CBH Overview
CBH Overview
CBH Overview
Service Overview
Date 2022-12-01
Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview Contents
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 1 Cloud Bastion Host
Cloud Bastion Host (CBH) is a unified security management and control platform.
It provides account, authorization, authentication, and audit management services
that enable you to centrally manage cloud computing resources.
A CBH system has various functional modules, such as department, user, resource,
policy, operation, and audit modules. It integrates functions such as single sign-on
(SSO), unified asset management, multi-terminal access protocols, file transfer,
and session collaboration. With the unified O&M login portal, protocol-based
forward proxy, and remote access isolation technologies, CBH enables centralized,
simplified, secure management and maintenance auditing for cloud resources such
as servers, cloud hosts, databases, and application systems.
Service Features
● A CBH instance maps to an independent CBH system. You can configure a
CBH instance to deploy the mapped CBH system. A CBH system environment
is managed independently to ensure secure system running.
● A CBH system provides a single sign-on (SSO) portal, making it easier for you
to centrally manage large-scale cloud resources and safeguard accounts and
data of managed resources.
● CBH helps you comply with security regulations and laws, such as
Cybersecurity Law, and audit requirements in different standards, including
the following:
– Technical audit requirements in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Classified
Information Security Protection standard
– Technical audit requirements stated by the financial supervision
– O&M audit requirements in relevant laws and regulations, such as
Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards, International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 27001, and other internal compliance
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 2 Features
2 Features
Credential Authentication
CBH uses multi-factor authentication and remote authentication technologies to
enhance O&M security.
● Multi-factor authentication: CBH authenticates users by mobile one-time
passwords (OTPs), SMS messages, USB keys, and/or OTP tokens. This allows
you to mitigate O&M risks caused by leaked credentials.
● Remote authentication: CBH interconnects with third-party authentication
services or platforms to perform remote account authentication, prevent
credential leakage, and ensure secure O&M. Currently, Active Directory (AD),
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS), Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol (LDAP), and Azure AD remote authentication are available.
CBH allows you to synchronize users from the AD domain server without
modifying the original user directory structure.
Account Management
With a CBH system, you can centrally manage system user accounts and managed
resource accounts, and establish a visible, controllable, and manageable O&M
system that covers the entire account lifecycle.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 2 Features
System CBH enables you to grant a unique account with specific permissions to each system
user user based on their responsibilities. This eliminates security risks resulting from the
accounts use of shared accounts, temporary accounts, or privilege escalation.
● Batch importing
CBH enables you to synchronize users from a third-party server or import users in
batches, eliminating the need to create users repeatedly.
● User groups
CBH allows you to add users of the same type in a group and assign permissions
by user group.
● Batch management
CBH enables you to manage user accounts in batches, including deleting, enabling,
and disabling user accounts, resetting user passwords, and modifying basic user
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 2 Features
Feature Description
Managed With a CBH system, you can centrally manage accounts of resources managed in the
resource CBH system through the entire account lifecycle, log in to managed resources by
accounts using SSO portal, and seamlessly switch between resource management and O&M.
● Resource types
CBH supports management of a wide range of resource types, including host (such
as Windows and Linux hosts), Windows application, and database (such as MySQL
and Oracle) resources.
– Host resources of the client-server architecture, including hosts configured with
the Secure Shell (SSH), Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), Virtual Network
Computing (VNC), Telnet, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), SSH File Transfer
Protocol (SFTP), DB2, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, Secure Copy Protocol (SCP),
or Rlogin protocol.
– Application resources of the browser-server architecture or the client-server
architecture, including more than 12 types of browser- and client-side Windows
applications, such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Oracle tools.
● Resource management
– Batch importing
CBH enables quick auto-discovery, synchronization, and batch importing of
cloud resources, such as Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) and Relational Database
Server (RDS) DB instances on the cloud for centralized O&M.
– Account group management
CBH manages resource accounts by group. By placing resource accounts of the
same attribute in the same group, you can assign permissions on a group basis
and let accounts inherit the permissions directly from the group to which they
– Password autofill
CBH uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit encryption
technology to encrypt managed resource accounts and uses the password auto-
filling technology to encrypt shared accounts, preventing data leakage.
– Automatic password change of managed resource accounts
CBH supports password change policies so that you can periodically change
account passwords to keep managed accounts secure.
– Automatic synchronization of managed resource accounts
CBH allows you to configure account synchronization policies so that you can
periodically check and synchronize account information between the CBH
system and the managed host resources. When you create, modify, or delete an
account on a host, the same operation is performed in CBH.
– Batch management
CBH allows you to batch manage information and accounts of managed
resources, including deleting a resource, adding a resource label, modifying
resource information, verifying a managed account, and deleting a managed
Permissions Management
CBH supports fine-grained permission management so that you have complete
control over which user can access the CBH system and which managed resources
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 2 Features
can be accessed by a specific system user, enabling you to safeguard both the CBH
system and managed resources.
CBH You can assign permissions to a system user to log in to a CBH system
system and use different functional modules in the CBH system according to
access the user's responsibilities.
permiss ● System user roles
ion CBH supports role-based and module-based permission
management so that you can allow a system user to access specific
functional modules based on the user's responsibilities.
You can use default user roles or create custom roles by adding
various functional modules.
● Departments
CBH enables department-based system user management,
allowing you to specify departments of different levels for each
system user. There are no limits on the number of department
● Login restrictions
CBH controls system user logins from many dimensions, including
login validity period, login duration, multi-factor verification, IP
addresses, and MAC addresses.
Manag You can assign permissions for resources by user, user group, account,
ed and account group.
resourc ● Access control
e You can control resource access by resource access validity period,
access access duration, and IP address. CBH also allows you to assign
permiss permissions to users for uploading and downloading files,
ion transferring files, and using the clipboard. When an O&M initiates
an O&M session, the watermark indicating their identity will be
displayed in the background of the session window.
● Two-person authorization
You can configure multi-level authorization for users, allowing
them to access to a specific resource, and thereby safeguard
sensitive and mission-critical resources.
● Command interception
You can set command control policies or database control policies
to forcibly block sensitive or high-risk operations on servers or
databases, generate alarms, and review such operations. This gives
you more control over key operations.
● Batch authorization
You can grant permissions for multiple resources to multiple users
by user group or account group.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 2 Features
Operation Audit
In a CBH system, each system user has a unique identifier. After a system user
logs in to the CBH system, the CBH system logs their operations and monitors and
audits their operations on managed resources based on the unique identifier so
that any security events can be discovered and reported in real time.
System All operations in a CBH system are recorded, and alarms are reported
operati for misoperations, malicious operations, and unauthorized operations.
on ● System login logs
audit Details about a login, including the login mode, system user, source
IP address, and login time, are recorded. System login logs can be
exported with just a few clicks.
● System operation logs
All system operation actions are recorded. System operation logs
can be exported with just a few clicks.
● System reports
CBH displays all operation details of users in one place, including
user statuses, user and resource creation, login methods, abnormal
logins, and session controls.
System reports can be exported with just a few clicks and
periodically reported by email.
● Alarm notification
You can configure different alarm reporting methods and alarm
severity levels for system operation and your application
environment so that the CBH system sends alarm notifications by
email or system messages as soon as it determines system
exceptions and abnormal user operations.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 2 Features
Functi Description
Resourc A CBH system records user operations throughout the entire O&M
e O&M process and supports multiple O&M auditing techniques. It audits user
audit operations, identifies O&M risks, and provides the basis for tracing
and analyzing security events.
● Auditing techniques
– Linux command audits
For command operations through character-oriented protocols
(such as SSH and Telnet), a CBH system records the entire O&M
process, parses operation commands, reproduces operation
commands, and quickly locates and replays operations using
keywords in input and output results.
– Windows operation audits
For operations on terminals and applications through graphics
protocol (such as RDP and VNC), the CBH system records all
remote desktop operations, including keyboard actions, function
key operations, mouse operations, window instructions, window
switchover, and clipboard copy.
– Database command audit
For command operations through database protocols (such as
DB2, MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server), the CBH system records
the entire process from single sign-on (SSO) to database
command operations, parses database operation instructions,
and reproduces all operating instructions.
– File transfer audits
For file transfer operations through file transfer protocols (such
as FTP, SFTP, and SCP), the CBH system audits the entire file
transfer process on web browsers or clients, and records the
names and destination paths of transferred files.
● O&M audit methods
– Real-time monitoring
Ongoing O&M sessions can be monitored, viewed, and
– History logs
All O&M operations are recorded and history session logs can be
exported with just a few clicks.
– Session videos
Linux commands and Windows operations can be recorded by
Video files can be downloaded with just a few clicks.
– Operation reports
CBH uses various reports to display O&M statistics in one place,
including O&M action distribution over time, resource access
times, session duration, two-person authorization, command
interception, number of commands, and number of transferred
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 2 Features
Functi Description
O&M Functions
CBH supports multiple architectures, tools, and methods to manage a wide range
of resources.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 2 Features
Functi Description
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 3 Product Advantages
3 Product Advantages
Precise Interception
CBH presets standard Linux command library or allows you to customize
commands, so the CBH system can precisely intercept O&M operation instructions
and scripts when corresponding command control rules are triggered. In addition,
CBH uses the dynamic approval mechanism to dynamically control sensitive
operations in on-going O&M sessions, preventing dangerous and malicious
Multi-level Approval
With CBH, you can enable the multi-level approval mechanism to monitor O&M
operations on sensitive and mission-critical resources, improving data protection
and management capabilities and keeping data of critical assets secure.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 3 Product Advantages
records the entire database operation process, parses operation instructions, and
reproduces all operation instructions.
Automatic O&M
CBH also gives you the ability to automate complex, repetitive, and large-quantity
O&M operations by configuring unified rules and tasks, free O&M personnel from
repetitive manual effort, and improve O&M efficiency.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 4 Application Scenarios
4 Application Scenarios
A secure O&M management and audit service is a must-have for any enterprises.
CBH is an ideal choice for you. CBH is applicable to various O&M scenarios of
enterprise businesses, especially scenarios involving a large number of enterprise
employees, a large amount of complex assets, sophisticated O&M personnel
construction and permissions, or diversified O&M patterns.
Efficient O&M
Some enterprises, such as fast-growing Internet enterprises, have a large amount
of sensitive information, such as operations data, exposed on the public networks.
Their services are highly open. All these increase data leakage risks.
During the remote O&M, CBH hides the real IP addresses of your assets to protect
asset information from disclosure. In addition, CBH provides comprehensive O&M
logs to effectively monitor and audit the operations of O&M personnel, reducing
network security accidents.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 4 Application Scenarios
CBH provides a system to manage a large number of O&M accounts and a wide
range of resources in a secure manner. It also allows O&M personnel to access
resources using single sign-on (SSO) tools, improving the O&M efficiency. In
addition, CBH uses fine-grained permission control so that all operations on a
managed resource are recorded and operations of all O&M staff are auditable.
Any O&M incidents are traceable, making it easier to locate the operators.
Additionally, the CBH system displays the on-going O&M sessions and receives
abnormal behavior alarm notifications to ensure that O&M engineers cannot
perform unauthorized operations.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 5 Edition Differences
5 Edition Differences
CBH includes standard and professional editions. You can select 50, 100, 200, 500,
1000, 2000, and 5000 asset specifications under each edition.
Differences on Specifications
For details about different specifications, see Table 1 Configuration of different
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 5 Edition Differences
Edition Difference
Both editions provide identity authentication, permission control, account
management, and operation audit. Apart from those functions, the enhanced
edition also provides automatic O&M and database O&M audit.
For details about functions supported by different editions, see Table 2 Functions
of different editions.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 5 Edition Differences
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 5 Edition Differences
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 5 Edition Differences
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 6 Basic Concepts
6 Basic Concepts
CBH Instance
A CBH instance is an independent CBH system. Users can log in to the CBH
console to buy and manage CBH instances. A user can log in to a CBH system to
perform secure O&M management and auditing only after the user has purchased
a CBH instance.
Single Sign-On
Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication scheme that allows a user to use a
single ID and password to log in to any of several related, yet independent,
software systems. After logging in to one of these application systems, the user
can access all other related application systems without using other credentials.
Number of Assets
The number of assets refers to the number of resources running on each host
managed by CBH. One host may have multiple resources, including protocols and
applications running on it.
For example, if two RDP, one Telnet, and one MySQL host resources and one
Google Chrome browser application resource are added to a cloud host managed
by a CBH system, the number of managed assets is five.
Concurrent Requests
The number of concurrent requests indicates the number of connections
established between a managed host and the CBH system over all protocols at the
same time.
For example, if 10 O&M engineers use a CBH system at the same time and each
engineer generates five protocol connections (such as remote connections through
SSH or MYSQL client), the number of concurrent requests is 50.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 7 Pricing Details
7 Pricing Details
Billing Items
Billed based on the edition and required duration of the CBH instance.
CBH Billed based on the edition and required duration of the CBH
instances instance.
Elastic IP An EIP must be bound to the CBH instance if you want to log in
Address (EIP) to the CBH instance through a public network. EIPs are
separately billed by bandwidth or traffic. For details, see EIP
Pricing Details.
To ensure that the CBH system can work normally, ensure that the EIP
bound to the mapped CBH instance is available.
Billing Modes
CBH is billed on a yearly/monthly basis only.
You can get a 17% discount for a one-year subscription, a 30% discount for a two-
year subscription, and 50% discount for a three-year subscription. If you want to
use CBH for a long time, buy it by the year to save more money.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 7 Pricing Details
When a yearly/monthly-billed CBH instance is about to expire, you can choose
More > Renew in the Operation column on the CBH instance list page to renew
the instance to extend the validity period. After the instance is renewed, the
mapped CBH system is automatically renewed.
For more information about renewal, including exporting the renewal list and
changing subscriptions, see Renewal Management.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 8 Restrictions on Using CBH
To improve the stability and security of the CBH system, there are some
restrictions on the use of CBH instances and their mapped CBH systems.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 8 Restrictions on Using CBH
Supported Resources
Currently, CBH can manage only resources on Huawei Cloud.
● Supported host types
CBH allows you to manage Linux or Windows hosts with the SSH, RDP, VNC,
Telnet, FTP, SFTP, SCP, or Rlogin protocol configured.
● Supported database types
– Relational Database Service (RDS) DB instances
– Databases on Elastic Cloud Servers (ECSs)
● Supported database versions
Linux CentOS7.9
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 8 Restrictions on Using CBH
Table 8-3 Clients and versions supported for logging in to the CBH system
dbisql dbisql
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 8 Restrictions on Using CBH
Edge Edge
SecBrowser SecBrowser
Radmin Radmin
Other Constraints
● The maximum number of resources that can be managed by CBH cannot
exceed the number of assets allowed by the instance edition.
● The maximum number of resources that can be concurrently logged in to
through CBH cannot exceed the number of concurrent requests allowed by
the CBH instance edition.
The number of assets refers to the number of resources running on a cloud host managed
by CBH. One cloud host may have multiple resources, including protocols and applications
running on it.
The number of concurrent requests indicates the number of connections established
between a managed hosts and the CBH system over all protocols at the same time.
For more details, see Basic Concepts.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 9 Permissions Management of CBH Instances
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 9 Permissions Management of CBH Instances
Table 9-1 lists all the system-defined roles and policies supported by CBH
Table 9-2 lists the common operations for each system-defined policy or role of
CBH instances. Select the policies or roles as required.
Table 9-2 Common operations for each system-defined policy or role of CBH
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 9 Permissions Management of CBH Instances
Related Topics
● IAM Service Overview
● Creating a User Group and User and Granting Them CBH Permissions
● Custom Policies for CBH instances
● CBH Instance Permissions and Supported Actions
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 9 Permissions Management of CBH Instances
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
2022-12-01 29
Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 10 CBH and Other Services
CBH needs to work with other cloud services. Figure 10-1 shows the dependencies
between CBH and other cloud services.
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) provides a virtual network environment for you to
configure security groups, subnets, and Elastic IP Addresses (EIPs) for your CBH
instances. This allows you to manage and configure internal networks. You can
also customize access rules for security groups to enhance security.
Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) provides a deployment environment for CBH instances,
and CBH provides security management services for resources on ECSs.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 10 CBH and Other Services
● ECSs are used to deploy the CBH background environment, which uses the
EulerOS operating system.
● You can log in to resources, such as servers and databases, on ECSs through
CBH to manage those resources and login credentials and audit O&M sessions
in a more secure way.
Elastic IP Address (EIP) provides independent public IP addresses and egress
bandwidth. Each public EIP can be used by only one cloud resource at a time. With
an EIP bound to a CBH instance, users can access the Internet through the
mapped CBH system. You can adjust the EIP bandwidth at any time to meet your
business traffic changes.
You can log in to the Huawei Cloud Relational Database Service (RDS)
databases through CBH to manage databases and login credentials and audit
O&M sessions in a more secure way.
Cloud Trace Service (CTS) generates traces to enable you to get a history of
operations performed on CBH instances, allowing you to query, audit, and
backtrack resource operation requests initiated from the management console as
well as the responses to those requests.
CTS records operations on CBH instances for later query, auditing, and
backtracking. For details, see CBH Operations Supported by CTS.
Identity and Access Management (IAM) helps you to manage permissions and
identity authentication for users of CBH instances. For more details, see
Permissions Management.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 11 Personal Data Protection Mechanism
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 11 Personal Data Protection Mechanism
Storage Mode
CBH uses encryption algorithms to encrypt users' sensitive data and stores
encrypted data.
● Login names are not sensitive data and stored in plaintext.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 11 Personal Data Protection Mechanism
● Passwords, email addresses, and mobile numbers are encrypted for storage.
Two-factor Authentication
After multi-factor authentication is configured for a user, the user needs to be
authenticated twice when logging in to the CBH system. The secondary
authentication includes SMS message, mobile OTP, USB key, and dynamic token
modes. This effectively protects sensitive user information.
The CBH system records audit logs for all operations on users' personal data,
including adding, modifying, querying, and deleting data. The logs can be backed
up to a remote server or local computer. Users with the audit permission can view
and manage logs of user accounts in lower-level departments. The system
administrator admin has the highest permissions and can view and manage
operation records of all user accounts used to log in to the CBH system.
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 12 Security Statement
12 Security Statement
Before using CBH, read this security statement carefully and perform accordingly
to avoid network security issues.
Managing Accounts
The default account admin is the default administrator of a CBH system. The
password of admin user is the password you set during purchase of the CBH
Change the password as prompted upon your first login to the CBH system.
Otherwise, the CBH system page cannot be reached.
Managing Passwords
To ensure security, you are advised to set passwords according to the following
● Change the password and configure phone number as prompted after you log
in to the CBH system. Otherwise, the requested CBH system cannot be
● The complexity of a password must meet the following security policies:
– Contain 8 to 32 characters.
– Contain at least three of the following character types: uppercase letters
(A to Z), lowercase letters (a to z), digits (0 to 9), and special characters.
– Cannot contain the username or the username spelled backwards.
● It is recommended that you periodically change your password for account
Feature Statement
● The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract
made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services
and features described in this document may not be within the purchase
scope or the usage scope.
● The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every
effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview 12 Security Statement
Third-Party Software
CBH uses the following third-party software:
● Browsers and versions for logging in to a CBH system. For details, see Table
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Cloud Bastion Host
Service Overview A Change History
A Change History
Released On Description
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