Energy Resources LLC: Ukhaa Khudag Project Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Executive Summary
Energy Resources LLC: Ukhaa Khudag Project Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Executive Summary
Energy Resources LLC: Ukhaa Khudag Project Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Executive Summary
Executive Summary
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................ 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
1.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 1
1.3 OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK ..................................................................................... 2
1.4 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES .................................................................................... 3
1.5 EXISTING ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................................... 3
1.5.1 Physical ..................................................................................................... 3
1.5.2 Social ........................................................................................................ 4
1.6 IMPACTS AND MANAGEMENT MEASURES ................................................................... 5
1.6.1 Environmental Impacts................................................................................ 5
1.6.2 Social Impacts ............................................................................................ 7
1.7 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ACTION PLAN............................................................. 7
1.8 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PLAN........................................................................... 8
1.5.1 Physical
The UHG mine area is one of gently rolling desert plains with minor relief where elevations
range from 1,500 m to 1,600 m above sea level.
The region has a continental climate with extreme fluctuations of air temperature and very
low precipitation, less than 120 mm per year. Average wind speeds reach 5 m/s and
maximum wind speeds can be up to 34 m/s causing seasonal dust and sand storms. The
average temperature in the warmest month of June is about 23°С, with the maximum
temperature reached being 39°С.
The dry climate, seasonal strong winds (particularly in spring) and light desert soils provide
conditions that generate dust storms in the South Gobi area. In addition to the natural
levels of dust, the use of the existing road in the current state of disrepair (being damaged
and eroded) causes elevated localised dust concentrations adjacent to the road.
The UHG coal deposit and adjacent basin areas are within the closed Central Asian drainage
basin and have no outflow to the ocean. There are no surface water springs or creeks in
the proposed UHG coal mine area. The nearest surface water depression is Ulaan Lake
which is located approximately 10 km southwest. Also, there is no permanent surface water
within the region of the road. However, there are many dry water beds that cross the road
that contain water during rainstorms and possible seasonal flooding events.
The region containing the mine and road is dominated by poorly developed and eroded
semi-desert brown soils, desert brown grey soil and Galbyn Gobi soils. The ground surface
is subject to freezing in winter but there is no permafrost.
Seventy (70) percent of the sparse desert vegetation around the UHG mine is drought
resistant plants that are commonly found across the desert and semi-desert steppe.
Mongolian endemic plants including Caryopteris mongolica and Astragalus pavlovii and the
endangered plant Asterothamnus centrali-asiaticus were recorded in the general area.
Caryopteris mongolica is also included in the Red Book of Mongolia.
The road route crosses a variety of landscapes and therefore various vegetation
communities. There are five plant species listed as Rare in the Mongolian Red Book,
including: Cynomorium soongoricum; Amygdalus mongolica; Glycyrrhisa uralensis; Ephedra
equisetina; and Sophara alopecuroides.
1.5.2 Social
Although Umnugobi is the largest aimag in Mongolia, covering 165,377 km2, it is the least
densely populated with approximately 50,000 residents. 2005 Government figures give the
population density as 0.29/km2. The capital city Dalanzadgad (approximately 80 km west of
the proposed UHG mine) serves as the province’s logistics, administrative and population
centre and has the province’s only high school and civilian airport.
The UHG mine is situated in Tsogttsetsii soum, which is located in the eastern region of
Umnugobi. The coal export road runs through the Bayan-Ovoo and Khanbogd soums, which
are perhaps the most affected by the existing poor road condition, and who in turn stand to
benefit the most from the proposed road upgrade.
Tsogttsetsii soum is indicative of the region, with the majority of the population (2,200
people) relying upon animal husbandry and government employment/entitlements for their
livelihood. Average herder families are considered economically poor by Mongolian and
International standards. Traditional nomadic herding practices involve an informal system of
seasonal grazing of sheep, goats, camels, horses and cattle. Herders rely largely on
cashmere, dairy and other animal products for subsistence. The total land area of the soum
is 7,246 km2, giving a population density of 0.30/km2.
Facilities currently available in Tsogttsetsii soum centre include a 20 bed hospital, a primary
and middle school for 400 pupils, a dormitory for the children of herders, mobile phone
access and banking facilities as well as community heating system. The Tsogttsetsii soum
centre is 2-3 km from the site of the UHG mine camp.
Bayan-Ovoo soum, through which the road runs, has a population of just 1,539 people
spread across 10,474 km2, giving a population density of just 0.15/km2. Bayan-Ovoo relies
heavily upon animal herding, although the soum centre has a high level of educational and
healthcare infrastructure, reflecting efforts made by the soum governor.