Putri Mayang Sarii

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Systematic Review

Nama : Putri Mayang Sari

NPM : 22.15.113
No. Author Title Instrument Method Result Country
Tisnasari Malnutrisi rumah 111 anak Pediatric comparing sebanyak 111 anak (14,6%) Indonesia
Hafsah , Titis sakit dan asuhan Yorkhill body weight ikut serta dalam penelitian.
Prawitasari , nutrisi pediatrik di Malnutrition Skor mPYMS ≥2 ditemukan
Julistio Rumah Sakit Hasan Screening pada 69 pasien (62,2%).
Tryoga Sadikin Bandung (mPYMS), Selama perawatan, penurunan
Budhiawan Focused Group berat badan terjadi pada 23
Djais Discussion (20,7%) pasien dan 10 (9%)
(FGD) d pasien diantaranya memenuhi
kriteria malnutrisi rumah sakit.
Kelompok yang mengalami
malnutrisi rumah sakit,
sebanyak 7 anak mempunyai
skor mPYMS ≥2. ANP
diimplementasikan pada pasien
dengan skor mPYMS ≥2 oleh
dietisien dengan menggunakan
proses asuhan gizi terstandar
(PAGT) mengikuti
rekomendasi American
Dietetic Association.
2 Dilshad Efect 2497 employed Binary The data of prevalence of higher-level Punjab,
Ahmad , of socioeconomic children’s logistic Multiple malnutrition was estimated due Pakistan
Muhammad factors regression Indicator to lower socioeconomic status
Afzal and on malnutrition approach Cluster Survey among major population in the
Aisha Imtiaz among children (MICS) community specifcally in rural
in Pakistan areas. The government needs
to enhance economic
opportunities, promote
healthcare education, increase
nutritional access and generate
improving personal hygiene
habits through appropriate
economic, political and social
policy measures.
Maria Vittoria Malnutrition, 1119 Case-control conducted acute malnutrition is Nairobi,
De Vita, Carlo morbidity and babies babies’ study based on correlated with acute Afrika
Scolfaro, infection in the registered anthropometric a secondary infections, while chronic
Bruna Santini, informal at birth measurements, malnutrition is more influenced
Antonella settlements of related life by WASH conditions.
Lezo, Nairobi, Kenya: an conditions, data Therefore, our findings suggest
Federico epidemiological on infant-feeding that one cannot separate
Gobbi, Dora study practices, food infection and its risk factors as
Buonfrate, security, determinants of the whole
Elizabeth W. hygiene, malnutrition burden.
3 immunization
Murage, coverage and
Teresiah morbidity were
Macharia, collected and
Milka updated with
Wanjohi, structured
Jacopo Mattia questionnaires
Rovarini1 and until 12 months
Gianfranco of life
4 Shrikant Sing, Socio-economic 184,567 regression-based Concentration Result shows that about 38% India
Swati inequality in children decomposition curve and children in India were stunted
Srivastava and malnutrition among methodology generalized and 35% were underweight
Ashish Kumar children in India: concentration during 2015–16. Prevalence of
Upadhyay an analysis of 640 index stunting and underweight
districts from children varies considerably
National Family across Indian districts (13 to
Health Survey 65% and 7 to 67%

Joanna Marie A Silent Crisis: The entire OLS estimates multiple OLS estimates reveal that Philippines
V. Manrique, The Impact of population sources public health expenditure has
Gabriel A. Public Health virtually no effect on
Masangkay Expenditure on malnutrition rates of children,
and Nicasio Malnutrition which implies that budget
Angelo J. Prevalence in allocation by the state on
Agustin PhD Children Aged malnutrition-reduction
Below Five in the initiatives has been inefficient
Philippines and ineffective. This is further
supported by empirical data
showing that the trend of
malnutrition has remained
stable over the decades because
the problem has been
ineffectively addressed by the
6 Dyari Hassan Risk factors of 293 socioeconomic A case control A total of 293 children (74 Iraq
Ahmed1, malnutrition among children features, s cases and 219 controls) were
Abdulfattah preschool children environmental selected. The majority (34.8
H. Hawramei in Sulaimani aspects, child and 79.1%) of the children in
governorate/Iraq characteristics, the study were in the age group
caregiver of 24-35 to 12-23 months in
methods and case and control groups
resources. respectively. After adjusting all
confounders, Mother Visit to
ANC during pregnancy and
method of child delivery are
two of childhood significant
associations with malnutrition.
Jessica Hall, Factors influencing 1104 The survey used a cross- The findings demonstrate a Papua New
Merrilyn undernutrition children a combination of sectional high prevalence of Guinea
Walton, Floris among children validated household undernutrition, specifically (PNG)
Van Ogtrop, under 5 years from questionnaires survey stunting, among Bougainville
David Guest, cocoa-growing (UNICEF MICS, cocoafarming households.
Kirsten Black, communities in USAID DHS, Factors found to be
Justin Bougainville WHO World significantly associated with
Beardsley Health Survey) poor nutrition outcomes in
and comprised children under five are unsafe
six modules: drinking water and sanitation,
Household, Men maternal height, birth order
7 (15 years+), and age of the child.
Women (15–
Children (under
and Children’s
(under 5years).

8 Abel Gebre , Prevalence of 840 to collect data. A community- The study found the prevalence Afar
P. Surender Malnutrition and children EPI Data 3.1 and based cross- of wasting, stunting, and Regional
Reddy, Associated Factors aged 6–59 SPSS version sectional study underweight was 16.2% (95% State,
Afework among Under-Five months 20.0 CI: 13.8–18.8%), 43.1% (95% Northeast
Mulugeta, Children in CI: 39.8–46.5%), and 24.8% Ethiopia
Yayo Sedik, Pastoral (95% CI: 21.9–27.8%),
and Molla Communities of respectively. Family size
Kahssay Afar Regional (AOR= 2.72, 95% CI: 1.62–
State, Northeast 4.55), prelacteal feeding (AOR
Ethiopia: A = 3.81, 95% CI: 1.79–5.42),
Community-Based and diarrhoea in the past two
Cross-Sectional weeks (AOR = 4.57, 95% CI:
Study 2.56–8.16) were associated
with wasting. And sex of child
(AOR = 1.98, 95% CI: 1.46–
2.72), age of child ((12–23
months: AOR= 3.44, 95% CI:
2.24–5.29); (24–35 months:
AOR = 3.58, 95% CI: 2.25–
5.69); and (36–59 months:
AOR = 4.42, 95% CI: 2.79–
6.94)), and immunization
status of child (AOR = 3.34,
95% CI: 1.31–4.81) were
predictors for stunting.
Moreover, mother’s education
(AOR = 4.06, 95% CI: 2.01–
8.19), sex of child (AOR =
1.83, 95% CI: 1.29–2.94),
prelacteal feeding (AOR =2.81,
95% CI: 1.64–3.72), and
immunization status of child
(AOR = 3.17, 95% CI: 2.14–
4.99) were significantly
associated with underweight.
Giao Huynh, Malnutrition 225 Anthropometric A cross- Tis study emphasized the Ho Chi
Quynh H. among 6–59- children measurements sectional study importance of measuring the Minh City,
Ngoc Huynh, Month-Old aged 6–59 and blood test of overall nutritional status for Vietnam
Ngoc Han T. Children at District months children, A children, who have coexisting
Nguyen, 2 Hospital, Ho Chi structured infectious diseases and
9 Quang Thanh Minh City, questionnaire anaemia. Te high prevalence of
Do, and Van Vietnam: malnutrition and anaemia
Khanh Tran Prevalence and underlined the need for routine
Associated Factors screening as well as treatment
of children.

10 Gassem Nutritional status 440 A questionnaire A cross- the nutritional status of Jazan
Gohal, of children less children sectional children under five years Region,
Abdullah than five years and aged below survey produced acceptable Saudi
Mohammed associated factors five years intermediate results, but it is Arabia
Khalufah in Jazan Region, still below levels for other
Madkhali, Saudi Arabia parts of the Kingdom of Saudi
Abdulrahman Arabia (KSA).
Abdullah Ali
Jaafari, and
Salih Mahfouz

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