Tunnel Lining Analysis and Design Using Staad Pro

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International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering– IJCSE

Volume 2 : Issue 1 [ISSN : 2372-3971]

Publication Date: 30 April, 2015

Tunnel lining analysis and design using staad pro

[ Mohammed Omar Al-sharafi, Sivakumar Nagathan, Kong Sih Ying ]

Abstract— The design of tunnel lining requires a proper to the appropriate specification standard, code or standards,
estimate lining forces. In engineering practice different design which are dictated by the authorities of that particular project.
methods tend to be used, varying from simple empirical and 2.Specify Geometric parameters:
analytical formulations to advanced finite element analysis. This Alignment, burrowing diameter, lining diameter and lining
paper begins with a review of empirical and analytical analysis
thickness, average width of ring, segment system, joint
for tunnel lining forces and materials, followed by the design
methodology, the analytical results and the concrete design of the connections.
tunnel lining using structural software known as STAAD Pro. 3.Determine Geotechnical Data
The scope of this research is mainly focused on the analysis and Specific gravity, cohesion (unconfined and effective),friction
concrete design of the tunnel lining. Finally, the results obtained angle (unconfined and effective), modulus of elasticity,
are carefully shown in this paper and performed by mean of two modulus of deformation, Ko-value.
different approaches: a tunnel lining analysis and a concrete 4. Define Material Properties:
design results, showing the excellent accuracy achieved in terms Concrete class, compressive strength, modulus of elasticity,
of displacements, stresses, reactions, bars criteria and main steel type, tensile strength, allowable gap.
5. Determination of load condition.
Keywords—Tunnel lining,lining analysis, lining forces, lining The loads acting on the lining include earth pressure and water
design, staad pro. pressure, dead load, reaction, surcharge and thrust force of
shield jacks, etc. The designer should select the cases critical
to the design lining.
I. Introduction 6.Kinds of Loads
The following loads should be considered in the design of the
Over the past few years,the headway of the Tunnel lining.
Boring Machines (TBM) and the advancement systems These loads must always be considered:
identified with these boring contraptions gave the (1) Ground pressure
opportunity to organize and fabricate tunnels under (2) Water pressure
progressively troublesome circumstances. Nowadays, it is (3) Dead load
possible to construct tunnels under genuine conditions
(4) Surcharge
and at any extent of overburdens, with the probability of
(5) Subgrade reaction
attaining unsuspected penetrating rates under high
ground and water pressure. Nowadays, it is possible to 7. Design model
construct tunnels under genuine conditions and at any Utilizing STAAD-Pro which is a capable application for
extent of overburdens, with the probability of attaining investigating complex static or element structural problems. It
unsuspected penetrating rates under high ground and regularly is utilized to dissect the conduct of steel, concrete,
water pressure. and timber structures amid configuration. Results encourage
the understanding of complex connection of diverse material
II. Tunnel lining and parts in structures.

A. Synopsis of Tunnel Lining Design

After the planning works for the tunnel, the lining
of a tunnel is designed according to the following sequence.
1. Adherence to detail, code or standard.
The tunnel to be constructed should be designed according

Mohammed Omar Al-sharafi

Universiti Tenaga Nasional

Sivakumar Nagathan
Universiti Tenaga Nasional Fig. 1 Loading on lining
Kong Sih Ying, Monash University, Malaysia..

International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering– IJCSE
Volume 2 : Issue 1 [ISSN : 2372-3971]
Publication Date: 30 April, 2015
The aim of this research is to provide a
framework for managing the engineering design
process. Guidelines are provided covering most
technical issues and it is intended that, combined with
the engineer’s judgment and experience, they give
valuable assistance in the preparation of concept and
detailed designs that meet project performance and
safety requirements. Tunneling as an engineering
discipline is unique. Traditionally it has relied heavily
on experience and most lining designers came from a
structural engineering background. The natural
approach was to estimate, as accurately as possible, the
magnitude and distribution of loads applied to a tunnel Fig.2 Ground pressure
support system and then detail the lining to carry the
III. Derivation of load acting on
the lining (3)

General A. Design model

For the design and dimensioning of the lining the
ground load and load cases such as dead load , water pressure, The modeling of the tunnel lining will be model in
loads resulting from the operation of tunnel , shrinkage and software known as STAAD Pro which is a very powerful
creep to be considered. While most of the above mentioned Structure software. The following Fig.3 describes briefly the
load cases have been clearly defined in the literature Methodology used of modeling and designing the tunnel
The ground pressure should be determined in lining.
accordance with appropriate analysis. For example, the ground
pressure should act radially on the lining or be divided into the
vertical ground pressure and the horizontal ground pressure. In
the latter case, the vertical ground pressure at the tunnel crown
should be a uniform load and, as a rule, should be equal to the
overburden pressure, if the designed tunnel is a shallow
tunnel. If it is a deep tunnel, the reduced earth pressure can be
adopted in accordance with Terzaghi's formula (see Formula
1), Protodiaconov's formula or other formulae.
The horizontal ground pressure should be the
uniformly varying load acting on the centroid of lining from
the crown to the bottom. Its magnitude is defined as the
vertical earth pressure multiplied by the coefficient of lateral
earth pressure (see Fig. 2) the value of coefficient of lateral
earth pressure to be used in the design calculation should be
between the value of coefficient of the lateral earth pressure at
rest and the value of coefficient of the active lateral earth
pressure. The designer should decide this value considering
relaxation and construction conditions. Concerning the unit
weight of soil for the calculation of earth pressure, the wet unit
weight should be used for soil above the groundwater table
and the submerged unit weight
should be used for soil below the groundwater table.
A. Lateral earth pressure at tunnel crown
As the lateral pressure various from the crown (see
formula 2) to the bottom (see formula 3) of the Tunnel lining,
there for a trapezoidal pressure is used for designing the
horizontal pressure (Fig.1).
Fig. 3 Method of modeling

International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering– IJCSE
Volume 2 : Issue 1 [ISSN : 2372-3971]
Publication Date: 30 April, 2015

Additionally, within this process there are a lot of

B. Analysis and design results secondary parameters, mainly caused by the tunnel
The combination of the ground pressure, vertical construction process (backfill grout influence, irregular
pressure and the lateral pressure analyzing results is illustrated segments connections, etc.), that can affect the precision of the
in Fig.4.This contour analysis diagram shows the maximum analytical results but should not be determinant on the
stresses applied on the lining due to the loading. However, all behavior of the segmental tunnel lining.
the stresses shown in the lining start from 9.58 to 15.7
N/mm2. For the concrete design and the bars criteria of the
plates of the tunnel lining are shown in Table 1. This design is
based on the standard code BS8110.
The design presents the advantage of providing the
real structural response of a certain tunnel section by taking
into account all the parameters that affect it, from the most
important to the less relevant. The lining behavior obtained by
the numerical model perfectly fits to the real one deduced
from the test measurements. The local arch behavior and the
rings displacements caused by joints and cracked sections
rotations were clearly appraised.

Load 6

Fig.4 Maximum Stress due to combination load case Fig. 5 Final tunnel lining model

Table 1 Concrete Design Criteria of the Lining

Top Cover 30 Aggregate Size 20 Size

Bottom Cover 30 Concrete strength class C28/35

Envelope Slab Design Wood and Armer No

Sampling 0.200 m Design Type Fixed Bar Size


International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering– IJCSE
Volume 2 : Issue 1 [ISSN : 2372-3971]
Publication Date: 30 April, 2015


The authors of this research would like to give a special

thanks to the universiti of tenaga nasional and civil
engineering department for providing a full support and
cooperation .


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