Ge 1 - Uts Midterm Reviewer

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Midterms Notes for Understanding The Self Law of “Karma” is the most important

doctrine of Hinduism.
OF THESELF • They believe that there is good karma
and bad karma in life.
• Hindus believe that Atman being an
Wester Thoughts immortal continues to be reincarnated
from lifetime to lifetime until it is freed
• It conducts scientific investigations to
from the cycle of rebirth and reach a
understand the self and developed state of nirvana or non-birth.
theories and difference among them.
• Atman – the soul of spirit.
• it emphasizes the importance of
• Reincarnation – born to another body.
scientific methods of investigation to
provide satisfactory answers to Confucianism - a philosophy and belief system
understanding the self. from ancient China. Confucius is the founder of
• They focus on individual this religion.

Eastern Thoughts • Confucius – “Do not do others what you

would not want others to do you.” –
• It raises questions about the ultimate Wag mong gawin sa iba ang ayaw mong
meaning of human life
gawin nila sayo
• They have developed theories of self as
• Another important feature in Confucian
they have investigated what it means to
thought is the individual’s greatest
be a human being
mission of attaining self-realization
• It emphasis relational rather than
where in self- cultivation is
individual, relationship with other
• Based on Confucian thought, moral
• They to not utilize the scientific
character is perfected through
techniques of investigation
continously taking every opportunity to
Buddhism – comes from the root word “budh” improve oneself in thought and action –
Wag puro salita dapat meron din gawa.
Meaning awake. For you to understand,
you need to be awake. Siddharta Taoism – an ancient tradition of philosophy and
“Buddha” Gautama is the founder of religious belief attributed to Lao Tzu – founder
Buddhism. According to Buddha, all of of this religion.
people has seed of enlightenment.
• Taoism believes that the self is an
• They believe that nothing is permanent, extension of the cosmos, not of social
but change. relationships.
• There is no self (or soul) • They describe the self as one of the
• There is only nothing and all else is an limitless forms of the Tao.
illusion • The Tao is commonly regarded as a
• “annica” literally means impermanence nature that is the foundation of all that
means that everything in life is always exist.
changing, that nothing last forever. • The perfect man has no self and selfless
• Nirvana is the heaven for Buddhist – person leads to a balanced life, in
This state of transcendence can be harmony with nature
achieved through meditation. • There should be unity and harmony,
among opposing elements: the Yin and
5 parts that compose the individual Yang.
Lesson 5: The Physical Self and Sexual Self
1. Matter
2. Sensation Physical Self – refers to the body that includes
3. Perception basic parts such as head, neck, arms, and legs
4. Mental Constructs
• Physical efficiency generally peaks in
5. Consciousness
early adulthood and declines into the
Hinduism – The religion of ancient people middle age.
known as the Aryans (The oldest religion in the • Physical development and growth
world) during childhood continues at a slow
rate compared with rapid rate of 4. Resolution phase - It is the last stage
growth in babyhood. that refers to the return to a normal or
• One of the most crucial stages of subnormal physiologic state.
development is the adolescence stage.
Nervous System Factors - The lower spinal cord
Diseases Associated with the Reproductive leads to erection and ejaculation for male, and
System vaginal discharges and lubrication for female
when the genital and perineal areas are
In Females
• Vaginal infections are more common in Sexual Problems - Ejaculatory impotence, which
young and elderly women and in those results from the inability to ejaculate in coitus,
whose resistance to diseases is low. is uncommon and is usually of psychogenic
• Tumors of the breast and cervix are the origin.
most common reproductive cancers in
adult females Sexually Transmitted Diseases

In Males 1. Chlamydia
2. Gonorrhea
• Common inflammatory conditions are 3. Syphilis
prostatitis, urethritis, and epididymitis, 4. Chancroid
all of which may follow sexual contacts 5. Human Papillomavirus
in which sexually transmitted disease 6. Herpes Simplex Virus
(STD) microorganisms are transmitted. 7. Trichomonas Vaginalis
• Prostate cancer (a common sequel to
prostatic hypertrophy) is a widespread Lesson 6: Material Self
problem in adult males.
• Williams James – understanding the
Erogenous Zones - They refer to parts of the self can be examined through its
body that are primarily receptive and increase different components: constituents,
sexual arousal when touched in a sexual self-feelings; self-seeking and self-
manner. preservation.
• Body - The innermost part of our
Human Sexual Behavior - There are two major material self. We are directly attached
factors that determine human sexual behavior: to it and we can’t live without it.
the inherited sexual response patterns that • Clothes - Our clothes affect our attitude
have evolved as a means of ensuring and behavior. It is a form of self-
reproduction, and the degree of restraint or expression.
other types of influence exerted on the
• Family - When an immediate family
individual by society in the expression of his/her
member dies, a part of us dies too.
• Home - The home is an extension of our
Types of Behavior self, we directly connect ourselves to it.

1. Solitary Behavior - Self-gratification Lesson 7: The Supernatural: Believe It or Not!

means self-stimulation that leads to
• Religion - a belief in anthromorphic
sexual arousal and generally, sexual
supernatural being; such as spirit/gods
climax; most self-gratification takes
• Ritual - Performance of ceremonial acts
place in private as an end in itself.
prescribed by a tradition or sacred law
2. Sociosexual Behavior - Heterosexual
behavior is the greatest amount of Some World Religious Beliefs and Practices
sociosexual behavior that occurs
between only one male and one female. 1. Buddhism – Beliefs – Buddhism
believes that life is not a bed of roses.
Physiology of Human Sexual Response Customs & Practices – Samatha &
1. Excitement phase - There is increase in
2. Christianity – Beliefs - Christians believe
pulse and blood pressure, and skin
in Trinitarian God, one God in three
personas: God the Father (Creator), God
2. Plateau phase - It is generally of brief
the Son (Savior), and God the Holy Spirit
duration. If stimulation is continued,
orgasm usually occurs.
3. Sexual climax - It is marked by a feeling
of abrupt, intense pleasure.
Customs and Practices - The Sacrament - Freedom to find meaning
of Baptism symbolizes the birth in
Christian World.
3. Islam – Beliefs - Islam means “willing Franklian Psychology aims to: 1. Become aware
submission to God.” Muslims believe in of spiritual resources; 2. Make conscious
spiritual resources; and 3. Use “defiant power
Allah, who is their “One God”, in the
of the human spirit” and stand up against
unity and universality of God, that
Mohammed is the last and final prophet
sent by God. Logotherapy Assumptions - The human being is
Customs and Practices: Muslims an entity consisting of body, mind, and spirit.
believe in the five pillars of Islam, which
are the foundation of Muslim life: Frankl’s Sources of Meaning - Purposeful Work.
1. Shahadah – statement of faith: Each individual has his/her own future goal to
“There is no God but the one true God achieve or a task to perform; the meaning of
and Mohammed is his messenger. life is unique to every individual.
2. Salat – the prayer that is practiced
five times a day.
3. Zakat – the monetary offering for the
benefit of the poor. It comprises the
2.5% of a Muslim’s assets.
4. Hajj – the yearly pilgrimage to
Mecca. Muslims who can afford are
asked to do the pilgrimage at least once
in their lifetime.
5. Sawm – the fasting. Muslims do fast,
from food, drink, and sexual act, during
the celebration of Ramadan. Ramadan is
the ninth month of the Islamic lunar
calendar. The fast is from dawn to
6. Eidul-Fitr is the celebration at the
end of Ramadan, while Eidul-Adha is
celebrated within the completion of the
Pilgrimage, the Hajj.

4. Judaism – Beliefs - The Jews believe in

the God of Abraham, in the coming of Messiah,
the Savior. The sacred scripture of the Jews is
called the Torah or the Law.

Customs and Practices: There are five major

festivals observed by the Jews:

1. Rosh Hashanah – the New Year

2. Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement

3. Pesach – Passover

4. Shavuot – Pentecost

5. Sukkot – Tabernacles
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray
Finding and Creating Meaning of Life about everything. Tell God what you need and
Logotherapy - A psychotherapy introduced thank him for all he has done. Then you will
by Dr. Viktor Frankl experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything
- It uses the philosophy of optimism in we can understand. His peace will guard your
the face of tragedy. hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
The Franklian Psychology has these basic Philippians 4:6,7
- Life has meaning under all GOOD LUCK SA LAHAT 😊

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