Journal For Assignment
Journal For Assignment
Journal For Assignment
1387–1402, 2018
doi:10.1093/jxb/erx455 Advance Access publication 4 January 2018
This paper is available online free of all access charges (see for further details)
Microspores are reprogrammed towards embryogenesis by stress. Many microspores die after this stress, limiting the
efficiency of microspore embryogenesis. Autophagy is a degradation pathway that plays critical roles in stress response
and cell death. In animals, cathepsins have an integral role in autophagy by degrading autophagic material; less is known
in plants. Plant cathepsins are papain-like C1A cysteine proteases involved in many physiological processes, including
programmed cell death. We have analysed the involvement of autophagy in cell death, in relation to cathepsin activation,
during stress-induced microspore embryogenesis in Hordeum vulgare. After stress, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and
cell death increased and autophagy was activated, including HvATG5 and HvATG6 up-regulation and increase of ATG5,
ATG8, and autophagosomes. Concomitantly, cathepsin L/F-, B-, and H-like activities were induced, cathepsin-like genes
HvPap-1 and HvPap-6 were up-regulated, and HvPap-1, HvPap-6, and HvPap-19 proteins increased and localized in the
cytoplasm, resembling autophagy structures. Inhibitors of autophagy and cysteine proteases reduced cell death and
promoted embryogenesis. The findings reveal a role for autophagy in stress-induced cell death during microspore em-
bryogenesis, and the participation of cathepsins. Similar patterns of activation, expression, and localization suggest a
possible connection between cathepsins and autophagy. The results open up new possibilities to enhance microspore
embryogenesis efficiency with autophagy and/or cysteine protease modulators.
Keywords: Autophagy, barley, caspase-like activity, cathepsins, cell death, cysteine C1A proteases, microspore
embryogenesis, ROS, stress response.
Plant cell plasticity and ability to regenerate embryos in of genetic resources (Germaná and Lambardi, 2016).
in vitro culture have been extensively exploited for decades, in In vitro embryogenesis is a fascinating system to study cellular
the areas of plant propagation, breeding, and conservation reprogramming and acquisition of totipotency, as well as an
Abbreviations: ATG, autophagy-related protein; 3-MA, 3-methyladenine; MDC, monodansylcadaverine; PCD, programmed cell death; ROS, reactive oxygen
© The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (,
which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
1388 | Bárány et al.
alternative to study early embryogenesis events since zygotes Hirt, 2004). Recent studies in plants and algae have described
and immature embryos produced in planta are surrounded the activation of autophagy in response to several stress con-
by maternal tissues and are difficult to analyse. Microspore ditions that increase ROS production (Liu and Bassham,
embryogenesis is an in vitro system in which the haploid 2012; Pérez-Pérez et al., 2010, 2012). These findings suggest
microspore is reprogrammed by the application of external a strong link between autophagy and ROS production in
stress treatment and enters into an embryogenesis pathway plants.
(Bárány et al., 2005; Prem et al., 2012). The resulting haploid Autophagy and cell death proteases are well characterized
and double-haploid embryos and generated plants are import- in animals, and caspases are thought to be the major pro-
ant biotechnological tools in plant breeding for the rapid gen- teases involved. Although to date no functional homologues
eration of isogenic new varieties as they represent a source of animal caspases have been identified in plants, several in-
of new genetic variability, fixed in complete homozygous direct pieces of evidence suggest the existence of functionally
plants and obtained in only one generation step (Maluszynski related proteases with similar substrate specificity. The in-
et al., 2003). Despite the usefulness of stress-induced in vitro volvement of caspase-3-like enzymatic activity in plant PCD
embryogenesis in breeding programmes, the efficiency of has been well documented, and its specific inhibitors block
the system in many species of economic interest is still lim- completion of PCD (Bonneau et al., 2008; Solís et al., 2014),
The results indicated that autophagy is induced in micro- Table 1. Inhibitors and conditions used for in vitro treatments of
spores after the inductive stress. Concomitantly, cathepsins microspore cultures
are also activated and show similar patterns of expression
and localization to ATGs. Inhibition of autophagy and cath- Name Concentration Brand
epsins reduced cell death levels and increased the embryogen-
MnCl2 4 mM Merck
esis induction rate. Taken together, the results indicate a role Ac-DEVD-CHO Sigma
5 µM
for autophagy in cell death at early stages of stress-induced 3-MA 5 mM Sigma
microspore embryogenesis, a death process in which cath- E-64 1µM Sigma
epsins also participate. ConA 1 µM Sigma
the manufacturer’s instruction. cDNAs were obtained from 2 µg of so-called microspore-derived ‘proembryos’, were produced
RNA using the Superscript™ II reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen) (Fig. 1B). In 4 d cultures, proembryos were accompanied
according to Solís et al. (2012). RT-qPCR analyses were performed by non-responsive and dead microspores (Fig. 1B). During
using the SsoAdvanced™ Universal SYBR®Green Supermix on
the iQ™5 Real-Time PCR Detection Sytem (Biorad). The oligonu- the following days of culture, microspore embryogenesis
cleotides used are described in Supplementary Table S2, and qPCR progressed, the exine broke down, and embryos developed
conditions were as previously described (Berenguer et al., 2017). All (Fig. 1C) and followed a pathway similar to zygotic embryo-
qPCRs were run in duplicate, and the Cyclophilin gene was used as genesis in monocot species, producing transitional and scu-
the internal reference gene. Transcript levels were normalized to the tellar embryos and then, after 30 d in culture, coleoptilar
vacuolated microspore levels. Data were analysed with the Bio-Rad
CFX Manager 3.0 (3.01224.1015) (Biorad), using the Livak calcula- embryos (Fig. 1D).
tion method (Livak and Schmittgen, 2001). The percentage of dead cells, identified by positive Evans
blue staining (Fig. 2), was quantified at several culture
steps: ‘isolated microspores’ (microspores extracted from
Protein quantification and protease activities
spikes but not treated by stress), ‘stress-treated micro-
Total soluble proteins were extracted from in vitro samples accord-
ing to Velasco-Arroyo et al. (2016), using the method of Bradford
spores’ (isolated microspores after the inductive stress),
(1976) for protein quantification. Enzymatic activity assays were and ‘4 d cultures’ (stage of formation of the proembryo).
Fig. 2. Cell death in stress-induced microspore embryogenesis. Histogram showing the percentage of cell death after cell isolation and inductive stress
identified by Evan’s blue staining. Micrographs showing dead microspores as blue cells after Evan’s blue staining. Bars in columns indicate the SE. Scale
bars in micrographs represent 60 µm. Different letters on columns indicate significant differences among stages, according to ANOVA and Tukey’s tests
at P<0.05.
1392 | Bárány et al.
Fig. 4. Effect of treatments with MnCl2 (O2– scavenger) and Ac-DEVD-CHO (caspase-3 inhibitor) in stress-induced microspore embryogenesis.
(A, C) Quantification of cell death levels, identified by Evan’s blue staining, 4 d after stress in untreated microspore cultures and cultures treated with
MnCl2 (A) and Ac-DEVD-CHO (C). (B, D) Quantification of proembryos (as an indicator of microspore embryogenesis initiation) in microspore cultures, 4 d
after stress, treated with MnCl2 (B) and Ac-DEVD-CHO (D). In all histograms, results are expressed as percentages (percent change) and referred to the
mean percentage of dead cells or proembryos in control cultures which has been normalized to 100%. Bars indicate the SE. Asterisks indicate significant
differences between treated and untreated cultures, within each treatment, assessed by Student’s t-test, at P<0.05.
in control cultures (Fig. 4C). After 4 d in culture, the num- the proportion of proembryos produced in microspore cul-
ber of proembryos was determined as an indicator of ini- tures treated with the caspase-3 inhibitor in comparison with
tiation of microspore embryogenesis. The results showed a control cultures (Fig. 4D), probably as a consequence of the
statistically significant increase (P<0.05 Student’s t-test) in reduction in cell death.
Autophagy and cathepsins in stress-induced microspore embryogenesis | 1393
ATG gene expression and protein localization in stress- 2005). Microspores were stained by MDC and analysed by
induced microspore embryogenesis confocal microscopy. Stress-treated microspores showed
strong MDC fluorescence on small spherical cytoplasmic
Among the 25 ATG genes characterized in barley (Avila- spots (Fig. 7A, A'). These spots were of different sizes, and
Ospina et al., 2016; Masclaux-Daubresse et al., 2017), to were occasionally observed within vacuoles, and, there-
evaluate the possible activation of autophagy in microspore fore, they most probably corresponded to autophagosomes
embryogenesis cultures after the inductive stress, expres- and autophagic bodies. Electron microscopy provided evi-
sion analyses were conducted for two key autophagy genes, dence of autophagic structures in stress-treated microspores.
HvATG5 and HvATG6, identified in barley with only one gene Ultrastructural analysis revealed the presence of early and
isoform each (Avila-Ospina et al., 2016). RT-qPCRs showed mature autophagosomes. Autophagosomes at an early stage
similar expression patterns for both ATG genes: a low level of of their formation appeared as double-membrane structures
expression in isolated microspores, before the stress, and high with semi-dense content, similar to the cytoplasm (Fig. 7B,
gene expression in stress-treated microspores (Fig. 5). Later, inset). Advanced/mature autophagosomes that had engulfed
in 4 d microspore cultures, expression decreased, dropping to cytoplasmic structures/organelles showed double- and multi-
levels similar to those seen with isolated microspores (Fig. 5). ple-membrane structures, with organelle and membrane rem-
ATG5 and ATG8 proteins, which have a crucial role in
initiation yield while reducing cell death levels caused by the To gain more insight into the activation of cathepsins
inductive stress. during cell death in stress-induced microspore embryogen-
esis cultures, the presence and subcellular localization of
the proteins HvPap-1, HvPap-6, and HvPap-19 (a cathepsin
Cathepsin-like activity, gene expression, and
B-like protein in barley) were analysed using specific anti-
subcellular localization in stress-induced microspore
bodies (previously produced in rabbits by Pineda Antibody
Services; Díaz-Mendoza et al., 2016). HvPap-12 protein
We analysed the role of cathepsins in the stress response of could not be localized since no antibodies were available. The
microspores because of their relationship with autophagy in specificity of the antibodies in microspore-derived embryos
animals, and their relevant role as plant cell death proteases. was assessed by immunoblot assays. Results revealed that
As a first approach, the enzymatic activity was quantified for each antibody recognized only two bands corresponding
all the cathepsin activities identified in plants. Significant dif- to the inactive (zymogen) and active forms of the corre-
ferences among stages were assessed by ANOVA and Tukey’s sponding C1A protease (Fig. 12). The bands appeared at
tests, with P<0.05 conferring statistical significance. Low lev- the expected molecular weights reported for HvPap-1 (40
els of cathepsin L-/F-, B-, and H-like activities were detected 016 kDa and 26 204 kDa), HvPap-6 (50 226 kDa and 35
in isolated microspores (Fig. 11A). After the stress, especially 158 kDa), and HvPap-19 (37 222 kDa and 29 234 kDa)
in 4 d cultures, cathepsin L-/F-, B-, and H-like proteolytic (Cambra et al., 2012).
activities significantly increased, reaching >2-fold the proteo- Immunofluorescence assays followed by confocal micros-
lytic values detected before the stress (Fig. 11A). copy analyses provided evidence of the induction of cath-
The expression of several cathepsin genes previously charac- epsins and their subcellular localization in microspores after
terized in barley and related to the protease activities detected, the inductive stress to trigger embryogenesis. The results
HvPap-1, HvPap-6, and HvPap-12, which encode cathepsins of showed very low or no detectable signal with the three cath-
type F-, L-,and H-like, respectively, was also analysed in micro- epsin antibodies on isolated microspores before the stress
spore cultures by RT-qPCR. The three cathepsin genes were (Fig. 13A, A', A'', A'''), whereas stress-treated microspores
expressed at low levels in isolated microspores, while after the (Fig. 13B, B', B'', B''') and cells of 4 d cultures (Fig. 13C,
stress treatment (in stress-treated microspores and 4 d cultures), C', C'', C''') exhibited intense and specific labelling in small
HvPap-1 and HvPap-6 were induced (Fig. 11B). The cathep- cytoplasmic spots of different sizes, probably correspond-
sin H-like HvPap-12 gene did not show significant changes, ing to small vacuoles, a pattern that resembled autophagy
suggesting that other genes are likely to contribute to the in- structures. Patterns of labelling were similar for the three
crease of cathepsin H activity detected in microspores after cathepsins, except for HvPap-19, which showed much less
stress. Among the cathepsin genes studied, the cathepsin L-like labelling in stress-treated microspores (Fig. 13B''') than the
HvPap-6 showed the greatest increase in expression after stress, others. Controls without the primary antibody did not show
in both stress-treated microspores and 4 d cultures (Fig. 11B). any labelling.
1396 | Bárány et al.
led to a rapid and strong induction of autophagy (Bassham, Furthermore, our results demonstrate that the induct-
2007). Furthermore, when plants are exposed to abiotic ive stress to trigger microspore embryogenesis in barley also
stress conditions, ROS production acts as a common signal induced the activation of autophagy, which is supported by
to activate stress responses, including autophagy (Bassham, the up-regulation of autophagy HvATG5 and HvATG6 genes,
2009). In a previous study, we reported ROS production in the increase of autophagosome-like structures containing
microspores after the inductive stress of embryogenesis, in ATG5 and ATG8 proteins, and the ultrastructural observa-
barley (Rodríguez-Serrano et al., 2012). In the present study, tion of autophagic structures in microspores after the stress.
endogenous ROS production has also been detected in bar- Moreover, when the inhibitors E-64 or ConA were added to
ley microspores after stress, while treatments with ROS scav- the culture medium, complete autophagosomal degradation is
engers lead to a reduction in cell death levels. These results impaired and the proportion of microspores with autophagic
indicate the involvement of these reactive molecules in micro- structures and their number per cell increased, indicating the
spore death in this system. active formation of autophagosomes after the stress.
1398 | Bárány et al.
Autophagy is activated in response to many physiological proportion of the heterogeneous cell population of the micro-
cues and stress conditions, and has been associated with both spore cultures tolerates the stress and is responsive to embryo-
cell survival and cell death. Depending on the context and genesis induction, whereas many other cells cannot tolerate
intensity, autophagy can protect cells or mediate cell death the stress and die. Our results show that the application of
(Kroemer and Jäättelä, 2005). In the case of microspore the inductive stress leads to the activation of autophagy that
embryogenesis, the response of microspores to the stress plays a role in the death of cells, since autophagy inhibition
treatment depends on many factors, such as the physiological reduces cell death levels. As a consequence of this reduction
state and the developmental stage of the cell. Only a certain in cell death, embryogenesis induction was enhanced. On the
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other hand, the possibility that autophagy activity could also as cathepsins B- and L-like proteases, impairs autophagy,
have a prosurvival function in some other stress-treated cells and mutants with reduced cathepsins B and D show impaired
cannot be completely ruled out. autophagic degradation (Tatti et al., 2012). A previous study
connected autophagy and cathepsins to the promotion of
Together with autophagy, cathepsins are induced and cell death associated with the hypersensitive response to
participate in the cell death of microspores after the pathogens in Arabidopsis (Hofius et al., 2009), and it was
inductive stress of embryogenesis suggested that they could contribute to different cell death
pathways operating in plant immunity responses. The pat-
Because cathepsins are well known lysosomal proteases with tern of localization of HvPap cathepsins in microspores as
a role in autophagy and cell death, in animals (Turk and cytoplasmic spots of different sizes is consistent with them
Stoka, 2007), and as they are major proteases with reported being located in vesicles, lysosomal-like structures and
functions in cell death also in plants, we have analysed the small vacuoles, some of which could represent autolyso-
participation of cathepsins in the microspore response to the some-like structures and small autophagic vacuoles. This
inductive stress. In animals, numerous reports have docu- fact, together with the activation of both autophagy and
mented the critical role of cathepsins in the degradation of cathepsins after the stress, the similar induction of cath-