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We now consider the question for which functions the functionals of the type (1.

assume extreme
values. For this purpose we define
Definition: An extremal of a differentiable functional S[ ] is a function qe(t)
with the property
δS[~qe(t), δ~q(t)] = 0 for all δ~q(t) ∈ F#. (1.11)
The extremals ~qe(t) can be identified through a condition which provides a
suitable differential
equation for this purpose. This condition is stated in the following theorem.
Theorem: Euler–Lagrange Condition
For the functional defined through (1.5), it holds in case δ~q(t0) = δ~q(t1) = 0
that ~qe(t) is an
extremal, if and only if it satisfies the conditions (j = 1, 2, . . . , M)
dt #

= 0 (1.12)
The proof of this theorem is based on the property
Lemma: If for a continuous function f(t)
f : [t0, t1] ⊂ R → R (1.13)
Z t1
dt f(t)h(t) = 0 (1.14)
for any continuous function h(t) ∈ F# with h(t0) = h(t1) = 0, then
f(t) ≡ 0 on [t0, t1]. (1.15)
We will not provide a proof for this Lemma.
The proof of the above theorem starts from (1.6) which reads in the present case
δS[~q(t), δ~q(t)] = Z t1


dt #
## δqj (t)

. (1.16)
This property holds for any δqj with δ~q(t) ∈ F#. According to the Lemma above
follows then (1.12)
for j = 1, 2, . . . M. On the other side, from (1.12) for j = 1, 2, . . . M and δqj
(t0) = δqj (t1) = 0
follows according to (1.16) the property δS[~qe(t), · ] ≡ 0 and, hence, the above
An Example
As an application of the above rules of the variational calculus we like to prove
the well-known result
that a straight line in R
is the shortest connection (geodesics) between two points (x1, y1) and
(x2, y2). Let us assume that the two points are connected by the path y(x), y(x1) =
y1, y(x2) = y2.
The length of such path can be determined starting from the fact that the
incremental length ds
in going from point (x, y(x)) to (x + dx, y(x + dx)) is
ds =
2 + ( dy
2 = dxr
1 + ( dy
2 .

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