IVP Media Idea Book, 2023

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Bringing the Stories to You.

Starting the Discussions for You.

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Welcome to the 2023 Media Idea Book, brought to you by the publicity
team at IVP! We’re pleased to offer you this handpicked collection of
recent titles, and we’ve included and author biographies for your
reference and referral.

We’ve organized the books into the following categories, but if you don’t
find the topic you are looking for, please feel free to contact one of us
and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Apologetics..................................................... 1

Biblical Studies................................................3

Business/Fundraising...................................... 5

Business/Spirituality....................................... 6

Church Year.................................................... 7

Church/Diversity............................................. 9

Church/Renewal............................................ 10


Ethics........................................................... 13

Grief............................................................. 15

IVP Classics................................................... 17

KIDS............................................................. 19

Leadership.................................................... 23

Literature...................................................... 25


Mental Health............................................... 27

New Testament Studies..................................29

Old Testament Studies.................................... 31

Os Guinness.................................................. 35

Personal Growth............................................ 37



Singleness.................................................... 44

Social Issues..................................................45

Spiritual Formation........................................49


Women/Biblical Studies.................................. 53


Religions on Trial
A Lawyer Examines Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and More
January 3, 2023
$18 | 240 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0343-5

Top U.S. Civil Lawyer Cross-Examines

World Religions
Trial lawyer Mark Lanier presents the claims made by the world’s
great religions, discusses their histories, and cross-examines their
witnesses (their scriptures and traditions) to determine whether
their claims are worthy of belief. With his keen legal mind and
methodical style, he provides a careful comparative study,
highlighting key truths he finds in each religion even as he offers

• Weighs the evidence for and against different belief systems with
criteria for what constitutes sufficient proof
• Explores eastern mystical faiths like Buddhism and Hinduism and
historical religions like Judaism, Islam, and Mormonism
• Assesses modern religious expressions of secular spiritualism
(spiritual but not religious) and secular Christianity (religious but
not spiritual)

“Mark Lanier, courtroom attorney by day and biblical
scholar by night, has done it again! In Religions on W. MARK LANIER (JD, Texas Tech
Trial we are seated as the jurists, and Lanier gives us University) is the founder of the
the tools to assess the major world religions Christian Lanier Law Firm. U.S. News and World
readers bump up against in everyday living.” Report’s Best Lawyers named him to
its Best Lawyers in America list for
W. SCOTT SAGER, vice president of Lipscomb University
and senior minister at Green Hills Church of Christ nine consecutive years and as the 2013
Top Class Action Attorney in America.
Mark’s courtroom work has resulted
in feature articles in the Wall Street
Journal, the New York Times, and the American Lawyer. He is also a
frequent guest on news shows on CNBC, Fox Business News, ABC,
and other networks.

Mark is the founder of the Lanier Theological Library, one of the

nation’s largest private theological collections. He teaches a
weekly, 750-plus-member Sunday school class focusing on biblical
literacy at Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Follow the Lanier Theological Library on Twitter: @laniertheolib


Atheism on Trial
A Lawyer Examines the Case for Unbelief
March 8, 2022
$18 | 216 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0226-1

In the courtroom, lawyers establish certain facts to prove their cases.

But can the legal mind discern the validity of one’s belief or unbelief?
With an evenhanded approach, nationally recognized trial lawyer Mark
Lanier explores whether atheistic frameworks give satisfactory
answers for understanding human existence and considers the
questions of agnostics as to whether God is knowable.

“With the sensibilities and skills that come with being one of the most
successful trial lawyers in US history, Lanier carefully dissects and decon-
structs the arguments posed by advocates of atheism and its more congenial
sister, agnosticism. After closing arguments, the underpinnings of atheistic
philosophy are found wanting, and a case for the Christian faith prevails.”
DAVID B. CAPES, senior research professor at the Lanier Theological Library

Christianity on Trial
W. M a r k L a n i e r A Lawyer Examines the Christian Faith
May 23, 2014
$20 | 230 pages | paperback | 978-0-8308-3667-3

Following the format of a traditional legal trial, Mark Lanier takes us from
opening statement to closing summation by way of testimony from well-known
witnesses—the scientist, the theologian, the linguist, the humanist, the
philosopher, the psychologist and the ancient biblical eye-witness.

On T r i a l “Trial lawyers are often noted for incisive analysis, broad knowledge, and
the ability to spot the weakness in the opposition’s argument. Mark Lanier
demonstrates every one of these instincts in Christianity on Trial. His
a LaWyer exaMines the Christian Faith
expertise in using the biblical languages uniquely qualifies him to ask—and
answer—all the really tough questions.”
PAIGE PATTERSON , Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas


World Religions in Seven Sentences

A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic
September 5, 2023
$18 | 150 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0582-8

Doug Groothuis Explores World Religions

in Seven Sentences
Grasping the beliefs and practices of other faiths is essential not
just to the task of interreligious dialogue, but also to understanding
one’s own faith. In this brief volume, the latest book in IVP
Academic’s Introductions in Seven Sentences, philosopher Douglas
Groothuis creatively uses a single sentence representing several
world religions as a way to open readers to the depth and
complexity of each faith, including

• Judaism: “I Am Who I Am.”

• Buddhism: “Life is Suffering.”
• Christianity: “Before Abraham Was, I Am.”
• Islam: “There is One God, and Mohammad is His Prophet.”

of Oregon) is professor of philosophy
at Denver Seminary. He is the author
“Most of us will never become scholars of the major
of numerous books, including Christian
world religions. But as society becomes more
Apologetics, Fire in the Streets, Philosophy
pluralistic and technology increases our awareness of
in Seven Sentences, Unmasking the New
and interconnection with countries all over the world,
Age, Truth Decay, On Pascal, On Jesus,
there has never been a time when it is more crucial for
and Walking Through Twilight: A Wife’s
believers to understand the major religious world-
Illness—A Philosopher’s Lament. He has
views. Enter Douglas Groothuis’s marvelous book
written for scholarly journals such as Religious Studies, Sophia,
World Religions in Seven Sentences. Groothuis has
Research in Philosophy and Technology, Journal of the Evangelical
earned the reputation of being a first-rate scholar
Theological Society, and Philosophia Christi, as well as for numerous
who deals fairly and accurately with views he
popular magazines.
critiques. And World Religions in Seven Sentences
may be his best example yet. This work is unique in DouglasGroothuis.com
that it accurately presents the major religious Follow him on Twitter: @DougGroothuis
worldviews; provides fair, hard-hitting criticisms of
them; and accomplishes all this in a brief, easy-to-
read way. In my view, this is now the first book to
read for anyone who wants to get at the heart of
important religions and compare them with Christi-
anity. I love this book!”
J.P MORELAND, distinguished professor of philosophy at
Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, and author of A
Simple Guide to Miracles













What if large topics such as philosophy, theology, and biblical

studies could be boiled down to seven key sentences each?
The accessible primers in this collection act as brief introductions to an academic field, with simple
organization: seven key sentences that give readers a bird’s-eye view of the most pivotal truths on that
subject. With engaging, thoughtful, and sometimes humorous language, these books invite readers to
reflect on quotations that many have heard but perhaps have not explored in depth.

Titles Include
Christian History in The New Testament in The Old Testament in
Seven Sentences Seven Sentences Seven Sentences
Jennifer Woodruff Tait, Gary M. Burge, Christopher J. H. Wright,
978-0-8308-5477-6, $18.00 978-0-8308-5476-9, $18.00 978-0-8308-5225-3, $18.00

Philosophy in Seven World Religions in Seven

Sentences Sentences
Douglas Groothuis, Douglas Groothuis,
978-0-8308-4093-9, $18.00 978-1-5140-0582-8, $18.00


Turning Donors into Partners

Principles for Fundraising You’ll Actually Enjoy

January 24, 2023
$18 | 160 | paperback | 978-1-5140-0578-1

D N RS Revolutionizing Fundraising into a

Relational Process

Principles for
Fundraising You’ll Brad Layland revolutionizes fundraising and transforms it into a
Actually Enjoy relational process where donors truly become partners in ministry.
With decades of expertise in leading multimillion-dollar capital
campaigns and working with major donors, he offers a more

strategic and personalized yet less labor-intensive approach.

• Provides an introduction to an approach to fundraising that puts

the emphasis on building relationships rather than raising money
• Offers practical guidance on how to write a fundraising case and
how to meet with donors
• Practical insights include ten essential elements of a case and
four key steps that lead up to making an ask

Brad Layland
Foreword by
Tom Lin

BRAD LAYLAND is the CEO of The

“ FOCUS Group, which provides

fundraising counsel to nonprofit
“It’s hard to find anyone in the Christian nonprofit organizations in major donor
world with more experience and wisdom than Brad development, strategic planning, and
Layland. Fortunately, he has chosen to not keep it to capital campaigns. He is also the
himself. Leveraging his years of experience and his founder and owner of Endless Summer
keen understanding of the biblical approach to raising Realty, the largest residential real
kingdom resources, Brad has provided us with a estate brokerage in St. Augustine,
treasure trove of practical guidance and proven Florida. Brad has a MA in theology from Fuller Theological
techniques. He has counseled thousands of develop- Seminary and has run fifty marathons and completed two
ment professionals and organizations in these Ironman triathlons.
principles. Now it is your turn. Study them, apply
them, and watch God bring the increase.”
Follow him on Twitter: @BradleyLayland
R. SCOTT RODIN, fundraising professional and author of
The Steward Leader


The Spiritual Art of Business

Connecting the Daily with the Divine
September 5, 2023
$18 | 176 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0762-4

Seeing Our Work as an Expression of Who

We Truly Are
“Corporate mystic” Barry Rowan invites us to be transformed by
God that he might transform the world through us, as we begin to
see our work as an extension of our faith. He says, “We don't derive
meaning from our work; we bring meaning to our work.” Relating
his extensive past in high-ranking executive roles, Barry beckons us
into a connection with God that will infuse our lives, our offices,
and our world with meaning.

• Shared wisdom from a Harvard graduate and accomplished

• Forty short chapters, devotional-esque
• Six-session online study guide also available

BARRY ROWAN has over thirty years of
leadership experience in C-suite roles
building and transforming eight
“Every Christian faces the dilemma of just how their
businesses, primarily in the
faith should find expression in their work and career.
technology and communications
Some compartmentalize, check their faith at the door,
space. He currently serves as the CFO
and have little kingdom impact. Others wade in too
for Gogo, the inflight internet
eagerly as evangelists and do more harm than good.
company with over $800 million in
Barry Rowan has written a book about a third way.
annual revenues. He was previously
The Spiritual Art of Business can transform the
CFO for Cool Planet Energy Systems, a renewable energy company
way you think about your faith in the context of your
located in Denver, Colorado. From 2010-13, Barry served as EVP,
work. Based on his own remarkable career, Barry
CFO, and chief administrative officer for Vonage Corporation in
takes you into the unvarnished crucible of the
Holmdel, New Jersey, where he was part of the leadership team
workplace—with all its gritty challenges, victories,
that successfully turned around this $900 million internet
setbacks, and difficult people—and shows you how
communications company.
your career can become a sacred and purposeful
journey instead of just a daily and exhausting grind. From 2003-2006, Barry was with Nextel Partners, serving as its
Spend a few hours with Barry, and he will show you EVP, CFO, and treasurer. From its founding in 1999 in Kirkland,
how God intends to repurpose you. The Spiritual Art Washington, Nextel Partners grew into a Fortune 1000 company,
of Business is a book that can transform the next few reaching $1 billion in revenues in its first five years. Fueled by this
decades of your career.” rapid growth, the equity value of the company grew from $2
RICHARD STEARNS, president emeritus of World Vision billion to over $9 billion during Rowan’s tenure, culminating in its
US and author of Lead Like It Matters to God
sale to Sprint for $10 billion in June of 2006.


The Fullness of Time Series: A Journey Through the Church Year

As more and more churches mark several different seasons throughout the church year in their preaching and teaching, the
Fullness of Time series provides resources that help readers live fully into both the theology and spiritual practices of each
significant date on the Christian calendar. Six books in total offer reflections on how the church is forming all of us into
the likeness of Christ throughout each season.

The Season of Hope
August 29, 2023
$20 | 128 pages | casebound | 978-1-5140-0018-2

TISH HARRISON WARREN is a priest in the Anglican Church in North America. She
writes a weekly newsletter for the New York Times and is a columnist for Christianity
Today. She is also the author of Prayer in the Night and Liturgy of the Ordinary.

The Season of Life and Light
September 12, 2023
$20 | 128 pages | casebound | 978-1-5140-0040-0

EMILY MCGOWIN serves as assistant professor of theology at Wheaton College. She is

also a priest and canon theologian in the Anglican diocese of Churches for the Sake
of Others (C4SO).

The Season of Glory
November 7, 2023
$20 | 144 pages | casebound | 978-1-5140-0038-0

FLEMING RUTLEDGE is an Episcopal priest, a best-selling author, and a widely

recognized preacher whose published sermon collections have received acclaim
across denominational lines. Her other books include Help My Unbelief, Three Hours:
Sermons for Good Friday, Advent: The Once and Future Coming of Jesus Christ, and The
Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ (winner of Christianity Today’s 2017
Book of the Year Award).


The Fullness of Time series editor Esau McCauley says of this work, “These books are written from the perspective of those
who have lived through the seasons many times, and we’ll use personal stories and experiences to explain different aspects
of the season that are meaningful to us. In this series, do not look for the comments of historians pointing out minutia.
Instead, look for fellow believers and evangelists using the tool of the church year to preach the gospel and to point
Christians toward discipleship and spiritual formation. We pray that these books will be useful to individuals, families, and
churches seeking a deeper walk with Jesus.”

The Season of Repentance and Renewal
November 8, 2022
$20 | 112 pages | casebound | 978-1-5140-0049-6

ESAU MCCAULLEY (PhD, St. Andrews) is associate professor of New Testament at

Wheaton College and a contributing opinion writer for the New York Times. He is the
author of Reading While Black and Sharing in the Son’s Inheritance, as well as the
children’s book Josie Johnson’s Hair and the Holy Spirit.

Fullness of Time
February 6, 2024
$20 | 144 pages | casebound | 978-1-5140-0036-6

WESLEY HILL is an Episcopal priest who has spoken and lectured at numerous
Christian colleges and seminaries in the U.S. and internationally. He is the author
of several books and a contributing editor for Comment magazine.

A Day of Power for All People
April 25, 2023
$20 | 144 pages | casebound | 978-1-5140-0054-0

EMILIO ALVAREZ (PhD, Fordham University) is the presiding bishop of the Union of
Charismatic Orthodox Churches, a communion that embraces the one holy,
catholic, apostolic tradition. He is also associate provost for lifelong learning at
Asbury Theological Seminary.


In Church as It Is in Heaven
Cultivating a Multiethnic Kingdom Culture
June 13, 2023
$22 | 192 | hardcover | 978-1-5140-0538-5

Heaven is multiethnic. Are you ready

for that?
God’s intention has always been to delight for all eternity in a
redeemed community of ethnic diversity. Patterned after a worship
service, In Church as It Is in Heaven gives biblical warrant for such a
community. Pastors Jamaal E. Williams and Timothy Paul Jones
show how multiethnic churches provide a unique apologetic for the
gospel. Along the way, the authors tell the story of their own
church, Sojourn Church Midtown: a once majority-white
congregation that is being transformed into a family that reflects
the diversity of heaven.

JAMAAL E. WILLIAMS serves as lead

pastor of Sojourn Church Midtown in

Louisville, Kentucky, and as president
of the Harbor Network. He regularly
serves as a consultant to churches on
“Jamaal Williams and Timothy Jones do the body of
leadership and issues related to the
Christ a great service with their book. It allows readers
multiethnic church.
to consider the joys and challenges of creating a
multiracial Christian church and ministry. Such
Follow Jamaal on Twitter: @Jamaal711
ministries are badly needed in a post-Christian
America that is racially divided. But these ministries
need to be accomplished with careful thought and
planning. In Church as It Is in Heaven provides
apologetics at The Southern Baptist
great insight that allows for such thinking and
Theological Seminary and serves as a
planning to take place.”
preaching pastor at Sojourn Church
GEORGE YANCEY, professor of sociology at Baylor
Midtown. In addition, he has authored
University and author of Beyond Racial Division
or coauthored more than a dozen
books, including Finding God in a Galaxy
Far, Far Away; Christian History Made
Easy; and, with James Garlow and
April Williams, the bestselling The Da
Vinci Codebreaker.

Follow Timothy on Twitter: @DrTimothyPJones


Church for Everyone

Building a Multi-Inclusive Community for Emerging Generations
November 7, 2023
$18 | 192 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0550-7

Lack of Diversity a Sticking Point for Younger Believers

Dan Kreiss and Efrem Smith address the need for church diversity,
with a research-based, theologically informed approach. This practical
book speaks to the expectation of younger generations that the church
end its long run of segregation and exclusivity and embrace a move
toward multi-inclusivity.

DAN KREISS is the associate minister for mission and community

outreach at Roswell Presbyterian Church in the greater Atlanta area.
He has served in various aspects of ministry for more than thirty
years in international and cross-cultural contexts.

EFREM SMITH is the co-lead Pastor of Bayside Church Midtown, a

thriving and multi-ethnic community in Sacramento, California. He
also serves as a collaborative catalyst for African American Church
Planting, Disciple Making, and Urban Empowerment Movements.

Follow Efrem on Twitter: @efremsmith

The Offensive Church

Breaking the Cycle of Ethnic Disunity
July 18, 2023
$22 | 208 pages | hardcover | 978-1-5140-0597-2

Letting Go of a Defensive Church Posture Around

Racial Conflict
Jesus wants more from the church. He wants his body to play offense
by discipling people into a new humanity, where we push past
diversity and into a biblical vision for ethnic unity. We play offense by
practicing a robust gospel, preparing reliable leadership, and providing
relational environments, so that the church becomes the aroma of
Christ to our culture and gains ground against the demonic foothold
of racism in all its forms.

BRYAN C. LORITTS is teaching pastor of the Summit Church in

Durham, North Carolina. He has dedicated his life and ministry to
seeing the multiethnic church become the new normal in our
society. He has been a featured speaker at the Global Leadership
Summit and Catalyst.

Follow Bryan on Twitter: @DrLoritts


What Jesus Intended

Finding True Faith in the Rubble of Bad Religion
July 18, 2023
$20 | 192 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0495-1

Reassess Everything in Light of Jesus

Many of us feel disoriented and unsteady after an endless string of
church scandals. After forty years of ministry, Todd Hunter is no
stranger to betrayal and pain in the church. But by unpacking the
purposes of Jesus, we can expose twisted, toxic religion for what it is
and embrace the healing and goodness we’ve always longed for.

BISHOP TODD D. HUNTER leads Churches for the Sake of Others

(C4SO), a diocese of the Anglican Church in North America. He is a
past president of Alpha USA and former national director for the
Association of Vineyard Churches. His books include Christianity
Beyond Belief, The Accidental Anglican, and Deep Peace. Recently, he
established The Center for Formation, Justice and Peace.

Visit Todd’s website at toddhunter.org.

Centering Discipleship
E. K. Strawser A Pathway for Multiplying Spectators into Mature Disciples
July 11, 2023
$20 | 240 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0706-8

Discipleship without Mission is Discipleship

Centering without Christ
The church often lacks maturity and missional impact because
discipleship is at its periphery. To get discipleship to the center, leaders
Discipleship need a locally rooted, culturally contextual discipleship pathway. This
gutsy, practice-based guidebook is for leaders doing the hard work
turning spectators into missional, mature followers of Jesus.


E. K. STRAWSER is the co-vocational lead pastor of Ma Ke Alo o


(which means “presence” in Hawaiian), nondenominational
missional communities multiplying in Honolulu, Hawaii; a
community physician at Ke Ola Pono; and an executive leader at the
V3 Movement, the church planting arm of the Baptist General
Association of Virginia.


Worship by Faith Alone

Thomas Cranmer, the Book of Common Prayer, and the
Reformation of Liturgy
February 28, 2023
$35 | 248 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0522-4

Thomas Cranmer’s Theology of Worship

In this Dynamics of Christian Worship volume, scholar, worship
leader, and songwriter Zac Hicks contends that such a focus can be
found in the theology of worship presented by Thomas Cranmer, the
Archbishop of Canterbury during the English Reformation. Hicks
argues that Cranmer’s reformation of the church’s worship and
liturgy was shaped primarily by the Protestant principle of
justification by faith alone as reflected in his 1552 edition of the Book
of Common Prayer, which was later codified under Elizabeth I and has
guided Anglican worship for centuries.

ZAC HICKS (DMin, Knox Theological

Seminary) is adjunct lecturer in music

and worship at Samford University,
and author of The Worship Pastor: A Call
to Ministry for Worship Leaders and
“The rediscovery of Thomas Cranmer’s vision for
Teams. Previously, he served as the
worship, enshrined in the Book of Common Prayer,
Canon for Worship and Liturgy at
is one of the exciting developments of recent years.
Advent Cathedral. He lives with his
Zac Hicks takes us to the source of Cranmer’s inspira-
wife, Abby, and their four children in
tion in the great doctrine of justification by faith
Birmingham, Alabama.
alone, which he expressed in timeless prose. A
must-read for everyone who wants to worship God in Follow him on Twitter: @zachicks
spirit and in truth.”
GERALD BRAY, research professor at Beeson Divinity
School of Samford University and author of Doing Theology
with the Reformers


The Spirit, Ethics, and Eternal Life

Paul’s Vision for the Christian Life in Galatians
April 4, 2023
$32 | 240 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0232-2

A Scriptural Vision for Living as

a Christ-Follower
What vision does Scripture cast for living as a follower of Christ? New
Testament scholar Jarvis Williams offers a multifaceted vision of
God’s saving action in Jesus Christ for both Jew and Gentile, in both
the vertical relationship between God and humanity as well as the
horizontal relationships among people—with cosmic ramifications.

JARVIS J. WILLIAMS (PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)

is associate professor of New Testament interpretation at The
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of
numerous books, including Redemptive Kingdom Diversity: A

Biblical Theology of the People of God, Christ Redeemed ‘Us’ from the
Curse of the Law: A Jewish Martyrological Reading of Galatians 3:13,
and a commentary on Galatians in the New Covenant
“Jarvis Williams has made a significant contribution
Commentary Series.
with this work on the Holy Spirit in Galatians. He
situates his study in the Second Temple Jewish context
Follow Jarvis on Twitter: @drjjwilliams
of Paul’s day and also enters the conversation with
contemporary scholarship on the role of the Spirit. At
the same time, he offers a robust exegetical defense of
his own reading. Williams shows the danger of false
polarities and thus reads Galatians as both apocalyp-
tic and salvation-historical, as cosmic and individual.
Along the same lines, he doesn't divide theology from
ethics, showing that the work of the Spirit transforms
individual lives and communities.”
THOMAS R. SCHREINER, James Buchanan Harrison
Professor of New Testament Interpretation at The Southern
Baptist Theological Seminary


More Than Things

A Personalist Ethics for a Throwaway Culture
August 8, 2023
$48 | 464 | paperback | 978-0-8303-5091-4

From a Culture of Things to a Culture of

In a world dominated by things, Paul Louis Metzger argues, we
must work hard to account for one another’s personhood. We need
to cultivate relational structures that honor every human’s dignity
in vital interpersonal community. The theological and philosophical
framework known as personalism can help guide us toward such a
culture. Drawing from a wide range of thought leaders, including
Martin Luther King Jr. and Pope John Paul II, Metzger presents a
personalist moral vision founded on the Christian ideals of faith,
hope, and love. He demonstrates how this moral compass can help
us navigate a pluralistic world by applying it to a variety of pressing
ethical issues, including abortion, genetic engineering,
immigration, drone warfare, and more.

College London) is professor of
Christian theology and theology of
“Expansive in its content (covering such issues as
culture at Multnomah University and
euthanasia, transhumanism, drone warfare, racism,
Seminary and director of The Institute
immigration, ecowomanism, and space exploration)
for Cultural Engagement: New Wine,
and in its interlocutors (dialoguing with Aristotle,
New Wineskins. He is the author of
Confucius, Aquinas, Kant, Martin Luther King Jr.,
numerous books, including Consuming
Torrance, MacIntyre, Rand, Sandel, Wilson, and
Jesus: Beyond Race and Class Divisions in a
Dawkins—along with the Jewish, Catholic, and
Consumer Church and Connecting Christ: How to Discuss Jesus in a World
Protestant big Bs: Buber, Barth, and von Balthasar—in
of Diverse Paths, and coeditor of A World for All? Global Civil Society in
addition to the Dalai Lama and Pope Francis), this
Political Theory and Trinitarian Theology.
book is an important contribution to the recent revival
of personalist ethics.”
Follow Paul on Twitter: @paulouismetzger
ALAN VINCELETTE , Von der Ahe Chair of Philosophy at
St. John’s Seminary


Can You Just Sit with Me?

Healthy Grieving for the Losses in Life
September 26, 2023
$18 | 176 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0621-4

Normalizing Grief
It takes time and space to grieve well, but often our culture doesn’t
afford us these things. Drawing from her own experience with grief,
Natasha Smith invites us into a reflection on what it means to grieve
and how to cling to hope even in our darkest moments. Instead of
providing quick-fix solutions, this book creates space for us to take
time to just sit and grieve, learn, and heal in healthy ways.

• Deeply Christian reflection on grief

• Each chapter ends with a short “grief exercise” and a prayer
• Healing begins when we allow God to just sit with us

NATASHA SMITH is a wife, mother, and

writer from North Carolina. Her work

has appeared on Her View from Home,
Focus on the Family, and TODAY
“Grief took me on a journey to understand how to
process my emotions. Understanding my own Read Natasha’s blog at imnatashasmith.com.
emotions proved to be a huge learning curve. I battled Follow her on Twitter: @imnatashasmith
anger, confusion, shock, and disbelief. I began to
understand that grief could be expressed in these
different forms. I saw how differently grief can look,
day to day, over time, and years. I began to realize
that grief is normal. Grief is normal. The healing
Adapted from Can You Just Sit with Me?


Hopeful Lament
Tending Our Grief Through Spiritual Practices
October 10, 2023
$18 | 216 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0310-7

Finding a Way to Heal and Hope Again

We’ve lost the practice of lament. Most people don’t know how to
process personal or communal mourning and instead struggle to
honor their tears, vulnerability, and the full weight of these
disillusioning times. But tending our grief might be exactly what we
need to reimagine a way forward.

“When my family faced upheaval and loss, many encouraged us

to look on the bright side or have more faith. But we needed to
move through grief instead of avoiding it. Lament takes courage
but it makes way for new life,” says author Terra McDaniel.

TERRA MCDANIEL is a spiritual director

for adults and children. She spent two

decades as a pastor and ministry
leader and earned her MDiv at
Portland Seminary. McDaniel wrote
“The recent reset means we’re all rookies. And with so
More Than Ordinary with Doug
many leaders throwing in the towel, this is one of the
Sherman and is a regular contributor
most practical books to help you assess your situation
to the Companioning Center blog.
and pioneer this moment with confidence. It’s not a
manual for what to do; it’s a guide to rediscover the Visit her website: terramcdaniel.com.
redemptive edge your specific team offers your specific
community in this hour of need. No two teams will
come out with the same answers, but every single
team will finish with a plan of attack.”
GRANT SKELDON , next gen director at Q Ideas and
author of The Passion Generation


Dictionary of Paul and His Letters

A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship
April 11, 2023
$70 | 1,264 pages | hardcover | 978-0-8308-1785-6

A Thoroughly Revised Biblical

Studies Classic
The Dictionary of Paul and His Letters is a one-of-a-kind reference
work. No other resource presents as much information focused
exclusively on Pauline theology, literature, background, and

This second edition is a thoroughly revised and updated version of

the acclaimed 1993 publication. Since that groundbreaking volume
was published, developments in Pauline studies have continued at a
rapid pace, with diverse new scholars entering the conversation,
new ideas and methods gaining attention, and fresh expressions of
old topics shaping the present discussion. Those who enjoyed and
benefited from the wealth in the first edition will find this new
edition an equally indispensable and freshly up-to-date companion
to study and research.

Classic topics such as Christology, justification, hermeneutics, and

book studies of individual epistles receive careful treatment by
specialists in the field. Topics new to this edition—including Paul

and politics, patronage, and interpretations from various historical
and cultural perspectives—expand the volume’s breadth and
usefulness. Over 95 percent of the articles have been written
“I remember, when I was a student writing exegesis specifically for this edition.
essays, making frequent use of the 1993 Dictionary
of Paul and His Letters. The study of Paul has
changed enormously in the three decades since that
volume was published. But McKnight, Cohick, and
Gupta, with their excellent team of contributors, have
SCOT McKNIGHT (PhD, University of Nottingham) is Julius R.
now brought the whole discussion up to date for a new
Mantey Chair of New Testament at Northern Seminary. He is the
generation of students, clergy, and laypersons.”
author of many books, including Reading Romans Backwards, Pastor
MATTHEW V. NOVENSON, University of Edinburgh
Paul, The King Jesus Gospel, and commentaries on James, Galatians,
and 1 Peter.
“Rather than an update, the second edition of The
LYNN H. COHICK (PhD, University of Pennsylvania) is provost and
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters is a completely
dean of academic affairs at Northern Seminary, where she also
new work that draws on the expertise of a diverse
teaches New Testament. Her books include Christian Women in the
group of male and female scholars writing from a
Patristic World and commentaries on Ephesians and Philippians.
variety of hermeneutical perspectives. Academic but
accessible essays summarize theological (e.g., law,
NIJAY K. GUPTA (PhD, University of Durham) is professor of New
grace, justification) and cultural (e.g., adoption,
Testament at Northern Seminary. His books include A Beginner’s
sexuality, women) topics from a Pauline perspective.
Guide to New Testament Studies, Paul and the Language of Faith, and
So many interesting entries! An outstanding re-
commentaries on Galatians, Philippians, Colossians, and 1-2
SANDRA L. GLAHN, Dallas Theological Seminary


Knowing God
50th Anniversary Edition
October 3, 2023
$32 | 336 pages | hardcover | 978-1-5140-0778-5

Celebrating 50 Years of Knowing God by

J.I. Packer
For half a century, J. I. Packer’s classic has been an important tool
to help Christians around the world discover the wonder, the glory,
and the joy of knowing God. Stemming from Packer’s profound
theological knowledge, Knowing God brings together two important
facets of the Christian faith— knowing about God and also knowing
God through the context of a close relationship with the person of
Jesus Christ.

Knowing God was named by Christianity Today as one of the top fifty

books that have shaped evangelicals. With a companion Bible study,
devotional journal, and study guide, readers can explore these
biblical themes for themselves.

“ J. I. PACKER (1926–2020) is regarded as

one of the most well-known
“Packer’s volume says it simply, says it best.”
theologians of our time. Once named
to Time magazine’s list of the 25 Most
Influential Evangelicals in America,
“This book will help every reader grasp in a fuller way Packer served as Board of Governors’
. . . that we can know God personally because God Professor of Theology at Regent
wants us to know him.” College in Vancouver, British
BILLY GRAHAM Columbia. His books include Praying, A
Quest for Godliness, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of
God, and Rediscovering Holiness.
“If I can’t put the Bible on this list, I’ll choose a
Packer book instead. Every national and world leader
must seek to know the nations and world in which
they serve. And in order to know this world and its
people, we must first know the God who shaped and
molded us all. Packer simply and powerfully
re-introduces us to God: his attributes, actions, and,
most important, his grace.”
JOSHUA DUBOIS, “My Top Five,” Christianity Today,
September 2014


In a big world filled with big questions, IVP Kids has books that pack big biblical values into kid-sized pages.

Through story and illustration, books from IVP Kids engage, challenge, and delight IVP’s young readers. And in keeping
with IVP’s historic mission, IVP Kids offers resources that reflect and celebrate diverse voices, equipping and encouraging
children to follow Jesus in every area of their lives.

Discover books from IVP Kids and share with children the things that matter to God.

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Luci Shaw Ned Bustard

All Will Be Well Isaiah and the Worry Pack

by Lacy Finn Borgo, illustrated by Rebecca Evans by Ruth Goring, illustrated by Pamela C. Rice

This gentle story of a grandmother’s love for her granddaughter Isaiah’s got too many things on his mind, so Mom helps him
incorporates the timeless wisdom of Julian of Norwich. All imagine each of his worries as a block stashed in his
Will Be Well tackles the sensitive subjects of death and grief in backpack. As Isaiah imagines hiking through the woods
a way that can be understood by children. carrying his worry pack, he discovers the joy and relief of
trusting Jesus with his worries.
Little Prayers for Ordinary Days
by Tish Harrison Warren, Flo Paris Oakes, and Katy Bowser Hutson The Celebration Place
by Dorena Williamson, illustrated by Erin Bennett Banks
This collection of short prayers for children to pray throughout
their days—on the way to school, when noticing a bird in a Church is more than just a building—it’s a gathering of God’s
tree, or looking at the stars—will help them recognize the people to celebrate who he is and all that he has done. It’s also
nearness of God in ordinary, everyday moments. where we learn about God’s vision for justice and unity!

Josey Johnson’s Hair and the Holy Spirit The O in Hope

by Esau McCaulley, illustrated by LaTonya Jackson by Luci Shaw, illustrated by Ned Bustard

When Josey wonders why people are so different, Dad helps Combining a joyful poem from the much-celebrated poet Luci
her understand that our differences aren’t a mistake. In fact, Shaw with playful cut-paper art, this delightful book helps us
we have many differences because God is creative! experience the goodness of God’s gifts of hope and love.

Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver

by Ned Bustard

Learn about the life of Saint Nicholas and discover why he

became known as one of the greatest giftgivers of all time.


Saint Patrick the Forgiver

SA I N T PATR I CK the Forgiver

February 21, 2023

$18 | 32 pages | hardcover | 978-1-5140-0724-2

Hello, my name is Patrick.

SA I N T You may have heard my story.

PAT R I CK I walked the span of Ireland

to tell of God’s great glory.
the Forgiver

And with a wee green shamrock

Retold & Illustrated by
ned bustard I shared of the Three-in-One:
our God—the blessed mystery—
Father, Spirit, and the Son.

Did you know that Patrick—the greatest bishop of Ireland—wasn’t

“ Irish? Combining Patrick’s words from his Confessions with a few of

the legends about him, this whimsical retelling will teach families
“A beautifully told and illustrated story of the life and about the fascinating life of the real Saint Patrick and help them
ministry of Saint Patrick. Ned Bustard has done an discover a remarkable story of love and forgiveness along the way.
amazing job.” Told in rollicking rhyme and beautifully illustrated with Ned
PHILIP FREEMAN, author of St. Patrick of Ireland: A Bustard’s signature linocut artwork, this children’s book will be
Biography and Fletcher Jones Chair of Western Culture at enjoyed by kids and the adults who read with them.
Pepperdine University’s Seaver College

NED BUSTARD is a graphic designer, a

children’s book illustrator, an author,
and a printmaker. As the creative
director for Square Halo Books, Inc.
and curator of the Square Hallow
Gallery, Ned has lectured at colleges,
schools, churches, and conferences.
His work is found in numerous titles
including Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver,
The O in Hope, Revealed: A Storybook Bible for Grown-Ups, and Every
Moment Holy.

Follow Ned on Twitter: @nedbustard


God, Right Here

June 20, 2023
$18 | 32 pages | hardcover | 978-1-5140-0659-7

God, right here.

God, right there.
God’s handiwork is everywhere.

Yellow daffodils, flying seagulls, bright orange pumpkins, and

swirling snowflakes—God’s handiwork can be found all throughout
nature, and every season is full of beauty and wonder. Everywhere
we look, no matter the time of year, the wonders of creation remind
us that God is always with us, always right here.

Written by Kara Lawler and beautifully illustrated by Jennie Poh,

this celebration of God’s creation and the changing seasons can be
enjoyed by children and the adults who read with them. Also
included is a note from the author to encourage further conversation
“Kara Lawler’s debut picture book, God, Right Here, about the content.
is pure magnificence. The words and illustrations form
a rich tapestry showcasing how our God is with us in
each and every season. Children will delight in
searching for all the ways they see God in the pages of
this exquisitely illustrated picture book. Children and KARA LAWLER is the author of
adults alike will be inspired to appreciate all the Everywhere Holy: Seeing Beauty,
vibrant nature on display in each of our lives. This Remembering Your Identity, and Finding
breathtaking book is a form of worship; we do thank God Right Where You Are and A Letter for
God for creating such a beautiful world for us to reside Every Mother, but she has wanted to
in and for being with us in the here, now, and future! publish a children’s book since she
Bravo, Lawler and Poh; I'll be purchasing multiple was a little girl! As a contributor to
copies to give as gifts.” several magazines and websites, some
SARAH PHILPOTT, author of The Growing Season and of her essays have been read and
Loved Baby
shared millions of times.


JENNIE POH fell in love with the

countryside at a very young age,
developing a deep connection to
nature and conservation. As an
illustrator, she still loves to connect
with nature, making her own
paintbrushes with leaves, bark,
flowers, and anything else she may
find while walking outside. She also
enjoys using watercolor and inks,
which make wonderful splatters and splotches on the page.

Follow her on Twitter: @JenniePoh


When I Go to Church, I Belong

September 19, 2023
$18 | 32 pages | hardcover | 978-1-5140-0667-2

Children of All Abilities Belong in Church

Church is for everyone, but not everyone experiences church in the
same way. This day at church—worship, singing, stories, playing,
eating—is told from the point of view of children with special
needs. It is a book written to and for children with disabilities, but
also for all of us who want our churches to be places of welcome
ONLINE COVER REVEAL and belonging.


ELRENA EVANS (MFA, Penn State) is

executive editor of Paper & String, a
digital care package celebrating faith,
creativity, and beauty in its many
forms. She is the author of Special
Grace, as well as a short story
collection, This Crowded Night, and
coauthor of the essay collection Mama,
PhD: Women Write About Motherhood and
Academic Life.

Follow Elrena on Instagram: @elrenaevans

REBECCA EVANS is an author and

illustrator who has worked on more
than twenty-four children’s books,
including All Will Be Well. She also
enjoys teaching art at her local Art
Center, publishing artwork with
magazines and multiple publishing
houses, and sharing her love of
literature and art with children.

Follow her on Twitter: @RebeccaEvansArt


Humility Illuminated
The Biblical Path to Christian Character
November 7, 2023
$24 | 192 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0044-1

Humility that Empowers

The church in the United States is surrounded by a competitive,
polarized, and status-driven society, and too often Christians
embrace these patterns. Edwards traces the trajectory of humility as
a way of life throughout Scripture, considering the role of humility in
Christian community, conflict, leadership, suffering, worship, and

• Includes powerful stories and examples from the author’s

ministry experience
• Addresses common areas of leadership failure and how to
avoid them
• Applies biblical texts on humility to multiethnic ministry and
justice work


University of America) is associate
professor of New Testament at North
Park University. He is ordained
through the Evangelical Covenant
Church and has served as a church
planter and pastor in Brooklyn,
Minneapolis, and Washington, DC. He
is the author of the Story of God
Commentary on 1 Peter.

Follow him on Twitter: @RevDrDre


The Resilience Factor

A Step-by-Step Guide to Catalyze an Unbreakable Team
June 20, 2023
$18 | 156 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0568-2

Becoming a Remarkable Team

The authors of this book have worked with team members in all
kinds of Christian organizations, and they’ve served on countless
teams themselves. In The Resilience Factor, the next go-to resource
for leaders in Christian organizations who want to take their team
to the next level, these authors distill their experience and wisdom
into practical steps that both inspire and equip teams to move from
floundering to flourishing.

• Examples of top-performing teams

• Individual and group reflection questions
• Diagnostic tools and team activities

RYAN T. HARTWIG is provost and vice president of academic affairs
at Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, California. A seasoned
communication professor, he is the lead author of Teams That
“If there’s anything your church, your ministry, or
Thrive and Leading Small Groups That Thrive.
your organization needs to walk successfully and
confidently into an unknown future, it’s a resilient RyanHartwig.com
team. If a team embodies the kind of resilience we
describe in this book, it can face anything while LEONCE B. CRUMP JR. is cofounder and senior pastor of Renovation
flourishing in the process.” Church in Atlanta. He regularly speaks at conferences nationally
Adapted from The Resilience Factor and globally, and he is the author of Renovate.


WARREN BIRD is senior vice president of research at the

Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. He has authored
or coauthored over thirty books for ministry leaders, including
Teams That Thrive (with Ryan T. Hartwig).



The Man Born to Be King

Wade Annotated Edition
January 24, 2023
$45 | 464 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0533-0

In 1943 the BBC broadcast a series of radio dramas by Dorothy L. Sayers

on the life and ministry of Jesus which would go on to become her most
beloved works. In this new annotated edition, scholar Kathryn Wehr
brings fresh insights to the plays, their background, Sayers’s creative
process, and the ongoing significance of the life of Christ today.

DOROTHY L. SAYERS (1893-1957) was a playwright, scholar, and

acclaimed author. She is best known for her detective novels
featuring Lord Peter Wimsey; her plays including The Zeal of Thy
House and The Devil to Pay; works including The Greatest Drama Ever
Staged, Creed or Chaos?, and The Mind of the Maker; and her translation
of Dante’s Divine Comedy.

KATHRYN WEHR (PhD, University of St Andrews) is a creative artist

and scholar. Her written work has appeared in several journals and
publications, including Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture,
VII: Journal of the Marion E. Wade Center, The Journal of Inklings Studies,
and Transpositions: Theology, Imagination, and the Arts. She is also the
managing editor of Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture.


Nourishing Narratives
The Power of Story to Shape Our Faith
July 25, 2023
$25 | 240 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0524-8

Humans make sense of the world through language and the words
that compose our stories. Engaging with writers like Dante, Gerard
Manley Hopkins, Flannery O’Connor, and Marilynne Robinson, this
volume encourages us not only to understand how stories nourish our
faith, but to discover how our stories are part of God’s great story.

JENNIFER L. HOLBERG (PhD, University of Washington) is professor

and chair of the English department at Calvin University and
codirector of the Calvin Center for Faith and Writing, the home of
the Festival of Faith and Writing. She is a founding coeditor of the
academic journal Pedagogy and the editor of Shouts and Whispers:
Twenty-One Writers Speak About Their Writing and Their Faith.

Follow her on Twitter: @JenniferHolberg

L I T E R AT U R E / P O E T R Y

Touch the Earth

Poems on The Way
January 10, 2023
$18 | 224 | paperback | 978-1-5140-0269-8

Gather it from memory.

Let it touch the earth.
Reflecting on the Gospel of Luke through poetry, Drew Jackson
continues the project he began in God Speaks Through Wombs, picking
up in Luke chapter nine. Part protest poetry, part biblical
commentary, this collection of poems helps us hear the hum of
deliverance, presenting the gospel story in all its liberative power.

From the feeding of the multitude (“The best hosts always provide /
take home containers”) to the resurrection of Jesus (“the belly of
mother Earth / is, indeed, a womb . . . the humus of life is where we
become fully human”), this collection helps us hear the hum of
deliverance—against all hope—that’s been in the gospel all along.

DREW JACKSON is the founding pastor
of Hope East Village in New York City.
He is the author of the poetry
“I’m one of those people who likes the idea of reading
collection God Speaks Through
poetry more than actually reading it. Occasionally,
Wombs and writes poetry at the
however, I stumble on a poet like Drew Jackson, whose
intersection of justice, peace, and
lyrical language and urgent themes set a hook in me.
contemplation, with a passion to
Drawing on the liberating Jesus of Luke’s Gospel,
contribute toward a more just and
Jackson explores heritage, history, and a longing for
whole world.
freedom. Touch the Earth pushes back against the
spirit of scarcity and invites readers into an achingly djacksonpoetics.com
authentic spirituality. Whether you are a ‘poetry Follow him on Twitter: @djacksonpoetics
person’ or not, this book will leave you mesmerized.”
JONATHAN MERRITT, contributing writer for The
Atlantic and author of Learning to Speak God from Scratch


Issues of mental health affect most people, especially as the world around us leaves us feeling increasingly troubled and
alone. How can we help those we love—and ourselves—find hope and healing during hard times? During the month of
May we will be highlighting books that bolster the battle for mental health, whether you struggle with burnout,
depression, addiction or grief. In addition to this full list of our mental health resources, we want to bring the following
recent books to your attention, covering topics from trauma and counseling to anxiety and loneliness.

Skip McDonalD

Finding Comfort and
Reassurance from God

15 Million

8 S T U D I E S F O R I N D I V I D UA L S O R G R O U P S

The Anxiety Field Guide Anxiety

Healthy Habits for Long-Term Healing Finding Comfort and Reassurance from God
April 26, 2022 April 21, 2020
$18 | 176 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0345-9 $12 | 64 pages | paperback | 978-0-8308-3124-1

The Connected Life Wait with Me

The Art and Science of Relational Spirituality Meeting God in Loneliness
June 28, 2022 May 19, 2020
$18 | 224 pages | hardcover | 978-1-5140-0261-2 $16 | 176 pages | paperback | 978-0-8308-4668-9

Restoring the Shattered Self Learning to Be

A Christian Counselor's Guide to Complex Trauma Finding Your Center After the Bottom Falls Out
March 3, 2020 September 15, 2020
$32 | 264 pages | paperback | 978-0-8308-2866-1 $22 | 176 pages | hardcover | 978-0-8308-4587-3


On Getting Out of Bed

The Burden and Gift of Living
April 18, 2023
$20 | 120 pages | hardcover | 978-1-5140-0443-2

Let’s Face It, Life Is Difficult

For most people, sorrow, anxiety, and mental illness are everyday
experiences. The burden of living comes down to mundane choices
that we each must make—like the daily choice to get out of bed. In
this deeply personal essay, Alan Noble considers how carrying on
amid great suffering is a powerful witness to the goodness of life,
and of God.

• Shares wisdom from an award-winning author

• Offers insights for those in the midst of struggles
• Puts the conversation around mental health in the context of
the gospel

ALAN NOBLE is associate professor of
English at Oklahoma Baptist
University. He has written for The
“Alan Noble grapples with a topic of increasingly vital
Atlantic, Vox, The Gospel Coalition,
significance in the effects of Covid-19 isolation:
Christianity Today, and First Things. He
mental affliction. Through autobiographical reflec-
is also the author of Disruptive
tions and personal insights on his own suffering,
Witness (won the 2018 WORLD Book of
Noble pushes back on the biological model of
the Year Award) and You Are Not Your
understanding these illnesses, looking to his life in
Own (Honorable Mention TGC 2021
Christ as his tool for survival.”
Book Awards).
Darkness Is My Only Companion: A Christian Response to Visit Alan’s website at oalannoble.com.
Mental Illness
Follow him on Twitter: @TheAlanNoble


Creating the Canon

Composition, Controversy, and the Authority of the
New Testament
July 11, 2023
$30 | 264 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0110-3

A Helpful Guide to the Canon of the

New Testament
Some questions about the New Testament are far from settled, to
say nothing of misconception and confusion. In this wide-ranging
yet accessible overview, Bejamin Laird offers constructive insight on
matters tied to the composition, collection, and authority of the
New Testament canon.

• Addresses six significant questions concerning the formation

of the canon
• Helpful for seminary or Bible college students who have
questions about how the canon was formed and questions
about NT letter writing
• Offers helpful thoughts on apostolic authority and inerrancy
through the lens of canon reception

BENJAMIN P. LAIRD (PhD, University of
“Benjamin Laird has written an insightful and helpful Aberdeen) is associate professor of
introduction to how we got the New Testament. Laird biblical studies at the John W.
explains everything from ancient writing practices to Rawlings School of Divinity at Liberty
book production and publication to letter writing in University. His recent publications
antiquity, as well as the origins and reception of include The Pauline Corpus in Early
Christian texts, and the importance of apostolic Christianity, 40 Questions about the
authority. A helpful read for anyone interested in the Apostle Paul, Five Views on the New
what and the how of the Bible.” Testament Canon, and the forthcoming
MICHAEL F. BIRD, academic dean and lecturer in New The New Testament Canon in Contemporary Research. He lives in
Testament at Ridley College in Melbourne, Australia
Lynchburg, Virginia, with his wife and five children.


The Second Testament

A New Translation
June 6, 2023
$35 | 312 | hardcover | 978-0-8308-4699-3

THE Second
Fresh New Testament Translation from
Scot McKnight
New Testament scholar Scot McKnight offers a translation of the
New Testament with a daring approach to the ancient text. Clever in
its expression and at times stunning in its boldness, The Second
Testament will challenge readers to experience God’s Word anew.

Features include:
• Complete text of the New Testament
• Brief introductions to each book
• Maps of key locations and events
• Glossary of key terms in the translation

SCOT McKNIGHT (PhD, University of

“ Nottingham) is Julius R. Mantey Chair

of New Testament at Northern
“Scot McKnight’s translation of the New Testament Seminary in Lisle, Illinois. He is the
takes us into the very world of Jesus and the apostles; author of many books, including
it breathes the air of antiquity. Rather than try to Reading Romans Backwards, Pastor Paul,
make the New Testament too familiar, McKnight The King Jesus Gospel, and
makes it sound foreign, like a distant land you are commentaries on James, Galatians,
hearing about for the first time. The Second Testa- and 1 Peter. He is also the coeditor of
ment is a monumental literary achievement that will the Story of God commentary series and general editor of the
enrich and excite readers for generations.” forthcoming second edition of the Dictionary of Paul and His Letters.
MICHAEL F. BIRD, academic dean and lecturer in New
Testament at Ridley College in Melbourne, Australia Follow him on Twitter: @scotmcknight

Also available:
The First Testament:
A New Translation
by John Goldingay


Wisdom for Faithful Reading

Principles and Practices for Old Testament Interpretation
April 25, 2023
$26 | 248 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0487-6

The church has often lost its way in reading the Old Testament for lack
of sound principles of interpretation. John Walton offers a consistent
approach to give us confidence as faithful interpreters, laying out his
tried-and-true practices developed over four decades in the classroom.
You may never read the Old Testament the same way again.

JOHN H. WALTON (PhD, Hebrew Union College) is professor of Old

Testament at Wheaton College and Graduate School. His many books
include The Lost World of Genesis One and other titles in the Lost World
Series, Old Testament Theology for Christians, and the IVP Bible
Background Commentary: Old Testament.

Treasuring the Psalms

I A N J . VA I L L A N C O U R T

How to Read the Psalms that Shape the Soul of the Church
August 15, 2023
$28 | 256 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0510-1

Christians rightly yearn to understand and experience the riches

found in the Book of Psalms more deeply. Contrary to the common

approach of teaching characteristics of the psalm types (form

criticism), this book helps Christians understand that the individual
psalms are shaped into a book that points to Christ and applies
directly to the Christian life. Through these canonical, Christological,
and practical emphases, readers will learn the flow and message of
the book, as well as come to understand Gospel-centered and direct
application to their lives.
IAN J. VAILLANCOURT (PhD, University of St. Michael’s College,
Toronto) is Associate Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at
Heritage Theological Seminary, in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. He is
an ordained pastor in the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists in
Canada, and served in senior/teaching pastoral roles for 14 years
before teaching. Vaillancourt has published articles and reviews in
academic journals including The Journal of the Evangelical Theological
Society, Westminster Theological Journal, Journal for the Evangelical Study
of the Old Testament, and The Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology.


Flood and Fury

Old Testament Violence and the Shalom of God
February 28, 2023
$24 | 256 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0429-6

Be Shocked, Horrified, Frustrated with

the Bible
Old Testament violence proves one of the most troubling topics in
the Bible. Too often, the explanations for the brutality in Scripture
fail to adequately illustrate why God would sanction such horrors on
humanity. These unanswered questions leave readers frustrated and
confused, leading some to even walk away from their faith.

In Flood and Fury, Old Testament scholar Matthew Lynch approaches

two of the most violent passages in the Old Testament—the Flood
and the Canaanite conquest—and offers a way forward that doesn’t
require softening or ignoring the most troubling aspects of these
stories. While acknowledging the persistent challenge of violence in
Scripture, Flood and Fury contends that reading with the grain of the
text yields surprising insights into the goodness and the mercy of
God. Through his exploration of themes related to violence
including misogyny, racism, and nationalism, Lynch shows that
these violent stories illuminate significant theological insights that

“ we might miss with a surface reading.

“Matt Lynch is an able guide to these difficult Old

Testament texts. He carefully unravels the caricatures
of these texts to make way for a faithful alternative.
Lynch weaves personal stories with close readings of MATTHEW J. LYNCH is associate
biblical texts to offer fresh perspective. I heartily professor of Old Testament at Regent
recommend his work!” College in Vancouver, Canada. He is
the author of First Isaiah and the
CARMEN JOY IMES, associate professor of Old
Testament at Biola University and author of Bearing God’s Disappearance of the Gods, Portraying
Name: Why Sinai Still Matters Violence in the Hebrew Bible: A Literary
and Cultural Study, and Monotheism and
Institutions in the Book of Chronicles:
Temple, Priesthood, and Kingship in
Post-Exilic Perspective. He is the cofounder of the OnScript podcast,
a podcast focused on providing engaging conversations on Bible
and theology.

Follow him on Twitter: @MattLynch_OT


Being God’s Image

Why Creation Still Matters
June 6, 2023
$22 | 240 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0020-5

The Practical Meaning of the Imago Dei

What does it mean to be human? For this timeless question, the
Bible offers truths for the flourishing of all creation. Carmen Imes
recovers the theologically rich creation narratives and explores the
implication of our kinship relationship with God, considering what
it means for our work, gender relations, creation care, and eternal

College) is associate professor of Old
Testament at Biola University. She is
“Because of Carmen Imes’s warm and inviting prose,
the author of Bearing God’s Name: Why
readers might not initially realize what a biblical
Sinai Still Matters and Praying the Psalms
narrative tour de force they receive in this book. From
with Augustine and Friends. Carmen
Genesis to Revelation, creation to new creation, Imes
loves helping Christians discover God’s
leaves no major challenging question unaddressed as
grace in the Old Testament by writing,
she explores the central assertion that all humans are
speaking, and creating videos.
made in God’s image. A wise and able guide, Imes
brings clarity, encouragement, and challenge herself CarmenJoyImes.blogspot.com
as well as introducing numerous other guides so Follow her on Twitter: @carmenjoyimes
readers can press deeper. Along with Bearing God’s
Name, Being God’s Image will stand as an influen-
tial Christian theology of creational flourishing.”
AMY PEELER, associate professor of New Testament at
Wheaton College and Graduate School


Demystifying Evil
December 5, 2023
$28 | 256 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0493-7

God’s Triumph over the Destructive

Powers of Evil
How should we think about and respond to the evil that permeates
our individual and social lives?

Narrating her own personal story of suffering as she encounters evil

and engaging in biblical and philosophical analysis, Faro explores
the many dimensions to evil. At once soberly honest, biblically
engaged, and theologically nuanced, Demystifying Evil reminds us of
ONLINE COVER REVEAL the power of evil to disrupt and fragment our lives and tempt us

COMING SOON toward colluding with it.

• Offers a cross-disciplinary account of evil: one rooted in Old

Testament (philological) studies, psychology, and personal
• Approaches evil with concern for what individuals can do about it
• Emphasizes and analyzes the agency of nonhuman agents of evil
such as the devil, demons, powers, and principalities

INGRID FARO (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield

IL) is Visiting Professor of Old Testament at Northern Seminary in
Lisle, Illinois, and Associate Professor of Old Testament at
Scandinavian School of Theology in Uppsala, Sweden. She is the
author of Evil in Genesis: A Contextual Analysis of Hebrew Lexemes for
Evil in the Book of Genesis.

Follow Ingrid on Twitter: @faro_ingrid


Honoring Os Guinness for 50 Years of Publishing

This year, 2023, marks fifty years since Os Guinness published his first book back in 1973.
Reissued by IVP in 2020, The Dust of Death: The Sixties Counterculture and How It Changed America
Forever started what has become a prolific writing career for the well-known social critic.
Guinness has authored or coauthored more than thirty books, including

os guinness
Author of Renaissance

ta l k
Recovering the Art of
Ch r i s t i an Pe r s uas ion

Os Guinness Os Guinness
Author of A Free People’s Suicide
Author of Renaissance and Fool’s Talk

ImpossIble The

PeoPle GlObal
T h e P o w e r o f T h e G o sPe l

h ow e v e r D a r k T h e T i m e s

os Guinness
author of The Call

R eligious Fr eed om an d the M aking

Christian Courage and the of a Wor ld S afe for Divers it y

struggle for the soul of Civilization

Born in China to missionary parents, Guinness is the great-great-great-grandson of Arthur

Guinness, the Dublin brewer. Guinness has had a lifelong passion to make sense of our
extraordinary modern world and to stand between the worlds of scholarship and ordinary
life, helping each to understand the other—particularly when advanced modern life
touches on the profound issues of faith.


Signals of Transcendence
Listening to the Promptings of Life
March 7, 2023
$16 | 128 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0439-5

New from Os Guinness

The modern world is a place of great distraction, and it can be
difficult to make sense of our human existence. But at some point in
our lives, we may experience particular moments that prompt us to
search for something deeper. Sociologist Peter Berger described
these hints and clues as “signals of transcendence” that awaken us
to unseen realities.

Os Guinness tells stories of people who experienced signals of

transcendence and followed them to find new meaning and purpose
in life. Notable figures such as Leo Tolstoy and C. S. Lewis as well as
lesser-known individuals experienced a variety of promptings that
signaled to them that life could not continue as they had thought.
Through unsatisfied longings or disillusionments or glimpses of
beauty or joy, these moments drew people toward epiphanies of
transformation. And the same can be true for us, should we have the
courage to follow the signals wherever they may lead.

“In his usual erudite clarity, Os Guinness illuminates
the dark paths of history’s chaos, traumas, and OS GUINNESS (DPhil, Oxford) is the
violence with Signals of Transcendence. This book author or editor of more than thirty
is a gold mine of wisdom, a gift for generations to books, including The Dust of Death,
come. For all of us meandering as border-stalking Fool’s Talk, The Magna Carta of
artists, drowning in the undertows of cultural currents Humanity, and The Great Quest. A
that wash away our confidence in institutions of faith, frequent speaker and prominent social
classical learning, and worldly systems, Guinness is a critic, he has a lifelong passion to
pedagogical North Star that guides to enlarge our make sense of our extraordinary
imaginations and to give courage for that journey.” modern world and stand between the
worlds of scholarship and ordinary life, helping each to
MAKOTOA FUJIMURA, artist and author of Art+Faith: A
Theology of Making understand the other.



Recalibrate Your Life

Navigating Transitions with Purpose and Hope
February 21, 2023
$18 | 256 pages, paperback | 978-1-5140-0072-4

Viewing Aging as a Time to Wind Up,

Not Down
Times of transition, especially in midlife or later life, are ideal
moments for recalibrating our priorities and habits. Ken Boa and
Jenny Abel give us the practical tools and eternal perspective needed
to evaluate our God-given gifts, skills, wisdom, resources, and
opportunities in order to live meaningfully now and into the future.

• Purposeful guide to maturing well through life’s transitions

• Personal narratives around having an eternal perspective that
transcends life seasons
• Practical toolkit with resources for recalibrating and renewing

KENNETH BOA is the president of
Reflections Ministries, Omnibus
Media Ministries, and Trinity House
“Bringing together scriptural insight, practical tools
Publishers. His many books include
(such as taking a ‘recalibration retreat’), and
Faith Has Its Reasons, Rewriting Your
examples from their own lives (including Boa’s
Broken Story, Life in the Presence of God,
multiple near-death experiences), the authors explain
and Shaped by Suffering.
how their process promotes asking ‘important
questions that we should have been asking all along.’ kenboa.org
With an approachable style, Boa and Abel provide Follow him on Twitter: @kennethboa
sound advice for weathering challenging life moments
and connecting with God. . . .Believers eager to take a JENNY ABEL is a freelance writer and
fresh look at their lives will find this a welcome editor based in Charlottesville,
resource.” Virginia. She coauthored A Guide to
PUBLISHERS WEEKLY, December 5, 2022 Practicing God’s Presence and Shaped by
Suffering with Kenneth Boa and has
served as editor of the monthly
Reflections newsletter since 2017.



Everything is (NOT) Fine

Finding Strength When Life Gets Annoyingly Difficult
September 26, 2023
$18 | 192 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0614-6

Wisdom For When the World Knocks Us

Flat on Our Butts
We feel stretched farther than we ever thought physically,
emotionally, and spiritually possible. And though we are torn up
inside, we feel like we need to keep our chin up and put a good face
on things. So we pretend that everything is fine, even though it’s
not. Katie Schnack shows us how when life is complicated, self-
compassion and humor can bring healing.

She says, “Being strong doesn’t always look like shouting from the
rooftops—aka social media—about how brave and put together we
are. For me right now, being strong is about being honest with your
struggles, asking for prayer, and then expecting peace to show up
like God promises.”

“ KATIE SCHNACK is a writer and book

publicist. Her articles have appeared
“Have you ever found yourself in a situation that in such places as Relevant, Today.com,
really sucked, but you had to keep walking through it Hello Giggles, Romper, and Scary
anyway? Cool, me too. This book is going to talk about Mommy. She Is the author of The Gap
times like that. And other stuff that isn’t so depressing Decade.
sounding, like being strong and kicking life’s butt like
Rocky Balboa in his best moment. Because with Visit her website at katieschnack.com.
seasons of hard come seasons of conquering. It isn’t all Follow her on Twitter: @katieschnack
just doom and gloom. And hey, I know you can
Adapted from the prologue of Everything is (NOT) Fine


Healing Conversations on Race

Four Key Practices from Scripture and Psychology
February 28, 2023
$24 | 240 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0392-3

A Model for Addressing Racial Disunity

Racism complicates our relationships, even when we reject it and
seek to walk a better path. In this book, four experts in psychology
and social work present a Scripturally-grounded model for
building and deepening cross-race relationships. These insights
and practices will help Christians grow in Christlikeness and
follow his example.

• Includes examples from the authors’ own experiences

• Each chapter features journaling prompts to help readers engage
the content
• Provides biblical and psychological foundations for the “HEAL”
• Guides readers through a program of directed mixed-race

“ VEOLA VAZQUEZ, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and a tenured

professor of psychology in the College of Behavioral and Social
“The history of the church when it comes to race is a Sciences at California Baptist University.
mixed bag. Some Christians have done great work to
build bridges and work toward racial healing and JOSHUA KNABB, PsyD, ABPP, is a board certified clinical

justice. Others have used their interpretations of the psychologist (American Board of Professional Psychology) and the

Bible to make things worse. This book is a welcome director of the PsyD program at California Baptist University.

step in the right direction. The authors bring together

CHARLES LEE-JOHNSON, DMin, MSW, is one of the founders and
their personal and professional experience to provide
chair of the Social Work Department at California Baptist
a practical road map to help Christians who want to
University and the CEO of National Family Life and Education
become more like Christ and bring about healing in
their communities. If that describes you, this book will
help light the path.” KRYSTAL HAYS, PhD, is the director of the Doctor of Social Work
JOSHUA N. HOOK, professor of psychology at the program and an assistant professor of social work at California
University of North Texas
Baptist University.


The Art of Inclusion (Revised and Expanded Edition)
May 9, 2023
$18 | 192 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0732-7

Embracing Racial Inclusion of the

We can’t ignore color, class, or culture. Instead, we must engage
matters of race with a different posture and embrace radical
inclusion of the marginalized.

Now with David Heiliger, David A. Anderson revives the biblical

model for showing special grace to others on the basis of ethnicity,
class, or social distinction—one of gracism. Responding to ongoing
problems of prejudice and injustice, the original seven sayings of
the gracist now become eight with a new chapter alongside a
revised conclusion.

the founder and senior pastor of
Bridgeway Community Church. He is
“Dr. David Anderson is one of the finest reconciliation
the founder and president of Gracism
practitioners that I know. In this book, Gracism: The
Global and an instructor of cultural
Art of Inclusion, he honestly shares his journey into
diversity at the University of Phoenix’s
a profound concept that has the potential to revolu-
Maryland campuses. David’s other
tionize how we confront racism to create a society
books include Letters Across the Divide
with liberty and justice for all.”
and Multicultural Ministry.
McNeil Associates, LLC, coauthor of The Heart of Racial
Justice: How Soul Change Leads to Social Change AndersonSpeaks.com
Follow him on Twitter: @AndersonSpeaks

DAVID HEILIGER is the director of

Gracism Global and the pastor of
multicultural bridge building at
Bridgeway Community Church. He
holds a master’s degree in conflict
transformation from the Center for
Justice and Peacebuilding at Eastern
Mennonite University.

Follow him on Instagram: @DavidHeiliger


All God’s Children

How Confronting Buried History Can Build Racial Solidarity
June 20, 2023
$18 | 240 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0595-8

Everyone Has a Story

Terence Lester shares the buried history of the struggles Black
people have faced against unjust systems. He tells powerful stories
of courage, injustice, pain, and triumph, including ones from his
own history. He also unpacks the sociological and cultural dynamics
of unconscious bias and inattentional ignorance that keep us apart,
and how they can be overcome.

• A candid account of Black experience in America

• Explains what it’s like to have “the talk” and to face
microagressions, racial profiling, and more
• Provides historical background to foster shared
understanding and greater empathy

TERENCE LESTER is a minister, speaker,
community activist, author, and
founder of Love Beyond Walls, a
“Terence Lester has a longstanding track record of not-for-profit organization focused on
listening to and standing up for those society would poverty awareness and community
rather forget. This book beautifully, and in some mobilization. His campaigns on behalf
spaces hauntingly, weaves together the story of the of the poor, including #LoveSinksIn,
unhoused while providing crucial racial analysis that have been featured in USA Today, Black
did my soul so much good to read. I think this book Enterprise Essence, and Reader’s Digest.
deserves a space in classrooms and libraries all across They have been viewed by millions of people globally on The Today
this country.” Show, Good Morning America, CBS News, NBC, Upworthy, and “The
ROBERT MONSON, codirector of Enfleshed, writer, Bright Side” with Katie Couric. His books include When We Stand, I
and podcaster
See You, Getting Past Stuck, Simple Prayers for Hurting People, and
Identity Theft.

Follow him on Twitter: @imTerenceLester


Untangling the Race Web

Critical Theory, Race, and Christianity
May 7, 2024
$18 | 224 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0481-4

Challenging Racial Frameworks

Through a Christian theological and sociological lens, we need to
untangle and reimagine words like critical theory, social Marxism,
critical race theory, and concepts that flow out of these theories like
“social justice,” “white privilege,” “white fragility,” and “systemic
racism.” As racial discourse becomes more complex, we need to pull
back and consider not only individual parts but how those parts fit
together as part of a larger context.

ONLINE COVER REVEAL Dr. Uszynski says, “Intentionally thinking about how we come to
believe what we believe about everything—including race—can
COMING SOON be useful on two different levels. Because while what we think
about the tension surrounding race is important, it’s always
preceded by how we think—and we live at a time where how we
think faces unprecedented challenges.”

DR. ED USZYNSKI currently serves as Senior Content Strategist for

Family Life Ministry and as a Oneness and Diversity Consultant
for Athletes in Action, with whom he has been training staff and
ministering to college and professional athletes since 1992.

Follow him on Twitter: @Uszynski32


Non-Toxic Masculinity
Recovering Healthy Male Sexuality
April 4, 2023
$18 | 224 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0502-6

Recovering Healthy Identity for Men

Zachary Wagner explores what has gone wrong with the
conservative American church’s vision of masculinity, with
particular attention to purity culture and its assumptions about
male sexual desire. Part cultural commentary, part biblical study,
and part personal reflection, Non-Toxic Masculinity

• Explores the roots of purity culture and its assumptions about

• Presents a renewed, biblical picture of masculinity and male
• Addresses specific aspects of masculinity, including adolescence,
sex, marriage, and fatherhood
• Places the conversation in the context of the current #MeToo and
#ChurchToo movements
Reflecting on his own coming of age in the purity culture movement
and ongoing recovery from sexual shame, Wagner confronts harmful
teaching from the American church that has distorted desire, sex,

relationships, and responsibility. For those—both men and women—
who feel disillusioned and adrift, this book offers a renewed vision
for Christian male sexuality founded in empathy and selflessness.
“For millions of men shaped by evangelical purity
culture, Non-Toxic Masculinity will be a breath of
fresh air. Rather than offer lists of prohibitions and
idealistic expectations, Zachary Wagner situates the
conversation within a broader redemptive narrative— ZACHARY WAGNER is an ordained
one that allows for imperfection while rejecting the minister and editorial director for the
dehumanization of women and men, one that Center for Pastor Theologians. He is
decenters sexual morality without abandoning currently pursuing a PhD in New
biblical guidance, and one that is filled with humility Testament at the University of Oxford.
and grace.”
KRISTIN KOBES DU MEZ, author of Jesus and John Follow him on Twitter: @zacharycwagner
Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and
Fractured a Nation


The Meaning of Singleness

Retrieving an Eschatological Vision for the
Contemporary Church
May 9, 2023
$35 | 336 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0485-2

Retrieving a Theology of Singleness

Is Christian singleness a burden to be endured or a God-ordained
vocation? Might singleness here and now give the church a glimpse
of God’s heavenly promises?

Dani Treweek offers biblical, historical, cultural, and theological

reflections to retrieve a theology of singleness for the church today.
Drawing upon both ancient and contemporary theologians,
including Augustine, Ælfric of Eynsham, John Paul II, and Stanley
Hauerwas, she contends not only that singleness has served an
important role throughout the church’s history, but that single
Christians present the church with a foretaste of the eschatological
reality that awaits all of God’s people.


“While there have been a number of informed, Mark’s National Theological Centre
edifying Christian treatments of singleness published and Charles Sturt University) is the
in recent years, I know of none that combines biblical founding director of the Single
exegesis, historical and cultural analysis and critique, Minded Ministry and an adjunct
and pastoral wisdom and sensitivity as effectively and teacher at Moore Theological College,
powerfully as this one does. It will be an evangelical Sydney. She also serves as both the
touchstone for years to come—as relevant for Diocesan Research Officer and a
theologians and educators as it will be for pastors and member of the Archbishop’s Doctrine
counselors.” Commission within the Anglican
WESLEY HILL, associate professor of New Testament at Diocese of Sydney, Australia.
Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan
Follow her on Twitter: @DaniTreweek


Just Discipleship
Biblical Justice in an Unjust World
August 8, 2023
$32 | 304 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0600-9

Following the Biblical Call to Justice

Growing wealth inequalities, the rise of white Christian
nationalism, and the persistence of structural racism: these are only
some of the injustices that saturate the United States today. Sadly,
many churches have ignored these evils, making the issue of justice
marginal or irrelevant to their work.

Michael Rhodes challenges this indifference. Drawing on readings

of major passages and books from the Old and New Testament,
virtue ethics, and his own story, he shows that justice is central to
the Bible, central to Jesus, and central to authentic Christian

• Develops an ecclesiology and provides an account of justice

grounded in exegesis of key books of the Old Testament, the New
Testament, and virtue ethics
• Engages in serious and robust criticisms of virtue ethics by
thinkers such as Willie Jennings and tries to speak to contempo-
rary social issues: segregation, wealth inequality, racism, colo-

nialism, and reparations
• Grounded in biblical theology, this book will appeal to seminary
students and pastors wondering about justice in the face of
“Jesus says that the kingdom is not for all who say
contemporary social issues
‘Lord, Lord,’ but for those ‘who do the will of my
Father.’ Just Discipleship takes seriously Jesus’ call to
heed the Father’s will by tapping into the justice-rich
lodes that fill Scripture’s pages. Rhodes’s study is
deeply personal, rigorously exegetical, and inspiring.
MICHAEL RHODES (PhD, Trinity College Bristol/University of
Rather than leaving readers depleted and disheart-
Aberdeen) is lecturer in Old Testament at Carey Baptist College in
ened by the insurmountable problems of injustice,
Auckland, New Zealand. He has published in scholarly journals
Just Discipleship will leave readers captivated by the
such as Studies in Christian Ethics, Journal of Markets & Morality, and
gospel’s scope and vision for holistic discipleship. I
Journal for Theological Interpretation. Additionally, he has written for
pray that churches—especially those with privileged
Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Comment, Red Letter
legacies—take up the challenges and opportunities
Christians, and Evangelicals for Social Action.
that this book offers.”
MATTHEW LYNCH, associate professor of Old Follow him on Twitter: @MichaelJRhodes
Testament at Regent College


Following Jesus in a Warming World

A Christian Call to Climate Action
February 21, 2023
$18 | 208 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0445-6

For the Care of God’s Creation

Many young Christians are waking up to the realities of climate
change but just don’t know how to help. Through stories from the
field, theological and scriptural exploration, and practical advice,
this field guide from Christian climate activist Kyle Meyaard-Schaap
helps us take meaningful action grounded in the joy of caring for

• Connects creation care and climate action to specific Christian values

• Dedicated to the benchmark of keeping warming below 2 degrees
Celsius by 2100

president of the Evangelical
Environmental Network. He has been
“This book is absolutely urgent today. . . . Following
named to Midwest Energy Group’s 40
Jesus in a Warming World offers a warning, a
Under 40 and the American
wake-up call, and a way forward for Christians striving
Conservation Coalition’s 30 Under 30.
to be faithful disciples in the twenty-first century.
Previously, he was the national
Rather than pile on the guilt and shame, Kyle Meyaard-
organizer and spokesperson for Young
Schaap winsomely invites readers to embrace a faithful
Evangelicals for Climate Action, and
life that accounts for the ecological state of our world.
he has been featured in news outlets such as CNN, PBS, NPR, NBC
This book is a balm for the climate-anxious soul!”
News, and U.S. News and World Report.
JONATHAN MERRITT, contributing writer for The
Atlantic and author of Learning to Speak God from Scratch
Follow him on Twitter: @kmeyaardschaap

“Following Jesus in a Warming World is a needed

call to the evangelical world to take climate change
seriously and to use their political power to help the
JEREMIAH ROOD, Foreword Reviews, January/February


From Pandemic to Renewal

Practices for a World Shaken by Crisis
May 23, 2023
$18 | 240 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0552-1

Global Opportunities of a Century

Our times are marked with mental exhaustion, economic disparities,
and escalating divisions. But these challenges can be opportunities
for renewal. Chris Rice sets forth transformative practices that can
move us toward social healing and spiritual renewal.

• Offers a hopeful vision for life beyond the pandemic

• Addresses eight key challenges of the day
• Identifies eight practices and pathways forward

CHRIS RICE is director of the United
Nations Office of the Mennonite
Central Committee, an international
“The world has irrevocably changed. And perhaps we
relief, development, and peace agency.
have changed too: we feel unsettled and uneasy.
Chris is coauthor of Reconciling All
In From Pandemic to Renewal, Chris Rice charts a
Things and of More Than Equals: Racial
course to embrace the disruption. We can’t evade or
Healing for the Sake of the Gospel, which
outrun the pain, but in making the choice to move
both won Christianity Today Book
closer to it, we may paradoxically find the key to
Awards. Chris served as cofounding
rebuilding what’s broken, navigating disagreements
director of the Duke Divinity School
without demonization, and addressing our world’s
Center for Reconciliation, and before that served 17 years in
biggest challenges with love.”
multi-racial, church-based community development in
PETER GREER, president and CEO of HOPE International
and author of Mission Drift Mississippi. In churches, the academy, and faith-based
organizations, from the U.S., to east Africa, to Northeast Asia, to
the divide between North Korea and South Korea, Chris has helped
give birth to pioneering initiatives to heal social conflicts and
renew Christian life and mission.

Visit Chris's blog at chrisriceauthor.com.

Follow him on Twitter: @reconcilers


Rethinking the Police

An Officer’s Confession and a Pathway to Reform
November 7, 2023
$18 | 208 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0612-2

A Solution Centered on Servant Leadership

Daniel Reinhardt, a former police officer, lays out a history of the US
police, showing how it has developed a culture of dehumanization,
systemic racism, and brutality. His firsthand accounts about the
toxic culture of which he was a part, coupled with research, shed
new light on the need for change at the nexus of George Floyd, Black
Lives Matter, and Critical Race Theory.

• Written from the perspective of a police officer, not an outside

• Details how police culture facilitates systemic racism
• Advocates for community policing, with a pathway for systemic
change that goes deeper than just better practices

“ DANIEL REINHARDT is Assistant Professor for Christian Education

and Applied Ministry at the Heart of Texas Foundation College of
“This book demonstrates that until police culture Ministry, Memorial Unit in Rosharon, Texas. He was previously a
changes, police practices will not substantially change. police officer in Lorain, Ohio (outside Cleveland) for twenty-four
The culture is the heart feeding the systemically racist years.
strategies. Thus, the heart—the police culture—is the
target for the transformation so that community friendly Follow him on Twitter: @DanReinhardt5
strategies can break beyond nominal support and truly
be supported and wholeheartedly implemented.”
Adapted from the introduction of Rethinking the Police


The Practice of Remembering

Uncovering the Place of Memories in Our Spiritual Life
December 5, 2023
$18 | 216 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0730-3

What is the Role of Memory in

Our Formation?
Previously titled As I Recall, Casey Tygrett explores the power of
memory and offers biblical texts and practices in The Practice of
Remembering to guide us in bringing our memories to God for
spiritual transformation. How we hold and carry our memories—
good and bad—is a part of what forms us spiritually. In these pages
Casey Tygrett explores the power of memory and offers biblical
texts and practices to guide us in bringing our memories to God for
ONLINE COVER REVEAL spiritual transformation.

“ CASEY TYGRETT (DMin, Lincoln

Christian Seminary) is theologian in
“There are smells, tastes, and moments in life that residence at Parkview Christian
instantly take me back in time. I have my own mental Church in Orland Park, Illinois. A
DeLorean nearing eighty-eight miles per hour ready pastor, blogger, adjunct seminary
to shoot me back to another time, but I can never professor, and spiritual director, he
predict when it will reach velocity. Sometimes I previously served as teaching pastor at
wonder why recollections strike, but I’ve never Heartland Community Church and has
pondered it deeply until now. Casey Tygrett, with deep taught at Lincoln Christian University
insight and a sharp pen, leads us more deeply into and Seminary and Emmanuel Christian Seminary. He is the
what God is revealing to us through our personal and author of Becoming Curious and The Jesus Rhythm and he speaks in a
communal stories and how embracing those stories variety of locations in the US, Canada, and Australia.
leads us forward.”
SEAN PALMER, teaching pastor, Ecclesia Houston
Follow him on Twitter: @cktygrett


Finding Freedom in Constraint

Reimagining Spiritual Disciplines as a Communal Way of Life
September 12, 2023
$20 | 288 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0431-9

What is the Role of Memory in

Our Formation?
Jared Patrick Boyd reveals how the constraints that come from
communal life shape us into the way of Christ. He re-anchors
spiritual disciplines in their original Benedictine monastic context
and shows how they call us to a particular form of life. 

Boyd writes, “The constraints of a rule of life are what make life
together, lived for one another, possible. A rule of life is not meant
to be primarily personal, but communal. It’s not primarily meant to
guide my life. It is meant to describe our way of life
together.” Constraint is the practice of learning to pay deeper
attention to the things in our inner world that prevent us from
progressing in the school of love.

“ JARED PATRICK BOYD is the founder

and director of the Order of the
“With the publishing of Finding Freedom in Con- Common Life, where he leads the
straint, you can get both insight into and a taste of the vision and formation for reimagining
possibilities of a well-ordered life. But be prepared for religious vocations for the 21st
surprising revelations, for counterintuitive insights century. He offers spiritual direction
along the ancient and sacred path to spirituality in the to pastors and leaders and also serves
way of Jesus. . . . As you begin to turn the pages to hear as a pastor at The Abbey, a Vineyard
Jared’s voice, I want you to relax. A well-ordered life Church seeking to bring together the
that others experience as for their good awaits you as contemplative, charismatic, and sacramental traditions. He is
you practice what Jared teaches: the intelligent, also author of Imaginative Prayer: A Yearlong Guide to Your Child’s
grace-based practices of ancient and anointed Spiritual Formation.
Christian spirituality.”
TODD HUNTER, Anglican bishop and founder of the
Center for Formation, Justice and Peace, from the foreword Follow him on Twitter: @BoydJared


Faith Like a Child

Embracing Our Lives as Children of God
May 9, 2023
$18 | 176 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0398-5

Rekindling a Childlike Faith

A well-known challenge of Jesus to his followers is to become like
little children. But it’s often difficult to remember the natural
patterns of our childhood selves that enabled us to live freely in
God’s wonder-filled presence. In Faith Like a Child Lacy Finn Borgo

• Explores seven distinct ways of children

• Offers personal reflections to enliven our childhood selves
• Speaks to real life vulnerabilities and the courage it takes to
address them

LACY FINN BORGO teaches and provides
spiritual direction with adults and
children through Renovaré, Mercy
“Who would have known that formation into
Center Burlingame, and the
Christlikeness could be so fun? In Faith Like a Child,
Companioning Center. She meets with
author and spiritual director Lacy Borgo uses
children at Haven House, a
Scripture, poetry, and personal stories to invite us to
transitional facility for families
see ourselves as the lighthearted children we were
without homes. Borgo is also the
created to be. A helpful framework for understanding
author of Spiritual Conversations with
Christian spiritual formation, this book is one I
Children and the children’s picture book All Will Be Well.
recommend to anyone seeking to grow in embracing
God as our Mothering Father.” Visit her website at gooddirtministries.org.
KURTLEY KNIGHT, assistant professor of spiritual
formation at George Fox University’s Portland Seminary


Who Are You, Really?

A Philosopher’s Inquiry into the Nature and
Origin of Persons
March 21, 2023
$30 | 304 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0394-7

An Examination of What It Means to Be

What does it mean to be human? What is a person? Where did we
come from?

Many answers have been offered throughout history in response to

these perennial questions, including those from biological,
anthropological, sociological, political, and theological approaches.
And yet the questions remain.

Philosopher Joshua Rasmussen offers his own step-by-step

examination into the fundamental nature and ultimate origin of
persons. Using accessible language and clear logic, he argues that
the answer to the question of what it means to be a person sheds
light not only on our own nature but also on the existence of the
one who gave us life.

“Josh Rasmussen is one of the deepest and most
interesting thinkers of our time. He is one of the JOSHUA RASMUSSEN (PhD, Notre
leaders of a new generation of philosophers building a Dame) is associate professor of
more conciliatory and fruitful dialogue between philosophy at Azusa Pacific University.
believers and atheists. Who Are You, Really? is a He is the author of How Reason Can
novel and intriguing exploration of some of the Lead to God, Defending the
biggest questions of human existence. It’s essential Correspondence Theory of Truth, and The
reading for anyone interested in consciousness and Bridge of Reason, coauthor of Necessary
what it means to be a human being.” Existence and Is God the Best Explanation
PHILIP GOFF, associate professor of philosophy at of Things?: A Dialogue, and coeditor of A
Durham University New Theist Response to the New Atheists.

Follow him on Twitter: @worldviewdesign


Tell Her Story

How Women Led, Taught, and Ministered in the Early Church
March 14, 2023
$24 | 224 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0074-8

For centuries, discussions of early Christianity have focused on male

leaders. But there is ample evidence in the New Testament that women
were respected leaders at the frontier of the gospel ministry. Nijay
Gupta shines light on the inspiring contributions of women like
Phoebe, Prisca, Junia, Nympha, and more.

NIJAY K. GUPTA (PhD, University of Durham) is professor of New

Testament at Northern Seminary. He has written several books,
including A Beginner’s Guide to New Testament Studies, Paul and the
Language of Faith, and academic commentaries on Galatians,
Philippians, Colossians, and 1-2 Thessalonians. He is coeditor of the
second edition of IVP Academic’s Dictionary of Paul and His Letters and
serves as a senior translator for the New Living Translation. He
blogs at cruxsolablog.com.

Read his blog at cruxsolablog.com.

Follow him on Twitter: @Nijaykgupta

Nobody’s Mother
Artemis of the Ephesians in Antiquity and the New Testament
October 10, 2023
$24 | 208 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0592-7

Many think the apostle Paul’s reference to “saved through childbearing” (1 Tim.
2:15) relates a Christian anthropology of woman. That is, they think woman was
designed for bearing and raising children in contrast to public ministry. And
such an application of Paul has led to the silencing of many women gifted to
lead. But what if he was making a statement of apologetics about something
better than the Ephesians’ version of a midwife? What if he had the Artemis cult
in mind as he told Timothy how to fight false doctrine?

This book gives ministry leaders a biblical foundation and a vision for men and
women serving side-by-side in partnership in the church, ancient and modern.
New data about Artemis of the Ephesians gives us better background informa-
ONLINE COVER REVEAL tion for making interpretations. Part spiritual autobiography, part travelogue,

COMING SOON and part scholarly exploration, this book takes readers to the church, to the
academy, and to ancient Ephesus to explore one of the pastoral epistles written
by Paul to his protégé Timothy.

SANDRA GLAHN is professor of Media Arts and Worship at Dallas

Theological Seminary, where her emphases are first-century backgrounds
as they relate to women, culture, gender, and the arts. Glahn’s most
recent publications include her work as editor of Vindicating the Vixens:
Revisiting Sexualized, Vilified, and Marginalized Women of the Bible and
coeditor of Sanctified Sexuality: Valuing Sex in an Oversexed World.

Follow her on Twitter: @sandraglahn

W O M E N / V O C AT I O N

Women, Work, and Calling

Step into Your Place in God’s World
October 24, 2023
$15 | 128 pages | paperback | 978-1-5140-0793-8

A Theological Framework for Women’s

Work and Influence
Women now have professional opportunities beyond what our
grandmothers ever imagined. But as our roles in public life have
grown, the church’s vision for women’s work and calling has not
grown with us, leaving us feeling isolated and underresourced.
Christian women face multiple tensions between home and work,
navigating complex gender dynamics in the workplace and social
pressure to hold together picture-perfect lives.

• Offers a holistic framework to help women think about work and

• Invites women to join God’s redeeming work in the world through
their work

JOANNA MEYER is director of public

engagement at Denver Institute for
Faith & Work, where she leads public
events, hosts the Faith & Work
Podcast, and founded Women, Work,
& Calling, a national initiative that
equips Christian women for godly
influence in public life. She
contributed to Women & Work: Bearing
God’s Image and Joining in His Mission Through Our Work and has
written for Faith Driven Entrepreneur and various Denver
Institute publications.

Follow her on Twitter: @joannameyer1

I N T E R VA R S I T Y P R E S S P U B L I C I S T S ivpress.com/media

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