Course Outline
Course Outline
Course Outline
School of Law
Course Objective
At the end of this course students will be able to know the basic knowledge and skills of the common
legal aspects of business activity which are usually encountered to the day to day life of students in
their future respective profession. The very objective of the course is to acquaint the students with the
legal environment in which they are going to engage as a business man or as a professional service
giver. The student will learn principles of business law and develop some degree of competence in
applying them to business problems. In attaining this objective, a student is likely to acquire
considerable knowledge of law as it pertains to specific business activities. That knowledge should
enable the student to recognize situations in which it is not safe to proceed without competent legal
help, and to communicate effectively with a lawyer if the need arises. At the same time, the student
will come to recognize that many businesses having legal implications may safely be made without
advice from a lawyer, if those decisions are made in conformance with basic, well-known legal
Chapter One: Introduction to Law 5.2.2 Principle of Agency
1.1 Introduction to Law 5.3 Scope of Agency
1.1.1 Purposes of law 5.4 Duties of the Agent
.1.1.2 Sources of law 5.5 Duties of the prinpcipal
1.1.3 Classifications of law 5.6 Liabilities of the principal and the agent
1.2 Business Law and its Objective 5.6.1 The agent's liabilities
1.2.1 Meaning of business law 5.6.2 The principal's liabilities
1.2.2 Objectives of a course on 5.6.3 Joint liabilities of the principal and the
business law agent
1.3 Dispute Resolution 5.7 Termination of Agency
1.3.1 Extra-judicial (out-of-court) 5.8 Unauthorized Agency
Settlement of dispute Chapter Six: Law of Business and Business
1.3.2 Judicial settlement of dispute
Chapter Two: The Law of Person
2.1. Meaning of the Term Legal Person 6.1 Definition and elements of business
2.2. Attributes of Legal Personality 6.2 Who can do business?
2.3. Personality of Physical Person 6.3 Business organization
2.4. Capacity of Physical Person 6.4 Types of Business organization
2.4.1. Incapacity 6.5 Common provisions
2.4.2. The End of Incapacity 6.5.1 Formation
2.5. End of Incapacity 6.5.2 Legal personality
Chapter Three: Contract 6.5.3 Agency
3.1 Law of Obligations 6.5.4 Sharing profits and Losses
3.2 Definition of Contract. 6.5.5 Dissolution of a business
3.3 Formation of Contracts organization
3.3.1 Consent
3.3.2 Capacity Chapter Seven: Contract of Insurance
3.3.3 Object 7.1 Definition and purpose of insurance
3.3.4 Form 7.2 Legal principles of insurance
3.4 Effects of Contract 7.3 Provisions of insurance in general
2.4.1 Performance of Contracts 7.4 Insurance of objects
2.4.2 Remedies for Non- 7.5 Insurance of liability
Performance 7.6 Insurance of persons
2.4.3 Variation of Contracts. 7.6.1 Life insurance
3.5 Extinction of Obligations 7.6.2 Insurance against accident
3.6 Period of Limitation and illness
Chapter Four: Contract of Sale Chapter Eight: Negotiable Instruments
4.1 Definition 8.1 Definition
4.2 Formation of Contract of Sale 8.2 Common provisions to negotiable
4.3 Performance of Sale Contract instruments
4.3. 1 Obligations of the seller 8.3 Holder in Due Course Delivery 8.4 Commercial Instruments (Papers) Transfer of ownership 8.4.1 Bills of Exchange Warranty 8.4.2 Promissory Notes
4.3.2. Obligation of the Buyer 8.4.3 Cheques Payment of price Taking delivery Evaluation Examination and Class part& Attendance 5%
Notification Tests 30%
4.4 Transfer of risk and preservation duty Assignment & Presentation 15%
4.5 Remedies for non-performance Final Exam 50%
Chapter Five: Law of agency
5.1. Agency and its sources Reading Materials
5.2. Contract of agency
5.2.1 Formation of Agency Civil code of the Empire of Ethiopia,
Proclamation No. 165/1960
1. Art 1-7
2. Art 192-393
3. Art 1675- 1856
4. Art 2266- 2265
5. Art 2179-2265
Commercial Code of the Empire of Ethiopia,
proclamation No. 166/1960
1. Art 210-543
2. Art 654-714
3. Art 715-895