Pay Bill New JEST Basit Ali

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Bill No._____________ [See Rule 265] P-

Arrears of Pay and Allowances in favor of

Mr. Basit Ali S/o Muhammad Ashad JEST BPS-14
FOR THE MONTH OF 30.05.2022 to December 2022

Pers ID No. 10983773 UT0269

1. Is the remarks column (24) should be recorded all Demand No. Voucher No. __________
unusual permanent events as deaths, retirement Tresuary Code No. List _______________
permanent transfers and first appointments, which
find no place is increment certificate of the absentee
Controlling Officer Code No. For ______________200
statement. D.D.O Code No.
2. When an increment claimed operates to cary a Major Function
Government Servant over an efficiency bar, it Minor Function
should be supported by a declaration that the
Detailed Function
Government Servant in question is to pass the bar.
3. The names fo Government Servants holding Sub Detailed Function
posts substantive pay drawn and below those will Classification Amount
be shown the posts left vacant and the men Old New
officating in the vacancies.
OBJECT Code Code Rupees Paisa
4. Officiating pay should be recorded in section of
the bill appropriate to that in which the Government Pay of Permanent Establishment A01151 153079
Servant officiate & transit pay should be recorded in Pay of Temporary Establishment A01151 0
the same section as that in which the duty pay of the Pay of Contract Staff A01156 0
Government Servant after transfer is record. TOTAL BASIC SALARY 153079
5. In case where any fund deduction are included in
the pay bill, a separate schedule, showing the
House Rent Allowance A01202 15641
particulars of deduction relating to each fund hold Convey Allow: A01203 20176
accompany to the bill. M.A A01217 9714
Unattractive Area Allowance A01233 7065
Adhoc Allowance 2013 426
Adhoc Allowance 2015 276
Adhoc Allowance 2016 A0122C 1354
Adhoc Allowance 2017 A0122Y 2424
Adhoc Allowance 2018 A0123G 1616
Adhoc Allowance 2019 A0123P 2424
Adhoc Allowance 2020 A0123P 1616
Adhoc Allowance 2021 A0124F 3232
Adhoc Allowance 2022 A0124R 13662
Differntial Allowance A0124S 31284
Name of Sanctioned Overtime Allowance 3100 A01217 0
Working Vacant
Post Strength Honoraria 3300 A01273 0
Medical Charges 3400 A01274 0
Leave Salary 3800 A01278 0
General Provident Fund (Civil) 1503000 G06103 22349
Benevolent Fund 3315014 G06215 2297
Group Insurance G06411 2989
Income Tax 118100 B01187 0
Deduction of Advances & Recoveries 0
House Building Advance (HPA) 2251000 E02501 0
Receive of Overdrawls/Payments 0
NET TOTAL 236354
Two Lac thirty six thousand three hundred fifty four rupees only.
Unattracti Adhoc
S.No. House Adhoc Adhoc Adhoc Adhoc Adhoc Adhoc
Sanction of Esstt. & Convey ve Area Allow:
& Basic Pay Rent M.A Allow: 5 Allowanc Allowanc Allowanc Allowanc Allowanc
Name of Incumbent Allow: Allowanc 2.5 %
Post Allowance % 2013 e 2016 e 2017 e 2018 e 2019 e 2020
e 2015
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps.
1 Mr. Basit Ali S/o Muhammad Ashad JEST BPS-14, GBHS Babu Fakir
30.05.2022 &
1 31.05.2022 (2 979 143 184 89 65 26 17 82 147 98 147 98

2 Jun-22 15180 2214 2856 1375 1000 400 259 1272 2277 1518 2277 1518

3 Jul-22 22530 2214 2856 1375 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 Aug-22 22530 2214 2856 1375 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 Sep-22 22530 2214 2856 1375 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Oct-22 22530 2214 2856 1375 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Nov-22 22530 2214 2856 1375 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 Dec-22 24270 2214 2856 1375 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 153079 15641 20176 9714 7065 426 276 1354 2424 1616 2424 1616

Page 1
Adhoc Adhoc Total Total
Differntial G.P Group Tax Remarks
Allowance Allowance Esstt. SED No. B.F Advance HPA R.O.P Dedu- Net
Allowance Fund Ins. Porfes- Acquitt-ance
2021 2022 Charges ction
sion Tax
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps.

196 0 0 2271 169 15 12 196 2075

3036 0 0 35182 2620 228 193 3041 32141

0 2277 5214 37466 2620 338 464 3422 34044

0 2277 5214 37466 2620 338 464 3422 34044

0 2277 5214 37466 2620 338 464 3422 34044

0 2277 5214 37466 3900 338 464 4702 32764

0 2277 5214 37466 3900 338 464 4702 32764

0 2277 5214 39206 3900 364 464 4728 34478

3232 13662 31284 263989 0 22349 2297 2989 0 0 0 0 27635 236354

Certified that this amount is not claimed before this bill.

Page 2
TOTAL [COLUMN (11)] Received contents certified that I have satisfied my self that all
Deducted undisburded Salary as Detailed below Rs.________________
emoluments included in this bills drawn 1/2/3 months previous to the date
Deduction: Column(22) with the exception of those detailed _________________________ of
which the total has been refunded by deduction from the bill, have been
Total 27635
disbursed to the proper persons and that their acqittances have been
taken and filled in any officer with revenue receipt stamp duty, cancelled
Net Amount required for Payment 236354.00 for every payment in excess of Rs. 20/-
(In Words)
Two Lac thirty six thousand three hundred fifty
2 Certified that no person has been absent either on deputation or
four rupees only. suspension with or without leave except on casual leave during the
Sanction of Amount
Establishm Name of 3 Certified that leave, departures, returns, suspension, deputation,
ent Incumbent Period Rs. Ps. appointment, promotion, etc., have been entered in the Service Book.

4 Certified that all Govt. Servant whose names are omitted, but for
whose pay has been drawn in this bill have actually been entertained
5. the month.
Certified (Rule
that each 38) for whom Hous rent allowance/conveyance
Allowance has been claimed in this bill.

(a) has neither been provided with accomodation by the Government nor
sharing and such a accomdation with an other allotee without necessary
permission of the Estate Officer and is in occupation of rent free
Government Quarter.
(b) his/her/wife/husband is not in the service of the Federal/Provincial
Government/Autonomous body, is not in reciept of the House Rent
(c) his/her/wife/husband, who is in the service of the Federal/ Provioncial
Government/Autonomous body, is not in receipt of the House Rent
(e) has not been residing
is maintaining withinn
a motorcycle workispermises.
which registered in his/her name or in
the name of his/her spouse who is not drawing motor cycle allowance.

Station __________________ Signature

Date: ____________________ Designation of the Drawing Officer

Not Payable Before

Pay Rs. _____________ Rupees _____________
________________________________________ For use in Accountant General Office

District Accounts Officer _______________________________

Treasuary Officer Objected Rs: _____________________

Assistant Accounts Officer

Assistant Accountant General Auditor Superintendant

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