MODULE 07 - Teacher's Ethical and Professional Behavior

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Module 07: Teacher’s Ethical and

Professional Behavior
Learning Outcomes
 would be able to have a concrete understanding regarding the
expectations of the community and the teachers from each other.
 would be able to share ideas, examples, thoughts, or insights about the
teacher’s ethical and professional behavior in the community.

Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, Article III

In the code of ethics for professional teachers, it states that the

professional teacher will be a part of the community. Community in school and
in the community outside the school. We have 8 sections of Article III of the
code of ethics for Professional Teachers namely;

 Teacher as Facilitator of Learning

 Teacher Leadership and Initiative for Community Participation
 Professional Teacher with Honor and Dignity
 Teacher’s Attitude Toward Local Customs and Traditions
 The Professional Teacher and Information Update
 The Parent-Teachers Association
 The School Governing Council
 The Professional Teachers and Government Officials and Other
 The Professional Teacher Does not Use Position to Proselyte

Teacher as Facilitator of Learning

Facilitator comes from the word “facilitate” which means to make

something easier, so that the students will understand the lesson easily.

In Article III, Section 1, states that the teacher is a facilitator of learning

and also development of the youth, they have to give their best to give a best
service by providing an environment conducive for learning and growth.

Teacher as facilitator of learning need to make a difficult task easier,

and make it interesting, exciting and enjoyable.

Teacher believe that “Every child deserve a champion, an adult who

never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists
they become the best they can possibly be”.

Teacher Leadership and Initiative for Community Participation

Teachers as members of the society are expected to take initiative and

welcome opportunities to be able to lead, give guidance, and instruct towards
the younger generation.
Schools were located at the heart of communities, therefore, educators
must take part or initiate action regarding activities done for the it’s benefit and
betterment, for this may encourage the learners’ drive to partake in these
exercises, in which they can use in the future.

This gives focus to the expectations towards teachers to involve

themselves, along with the people who belongs to the community, to engage
into activities that promote improvement and positive changes towards
the society.

Some examples of community participation that teachers do, inside and

outside of school perimeters are; planting trees, serve as tutors for out of
school youths, partakes in feeding programs for students, and of course,
teaching etc.

The Professional Teacher with Honor and Dignity

Every teacher must conduct honorably and with dignity at all times in
order to merit reasonable social recognition. They must also abstain from
excesses like gambling, smoking, drinking, and illicit relationships. But the
teacher is also human and can possibly have bad habits or the thing we call
“bisyo” in life. They can do it but in a private way that the students can't see
and not excesses.

Teacher’s Attitude Toward Local Customs and Traditions

The professional teacher is neither ethnocentric nor xenocentric. In

section 4, it expects every teacher to live for and with the community and
shall, they have to study and understand local customs and traditions in
order to have a sympathetic attitude.

Every culture including theirs has it’s positive and negative aspects,
and we need to pass the positive aspects of the culture. We need to purify,
however, negative aspects with teacher pointing them out tactfully and

The Professional Teacher and Information Update

Schools, as one of the many well-informed sectors that belongs in the

society, expects their educators to help regarding information distribution,
which regards to important data that commonly refers to school’s work,
accomplishments, their needs, and current problems.

There are two ways to refer the individuals that belongs in the society
who needs the information being distributed and briefed by the teachers; (1)
internal stakeholders, which refers to the parents of both students and the
teachers, or in simpler words, the family members, and (2) external
stakeholders, which refers to those parents who doesn’t have a child
enrolled into an academic institution, yet still involves themselves to affairs
concerning the school’s public safety and security like; barangay and
government officials, non-government organizations, the alumni, and

The reason why this information distributions are important towards

these stakeholders, is because it gives them a sense of responsibility and
ownership. With that, it naturally drives them to actively involve themselves
into the school’s affairs, which tackles regarding the school’s programs, their
work, accomplishments, needs, and their problems.

The Parent-Teachers Association

The teachers and parents will have a meeting about the programs
that can be made and the problems that will be solved or a forum held at
the school or inside the classroom. An organization with a mission to make
the school a better place for children to learn. Parents of students work
together with teachers to volunteer in classes, raise money for school supplies,
and generally support the school's efforts. PTA for Public Schools, Home
School Association or Family Advisory Council for Private Schools.

The School Governing Council

The School Governing Council, mainly concerns themselves with

the development and implementation monitoring and evaluation of the
School Improvement Plan (SIP). It is a proof of school head sharing their
leadership with members of the community. Referred to be as a policy-
making body has the school head as Chief Executive Officer, Manager,
and Chief Operations Officer. This also determines general policies on
student welfare, discipline, and well being.

The Professional Teacher and Government Officials and Other


“A positive input, creates a positive outcome”. Educators, as

professionals themselves, are expected to make connections towards other
professionals, for creating a harmonious and beneficial relationship with them,
is considered to be an inevitable feat. It all starts in the workplace which is the
center of one’s work, creating positive relationships with those who belongs to
the same environment, also creates a positive outcome which may help in
building a better environment for those around them.

It is believed to be ideal to have good relationships with those who

belong to the same field or circle, for it builds strong foundations for potential
that aims to create a warm environment for those who’ve joined and would
still join in the same field.

The Professional Teacher Does not Use Position to Proselyte

A teacher is free to go to church and worship as he sees fit, but he

must refrain from using his position and influence to convert others. You can
use your position or your power in the appropriate way. As a teacher, you use
your position to give learning to the student and some advice only.

According to the 1987 Philippine Constitution Article II, section 6 there

is no law that says or establishes the prohibition of using the freedom to
choose religion and enjoy the right to their religion and to worship without

This is a Handout prepared by Acuña, Amatorio, and Hernandez

Thank You!

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