 1. ..

approximation to
D Yc

Fig. 24

the calculations are completic

Wh.,ydro: ~d, thl Table 11 Diverse Capacity Deduction as a Percentage
curves can be drawn. of Molded Capacity

Preliminary Capacities and Centers Grail

Once the preliminary body plan is drawn, deck lines Bale 8-12
Deep tanks. Increase above grain Bale by
and the line of double bottom and deep tank top can be 'igerated Cargo-Net Bin Capacity

drawn in. The modified body plan can be used to de- arge
argelocker Rectangular
deck. hold. 25 "or cold
rive the capacities of the cargo compartments and the 30 air
28 blower:
tanks. The required capacities of fuel, fresh water, 35 every 0
feedwater, water ballast, etc., will have been determined
in the preliminary design stage for the ship endurance Cargo tank:iverse mediumtankerE
and operation intended. The sketch general arrange- D Tank:
Fore peak. 5% small fine tank
ment will give a tentative disposition of the fuel, fresh 2i% large full tank
water, etc., and the capacities for this tentative arrange- Aft peak. .. 7i% small fine tanl
4% large full tank
ment should be determined. This will enable the trim Double 1: .! 2!~
and stability to be examined, as discussedlater, and if Deep tall edible oil
for WBLnks... 1!~
found to be unsatisfactory, modifications made which Side fuel . 2%
will involve some new capacity calculations.
To calculate the capacities, an integrator is used to
measure the sectional areas and the vertical moments of
areas above the baseline, for each compartment, at a molded capacities. ~ 11 gives various percental
number of sections. If an integrator is not available, a deductions which carl be used. Form XV can be USI
planimeter can be used to derive the sectional areas, for all calculations Ilecessaryto derive the capaciti
and the VCG oj the compartment, at each section, and their centers.
be derived as sh )wn in Fig. 24. The integrator or )la- Preliminary Light Ship Weight and Centers
nimeter readingl: can be recorded on a sheetsuchasF Irm
XIV. An estimate of the light ship centers is necessary to
A curve of half sectional areas, for each compartment enable the trim and stability of the design, in various
or tank, can be drawn on a baseof ship's length. Bulk- conditions of loading, to be examined. To estimate the
heads and other divisions can th en be tentatively centers, it is necessaryto break down someof the weights
located on the capacity curves. 1['he VCG for the derived in the preliminary design calculations. This
cargo spacesand tanks are laid off 13 ,t each section and can be done by using Figs. 15, 16 or 17, depending on
curves drawn in. The molded cr-tpacity of any com- ship type. The weight of main transverse bulkheads,
partment is determined by calculati]rlgthe area under thed noncontinuous decks, deep tanks, shaft tunnel, etc.,
half sectional area curve, enclose, by the h..llrlIe UUll'-tleaas can be estimated using the respective percentages given
by using a suitable area rule. TI LCG ojr the com- in these figures and deducted from the hull net steel
partment is determined by putting 1Ghe volumei functions,ld weight to give a hull longitudinal steel weight. The
derived by the area rule, through lever! dividing LOG of this weight will depend on the position of the
the sum .."of the moment functions by tl vo' ;um of the LOB and can be determined from Fig. 25. The VOG
ml -.Tr'Ir'I )f -
mme IUnCtIOns. .Lne v\.Ju ( COffiJ:~rtment orl..CGof the hull canbe determined from Table 12. By adding
:ur've at the
tal:1k can be lifted off the VaG c,mpartment. of the the hull weights, weights of superstructure and deck-
housesand masts and masthouses,at their appropriate
The grain and bale capacitie centers,the LOG and VOG of the net steel weight can be
0 spaces canactors
en be obtained by applying ~bl to the


Table 12 VCG of Hull Longitudinal Steel Weight
Full ScantlingVessels(minimum freeboard)
(standard sheer)
Single deck with double bottom 0.53 D
Twodeck 0.57D
Threedeck 0.58D
ReducedScantling Draft Vessels(restricted draft)
// Above ratios reducedby 0.02
/ Tankers(nosheer)
BulkCarriers(nosheer) 0.55 D

Table 13 Propeller and Shafting Weights

Propeller~Weight in Tons
Solid bronze propeller. O. 004(BAR)Dp3
Controllable-pitch propeller. O.0O8(BAR)D,,3
where D" = propeller diameter, ft
Shafting-Weight in Tons
Steam turbine,
amidships machinery space. O.O155(shp/N)'/' X l,h
aft machinery space ..'" O.O194(shp/N)'/a X l'h
amidships machinery space. O.O193(shp/N)'/a X l,h
aft machinery space. ""'" ...O.O241(shp/N)'/3 X l'h
where l,h = length of shafting, ft
CPP tailshaft and control gear. 1.7.5 X CPP weight

shafting, into weights and centers for major components

such as boilers, turbines, and gears.
Where refrigerated cargo is carried, the weight of in-
-~ sulation, fittings and machinery is considered indepen-
Fig. 25 Hull LCG dently from the wood and outfit weight and centers, and
the weight therefore must-bededuc.~d.fromthewood and
outfit weight determined in the preliminary design stage.
The calculations necessaryto derive the light ship centers
for the wood and outfit weight are deter- can be made on Form XVI.
by assuming the center for one half the weight
Preliminary Trim and Stability
at the center of the lateral area of superstructure
deckhouses containing accommodation and the The trim and stability of the design in specific con-
the other half to be amidships at the upper- ditions of loading are usually specifiedand therefore it is
level. necessaryto checkthesebefore the designhas progressed
for the hull engineering weight are deter-too far. The cargo and tank capacities and centers and
by assuming the center for one half the weight the light ship centers will be already determined and the
--weight center, one quartertrim and stability of the design can be examined in the
weight to be at the center of the lateral area of usual way. The calculations can be made on condition
and deckhousescontaining accommoda- sheets such as Form XVII.
and the other quarter to be at amidships at the If, at this stage, the trim or stability does not meet
, .-deck level. the specified requirements, changes must be made.
which the machinery weight is handled This may require a completely different layout of hull
the type of machinery. In the caseof diesel structure, in which case the complete preliminary
the centers for the machinery weight are capacity calculations must be made again, or it may
by subtracting the weight of the propeller only require the moving of the machinery space one or
which can be estimated from the formulas two frame spacesand this can be done without a large
in Table 13, and considering them separately at amount of repetition of the capacity calculations. How-
appropriate centers. The remainder of the ma- ever, if it is found necessary, it is better to repeat the
is taken at the center of the diesel for capacity calculations at this stage of the design than at a
LCG and at the height of the engine room flat, later stage after much more work has beendone.
the VCG. When there is no flat, the Once the trim and stability for the specifiedconditions
.the VCG of the remaining are satisfactory, it is desirable to examine other expected
weight. This IS obviously unsuitable for conditions of loading to ensure that the design will be
turbine machinery. It is necessary to break satisfactory in all probable service conditions. The
the machinery weight, excluding propeller and effect on stability of any free surface in tanks should be

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