Fiduciary Affidavit Kimki El

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| c S&S axe empire state ob morocco united states for morocco ‘moorishe nationall reepublic feberall governmente mid s& ~sorietas republicae ea al maurikanos= moorishe dibpne ande nationall mubemente ob the earthe northe weste amexem + north weste affrica + northe ammerica + the northe gate all abdjoining isstands: ‘& ~tempel ob the moon ande sun~ the true anbde de jure natucall peeples + heirs ov the Lande we mi.s.Lam— unniversall sovereiqne origeneall inndigeneous annciente natural dibpne empire state ob morocco fiduciarie kimki makita auckia el all rize ande stande ande reemain standing innto perpetuitee. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente artikle iii ‘moorishe al moroccan kourte acctione. i am sovereigne livinge justise kimki makita auckia el in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. my free chozen national appellatione is kimki makita auckia el in capitis diminutio nol, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. i ande all moors are the origeneall inndigencous sovereigne annciente moorishe al ‘moroccan ascendents ov the greate pharoahs ov kemet ande ov the annciente moabites ande canaanites. our fulle faithe ande trust, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in ourselves for we are the peepel ‘who are the origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne annciente empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente. we are one god. we herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at this time nde at all pointes in time nung pro tung, be it knowne that i, kimki makita auckia el ande all moors are the unniversall sovereigne origeneall inndigencous annciente naturall divyne fiduciaries for the sovereigne livinge state ov ande for annciente morocco, allso appellationed as the maghrib al agsa, the northe gate, northe amerika, northe weste afftica, northe weste amexem, turtlle island, ande the moste exxtreme weste, ammung other sovereigne land appellationes. we are the “fiduciaries for all land, all naturall resources ande all kommerce. specificallie, we are the fiduciaries for all fonts, mahnochrome or utherwize, ande all kontractes, agreementes, treaties, constitutiones ande all uther documentes regardless ov the reesulting sensatione that the eye mannifestes: *notificatione: the unniversall origeneallinndigeneous sovereigne naturall divyne peepel who are the sovereigne empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe national reepublic federall governmente have placed a unniversall commereall code 1 lien on the (UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY}, the [FEDERAL RESERVE] ande all {agentes principalls heirs assigns ande any derivatives thereov] on auguste 3, 1438 [2018], the financiall konditione ov the United States is unnder the governing authoritie ande sovereigne supreeme jursdictione ov the empire state ov morocco section 8, clause 4 as phollows: “to essablshe an unniform rule ov natualizatione, ande unniform laws on the subbjecte ov bankruptcies throughout the United States. to coin money, reggulate the vallue thercov, ande ov foreigne coin, ande fix the standarde ov ‘weights ande measures:" definitiones ande Klarficationes + dolla, noun, the unit emmployed in calleulating money values. a coin or piece ov payper money ov the vallue ov a dollar. money or curency isshued by lawfulle authoritie ande intended to passe ande crcullate as suche. neufeld ¥. United States, 18 F.2d 375, 387, 73 appadc. 174. the dollar forthe united states is the gold backed moorishe sovereigne dollarium, thereby making the moorishe sovereigne dollarium the world reeserve kurrencse + *fiduciarie, noun, lawfulle ande leegall trustee. a sovercigne livinge natuall annciente who kompetently ande prudently takes kate ov lawfulle money ande uther assets ande has for her sovereigne use ande at her wille living subbjectes andelor immstrumentes to assiste at al times. notise:reegarding delegationes ov authoritie, while a living subbjecte can be assigned to cary, deeliver, or reetrieve a kommande, no one may use our sovercigne iddentitie, authoriie, nor sovereigne status sovereigne fiducarie duties ande reesponsibiltes are not limmited to, but do innelude the authoritie to isshue: 1. affidavids permitting the use ov the state ov morocco sovereigne kreddit 2. affidavids ov kreedence 3. affidavid ov addvice emi state 0 merece uate original and indigenous peoples’ documents northwest ancxem ores fica oath america the noth gate’ the moroscan empire ~ ‘cominetal ned sats, tel of the moon snd sn” "ure island’ non - domes, non-resident, non ~ subject. moors / murs Being the rightful eis and prinogenture birthright - inheritors ofthe lands -) ¢ Ky AD © 4. affidavid ov marque ande reprisal 5. affidavid ov patente 6. affidavid ov testamentarie 7. affidavid for bill ov attainder 8, affidavid for innternational bill ov exxchange 9. all ther judiciall banking affidavids (in affidavid formatte), permissiones, ande legationes/delegationes (legationes = the sending ov an ammbassador). + mahnochrome, noun. a singullar burst ov livinge innergy, frequency, vibratione ande sensatione reesulting from the stimulatione ov the retina ov the eye by waves ov light, allso named blaque. + *fonte, noun. a source, originn, beginning. a fountaine or spring. + in capitis diminutio nolo, noun. the higheste state or status, no loss ov status. Tam the ficueiare ov all numbers to innelude 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ande all inntegers in between to infiniti abede.fe hij KLm.nop.grs,UViWXYZABCDEFGHISKLMNOPORSTUVW.XYZ and all punctuatione fiduciary reesponsibilitie is the higheste standarde ov kare in equity ande law. the sovereige fiduciarie governs withe fille use ov the duty ov kate, the duty ov loyaltty ande the duty ov goode faithe. the sovereigne fiduciarie takes kare where fulle dissclosure, proffit onnly by knowlledge ande konsente, ande ovverseeing that no konflictes. ov inntereste exxiste. isaiah 33:22, exxodus 21:21, gene*isis 47:14 thrue 20 unniversall trannsfers for minores law imevokablle transfers ov all proppertie for all minores to the sovereigne living annciente empire state ov morocco is herebye mannifested as law ande proklaimed by the empire state ov morocco fiduciaries nung pro tung in allignmente withe unniversal, divine, naturall, ande state law ande for the benephit ov the minore benephishiaries ande in the beste inntereste ov the minores unntill suche time as said minores have reeched the age ov majority. this sovereigne unniversall trannsfer is acctivated sense time immemorialle into perpetuitee nung pro tung withoutt limmitatione on the vallue, ammounte, quantitee, size or kompositione ov the trannsfer. this sovereigne living affidavid is the etternall written reeseate ande affirmatione ov decliverie ov said trannsfers. saide transfers are not taxxed in allignmente withe the consttutione for the united states 1789 ande 1791 ‘on the reckorde, for the reckorde ande leting the unniversall reckorde show that i, latriva ann rice in capitis

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