Year 5 Full Spring Term

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The document discusses amended math schemes for the 2020-21 school year to highlight key points, recap essential content, and flag any missed content due to school closures. It also describes new lesson-by-lesson overviews that are designed to support a mastery approach and can be used or adapted as needed.

The overviews aim to have number at their heart with time spent building competency. They also ensure teachers stay in the required key stage, support depth before breadth, and provide opportunities for reasoning and problem solving.

The three stages are: using concrete objects to build understanding, using pictorial representations to reason and solve problems, and using both concrete and pictorial representations to support understanding of abstract methods.

Spring Scheme of Learning

Year 5
Notes and Guidance

New for 2020/21 Lesson-by-lesson overviews

2020 will go down in history. The world has changed for We’ve always been reluctant to produce lesson-by-
all of us. lesson overviews as every class is individual and
has different needs. However, many of you have
We want to do as much as we can to support children,
said that if blended learning becomes a key feature
teachers, parents and carers in these very uncertain times.
of school life next year, a weekly plan with linked
We have amended our schemes for 2020/21 to: content and videos could be really useful.
highlight key teaching points
As always, we’ve listened! We’ve now produced a
recap essential content that children may have
complete lesson-by-lesson overview for Y1 to Y9
that schools can use or adapt as they choose. Each
flag any content that you might not have covered lesson will be linked to a free-to-use home learning
during the school closures period. video, and for premium subscribers, a worksheet.
We hope these changes will add further value to the This means that you can easily assign work to your
schemes and save you time. class, whether they are working at home or in

Inevitably, this lesson-by-lesson structure won’t suit

everyone, but if it works for you, then please do
make use of this resource as much as you wish.
Notes and Guidance

Teaching for Mastery Concrete - Pictorial - Abstract

These overviews are designed to support a mastery We believe that all children, when introduced to a
approach to teaching and learning and have been new concept, should have the opportunity to build
designed to support the aims and objectives of the new competency by taking this approach.
National Curriculum.
Concrete – children should have the opportunity to
The overviews:
use concrete objects and manipulatives to help
• have number at their heart. A large proportion of them understand what they are doing.
time is spent reinforcing number to build
Pictorial – alongside this children should use
• ensure teachers stay in the required key stage and
pictorial representations. These representations
support the ideal of depth before breadth.
can then be used to help reason and solve
• ensure students have the opportunity to stay problems.
together as they work through the schemes as a
whole group
Abstract – both concrete and pictorial
• provide plenty of opportunities to build reasoning representations should support children’s
and problem solving elements into the curriculum.
understanding of abstract methods.
For more guidance on teaching for mastery, visit the
NCETM website: Need some CPD to develop this approach? Visit for find a course right for
Notes and Guidance

Supporting resources
We have produced supporting resources for every small
step from Year 1 to Year 11.
The worksheets are provided in three different formats:
• Write on worksheet – ideal for children to use the
ready made models, images and stem sentences.
• Display version – great for schools who want to cut
down on photocopying.
• PowerPoint version – one question per slide. Perfect
for whole class teaching or mixing questions to make
your own bespoke lesson.

For more information visit our online training and

resources centre or email
us directly at [email protected]

Notes and Guidance
Meet the Characters
Children love to learn with characters and our team within the scheme will be sure to get them talking and
reasoning about mathematical concepts and ideas. Who’s your favourite?

Teddy Rosie Mo Eva Alex

Jack Whitney Amir Dora Tommy

Dexter Ron Annie

WRM – Year 5 – Scheme of Learning 2.0s

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12

Number: Measurement:

Number: Multiplication
Number: Place Value Addition and Statistics Perimeter and
and Division
Subtraction Area


Number: Multiplication
Number: Fractions Decimals and
and Division


Geometry: Measurement:

Geometry: Properties of
Number: Decimals Position and Converting
Direction Units

Spring - Block 1

Multiplication & Division

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Small Steps Notes
NCfor 2020/21

Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit Before moving on to 4-digit

multiplication, children may need
Multiply 3-digits by 1-digit
to work with place value counters
Multiply 4-digits by 1-digit to support their understanding, of
Multiply 2-digits (area model) multiplying by 2- and 3-digit
Multiply 2-digits by 2-digits
Multiply 3-digits by 2-digits The division steps may look
Multiply 4-digits by 2-digits similar but this is a difficult
concept and children need to
Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (1)
spend time exploring partitioning
Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (2) and dividing 2- and 3-digit
Divide 3-digits by 1-digit numbers before working with
larger numbers.
Divide 4-digits by 1-digit
In the recap steps they will cover
Divide with remainders division with remainders using
place value counters.

Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children build on their understanding of formal multiplication Whitney uses place value counters to calculate 5 × 34
from Year 3 to move to the formal short multiplication
method. Use Whitney’s
method to solve
Children use their knowledge of exchanging ten ones for one
5 × 42
ten in addition and apply this to multiplication, including 23 × 6
exchanging multiple groups of tens. They use place value 48 × 3
counters to support their understanding.
Ron also uses place value counters to calculate 5 × 34

Mathematical Talk
Which column should we start with, the ones or the tens?
1 2

How are Ron and Whitney’s methods the same? Use Ron’s method to complete:
How are they different?

Can we write a list of key things to remember when 4 3 3 6 7 4

multiplying using the column method? × 3 × 4 × 5

9 ©White Rose Maths

Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Here are three incorrect multiplications. Always, sometimes, never
T O T O Sometimes: 12 × 2
• When multiplying a two-digit number has only two-digits;
6 1 7 4
by a one-digit number, the product 23 × 5 has three
× 5 × 7 has 3 digits. digits.
3 5 4 9 8
3 • When multiplying a two-digit number Never: all multiples
T O by 8 the product is odd. of 8 are even.

2 6 Sometimes: most
• When multiplying a two-digit number
two-digit numbers
× 4 by 7 you need to exchange.
need exchanging,
8 2 4 but not 10 or 11
Prove it.
Correct the multiplications. 2

2 6
× 4
1 0 4

10 ©White Rose Maths

Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Multiply 3-digits by 1-digit

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children build on previous steps to represent a three-digit Complete the calculation.
number multiplied by a one-digit number with concrete
Teachers should be aware of misconceptions arising from 0
in the tens or ones column.
Children continue to exchange groups of ten ones for tens
and record this in a written method.
A school has 4 house teams.
There are 245 children in each house team.
Mathematical Talk How many children are there altogether?

How is multiplying a three-digit number by one-digit similar to

multiplying a two-digit number by one-digit?

Would you use counters to represent 84 multiplied by 8?

Why? Write the multiplication represented by the counters and
calculate the answer using the formal written method.

11 ©White Rose Maths

Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Multiply 3-digits by 1-digit

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Spot the mistake Dexter has the Teddy and his mum were having a 814 × 5 = 4,070
correct answer. reading competition.
In one month, Teddy read 814 pages. They read 4,070
Alex and Dexter have both completed the
Alex has forgotten pages altogether.
same multiplication.
to add the two
814 × 3 = 2,442
hundreds she
exchanged from Teddy read 2,442
Alex Dexter
the tens column. fewer pages than
H T O H T O his mum.
His mum read 4 times as many pages as
2 3 4 2 3 4 Teddy.
× 6 × 6 How many pages did they read
1 2 0 4 1 4 0 4
How many fewer pages did Teddy read?
2 2 2 2
Use the bar model to help.
Who has the correct answer?
What mistake has been made by one of
the children?

12 ©White Rose Maths

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Multiply 4-digits by 1-digit

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children build on previous steps to represent a 4-digit Complete the calculation.
number multiplied by a 1-digit number using concrete Th H T O
1 0 2 3
Teachers should be aware of misconceptions arising from
using 0 as a place holder in the hundreds, tens or ones × 3

Children then move on to explore multiplication with
exchange in one, and then more than one column. Write the multiplication calculation represented and find the

Mathematical Talk
Why is it important to set out multiplication using columns? Remember if there are ten or more counters in a column, you
need to make an exchange.
Explain the value of each digit in your calculation.
Annie earns £1,325 per week.
How do we show there is nothing in a place value column? How much would he earn in 4 weeks?
Th H T O

What do we do if there are ten or more counters in a place value 1 3 2 5

column? × 4

Which part of the multiplication is the product?

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Multiply 4-digits by 1-digit

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Alex calculated 1,432 × 4 Alex has not Can you work out the missing numbers 2,345 × 5 =
exchanged when using the clues? 11,725
Here is her answer. she has got 10 or
more in the tens
Th H T O and hundreds
1 4 3 2

× 4

4 16 12 8

1,432 × 4 = 416,128
• The 4 digits being multiplied by 5 are
Can you explain what Alex has done consecutive numbers.
wrong? • The first 2 digits of the product are
the same.
• The fourth and fifth digits of the
answer add to make the third.

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Multiply 2-digits (Area Model)

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children use Base 10 to represent the area model of Whitney uses Base 10 to calculate 23 × 22
multiplication, which will enable them to see the size and
scale linked to multiplying.
400 40
Children will then move on to representing multiplication
more abstractly with place value counters and then numbers. 60 6

How could you adapt your Base 10 model to calculate these:

32 × 24 25 × 32 35 × 32
Mathematical Talk Rosie adapts the Base 10 method to calculate 44 × 32
What are we multiplying? × 40 4

How can we partition these numbers?

30 1,200 120

Where can we see 20 × 20?

What does the 40 represent? 2 80 8

What’s the same and what’s different between the three Compare using place value counters and a grid to calculate:
representations (Base 10, place value counters, grid)? 45 × 42 52 × 24 34 × 43

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Multiply 2-digits (Area Model)

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Eva says, Eva’s calculation Farmer Ron has a field that measures Dora is wrong.
To multiply 23 by 57 I just does not include 53 m long and 25 m wide. Children may
need to calculate 20 × 20 × 7 and 50 × prove this with
50 and 3 × 7 and then 3 Farmer Annie has a field that measures concrete or
add the totals. Children can show 52 m long and 26 m wide. pictorial
this with concrete representations.
What mistake has Eva made? or pictorial Dora thinks that they will have the same
Explain your answer. representations. area because the numbers have only
changed by one digit each.
Amir hasn’t finished his calculation. Amir needs 8
Complete the missing information and more hundreds, Do you agree? Prove it.
record the calculation with an answer. 40 × 40 = 1,600
and he only has

His calculation is
42 × 46 = 1,932

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Multiply 2-digits by 2-digits

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children will move on from the area model and work towards Complete the calculation to work out 23 × 14
more formal multiplication methods.
Use this method to calculate:
They will start by exploring the role of the zero in the column
method and understand its importance. 34 × 26 58 × 15 72 × 35

Children should understand what is happening within each

step of the calculation process.
Complete to solve the calculation.

Mathematical Talk Use this method to calculate:

Why is the zero important? 27 × 39 46 × 55 94 × 49

What numbers are being multiplied in the first line and in the
second line?
When do we need to make an exchange?

What can we exchange if the product is 42 ones? 38 × 12 39 × 12 38 × 11

If we know what 38 × 12 is equal to, how else could we work
What’s the same? What’s different?
out 39 × 12?
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Multiply 2-digits by 2-digits

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Tommy says, Children may use Amir has multiplied 47 by 36 Alex is correct.
a trial and error Amir has forgotten
It is not possible to approach during 4 7 to use zero as a
make 999 by which they’ll place holder when
multiplying two 2-digit further develop × 3 6 multiplying by 3
numbers. their multiplication tens.
2 8 2
skills. 4
They will find that 1 4 1
Tommy is wrong 2
because 27 × 37 3 2 3
is equal to 999
Do you agree?
Explain your answer. Alex says,

Amir is wrong because

the answer should be
1,692 not 323

Who is correct?
What mistake has been made?
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Multiply 3-digits by 2-digits

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children will extend their multiplication skills to multiplying 3- Complete:
digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. They will use multiplication
to find area and solve multi-step problems. Use this method to calculate:
Methods previously explored are still useful e.g. using an area
model. 264 × 14 264 × 28

What do you notice about your


Mathematical Talk
637 × 24 573 × 28 573 × 82
Why is the zero important?
A playground is 128 yards by 73 yards.
What numbers are being multiplied in the first line and the
second line?

When do we need to make an exchange?

What happens if there is an exchange in the last step of the

calculation? Calculate the area of the playground.
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Multiply 3-digits by 2-digits

Reasoning and Problem Solving
The pattern stops Here are examples of Dexter’s maths In his first
22 × 111 = 2442 at up to 28 × 111 work. calculation, Dexter
because has forgotten to
23 × 111 = 2553 exchanges need to use a zero when
take place in the multiplying by 7
24 × 111 = 2664 addition step. tens.
It should have
What do you think the answer to been
25 × 111 will be? 987×76 = 75,012

What do you notice? In the second

He has made a mistake in each question. calculation, Dexter
Does this always work? has not included
Can you spot it and explain why it’s his final
Pencils come in boxes of 64 15,840 wrong? exchanges.
A school bought 270 boxes. 324 × 8 = 2,592
Rulers come in packs of 46 Correct each calculation. 324 × 70 =
A school bought 720 packs. 22,680
How many more rulers were ordered The final answer
than pencils? should have been
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Multiply 4-digits by 2-digits

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children will build on their understanding of multiplying a Use the method shown to calculate 2,456 × 34
3-digit number by a 2-digit number and apply this to
multiplying 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers.

It is important that children understand the steps taken when

using this multiplication method.

Methods previously explored are still useful e.g. grid.


Mathematical Talk 3,282 × 32 7,132 × 21 9,708 × 38

Explain the steps followed when using this multiplication

method. Use <, > or = to make the statements correct.
Look at the numbers in each question, can they help you
estimate which answer will be the largest? 4,458 × 56 4,523 × 54

Explain why there is a 9 in the thousands column.

4,458 × 55 4,523 × 54
Why do we write the larger number above the smaller number?
What links can you see between these questions? How can you 4,458 × 55 4,522 × 54
use these to support your answers? 21
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Multiply 4-digits by 2-digits

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Spot the Mistakes There are 2 errors. Teddy has spilt some paint on his The missing digits
In the first line of calculation. are all 8
working, the
Can you spot and correct the errors in exchanged ten has
the calculation? not been added.
In the second line
of working, the
place holder is
The correct
answer should be

What are the missing digits?

What do you notice?

Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (1)

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children build on their knowledge of dividing a 2-digit number Jack is dividing 84 by 4 using place value counters.
by a 1-digit number from Year 3 by sharing into equal groups.
First, he divides the tens. Then, he divides the ones.
Children use examples where the tens and the ones are 84 ÷ 4 84 ÷ 4
divisible by the divisor, e.g. 96 divided by 3 and 84 divided by = = 21
4. They then move on to calculations where they exchange
between tens and ones.
80 ÷ 4 80 ÷ 4 4÷4
=20 =20 =1

Use Jack’s method to calculate:

Mathematical Talk 69 ÷ 3 88 ÷ 4 96 ÷ 3

How can we partition 84? Rosie is calculating 96 divided by 4 using place value counters.
How many rows do we need to share equally between? First, she divides the tens. She has one ten remaining so she
exchanges one ten for ten ones. Then, she divides the ones.
If I cannot share the tens equally, what do I need to do? 96 ÷ 4
Use Rosie’s method
How many ones will I have after exchanging the tens? = 24
to solve
65 ÷ 5
If we know 96 ÷ 4 = 24, what will 96 ÷ 8 be? 80 ÷ 4 16 ÷ 4
75 ÷ 5
What will 96 ÷ 2 be? Can you spot a pattern? = 20 =4 84 ÷ 6

23 ©White Rose Maths

Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (1)

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Dora is calculating 72 ÷ 3 Dora is correct Eva has 96 sweets. Possible answers
Before she starts, she says the because 70 is not a She shares them into equal groups.
calculation will involve an exchange. multiple of 3 so She has no sweets left over. 96 ÷ 1 = 96
when you divide 7 How many groups could Eva have shared 96 ÷ 2 = 48
Do you agree? tens between 3 her sweets into?
Explain why. groups there will be 96 ÷ 3 = 32
one remaining 96 ÷ 4 = 24
which will be
exchanged. 96 ÷ 6 = 16
96 ÷ 8 = 12
Use < , > or = to complete the

69 ÷ 3 96 ÷ 3 <

96 ÷ 4 96 ÷ 3 <

91 ÷ 7 84 ÷ 6

24 ©White Rose Maths

Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (2)

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children explore dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers Teddy is dividing 85 by 4 using place value counters.
involving remainders.
First, he divides the tens. Then, he divides the ones.
They continue to use the place value counters to divide in 85 ÷ 4 85 ÷ 4
order to explore why there are remainders. Teachers should = = 21 r1
highlight, through questioning, that the remainder can never
be greater than the number you are dividing by.
80 ÷ 4 80 ÷ 4 5÷4
=20 =20 = 1 r1

Use Teddy’s method to calculate:

Mathematical Talk 86 ÷ 4 87 ÷ 4 88 ÷ 4 97 ÷ 3 98 ÷ 3 99 ÷ 3

If we are dividing by 3, what is the highest remainder we can Whitney uses the same method, but some of her calculations
have? involve an exchange.

If we are dividing by 4, what is the highest remainder we can 97 ÷ 4

=24 r1 Use Whitney’s
have? method to solve
57 ÷ 4
Can we make a general rule comparing our divisor (the 80 ÷ 4 17 ÷ 4 58 ÷ 4
number we are dividing by) to our remainder? = 20 = 4 r1 58 ÷ 3

25 ©White Rose Maths

Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (2)

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Rosie writes, I agree, remainder 1 Whitney is thinking of a 2-digit number Whitney is thinking
85 ÷ 3 = 28 r 1 means there is 1 that is less than 50 of 28
left over. 85 is one
She says 85 must be 1 away from a more than 84 When it is divided by 2, there is no
multiple of 3 which is a multiple remainder.
Do you agree? of 3
When it is divided by 3, there is a
37 sweets are shared between 4 friends. Alex is correct as remainder of 1
How many sweets are left over? there will be one
remaining sweet. When it is divided by 5, there is a
Four children attempt to solve this Mo has found how remainder of 3
problem. many sweets each
friend will receive. What number is Whitney thinking of?
• Alex says it’s 1 Eva has written the
• Mo says it’s 9 answer to the
• Eva says it’s 9 r 1 calculation.
• Jack says it’s 8 r 5 Jack has found a
remainder that is
Can you explain who is correct and the larger than the
mistakes other people have made? divisor so is
26 ©White Rose Maths
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Divide 3-digits by 1-digit

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children apply their previous knowledge of dividing 2-digit Annie is dividing 609 by 3 using place value counters.
numbers to divide a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number. 609 ÷ 3
= 203
They use place value counters and part-whole models to
support their understanding.
600 ÷ 3 9÷3
Children divide numbers with and without remainders. = 200 0÷3

Use Annie’s method to calculate the divisions.

906 ÷ 3 884 ÷ 4 884 ÷ 8 489 ÷ 2
Mathematical Talk
Rosie is using flexible partitioning to divide 3-digit numbers.
What is the same and what’s different when we are dividing 3- She uses her place value counters to support her.
digit number by a 1-digit number and a 2-digit number by a 1- 981 ÷ 4
digit number? =245 r 1

Do we need to partition 609 into three parts or could it just be

partitioned into two parts? 800 ÷ 4 21 ÷ 4
Use Rosie’s method to solve:
= 200 160 ÷ 4 =5r1 726 ÷ 6
= 40 846 ÷ 6
Can we partition the number in more than one way to support
846 ÷ 7
dividing more efficiently?
27 ©White Rose Maths
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Divide 3-digits by 1-digit

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Dexter is calculating 208 ÷ 8 using part- 208 ÷ 8 = 26 You have 12 counters and the place value 2: Any even
whole models. 80 ÷ 8 = 10 grid. You must use all 12 counters to number
Can you complete each model? 48 ÷ 8 = 6 complete the following.
160 ÷ 8 = 20 3: Any 3-digit
208 ÷ 8
40 ÷ 8 = 5 number (as the
8÷8=1 digits add up to 12,
a multiple of 3)
80 ÷ 8 48 ÷ 8 Children can then 4: A number where
= 80 ÷ 8
= make a range of Create a 3-digit number divisible by 2 the last two digits
208 ÷ 8
= part-whole models Create a 3-digit number divisible by 3 are a multiple of 4
to calculate 132 ÷ Create a 3-digit number divisible by 4
4 Create a 3-digit number divisible by 5 5: Any number with
208 ÷ 8
= e.g. Can you find a 3-digit number divisible 0 or 5 in the ones
160 ÷ 8 8÷8
= 40 ÷ 8 = 100 ÷ 4 = 25 by 6, 7, 8 or 9? column.
32 ÷ 4 = 8
Possible answers
160 ÷ 8 48 ÷ 8
= = 6: Any even
7: 714, 8: 840
How many part-whole models can you
make to calculate 132 ÷ 4? 9: Impossible
28 ©White Rose Maths
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Divide 4-digits by 1-digit

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children use their knowledge from Year 4 of dividing 3-digits Here is a method to calculate 4,892 divided by 4 using place
numbers by a 1-digit number to divide up to 4-digit numbers value counters and short division.
by a 1-digit number.

They use place value counters to partition their number and

then group to develop their understanding of the short division

Use this method to calculate:

6,610 ÷ 5 2,472 ÷ 3 9,360 ÷ 4
Mathematical Talk
Mr Porter has saved £8,934
He shares it equally between his three grandchildren.
How many groups of 4 thousands are there in 4 thousands? How much do they each receive?
How many groups of 4 hundreds are there in 8 hundreds?
Use <, > or = to make the statements correct.
How many groups of 4 tens are there in 9 tens?
What can we do with the remaining ten?
3,495 ÷ 5 3,495 ÷ 3
How many groups of 4 ones are there in 12 ones?

Do I need to solve both calculations to compare the divisions? 8,064 ÷ 7 9,198 ÷ 7

7,428 ÷ 4 5,685 ÷ 5
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Divide 4-digits by 1-digit

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Jack is calculating 2,240 ÷ 7 Jack is incorrect. Spot the Mistake There is no
You can exchange exchanging
He says you can’t do it because 7 is between columns. between columns
Explain and correct the working.
larger than all of the digits in the You can’t make a within the
number. group of 7 calculation.
thousands out of 2 The final answer
Do you agree with Jack? thousand, but you should have been
Explain your answer. can make groups 3,138
of 7 hundreds out
of 22 hundreds.

The answer is 320

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Divide with Remainders

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children continue to use place value counters to partition and Here is a method to solve 4,894 divided by 4 using place value
then group their number to further develop their counters and short division.
understanding of the short division method.

They start to focus on remainders and build on their learning

from Year 4 to understand remainders in context. They do not
represent their remainder as a fraction at this point.

Use this method to calculate:

Mathematical Talk 6,613 ÷ 5 2,471 ÷ 3 9,363 ÷ 4
Muffins are packed in trays of 6 in a factory.
If we can’t make a group in this column, what do we do? In one day, the factory makes 5,623 muffins.
How many trays do they need?
What happens if we can’t group the ones equally? How many trays will be full?
Why are your answers different?
In this number story, what does the remainder mean?
For the calculation 8,035 ÷ 4
When would we round the remainder up or down? • Write a number story where you round the remainder up.
• Write a number story where you round the remainder down.
In which context would we just focus on the remainder? • Write a number story where you have to find the remainder.
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Multiplication & Division

Divide with Remainders

Reasoning and Problem Solving
I am thinking of a 3-digit number. Possible answers: Always, Sometimes, Never? Sometimes

When it is divided by 9, the 129 219 Possible answers:

remainder is 3 309 399 A three-digit number made of
489 579 consecutive descending digits 432 ÷ 1 = 432 r 0
When it is divided by 2, the 669 759 divided by the next descending digit 543 ÷ 2 = 271 r 1
remainder is 1 849 939 always has a remainder of 1 654 ÷ 3 = 218 r 0
765 ÷ 4 = 191 r 1
When it is divided by 5, the Encourage 876 ÷ 5 = 175 r 1
remainder is 4 children to think 765 ÷ 4 = 191 remainder 1 987 ÷ 6 = 164 r 3
about the
What is my number? properties of How many possible examples can you
numbers that work find?
for each individual
This will help
decide the best
starting point.

Reasoning and Problem Solving

Spring - Block 2

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Small Steps Notes for 2020/21

What is a fraction? Children will need to look at

different representations of
Equivalent fractions (1)
fractions to expose any
Equivalent fractions misconceptions.
Fractions greater than 1
They can then move onto a
Improper fractions to mixed numbers practical exploration of equivalent
Mixed numbers to improper fractions fractions by folding paper before
Number sequences
comparing fractions with
drawings and diagrams in these
Compare and order fractions less than 1 first recap steps.
Compare and order fractions greater than 1
Year 5 is the first time children
Add and subtract fractions
explore improper fractions in
Add fractions within 1 depth so we have added a recap
Add 3 or more fractions step from Year 4 where children
add fractions to a total greater
Add fractions
than one whole.

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Small Steps Notes for 2020/21

Add mixed numbers

As children progress through the
Subtract fractions small steps they use different
Subtract mixed numbers representations to support their
Subtract – breaking the whole understanding of the abstract.

Subtract 2 mixed numbers Before exploring fractions of an

Multiply unit fractions by an integer amount it may be useful to recap
Multiply non-unit fractions by an integer
the Year 4 content with practical
equipment and pictorial
Multiply mixed numbers by integers representations to help them see
Calculate fractions of a quantity the relationships between the
Fraction of an amount
fraction and the whole.

Using fractions as operators

Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions

What is a Fraction?
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children explore fractions in different representations, for Here are 9 cards.
example, fractions of shapes, quantities and fractions on a Sort the cards into different groups.
number line. Can you explain how you made your decision?
Can you sort the cards in a different way?
They explore and recap the meaning of numerator and Can you explain how your partner has sorted
denominator, non-unit and unit fractions. the cards?

Complete the Frayer model to describe a unit fraction.

Can you use the model to Definition Characteristics

Mathematical Talk describe the following terms? unit

Non-unit Numerator Examples fraction Non-examples
fraction Denominator
How can we sort the fraction cards?
What fraction does each one represent?
Could some cards represent more than one fraction? Use Cuisenaire rods.
Is an example of a non-unit fraction? Why? If the orange rod is one whole, what fraction is represented by:
- The white rod - The red rod
Using Cuisenaire, how many white rods are equal to an orange
- The yellow rod - The brown rod
rod? How does this help us work out what fraction the white rod
Choose a different rod to represent one whole; what do the other
rods represent now?

36 ©White Rose Maths

Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions

What is a Fraction?
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Always, Sometimes, Never? Sometimes 4
Which representations of are incorrect? The image of the
5 dogs could
Alex says, If the shape is not 2
represent or
5 5
split equally, it will
If I split a shape not be in quarters.
into 4 parts, I 4
have split it into
quarters. 5
The bar model is
Explain your answer. not divided into
equal parts so this
does not represent
Explain how you know. 4

37 ©White Rose Maths

Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions

Equivalent Fractions (1)

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children use strip diagrams to investigate and record Use two strips of equal sized paper.
equivalent fractions. Fold one strip into quarters and the other into eighths.
Place the quarters on top of the eighths and lift up one quarter;
They start by comparing two fractions before moving on to how many eighths can you see?
finding more than one equivalent fraction on a fraction wall. How many eighths are equivalent to one quarter?
Which other equivalent fractions can you find?

Using squared paper, investigate equivalent fractions using equal

2 ?
parts e.g. =
4 8
Mathematical Talk Start by drawing a bar 8 squares long.
Underneath, compare the same length bar split into four equal
Look at the equivalent fractions you have found.
What relationship can you see between the numerators and How many fractions that are equivalent to one half can you see
denominators? Are there any patterns? on the fraction wall?

Can a fraction have more than one equivalent fraction?

Can you use Cuisenaire rods or pattern blocks to investigate

equivalent fractions?
Draw extra rows to show other equivalent fractions.
38 ©White Rose Maths
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions

Equivalent Fractions (1)

Reasoning and Problem Solving
How many equivalent fractions can you Children can give Ron has two strips of the same sized Ron could have
see in this picture? a variety of paper. folded his strips
possibilities. He folds the strips into different sized into sixths and
Examples: fractions. twelfths, quarters
He shades in three equal parts on one and eighths or any
1 6 3 strip and six equal parts on the other other fractions
= 12 = 6 strip. where one of the
The shaded areas are equal. denominators is
1 3 double the other.
= 12 What fractions could he have folded his
strips into?
Eva is not correct.
Eva says, 3 6
3 is equivalent to
I know that is 4 8
When the
equivalent to because numerators are
the numerators are the the same, the
same. larger the
Is Eva correct? denominator, the
Explain why. smaller the
39 ©White Rose Maths
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Equivalent Fractions
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children explore equivalent fractions using models and Take two pieces of paper the same size.
concrete representations. Fold one piece into two equal pieces.
Fold the other into eight equal pieces.
They use models to make the link to multiplication and What equivalent fractions can you find?
division. Children then apply the abstract method to find
equivalent fractions. Use the models to write equivalent fractions.
It is important children have the conceptual understanding
before moving on to just using an abstract method.

Mathematical Talk Eva uses the models and her multiplication and division skills to
find equivalent fractions.
Use this method to
What equivalent fractions can we find by folding the paper? find equivalent
How can we record these? 2 3 4
fractions to 4, 4 and 4
where the
What is the same and what is different about the numerators denominator is 16
and denominators in the equivalent fractions?
Eva uses the same approach to find equivalent fractions for these
How does multiplication and division help us find equivalent fractions. How will her method change?
fractions? Where can we see this in our model? 4 6 6
= = =
12 3 12 4 12 2
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Equivalent Fractions
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Rosie says, 4 1
= and =
4 6 Ron thinks you can only simplify even Ron is wrong. For
To find equivalent
8 5 8 10
numbered fractions because you keep on 3
example can be
are incorrect. 9
fractions, whatever you halving the numerator and denominator 1
simplified to and
do to the numerator, until you get an odd number. 3
Rosie’s method these are all odd
you do to the doesn’t always
Do you agree? numbers.
denominator. work. It works
Explain your answer.
when multiplying
or dividing both
Using her method, here are the
the numerator or
equivalent fractions Rosie has found for
4 Here are some fraction cards. A = 10
denominator but
All of the fractions are equivalent. B=6
not when adding
4 8 4 6 or subtracting the C = 15
= =
8 16 8 10
same thing to
4 2 4 1 both.
= =
8 4 8 5

Are all Rosie’s fractions equivalent?

Does Rosie’s method work? A + B = 16
Explain your reasons. Calculate the value of C.

Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions

Fractions Greater than 1

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children use manipulatives and diagrams to show that a Complete the part-whole models and sentences.
fraction can be split into wholes and parts.
There are ____ quarters altogether.
Children focus on how many equal parts make a whole
dependent on the number of equal parts altogether. This ___ quarters = ____ whole and ____ quarter.
learning will lead on to Year 5 where children learn about
improper fractions and mixed numbers. Write sentences to describe these part-whole models.

Mathematical Talk
How many ____ make a whole?

If I have _____ eighths, how many more do I need to make a Complete. You may use part-whole models to help you.
whole? 10
= +
3 3 3 3
What do you notice about the numerator and denominator 6
= + =
2 2
when a fraction is equivalent to a whole? 3 3 3 3
16 3
= + =
8 8 8
42 ©White Rose Maths
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions

Fractions Greater than 1

Reasoning and Problem Solving
3 friends share some pizzas. They eat 3 whole Rosie says, I disagree with
Each pizza is cut into 8 equal slices. pizzas and 1 more Rosie because
16 8
Altogether, they eat 25 slices. slice. is greater than both fractions are
4 2
How many whole pizzas do they eat? because 16 is greater equivalent to 4
than 8
Children may
choose to build
Do you agree? both fractions
Explain why. using cubes, or
Spot the mistake. There are 2 draw bar models.
wholes not 10
= 2 wholes

= 2 wholes
and 3 fifths
= 10 wholes and 3 fifths

43 ©White Rose Maths

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Improper to Mixed Numbers

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children convert improper fractions to mixed numbers for the 14
Whitney converts the improper fraction into a mixed number
first time. An improper fraction is a fraction where the using cubes.
numerator is greater than the denominator. A mixed number She groups the cubes into 5s, then has 4 left over.
is a number consisting of an integer and a proper fraction. 5 10
is the same as ___ is the same as ____
5 5
It is important for children to see this process represented
visually to allow them to make the connections between the as a mixed number is
concept and what happens in the abstract.
11 11 11 11
Use Whitney’s method to convert , , and
Mathematical Talk
3 4 5 6

Tommy converts the improper fraction into a mixed number
How many parts are there in a whole? using bar models.
What do you notice happens to the mixed number when the
denominator increases and the numerator remains the same?
What happens when the numerator is a multiple of the
denominator? 3
25 27 18 32
Use Tommy’s method to convert , , and
8 6 7 4

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Improper to Mixed Numbers

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Amir says, Possible answer Spot the mistake Correct answers
• 5 (incorrect
28 37 I disagree because 27 1 5
is less than 28 1 • =5 number of
3 5 is equal to 9 5 5
because 28 is less than 3
37 and is equal to 27
5 • =8
2 3
7 • 9 (incorrect
27 7
• =5 whole)
37 28 4 4
Do you agree? 5 3
27 7 3
Explain why. • = 20 • 6 (still have
10 10 4
an improper
What mistakes have been made?
Can you find the correct answers? • 2 (incorrect
number of

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Mixed Numbers to Improper

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children now convert from mixed numbers to improper 2
Whitney converts 3 into an improper fraction using cubes.
fractions using concrete and pictorial methods to understand 1 whole is equal to __ fifths.
the abstract method.
3 wholes are equal to __ fifths.
Ensure children always write their working alongside the
concrete and pictorial representations so they can see the __ fifths + two fifths = __ fifths
clear links to the abstract.
2 2 2 2
Use Whitney’s method to convert 2 , 2 , 2 and 2
3 4 5 6

Mathematical Talk Jack uses bar models to convert a mixed number into an
improper fraction.
How many quarters/halves/eighths/fifths are there in a whole?
How does multiplication support us in converting from mixed
numbers to improper fractions?

Can you explain the steps in converting an improper fraction to 3

2 = __ wholes + _ fifths 2 wholes = __ fifths
a mixed number? Use the vocabulary: numerator, denominator, 5
multiply, add ___ fifths + __ fifths = __ fifths

How could we use the previous bar model to help? 1 1 1

Use Jack’s method to convert 2 , 4 , 4 and 8
46 6 6 3 3
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Mixed Numbers to Improper

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Three children have incorrectly Annie has Fill in the missing numbers. 1
2 =
2 =
converted 3 into an improper fraction. multiplied the
3 19 4 20
numerator and How many different possibilities can you 2 =
8 8
2 =
8 8

2 6 denominator by 3 find for each equation? 5 21 6 22

2 = 2 =
3 = 8 8 8 8
5 15
Mo has multiplied 7
2 =

the correctly but 8 8

then forgotten to 2 = There will be 4

2 15
add on the extra 2
8 8 solutions for fifths.
3 =
5 5
Dexter has just
placed 3 in front
of the numerator. 2 = Teacher notes:
3 =
32 5 5 children to make
5 5 generalisations
Compare the number of possibilities you that the number of
Dexter found. solutions is one
less than the
What mistake has each child made? denominator.
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Number Sequences
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children count up and down in a given fraction. They continue Use the counting stick to count up and down in these fractions.
to use visual representations to help them explore number
sequences. • Start at 0 and count up in steps of
• Start at 4 and count down in steps of
Children also find missing fractions in a sequence and 3
determine whether the sequence is increasing or decreasing • Start at 1 and count up in steps of
and by how much.
Complete the missing values on the number line.

Mathematical Talk
What are the intervals between the fractions?
Complete the sequences.
Are the fractions increasing or decreasing?
3 3 1 1 2
How much are they increasing or decreasing by? , ,1 ,2 ,3 , ,2
4 4 4 3 3

Can you convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions?

1 7 9 3
Does this make it easier to continue the sequence? ,5 ,5 , 5 , , ,3
2 10 10 5

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Number Sequences
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Three children are counting in quarters. They are all Play the fraction game for four players. Children can make
correct, they are Place the four fraction cards on the floor. four tenths by
Whitney all counting in Each player stands in front of a fraction. stepping on one
quarter. We are going to count up in tenths tenth and three
Teddy has starting at 0 tenths at the same
simplified all When you say a fraction, place your foot time.
answers and Eva on your fraction. With one foot, they
Teddy has converted can count up to 11
improper fractions 1 1 tenths or one and
to mixed numbers. one tenth.
10 5 With two feet they
Eva can count up to 22
3 1
Who is counting correctly? 10 2
Explain your reasons.
How can we make 4 tenths?
What is the highest fraction we can count
How about if we used two feet?
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Compare & Order (Less than 1)

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children build on their equivalent fraction knowledge to Use bar models to compare and
5 3
8 4
compare and order fractions less than 1 where the
denominators are multiples of the same number.

Children compare the fractions by finding a common

denominator or a common numerator. They use bar models Use this method to help you compare:
to support their understanding. 5 2 2 5 7 3
and and and
6 3 3 9 16 8

2 2
Use common numerators to help you compare and
Mathematical Talk 5 3

How does a bar model help us to visualise the fractions?

Should both of our bars be the same size? Why? What does this
show us? Use this method to help you compare:
6 6 4 4 4 2
If the numerators are the same, how can we compare our and and and
7 8 9 5 11 5
If the denominators are the same, how can we compare our Order the fractions from greatest to smallest:
fractions? 3 3
, and
3 2 5
, and
7 6 3
, and
Do we always have to find a common denominator? Can we 7 5 8 3 6 12 11 5 3

find a common numerator?

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Compare & Order (Less than 1)

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Possible answer: Always, sometimes, never? Sometimes
3 3
Ron makes and out of cubes.
4 8
I disagree with
Ron because the It does not work
If one denominator is a multiple of the
two wholes are not for some fractions
other you can simplify the fraction with
equal. He could e.g.
the larger denominator to make the
have compared 15 5
denominators the same.
using numerators But does work for
3 6
or converted to Example:
others e.g. and
4 8 4 12
He thinks that is equal to
3 If he does this he
8 4 3 ? ? ? ?
will see that is Could and be simplified to and ?
4 4 12 4 4
Do you agree? greater. Children
Explain your answer. may use bar Prove it.
models or cubes
to show this.

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Compare & Order (More than 1)

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children use their knowledge of ordering fractions less than 1 Use bar models to compare and
7 5
6 3
to help them compare and order fractions greater than 1

They use their knowledge of common denominators to help

Use this method to help you compare:
Children will compare both improper fractions and mixed 5 9 11 5 9 17
and and and
numbers during this step. 2 4 6 3 4 8

2 5
Use a bar model to compare 1 and 1
Mathematical Talk 3 6

How can we represent the fractions?

How does the bar help us see which fraction is the greatest? Use this method to help you compare:
3 3 5 1 3 9
1 and 1 1 and 1 2 and 2
Can we use our knowledge of multiples to help us? 4 8 8 2 7 14

Can you predict which fractions will be greatest? Explain how Order the fractions from 8 11 17 2 7 11
you know. greatest to smallest , and 1 , 1 and
5 10 20 3 24 12
using common ? ? ?
Is it more efficient to compare using numerators or denominators: , and
20 20 20
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Compare & Order (More than 1)

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Eva and Alex each have two identical Alex ate the most Dora looks at the fractions 1
and 1
3 Possible answer:
pizzas. 15
pizza because is
12 4
I do not agree
greater than
8 She says, because 1 is
Eva says, 6 4
7 3
equivalent to 1
1 is greater than 1
12 4 and this is greater
because the numerator 7
is larger than 1

Alex says, Do you agree?

Explain why using a model.

Who ate the most pizza?

Use a drawing to support your answer.

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Add & Subtract Fractions

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children recap their Year 4 understanding of adding and Here is a bar model to calculate +
3 4
5 5
subtracting fractions with the same denominator.
3 4 7 2
+ = =1
5 5 5 5
They use bar models to support understanding of adding and
subtracting fractions. Use a bar model to solve the calculations:
3 3 5 1 5 5
+ + +
8 8 6 6 3 3

7 3
Here are two bar models to calculate −
8 8

Mathematical Talk
How many equal parts do I need to split my bar into?
What is the difference between the two methods?
Can you convert the improper fraction into a mixed number? Use your preferred method to calculate:
5 1 9 4 5 5 2
− − − 1 −
8 8 7 7 3 3 5
How can a bar model help you balance both sides of the equals
sign? Calculate:
3 5 4 9 5 6 2 11 4
+ = + − = − + = −
7 7 7 5 5 5 3 3 3

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Add & Subtract Fractions

Reasoning and Problem Solving
How many different ways can you Possible answers: A chocolate bar has 12 equal pieces. Amir eats
of the
balance the equation? 12
5 3 8 0 5 chocolate bar and
+ = + Amir eats more of the bar than 3
5 8 9 9 9 9 Whitney. Whitney eats of
+ = + 12
9 9 9 9 the chocolate bar.
5 4 8 1
+ = + There is one twelfth of the bar remaining.
9 9 9 9

5 5 8 2 What fraction of the bar does Amir eat?

+ = +
9 9 9 9
What fraction of the bar does Whitney
Any combination eat?
of fractions where
the numerators
add up to the
same total on
each side of the
equals sign.

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Add Fractions within 1

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children add fractions with different denominators for the first Mo is calculating +
1 1
2 8
time where one denominator is a multiple of the other. He uses a diagram to represent the sum.
They use pictorial representations to convert the fractions so 1 1 4 1 5
they have the same denominator. + = + =
2 8 8 8 8

Ensure children always write their working alongside the Use Mo’s method to solve :
pictorial representations so they see the clear links. 1 3 1 3 7 1
+ + +
2 8 4 8 10 5

Mathematical Talk Rosie is using a bar model to solve +


Can you find a common denominator? Do you need to convert

both fractions or just one?

Can you explain Mo and Rosie’s methods to a partner? Which 1 3 2

+ = + =
3 5
method do you prefer? 4 8 8 8 8

How do Mo and Rosie’s methods support finding a common Use a bar model to solve:
1 5 2 1 1 4
denominator? +
6 12 9
3 3

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Add Fractions within 1

Reasoning and Problem Solving
5 15 5 Two children are solving
4 Possible answer:
+ = 3 15
16 8 16 Each child may
Eva starts by drawing this model: have started with a
7 17 3
+ = different fraction in
20 10 20
the calculation.
e.g. Eva has
Annie solved this calculation. Annie is wrong started by shading
Alex starts by drawing this model:
because she has a third. She now
just added the needs to divide
numerators and each third into five
the denominators.
equal parts so
When adding
Can you explain each person’s method there are fifteen
fractions with
and how they would complete the equal parts
denominators you altogether. Eva will
Which method do you prefer and why?
need to find a 4
then shade and
common 15
denominator. will have
Can you spot and explain her mistake? 15

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Add 3 or More Fractions

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
2 1 3
Children add more than 2 fractions where two denominators Ron uses a bar model to calculate + +
5 10 20
are a multiple of the other.

They use a bar model to continue exploring this.

2 4 1 8 2 3
Ensure children always write their working alongside the 5 10 10 20 20 20
pictorial representations so they see the clear links. Use a bar model to solve:
1 3 5 1 1 1
+ + + +
4 8 16 2 6 12

Mathematical Talk Farmer Staneff owns a field.

He plants carrots on of the field.
Can you find a common denominator? Do you need to convert 2
He plants potatoes on of the field.
both fractions or just one? 5
He plants onions on of the field.
Can you explain Ron’s method to a partner? How does Ron’s 18
What fraction of the field is covered altogether?
method support finding a common denominator?
Can you draw what Farmer Staneff’s field could look like? What Complete the fractions.
fractions could you divide your field into?
1 8 1 1
+ + =1 + + =1
Why would a bar model not be efficient for this question? 5 10 20 5 15 30

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Add 3 or More Fractions

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Eva is attempting to answer: Eva is wrong Jack has added 3 fractions together to Possible answers:
because she has get an answer of
1 4 13
3 1 3 added the 18 + +
+ + 18 18 18
5 10 20 numerators and
together and 1 5 5
+ +
hasn’t found a 9 9 18
What 3 fractions could he have added?
3 1 3 7 common
+ + = denominator. The 1 5 2
5 10 20 35 Can you find more than one answer? + +
correct answer is 6 9 9
1 1 13
Do you agree with Eva? + +
18 6 18
Explain why.
1 1 4
+ +
3 6 9

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Add Fractions
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children continue to represent adding fractions using pictorial
methods to explore adding two or more proper fractions
where the total is greater than 1

Children can record their totals as an improper fraction but

will then convert this to a mixed number using their prior
knowledge. 1 5 5 7
+ + =1
3 6 12 12
Explain each step of the calculation.
Use this method to help you add the fractions.
Mathematical Talk Give your answer as a mixed number.
2 1 7 1 7 3 1 5 5
+ + + + + +
3 6 12 4 8 16 2 6 12
How does the pictorial method support me to add the fractions?
Use the bar model to add the fractions. Record your answer
as a mixed number.
Which common denominator will we use?
3 3 1
How do my times-tables support me to add fractions? + + =
4 8 2

Which representation do you prefer? Why? Draw your own models to solve:
5 1 1 11 3 1 3 5 1
+ + + + + +
12 6 2 20 5 10 4 12 2
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Add Fractions
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Annie is adding three fractions. Possible answer: The sum of three fractions is 2
1 3 7
She uses the model to help her. 8 + +
2 4 1 1
2 4 8
+ + =1 The fractions have different
3 12 2 2
denominators. Children could be
Other equivalent given less clues
fractions may be All of the fractions are greater than or and explore other
used. equal to a half. possible solutions.
What could her three fractions be?
Example story: None of the fractions are improper
Some children are fractions.
How many different combinations can
eating pizzas. Jack
you find?
eats two thirds, All of the denominators are factors of 8
Amir eats four
Can you write a number story to
twelfths and What could the fractions be?
represent your calculation?
Dexter eats half a
pizza. How much
pizza did they eat

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Add Mixed Numbers

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children move on to adding two fractions where one or both 1 1 3
1 + 2 = 3 + = 3 or 3
3 1
are mixed numbers or improper fractions. 3 6 6 6 2 1+2=3

Add the fractions by adding the 1 1 2 1 3

They will use a method of adding the wholes and then adding + = + =
whole first and then the fractions. 3 6 6 6 6
the parts. Children will record their answer in its simplest
Give your answer in its simplest form.
1 3 1 2 5 1
3 +2 4 +3 2 +2
Children can still draw models to represent adding fractions. 4 8 9 3 12 3

Mathematical Talk 3
1 +2 =

How can we partition these mixed numbers into whole numbers Add the fractions by converting them to improper fractions.
and fractions?
1 5 1 1 1 2
1 +2 2 +1 2 +2
What will the wholes total? Can I add the fractions straight 4 12 9 3 6 3

away? Add these fractions.

What will these mixed numbers be as improper fractions? 7
4 +2
1 17
1 15
9 3 6 3 8 4
If I have an improper fraction in the question, should I change it
How do they differ from previous examples?
to a mixed number first? Why?
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Add Mixed Numbers

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Jack and Whitney have some juice. They drink Fill in the missing numbers. 3
5 or 5
2 6 2
4 litres
1 3
Jack drinks 2 litres and Whitney drinks altogether.
2 litres.
children to justify
How much do they drink altogether?
which method
they prefer and
Complete this using two different
why. Ensure
children discuss
which method is
Which method do you think is more
more or less
efficient? Why?

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Subtract Fractions
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children subtract fractions with different denominators for the
first time, where one denominator is a multiple of the other.

It is important that subtraction is explored as both take away

and finding the difference.
Explain each step of the calculation.
5 1 7 5
Use this method to help you solve − and −
6 3 8 16

Tommy and Teddy both have the same

Mathematical Talk 3
sized chocolate bar. Tommy has left,
Teddy has left.
What could the common denominator be? How much more does Tommy have?
Amir uses a number line to find the
Can you draw a model to help you solve the problem? 5 4
difference between and
9 3
Is it easier to use a take away bar model (single bar model) or a
bar model to find the difference (comparison model)?
Use this method to find the difference between:
3 5 19 3 20 4
and and and
4 12 15 5 9 3
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Subtract Fractions
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Which subtraction is the odd one out? Possible answers: The perimeter of the rectangle is
16 The missing length
C is the odd one 9
out because the
aren’t multiples of
each other.

A is the odd one

out because the
Work out the missing length.
denominators are

B is the odd one

Explain why. out because it is
the only answer
above 3

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Subtract Mixed Numbers (1)

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children apply their understanding of subtracting fractions
where one denominator is a multiple of the other to subtract
proper fractions from mixed numbers.

They continue to use models and number lines to support

their understanding.
Use this method to help you solve:
3 3 2 1 5 7
2 − 1 − 1 −
5 10 3 6 6 12

Mathematical Talk
2 3
Use a number line to find the difference between 1 and
5 10

Which fraction is the greatest? How do you know?

If the denominators are different, what can we do? Use a number line to find the difference between:
5 1 5 3 7 11
3 and 5 and 2 and
Can you simplify your answer? 6 12 7 14 9 18

Which method do you prefer when subtracting fractions: taking Solve:

2 5 3 7 3 11
away or finding the difference? 1 −
3 6
1 −
4 8
2 −
8 16

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Subtract Mixed Numbers (1)

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Amir is attempting to solve 2

2 Possible answer: Here is Rosie’s method. The calculation
14 7
What is the calculation? 5 7
could be 1 −
Amir is wrong 6 12
Here is his working out:
because he hasn’t or 1

12 12
found a common
denominator when
5 2 3 subtracting the There is more than
2 − = 2 fractions he has one answer
14 7 7
just subtracted the because five sixths
numerators and Can you find more than one answer? and ten twelfths
the denominators. Why is there more than one answer? are equivalent.
The correct Children should be
Do you agree with Amir? 1
Explain your answer. answer is 2 encouraged to
write the question
5 7
as 1 − so that
6 12
all fractions are in
their simplest

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Subtract Mixed Numbers (2)

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
3 7
Children use prior knowledge of fractions to subtract two We can work out 2 − using this method.
4 8
fractions where one is a mixed number and you need to break
one of the wholes up.

They use the method of flexible partitioning to create a new

mixed number so they can complete the calculation.

Use this method to calculate:

1 5 1 7 2 4
3 − 4 − 5 −
Mathematical Talk
3 6 5 10 3 9
1 5
Use flexible partitioning to solve 7 −
3 6

Is flexible partitioning easier than converting the mixed number 1 5 1

7 − =6+1 − =6+1 − =6 = 6
5 2 5 3 1
to an improper fraction? 3 6 3 6 6 6 6 2

Do we always have to partition the mixed number? Use this method to calculate:
2 5 1 7 1 7
4 − 4 − 5 −
3 6 5 15 4 8
When can we subtract a fraction without partitioning the mixed 1 7
number in a different way? Mr Brown has 3 bags of flour. He uses of a bag.
4 8
How much flour does he have left?
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Subtract Mixed Numbers (2)

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Place 2, 3 and 4 in the boxes to make 1 4
27 − = 26
2 2
3 children are working out 6 −
5 All three children
the calculation correct. 3 6 3 3 6
are correct.
They partition the mixed number in the
following ways to help them. 2 4
1 , 1 and
27 26
3 6 6
− = all equivalent
6 3
therefore all three
methods will help
children to
correctly calculate
the answer.

Are they all correct?

Which method do you prefer?
Explain why.

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Subtract 2 Mixed Numbers

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
5 1
Children use different strategies to subtract two mixed Here is a bar model to calculate 3 − 2
8 4

Building on learning in previous steps, they look at partitioning

the mixed numbers into wholes and parts and build on their
understanding of flexible partitioning as well as converting to
improper fractions when an exchange is involved. Use this method to calculate:
7 3 5 1 8 5
3 −2 5 −2 3 −2
8 4 6 3 9 27

Mathematical Talk Why does this method not work effectively for 5 − 2 ?
1 1
Here is a method to calculate 5 − 2
Why is subtracting the wholes and parts separately easier with 6 3
some fractions than others?

Can you show the subtraction as a difference on a number line?

Bar model? How are these different to taking away?

Does making the whole numbers larger make the subtraction Use this method to calculate:
1 5 1 7 1 7
any more difficult? Explain why. 3 −2
4 8
5 −2
3 12
27 − 14
3 15

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Subtract 2 Mixed Numbers

Reasoning and Problem Solving
There are three colours of dog biscuits in 3
3 +1
Rosie has 20
cm of ribbon. 7
Annie has 13 cm
a bag of dog food: red, brown and 4 16 16 4 8

orange. of ribbon.
3 13 7
7 −5 =1 Annie has 6 cm less ribbon than Rosie.
16 16 8
The total mass of the dog food is 7 kg. Altogether they
The mass of How much ribbon does Annie have? 5
3 orange biscuits is have 34 cm of
The mass of red biscuits is 3 kg and the 8
1 kg. How much ribbon do they have ribbon.
mass of the brown biscuits is 1 kg. 16

What is the mass of orange biscuits?

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Multiply by an Integer (1)

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children are introduced to multiplying fractions by a whole Work out × 4 by counting in sixths.
number for the first time. They link this to repeated addition
and see that the denominator remains the same, whilst the 1 1 1 1 1 4 2
× 4= + + + = =
numerator is multiplied by the integer. 6 6 6 6 6 6 3
This is shown clearly through the range of models to build the
children’s conceptual understanding of multiplying fractions. Use this method to work out:
1 1 1
Children should be encouraged to simplify fractions where 2 ×
× 3
6 ×
Mo uses a single bar model to
Mathematical Talk
1 4
work out: × 4 =
5 5

Use this method to work out:

How is multiplying fractions similar to adding fractions? 1 1 1
× 3 6× × 8
3 3 4 8 10
What is the same/different between: × 2 and 2 × ?
4 4
Eva uses a number line and repeated addition to work out
Which bar model do you find the most useful? 1 7 2
× 7= =1
5 5 5
Which bar model helps us to convert from an improper fraction
to a mixed number most effectively? Use this method to work out:
1 1 1
What has happened to the numerator/denominator? 5× ×3 ×7
8 3 4
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Multiply by an Integer (1)

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Amir is multiplying fractions by a whole Amir has I am thinking of a unit fraction. 1
number. multiplied both the 8
1 4 1
numerator and the When I multiply it by 4 it will be 4 × = =
8 8 2
denominator so he equivalent to
has found an 2
1 2 1
equivalent fraction. 2 × = =
When I multiply it by 2 it will be 8 8 4
Encourage 1
Can you explain his mistake? children to draw equivalent to
models to
represent this What is my fraction?
What do I need to multiply my fraction 6 because
Always, sometimes, never? Always - because 3
by so that my answer is equivalent to ? 1
6 × = =
6 3
the numerator was 4 8 8 4
1 it will always be
When you multiply a unit fraction by the Can you create your own version of this
the same as your
same number as it’s denominator the problem?
denominator when
answer will be one whole.
multiplied which
means that it is a
1 3
e.g. × 3 = = 1
3 3
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Multiply by an Integer (2)

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children apply prior knowledge of multiplying a unit fraction Count the number of ninths to work 3 ×
by a whole number to multiplying a non-unit fraction by a
whole number.
They use similar models and discuss which method will be
the most efficient depending on the questions asked.
Reinforce the concept of commutativity by showing examples Use this method to work out:
3 5 2
of the fraction first and the integer first in the multiplication. 8
×3 4×
Use the model to help you solve 3 ×

Mathematical Talk
3 Use this method to work out:
Can you show me 3 lots of on a bar model? 2 3 5
10 ×3 ×4 4×
7 16 12

How many tenths do we have altogether? Use the number line to help
you solve 2 ×
How does repeated addition help us with this multiplication? 7

Use this method to work out:

How does a number line help us see the multiplication? 3 2 3
×3 ×2 4×
10 7 20

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Multiply by an Integer (2)

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Use the digit cards only once to Whitney has calculated 4 ×
3 Possible answer:
complete these multiplications. 14

3 9 I disagree. Whitney
2× =
9 2 4 6 3 4 6 has shaded 12
fourteenths. She
has counted all of
the boxes to give
× = From the picture I can her the
see that 4 ×
12 denominator when
14 56
it is not needed.
The answer should

1 2 3 4 5 6 Possible answers:
Do you agree? be

1 4
2× = Explain why.
3 6

× = 2×
1 3
4 6

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Multiply by an Integer (3)

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children use their knowledge of fractions to multiply a mixed Use repeated addition to work out 2 × 4
number by a whole number.
2 2 2 2 2 8 2
They use the method of repeated addition, multiplying the 2 × 4 = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 = 10
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
whole and part separately and the method of converting to an
improper fraction then multiplying. Use this method to solve:
1 3 1
2 × 3 1 × 2 3 × 4
Continue to explore visual representations such as the bar 6 7 3
model. 3
Partition your fraction to help you solve 2 × 3

Mathematical Talk 2 × 3=6

× 3= =2
9 1
4 4 4
1 1
How could you represent this mixed number? 6+2 =8
4 4
Use this method to answer:
What is the denominator? How do you know? 5 4 1
2 × 3 3 × 2 2 × 5
6 7 3
How many wholes are there? How many parts are there?
5 11 33 3 1
1 × 3= × 3= =5 =5
What is multiplying fractions similar to? (repeated addition) 6 6 6 6 2

What representation could you use to convert a mixed number Convert to an improper fraction to calculate:
2 4 3
to an improper fraction? 3 × 4
2 × 2
4 × 3
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Multiply by an Integer (3)

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Jack runs 2 miles three times per week.
Jack runs 2 × Work out the missing numbers. Possible answer:
3 3
5 7
3 = 8 miles. 2 × 3=7
3 8 8
Dexter runs 3 miles twice a week.
Dexter runs
3 1 I knew that the
Who runs the furthest during the week? 3 × 2=7
4 2 multiplier could
not be 4 because
Explain your answer.
that would give an
Jack runs further Explain how you worked it out.
by half a mile. answer of at least
8. So the multiplier
had to be 3. That
meant that the
missing numerator
had to give a
product of 15. I
knew that 5
multiplied by 3
would give 15

Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions

Fractions of a Quantity
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children use their knowledge of finding unit fractions of a Mo has 12 apples.
quantity, to find non-unit fractions of a quantity. Use counters to represent his apples and find:
1 1 1 1
of 12 of 12 of 12 of 12
2 4 3 6
They use concrete and pictorial representations to support
their understanding. Children link bar modelling to the Now calculate:
abstract method in order to understand why the method 2 3 2 5
of 12 of 12 of 12 of 12
works. 2 4 3 6

What do you notice? What’s the same and what’s different?

Mathematical Talk Use a bar model to help you represent and find:

What is the whole? What fraction of the whole are we finding? of 56 = 56 ÷
How many equal parts will I divide the whole into?
2 3 4 4 7
of 56 of 56 of 56 of 28 of 28
What’s the same and what’s different about the calculations? 7 7 7 7 7

Can you notice a pattern? 3

Whitney eats of 240 g bar of chocolate.
What fraction of her chocolate bar does Whitney have left? How How many grams of chocolate has she eaten?
many grams does she have left? Can you represent this on a
bar model?
78 ©White Rose Maths
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions

Fractions of a Quantity
Reasoning and Problem Solving
True or False? False. Ron gives of a bag of 54 marbles to Teddy could have
Divide the whole Alex. 16, 12, 8 or 4
To find of a by 8 to find one marbles to begin
number, divide by 3 eighth and then 3 with.
Teddy gives of a bag of marbles to Alex.
and multiply by 8 multiply by three 4
to find three
eighths of a Ron gives Alex more marbles than Teddy.
Convince me.
How many marbles could Teddy have to
begin with?

2 3
of 54 > of
9 4

79 ©White Rose Maths

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Fraction of an Amount
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children recap previous learning surrounding finding unit and Find of 42
non-unit fractions of amounts, quantities and measures.

It is important that the concept is explored pictorially through

bar models to support children to make sense of the abstract.
Use this method to find:
1 1 1
of 56 of 480 of 81 m
8 6 9

Find of 42
Mathematical Talk 7

How many equal groups have you shared 49 into? Why?

What does each equal part represent as a fraction and an Use this method to find:
amount? 3
of 56
of 480
of 81 m
8 6 9
What could you do to 1 metre to make the calculation easier?
Draw a bar model to help you calculate:
1 litre = ml 1 kg = g 4 5 3
of 1 m of 1.44 litres of 21 kg
5 12 7

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Fraction of an Amount
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Write a problem that matches the bar Possible response: Find the area of each colour in the Area of rectangle:
model. rectangle. 6 × 8 = 48 cm2
96 There are 96 cars
in a car park. Blue
of them are red. 4
of 48 = 16 cm2
How many cars
are red? Red
What other questions could you ask from How many were 3
of 48 = 12 cm2
this model? not red? etc.
of a class are boys. There are 32
children in the of 48 = 20 cm2
There are 18 girls in the class.
Children need to
How many children are in the class?
What would happen if one of the red or show that this
green rectangles was changed to a blue? would impact both
the blue and the
other colour.

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Fractions as Operators
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children link their understanding of fractions of amounts and Tommy has calculated and drawn a bar model for two
multiplying fractions to use fractions as operators. calculations.

3 15 3
They use their knowledge of commutativity to help them 5× = =3 of 5 = 3
5 5 5
understand that you can change the order of multiplication
without changing the product. What’s the same and what’s different about Tommy’s

Mathematical Talk
1 1
2 lots of = of 2 =
10 10
Which calculation
6 lots of =3 of 6 = 3 on each row is
What is the same and easier? Why?
different about these 8 lots of
of 8 =
bar models? 4 4

Use this to complete:

Is it easier to multiply a fraction or find a fraction of an amount? 4 2
20 × = of 20 = × = of 18 = 12
5 3
Does it depend on the whole number you are multiplying by?
1 1
Can you see the link between the numbers? × = of = 20
3 3
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 4 to 9 – Number: Fractions

Fractions as Operators
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Which method would you use to Possible response: Dexter and Jack are thinking of a two- They started with
complete these calculations: multiply the digit number between 20 and 30 24
fractions or find the fraction of an 1. Children may
amount? find it easier Dexter finds two thirds of the number.
to find 3 fifths
Explain your choice for each one. of 25 rather 2 24 ÷ 3 = 8
Jack multiplies the number by
Compare your method to your partner. than multiply 3 8 × 2 = 16
25 by 3
Their new two-digit number has a digit
3 3
25 × or of 25 2. Children may Jack:
total that is one more than that of their
5 5
choose either 24 × 2 = 48
original number.
2 2 as they are of 48 ÷ 3 = 16
6 × or of 6 similar
3 3
What number did they start with?
3 3
5 × or of 5 3. Children will
8 8 Show each step of their calculation.
probably find
it more
efficient to
multiply than
divide 5 by 8

Reasoning and Problem Solving

Spring - Block 3

Decimals & Percentages

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Small Steps Notes for 2020/21

Decimals up to 2 d.p. There are no recap steps here as

Decimals as fractions (1)
this is all new learning for Year 5,
building on the fractions block.
Decimals as fractions (2)
Understand thousandths Children learn that both proper
Thousandths as decimals
fractions and decimals can be
used to represent values between
Rounding decimals whole numbers.
Order and compare decimals
Rounding builds on earlier work
Understand percentages
on place value and explores
Percentages as fractions and decimals different contexts, including
Equivalent F.D.P. measures.

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Decimals up to 2 d.p.
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children use place value counters and a place value grid to Which number is represented on the place value chart?
make numbers with up to two decimal places. There are ____ ones, ____ tenths
and ____ hundredths.
They read and write decimal numbers and understand the
value of each digit. The number is ____

Represent the numbers on a place value chart and complete the

They show their understanding of place value by partitioning
stem sentences.
decimal numbers in different ways.
0.28 0.65 0.07 1.26
Mathematical Talk Make the numbers with place value counters and write down the
value of the underlined digit.
How many ones/tenths/hundredths are in the number?
2.45 3.04 4.44 43.34
How do we write this as a decimal? Why?

What is the value of the ____ in the number ______? 0.76 = 0.7 + 0.06 = 7 tenths and 6 hundredths.
Fill in the missing numbers.
When do we need to use zero as a place holder? 0.83 = _____ + 0.03 = _______________ and 3 hundredths.
0.83 = 0.7 + _____ = 7 tenths and _______________
How can we partition decimal numbers in different ways?
How many other ways can you partition 0.83?
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Decimals up to 2 d.p.
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Dexter says there is only one way to 0.62 = 0.12 + 0.5 Match each description to the correct Teddy – 40.46
partition 0.62 number. Amir – 46.2
0.62 = 0.4 + 0.22 Rosie – 46.02
My number has the same Eva – 2.64
0.62 0.62 = 0.3 + 0.32 amount of tens and tenths.
0.62 = 0.42 + 0.2
My number has one
0.62 = 0.1 + 0.52 decimal place.
0.6 0.02 0.62 = 0.03 + 0.59
My number has two
etc. hundredths.
Prove Dexter is incorrect by finding at Rosie
least three different ways of partitioning
My number has six tenths.

46.2 2.64 46.02 40.46

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Decimals as Fractions (1)

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children explore the relationship between decimals and What fraction is shown in both representations?
fractions. They start with a fraction (including concrete and Can you convert this in to a decimal?
pictorial representations of fractions) convert it into a decimal
and as they progress, children will see the direct link between
fractions and decimals.

Children use their previous knowledge of fractions to aid this


Mathematical Talk
What does the whole grid represent? The fraction is the same as the decimal _______

What can we use to describe the equal parts of the grid If the whole bead string represents one whole, what decimal is
(fractions and decimals)? represented by the highlighted part? Can you represent this on a
How would you convert a fraction to a decimal? 100 square?
What does the decimal point mean?
Can the fraction be simplified?
How can you prove that the decimal ____ and the fraction ____
are the same? 88
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Decimals as Fractions (1)

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Odd one out Possible answer: How many different ways can you Possible answers:
complete the part-whole model using
B is the odd one 50
Which of the images below is the odd fractions and decimals?
out because it
one out? 2 100
shows , which is
A B 4
or 0.4
10 2
The other images 0.5
show or 0.2 Create another part-whole model like the
one above for your partner to complete.
There are various
Now complete the following part-whole possible answers
models using fractions and decimals. when completing
Explain why. 1 the part-whole
models. Ensure
both fractions and
10 0.75
decimals are

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Decimals as Fractions (2)

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children concentrate on more complex decimals numbers Use the models to record equivalent decimals and fractions.
(e.g. 0.96, 0.03, 0.27) and numbers greater than 1 (e.g. 1.2, 3 30
2.7, 4.01). 0.3 = =
10 100

They represent them as fractions and as decimals.

Children record the number in multiple representations,

including expanded form and in words.
Write down the value of a, b, c and d as a decimal and a fraction.
a bc d
Mathematical Talk
In the number 1.34 what does the 1 represent, what does the 3
represent, what does the 4 represent?
Complete the table.
Can we represent this number in a different way, and another,
and another?
On the number line, where can we see tenths? Where can we
see hundredths?
On the number line, tell me another number that is between c
and d. Now give your answer as a fraction. Tell me a number
that is not between c and d.
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Decimals as Fractions (2)

Reasoning and Problem Solving
2.25 = 2 ones, 2 tenths and 5 Possible answer: Use the digits 3, 4 and 5 to complete the 30.45, 30.54,
hundredths. Children may decimal number. 40.35, 40.53,

represent it in 50.43, 50.34
Can you write the following numbers in words, decimals,
at least three different ways? fractions,
expanded form
but also by
partitioning the
23.7 2.37 9.08 0.98 List all the possible numbers you can
number in
different ways.
45 54
Amir says, To convert a fraction to a Possible answers Write these decimals as mixed numbers. 30 , 30 ,
100 100
decimal, take the could include
numerator and put it 100 Choose three of the numbers and write 40
, 40
after the decimal point. is not equal to 0.1 100 100
them in words.
E.g. = 0.21 50
, 50
100 100 100

Write two examples of converting

fractions to decimals to prove this does
not always work.

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Understand Thousandths
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children build on previous learning of tenths and hundredths Eva is using Base 10 to represent decimals.
and apply this to understanding thousandths. = 1 whole = 1 tenth = 1 hundredth = 1 thousandth
Opportunities to develop understanding of thousandths
through the use of concrete and pictorial representations Use Base 10 to build:
need to be incorporated. • 4 wholes, 4 tenths, 4 hundredths, 4 thousandths
When exploring the relationships between tenths, hundredths • 5 tenths, 7 hundredths and 5 thousandths
and thousandths, consider decimal and mixed number • 2.357
Use the place value counters to help you fill in the final chart.
Mathematical Talk
If 4 tenths = 0.4, 4 hundredths = 0.04, what is 4 thousandths
equal to? = ___ tenths = ___hundredths = ___ thousandths

Using the place value charts: What has this hundred square been
• How many tenths are in a whole? divided up into?
• How many hundredths are there in 1 tenth? How many thousandths are there in one
• Using place value counters complete the final chart. hundredth?
• How many thousandths in 1 hundredth? How many thousandths are in one tenth?

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Understand Thousandths
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Rosie thinks the 2 values are equal. Agree. 0.472 = 4 tenths,
seven hundredths
We can exchange 0.394 and 2 thousandths
ten hundredth 4 7 2
= counters for one = 3 tenths, 9 hundredths and 4
= +
10 100
= 0.4 + 0.07 +
tenth counter. thousandths
0.135 = =
4 0.529 = 5 tenths,
Do you agree?
10 100 1000
two hundredths
Explain your thinking. and 9 thousandths
= 0.3 + 0.09 + 0.004
5 2
= + +
10 100
Can you write this amount as a decimal 9
= 0.5 + 0.02
and as a fraction? Write these numbers in three different 1000
+ 0.009
0.307 = 3 tenths
0.472 0.529 0.307 and 7 thousandths
3 7
= + =
10 1000
0.3 + 0.007

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Thousandths as Decimals
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children build on their understanding of decimals and further Use the place value chart and counters to represent these
explore the link between tenths, hundredths and thousandths. numbers.
Write down the numbers as a decimal.
They represent decimals in different ways and also explore a)
100 1
deeper connections such as is the same as
1000 10

b) 4 ones, 6 tenths, 0 hundredths and 2 thousandths

c) 3

Mathematical Talk
The arrows are pointing to different numbers.
Write each number as a decimal and then as a mixed number.
What number is represented? How will we show this on the
place value chart? How many ones/tenths/hundredths/ 2 2.01 2.03 2.05 2.09
thousandths do I have?

Where would 2.015 be positioned on the number line? How

many thousandths do I have? How do I record this as a mixed

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Thousandths as Decimals
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Ron has 8 counters. He makes numbers Smallest: 0.116 Three children are representing the Possible answer:
using the place value chart. Largest: 6.11 number 0.504
They are all
At least 3 columns have counters in.
correct. Annie has
What is the largest and the smallest
504 recorded it as a
number he can make with 8 counters? 0.504 =
1000 fraction. Alex and
Teddy have
partitioned it
Can you record the numbers in 0.504 =
10 10 1000
different ways?

2.322 5 4
0.504 = +
10 1000
In this problem symbols have been Teddy
used to represent two different
numbers. Write down the value of each, Who is correct?
as a mixed number and as a decimal. Explain why.
1 1 1
=1 = = =
10 100 1000

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Rounding Decimals
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children develop their understanding of rounding to the Complete the number lines and round the representations to the
nearest whole number and to the nearest tenth. nearest whole number:

Number lines support children to understand where numbers

appear in relation to other numbers and are important in
developing conceptual understanding of rounding.

Mathematical Talk Use the number lines to round 3.24 to the nearest tenth and the
nearest whole number.
3.2 3.25 3.3 3 3.5 4
What number do the ones and tenths counters represent?
How many decimal places does it have?
Round each number to the nearest tenth and nearest whole
When rounding to the nearest one decimal place, how many number. Use number lines to help you.
digits will there be after the decimal point?
Where would 3.25 appear on both number lines?
What is the same and what is different about the two number

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Round Decimals
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Dexter is measuring a box Smallest: 27.5 cm A number between 11 and 20 with 2 The whole number
of chocolates with a ruler decimal places rounds to the same can range from 11
that measures in number when rounded to one decimal to 19 and the
centimetres and millimetres. place and when rounded to the nearest decimal places
He measures it to the nearest cm and whole number? can range from
writes the answer 28 cm. ___ .95 to ___ .99
What is the smallest length the box of What could this be?
chocolates could be? Is there more than one option?
Explain why. Can children
explain why this
Whitney is thinking of a number. Possible answers:
Rounded to the nearest whole her 3.83
number is 4 3.82 etc.
Rounded to the nearest tenth her
Some children
number is 3.8
might include
Write down at least 4 different numbers
answers such as
that she could be thinking of.

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Order & Compare Decimals

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children order and compare numbers with up to three Use <, > or = to make the statements correct.
decimal places.

They use place value counters to represent the numbers they

are comparing.

Number lines support children to understand where numbers 13.33 ÷ 10

appear in relation to other numbers.

Place the numbers in ascending order on the number line.

Mathematical Talk 113
3.115 3 Three and 11 hundredths

What number is represented by the place value counters? 3.11 3.12

______ is greater/less than ______ because…

Place in descending order.
Explain how you know. • 0.123 0.321 0.231 0.103
• 3.2 km 3.21 km 3.212 km 3202 m
Can you build the numbers using place value counters?
How can you use these concrete representations to compare • 65.394 65.309 63.999 65.493
sizes? Check your answers using place value chart.
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Order & Compare Decimals

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Alex says, Alex is wrong Tommy says, Could be:
because 2 tenths 3.052
3.105 is greater than 3.2 is larger than 105 3.053
thousandths. I have put some numbers into 3.054
because 105 is greater
ascending order: 3.104 etc.
than 2
It can’t be a
Do you agree? 3 number below
Explain your answer. 3.051 or above
3.105 3.105

Tommy has missed one number out.

It should go in the middle of this list.
What could his number be?
What can’t his number be?

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Understand Percentages
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children are introduced to ‘per cent’ for the first time and will Complete the sentence stem for each diagram.
understand that ‘per cent’ relates to ‘number of parts per

They will explore this through different representations which

show different parts of a hundred. Children will use ‘number
of parts per hundred’ alongside the % symbol. There are ____ parts per hundred shaded. This is ____%

Complete the table.

Mathematical Talk
How many parts is the square split in to?

How many parts per hundred are shaded/not shaded?

Can we represent this percentage differently? Complete the bar models.

Look at the bar model, how many parts is it split into?

If the bar is worth 100%, what is each part worth?

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Understand Percentages
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Oh no! Dexter has spilt ink on his Some possible Mo, Annie and Tommy all did a test with
hundred square. answers: 100 questions. Tommy got 6 fewer
questions correct than Mo.
It could be 25%

It must be less 56%

than 70% 65 out of 100
50 out of 100
It can’t be 100% 50%

Mo needs 44
Complete the sentence stems to Complete the table. Annie needs 35
describe what percentage is shaded. How many more marks did each child Tommy needs 50
need to score 100%?
It could be…
Dora and Amir each have 100 sweets. Neither. They both
It must be… Dora eats 65% of hers. Amir has 35 have an equal
sweets left. number of sweets
It can’t be… Who has more sweets left? remaining.

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Percentages as Fractions & Decimals

Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency

Children represent percentages as fractions using the Complete the table.
denominator 100 and make the connection to decimals and

Children will recognise percentages, decimals and fractions

are different ways of expressing proportions.

Mathematical Talk 7 parts per

What do you notice about the percentages and the decimals?
Alex has read 93 pages of her book. Her book has 300 pages.
What proportion of her book has she read? Give your answer as a
What’s the same and what’s different about percentages,
percentage and a decimal.
decimals and fractions?
93 ?
= = ______ % = ______
How can we record the proportion of pages Alex has read as a 300 100

fraction? How can we turn it into a percentage? Record the fractions as decimals and percentages.
120 320 20 12
Can you convert any percentage into a decimal and a fraction? 300 400 200 50
Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Percentages as Fractions & Decimals

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Teddy says, Teddy is incorrect, Three children have each read 360 Ron has read ,
this only works pages of their own book. 500
72% or 0.72
To convert a fraction to a when the
percentage, you just need denominator is Ron’s book has 500 pages. Dora has read
to put a percent sign next 100 because Dora’s book has 400 pages.
90% or 0.9
to the numerator. percent means Eva’s book has 600 pages.
parts per hundred. Eva has read
What fraction of their books have they , 60% or 0.6
Is Teddy correct? Explain your answer. each read?

At a cinema, of the audience are 60% are children,
so 40% are girls What percentage of their books have Dora has read the
and 20% boys. they read? most of her book.
The rest of the audience is made up of
boys and girls.
Children may use How much of their books have they each
There are twice as many girls as boys.
a bar model to read as a decimal?
represent this
What percentage of the audience are problem. Who has read the most of their book?

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Equivalent F.D.P.
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children recognise simple equivalent fractions and represent Use a bead string to show me:
them as decimals and percentages. 0.25 0.3 0.2 0.5
When children are secure with the percentage and decimal
1 1 1 2 4
equivalents of , , , , , they then consider denominators of What are these decimals as a percentage?
2 4 5 5 5 What are they as a fraction? Can you simplify the fraction?
a multiple of 10 or 25
Use bar models and hundred squares to support Use the bar model to convert the fractions into a percentages and
understanding and show equivalence. decimals.
1 1 3 1
2 4 10 5

Mathematical Talk
How many hundredths is each bead worth? How does this help
you convert the decimals to fractions and percentages?
Draw arrows to show the position of each representation on the
How many hundredths is the same as 0.1? number line.
What fractions does the bar model show? How does this help
to convert them to percentages? 40%
Which is closer to 100%, or 50%? How do you know?

Year 5 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Decimals & Percentages

Equivalent F.D.P.
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Sort the fractions, decimals and Less than :
1 Jack has £55 £5.50
percentages into the correct column. 1
2 3
He spends of his money on a coat and
, 0.25, 7% 5
30% on shoes.
50% 100% 60
How much does he have left?
Equal to :
Seven 2
60% 0.25 30
tenths 50% and

70 1 Tommy is playing a maths game. Level A: 80%

hundredths 4
Here are his scores at three different
Greater than :
1 Level B: 70%
2 levels. Level C: 50%
1 1 1
Seven tenths, 70
Less than 2 Equal to 2 Greater than 2 hundredths, 60% Level A – 440 points out of 550 Tommy had a
and 100%
higher success
Level B – 210 points out of 300 rate on level A.

Level C – 45 points out of 90 Children may wish

to compare using
At which level did he have a higher decimals instead.
success rate?


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