Complex Numbers
Complex Numbers
Complex Numbers
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1 author:
Luciano da F. Costa
University of São Paulo
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All content following this page was uploaded by Luciano da F. Costa on 19 March 2021.
Motivated by the need to find a solution to the square root of -1, complex numbers research steadily became one
of the most important areas in mathematics, with ample application in a large number of scientific and technological
subjects. Though related to the two-dimensional real vector space, complex numbers are substantially more general as
they provide the means for defining a large number of additional operations and functions, including multiplication,
exponentiation, logarithm and power. The present work is aimed at providing a general introduction to some of the
main basic aspects of complex numbers theory, concentrating on aspects related to signal analysis, electric engineering,
shape analysis, complex systems and fractals, as well as number theory.
1 Introduction
The dimensionality of a mathematical space constitutes
an extremely important property from both the theoreti-
cal and applied perspectives, as it directly impacts on vir-
tually every property of the entities to be found, defined,
and modeled in these spaces, including their complexity.
Even if taken as a single feature, the dimensionality of Figure 1: The Riemann zeta function, which is a complex function of
a problem will already provide critical information about a complex variable, is directly related to the Riemann’s hypothesis,
which is considered by many as the greatest standing mathematical
the possible structural and dynamical intricacies.
problem. Shown here is the argument (or phase) of the Riemann
For instance, in the real line R, we may have sets of zeta function. Interestingly, the most complex structure of this func-
connected and/or disconnected sets of points. As such, tion is geometrically more pronounced for Re(z) < 0, but it is along
this vector space allows only very simple modeling of the its critical line 0.5 + iy that its non-trivial roots are believed to be
found (Riemann’s hypothesis).
real world, catering only to situations involving a single
variable. In order to provide subsidies for more general
and powerful models, the real line was extended into the
Cartesian plane, and then into spaces of larger dimensions terms of respective conditions and properties, these repre-
RN , with N being a positive integer. sentations are somewhat limited in the sense that they do
While such mathematical spaces can be effectively mod- not allow, among many other possibilities, the definition
eled in terms of the concept of vector space, namely of operations of product, inverse, or division of respective
a mathematical framework formalizing these spaces in vectors.
The solution for the extension of the real line to spaces exponential in the Fourier transform, as well as the con-
more structured than the RN would come from a some- cept of instant frequency), electrical engineering (phase,
what unexpected issued, namely the calculation of the basic complex operations and powers), shape analysis
square root of negative numbers. Having intrigued math- (conformal mappings as means for transforming shapes),
ematicians for a long time, the solution of this problem complex systems and fractals (the Mandelbrot set), and
was largely credited to the Italian mathematician Rafael number theory (the Riemann Zeta function). These areas
Bombelli (1526–1572). His solution was as simple and can be understood as providing some important examples
creative as it could have been, proposing that the square of complex numbers applications.
root of −1 would correspond to a new number, often rep-
resented as i, called the imaginary number, giving rise to
the quintessential relationship expressed as: 2 The Square Root as an Analytic
√ Tool
i = −1
which also implies that: Any real value a > 0 has two square roots, namely b =
√ √ 2
−i = −1 ± a so that a = b . Observe that b = 0. Thus, strictly
(1) speaking the square root is not a function, as it takes
a number from its domain to more than one images, as
Bombelli’s insight, complemented by many other math- illustrated in Figure 2.
ematicians, paved the way to a whole new areas in math-
ematics, including complex numbers (e.g. [1, 2]) and com-
plex analysis. Remarkably, though largely based on imag-
inary concepts, these areas have found myriad applica-
tions in both theoretical and applied situations. Indeed,
complex numbers are now extensively used in theoreti-
cal, statistical and quantum physics; electric, electronic,
mechanic and civil engineering, signal processing, control
theory, complex systems, to name but a few cases, not
mentioning many mathematical areas. Though not so of-
ten realized or acknowledges, such impressive success and
popularity of complex numbers ultimately derives from Figure 2: The square root of real values taking real values is not
the extended mathematical structure provided by the in- defined for a < 0, and for a ≥ 0 it yields two values, ± a. For
troduction of the imaginary number, allowing the defi- these two reasons, this definition of the square root is not a function,
though it may be understood to be invertible in the sense that every
nition of multiplication and powers of vectors (as repre- image element can be associated to a single value in the domain of
sented by complex numbers). this mapping.
The advantages of using imaginary numbers was also
extended to cover larger dimensional spaces, such as in
the theory of quaternions, on which a CDT is planned to The above issue with the square root not being a func-
be prepared. tion can be settled by assuming only positive (+ a) or
Despite their name, complex numbers are actually sim- negative (− a) square root results, both of which are now
ple to be understood and used. When compared to real functions.
values, complex operations are somewhat more elaborate, Given a real number a > 0, its positive square root
but this is more a consequence of the fact that complex value b = + a provides a particularly interesting geo-
numbers are an expansion of a two-dimensional space metric interpretation as the length of the sides of a square
(R2 ), which is intrinsically richer than the real line R. that will have area a, i.e. a = b2 .
The present work aims at providing an intuitive and In a slightly different perspective, we can understand
hopefully accessible introduction to some of the more im- the square root as an analytical operation allowing us to
portant concepts and results in complex numbers and decompose a real value a as a product of two identical
complex analysis. However, given our limited space, factors b = ± a, an so on. An interesting aspect of this
the presentation is by no means exhaustive and should interpretation is that it is directly related to one of the
be eventually complemented by the related literature fundamental motivations of number theory, namely the
(e.g. [1, 2]). Though this work may be considered as a decomposition of integer numbers in terms of products of
relatively generic introduction to complex numbers, it fo- constituent parts, with emphasis on prime number fac-
cuses on aspects related to signal analysis (the complex torization. This idea can also be understood, at a more
general perspective, as an analytic modeling approach in
which one is interested in expressing objects in terms of
combinations of more basic parts.
So, we can say that the number 9 is composed of two
identical factors 3 (or −3). Observe that this is a very
particular example in which the square roots decompo-
sition corresponds precisely to the prime factorization of
9. Though most other real values will lead to distinct
respective decompositions, we can still imagine both the
prime factorization and the square root as an analytic
approach decomposing a value into more basic respective Figure 3: The complex conjugation of a complex number z can be
components. understood as corresponding to the mirroring of z with respect to
the x-axis.
complex exponential, therefore inheriting analogous prob-
lems of function specification and non-invertibility.
s + v = (xs + i ys ) + (xv + i yv ) =
(xs + xv ) + i(ys + yv ) (12)
Figure 4: Graphical representation of Euler’s formula, relating the
Cartesian (z = x + i y) and polar (z = ρ ei φ ) representations of a
The complex product of those two values is given as:
generic complex number z.
As an example, let’s calculate the logarithm of s = Now, let’s consider the situation in which p is a real
1 + 1 i. We have: value. Similar formulae hold as before and, in the case of
p √ Equation 22 we have that np2π will no longer be an in-
ρ = 12 + 12 = 2 teger, implying that the result ρp ei(pφ+2npπ) is no longer
1 π periodical. Though they will all be valid results, as per
φ = arctan =
1 4 our previous discussion, several results will be missed.
hπ i
ln(1 + 1 i) = ln(ρ) + i[φ + n2π] = 0.5 ln 2 + i + n2π Therefore, De Moivre’s relationship cannot be used for
4 calculating real powers of complex values other than that
with n integer. corresponding to the principal value.
Recall that the change of logarithmic basis can be ob- In the case of a complex exponent z, it is interesting to
tained as: consider, for a generic complex value s, that:
logb (s)
loga (s) = (18)
logb (a) s = eln(s) (23)
Thus, we have:
8 Powers of Complex and Com-
plex Powers sz = eln(s) = ez ln(s)
First, it is important to remember that, given three values Observe that only the principal value is thus obtained.
a, b, c, ∈ R, in general we have that: Let’s consider some numeric examples. First, we calcu-
c late (2 + i)2 by using De Moivre’s Theorem:
(ab )c 6= a(b )
(19) p √
ρ = 22 + 12 = 5
so that it is important to define the order of the powers
in case the expression ab is used (we suggest always to φ = arctan = 0.4636476...
use the brackets).
(2 + i)2 = ρ2 exp(i 2φ) = 5 ei 0.92729... = 3 + 4 i
Recall also that:
Now, we take the complex power of a complex value,
(ab )c = ab c (20)
(1 + i)2+i . Let s = 1 + i and z = s + i. First, let’s obtain
Now, let s = x + i y be a generic complex number, and the polar form of s:
p be a generic integer value. Then, we can write: p √
ρ = 12 + 12 = 2
1 π
sp = (x + i y)p = ρ eiφ = ρp ep iφ = ρp ei(pφ+n2π) (21) φ = arctan =
1 4
with n being an integer value. (25)
This result, known as the De Moivre’s Theorem, pro-
vides a means for taking integer powers of complex values. Now, we apply Equation 24:
However, in the above result we considered only one
(1 + i)2+i = e(2+i) ln(1+i) = e(2+i)[ln ρ+iφ] =
of the infinite polar representations of s. Now, let’s
take all them into account (see Section 5), with n = = e2 ln ρ−φ+i[ln ρ+2φ] = −0.3097435... + 0.857658i... (26)
. . . , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, . . .:
Figure 6: The complex exponential as a parametric function of t is
used as the basis function for the Fourier series and transform. The
figure depicts the complex exponential ei 2πf t for f = 1, 2, 4, and 8.
(a) (b)
Figure 7: The real (a) and imaginary (b) parts of the function g(z) = z 2 , corresponding respectively to u(x, y) = x2 − y 2 and v(x, y) = 2xy.
Each of these parts can be understood as a multivariate function of the variables x and y.
z0 . Analyticity can also be inferred from the derivatives As an example, consider the function z = s2 = x2 −
of complex functions. y + i 2xy. We have that:
Let g(z) = u(x, y) + i v(x, y), with z = x + i y, be
a complex function. In case they exist, the Wirtinger
∂u(x, y) ∂v(x, y)
derivatives (e.g. [6]) of g() are expressed as: = 2x; = 2x
∂x ∂y
1 ∂g(z) ∂g(z)
∂u(x, y) ∂v(x, y)
= −i = = −2y; = 2y
∂z 2 ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x
1 ∂u(x, y) ∂v(x, y) ∂u(x, y) ∂v(x, y)
= +i −i + =
2 ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y and we can conclude that z = s2 is an analytical func-
1 ∂u(x, y) ∂v(x, y) ∂v(x, y) ∂u(x, y) tion.
= + +i − (40)
2 ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y The complex conjugate g(z = x + i y) = u(x, y) +
∂g(z) 1 ∂g(z) ∂g(z) i v(x, y) = x − i y, with u(x, y) = x and v(x, y) = −y
= +i =
∂z 2 ∂x ∂y is not an analytic function:
1 ∂u(x, y) ∂v(x, y) ∂u(x, y) ∂v(x, y)
= +i +i − =
2 ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂u(x, y) ∂v(x, y)
1 ∂u(x, y) ∂v(x, y)
∂u(x, y) ∂v(x, y)
= 1; = −1
= − +i + (41) ∂x ∂y
2 ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x ∂u(x, y) ∂v(x, y)
= 0; =0
∂y ∂x
The Cauchy-Riemann, a necessary and sufficient con-
dition for a complex function g(z) to be analytic, can be
expressed as: All analytic complex functions have the important
∂g(z) property of being conformal, in the sense of preserving the
=0 (42)
∂z angles between any two parametric curves, as illustrated
in Figure 8. Informally speaking, this property can also
being verified for every z in the considered domain, im-
understood as preserving shape locally around each point.
plying the existence of the Wirtinger derivative as well as
Though preservation of orientation is also often required,
it assuming null value.
it is possible to consider conformality without orientation
meaning that:
preservation, therefore emphasizing local shape preserva-
∂u(x, y) ∂v(x, y) tion.
= (43) Not being an analytic function, the complex conjugate,
∂x ∂y
∂u(x, y) ∂v(x, y) does not preserve angle orientation, but it does preserve
=− (44) angles and local shape.
∂y ∂x
for (j in seq(1,N)){
x <- (i-1)*dx + x_min
y <- (j-1)*dy + y_min
c <- x + 1i*y
z <- 0; p <- 1
while ((Mod(z) < 2)&(p < 50)){
z <- z^2 + c
p <- p+1
if (Mod(z) < 2) img[i,j] <- 0
else img[i,j] <- p
with n = 1, 2, . . ., z [1] = 0 (other configurations are Figure 9: The Mandelbrot set generated by the described R code.
possible), and c is each of the considered points in the
Argand plane.
Points c that lead to the convergence of the above re- As one zooms into this structure, it will prove to be
lationship after a sufficiently large number of interactions self-similar at any possible scale, which is a characteris-
(100 is often adopted when plotting the Mandelbrot set) tic of a fractal. As a suggestion, the reader is motivated
are understood to belong to the Mandelbrot convergence to adapt the above code in order to zoom into parts of
set. Otherwise, the number of interactions taken until the obtained structure, but it should be noticed that this
the magnitude of x[n+1] exceeds a given threshold (e.g. is limited by the intrinsic precision for representing real
2), is often represented as a respective intensity of the values in programming languages. Specially designed pro-
respective point when represented as an image. grams capable of enhanced zooming capabilities have been
The following R code illustrates a possible implemen- made available in the Internet.
tation allowing the obtention of an overall picture of the
Mandelbrot set. 14 The Riemann Zeta Function
N <- 500; img <- matrix(0,N,N)
Consider the real series, known as the harmonic series:
x_min <- -2.5; x_max <- 1.5
y_min <- -1.5; y_max <- 1.5 1 1 1 X1
1+ + + + ... = (46)
2 3 4 k
dx <- (x_max-x_min)/(N-1)
dy <- (y_max-y_min)/(N-1) Though each new term 1/k is progressively smaller and
smaller, this series can surprisingly be shown not to con-
for (i in seq(1,N)){ verge.
The Riemann zeta function, introduced in 1859, is de- be a generic vector in R2 . We immediately have that:
fined in terms of the complex variable s = x + i y as:
16 Concluding Remarks Sine_Cosine_Periodicity_Phase_Sine_CDT-33.
[Online; accessed 1-March-2020.].
Mainly motivated as a solution to the square root of −1,
complex numbers have proven to be critically important
for extending the two-dimensional Euclidean space into a
[4] L. da F. Costa. Signals: From analog
complex space endowed with several additional important
to digital, and back. Researchgate, 2020.
operations and functions. These concepts have found es-
sential applications not only in mathematics, but in virtu-
ally every theoretical and applied scientific areas, includ-
and_Back_CDT-39. [Online; accessed 09-March-
ing but by no means limited to: signal analysis, electri-
cal and mechanical engineering, acoustics, number theory,
control theory, scientific visualization, shape analysis and
complex systems.
The present work aimed at introducing some of the [5] L. da F. Costa. Instantaneous signal analysis.
most important basic concepts related to complex num-
bers, from the idea of an imaginary number to its appli- 344750267_Instantaneous_Signal_Analysis_
cations in interesting subjects as fractals and number the- CDT-40, 2020. [Online; accessed 02-Feb-2021].
ory. Among the several concepts that have been briefly
covered we have: the complex exponential, basic com-
plex operations, complex powers of real and complex val- [6] Wikipedia. Wirtinger derivatives. https://en.
ues, complex roots, complex parametric functions, generic,
complex functions, the concept of analyticity and confor- 2021. [Online; accessed 02-Feb-2021].
mality, the Mandelbrot set, the Riemann zeta function,
and a consideration on the similarities and distinctions
between the two important spaces R2 and C.
Despite the general perspective adopted by the present [7] H.-O. Peitgen, H. Jürgens, and D. Saupe. Chaos and
work, special attention has been given to concepts related Fractals: New Frontiers of Science. Springer, 2004.
to signal analysis, electrical and mechanical engineering,
acoustics, image and shape analysis, dynamical systems,
complex systems, fractals, and number theory. These [8] A. Ledoan. Zeros of partial sums of the
constitute but a small sample of the wide range of ap- Riemann zeta-function. Report, 2021.
plications of complex numbers. The prospective reader
is encouraged to probe further into related literature and sjmiller/public_html/ntandrmt/talks/
applications (e.g. []). OremTalk-2009GraduateWorkshop_Ledoan.pdf.
[Online; accessed 5-March-2021.].
Luciano da F. Costa thanks CNPq (grant
no. 307085/2018-0) and FAPESP (grant 15/22308- [9] L. da F. Costa. A first glance at prime numbers.
CDT-55, 2021. [Online; accessed 02-Feb-2021].
Costa’s Didactic Texts – CDTs
CDTs intend to be a halfway point between a
formal scientific article and a dissemination text
in the sense that they: (i) explain and illustrate
concepts in a more informal, graphical and acces-
sible way than the typical scientific article; and
(ii) provide more in-depth mathematical develop-
ments than a more traditional dissemination work.
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