Bus 12
Bus 12
Bus 12
At the end of the week, learners are expected to formulate a morally defensible position on
ethical issues in entrepreneurship like basic fairness, personnel and customer relations distribution
dilemmas, fraud, unfair competition, unfair communication, non-respect of agreements,
environmental degradation, etc. ABM_ESR12-IVi-l-3.2; and ABM_ESR12-IVi-l-3.3
1. Roa, Floriano C., Business Ethics and Social Responsibility 2nd Edition: Unlimited Books Library
Services and Publishing Inc., Manila, 2016
2. Flores Marivic F. DBA, Organization and Management: Mindshapers Co., Inc., Manila, 2017
3. Robert G. Medina, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management: Rex Book Store, Manila,
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a. giving in to such conduct is made either openly or implicitly a term or condition
of employment or
b. giving in to or refusal of such conduct is used as the source for employment
2. Hostile work environment - The sexual harassment makes the workplace environment
frightening, intimidating, or offensive. All verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes hostile-
environment. Sexual harassment in this form has the intention of unfairly meddling with an employee’s
work performance. The law considers some factors to establish whether an environment is hostile,
a. whether the behavior was verbal, physical, or both; how often it was done again;
b. whether the behavior was hostile or obviously unpleasant;
c. whether the supposed victim was a co-worker or supervisor; e, whether others
connived in committing the harassment; and
d. whether the harassment was aimed at more than one individual
2. Train employees - At least once yearly, do training meetings for employees. These
meetings should educate employees what sexual harassment is all about, make clear that employees have a
right to a workplace without fear of sexual harassment, assessment of complaint procedure, and support
employees to use it.
3. Train supervisors and managers - At least once yearly, carry out training
meetings for supervisors and managers that are separate from the employee meetings. The meetings
should teach the managers and supervisors concerning sexual harassment and give details on how to deal
with complaints.
Based also on Legal Penalties of Republic Act (RA) 7877, there are already set penalties
for those who committed sexual harassment:
1. Imprisonment of not less than one (1) month but not more than six (6) months
2. Fine of not less than Ten Thousand Pesos (P10, 000) but not more than Twenty
Thousand Pesos (P20, 000)
Just Wage
Wages are the price that workers receive for their labor in the form of Salaries, bonuses,
royalties, commissions, and fringe benefits, like paid vacations, health insurance, and pensions. Wages
differ among nations, regions, occupations, and individuals.
In view of that, the Church identifies three principles that are necessary for implementation of
the just wage: the principle of need, the principle of equity, and the principle of economic order.
1. Need relates to the wage rate necessary to keep going the individual worker and his family.
Workers who reside in more classy cities require a higher wage.
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2. Equity defines what is appropriate to a person because of the worth of the particular skills,
effort and talent that person is capable to bring to the job. So, somebody with the skills needed to create
new products must be paid more than the person who just tosses burgers.
3. Economic order refers to the reality that the individual’s work and the firm itself must
produce adequate values to give the wages. Simply, fair wages must be sustainable. This means that for
similar work, it is just that a successful enterprise like Apple may pay a higher wage than a struggling
start-up business or not-for-profit organization.
The issue about living wage worldwide is increasing and mainly due ty the following reasons:
a. The increasing trend of “the working poor” people who are working but unable to make
ends meet because wages are too low since the 2008 recession.
b. The increasing gap between national minimum wages and cost of living.
c. The rising consciousness and worry of consumers about working conditions.
d. The sustained development of international standards for business and ethics.
Minimum wage rates fail workers who are at lowest end of the pay scale because without a
living wage workers may be compelled to:
a. work too much overtime hours or multiple jobs,
b. become bonded laborers,
c. put their children into work as a replacement for school,
d. be deprived of their primary human rights to food, shelter, nutrition health, housing and
education and experience social denials such being unable to take part in cultural events,
e. be unable to withstand crises such as ill health.
Gifts and Bribery
A gift is something of worth given with no anticipation of return. Gifts can be monetary, actual
items or they can be tickets to sporting event, entertainment, travel, rounds of golf or restaurant meals.
The premise of giving gifts is an ancient way to express gratitude, appreciation and love.
A bribe is the same thing given in the expectation to influence the recipient's conduct. It may be
money, goods, rights in action, property, preferment, privilege, emolument, objects of value, advantage,
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or merely a promise to induce or influence the action, vote, or influence of a person in an official or
public capacity.
Learning Task will be given in Week 13 Module.
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