Loading Capability of Transformer Over-Excitation Condition: M. Savaghebi, A. Gholami, and H. Hooshyar
Loading Capability of Transformer Over-Excitation Condition: M. Savaghebi, A. Gholami, and H. Hooshyar
Loading Capability of Transformer Over-Excitation Condition: M. Savaghebi, A. Gholami, and H. Hooshyar
Abstract - Hot spot temperature is the main limitingfactor of transformer * TTO: top oil rise time constant, hours, -H: hot spot rise
loading. On the other hand, supposing the frequency being constant, time constant, hours,
voltage increase will result in transformer over-excitation. When the
transformer is over-excited, the no load loss and subsequently the hot spot * R: ratio of load loss at rated-load to no-load loss at
temperature will increase. Thus, the transformer loading will be restricted applicable tap position, dimensionless,
In this paper, the problem of loading capability determination considering m: empirically derived exponent, dependent on the
over-excited operation of the transformer is addressed. Necessary
improvements are proposed in order to adapt the IEEE thermal model to cooling method, dimensionless,
this condition. Then, over-excitation effect on transformer loadability is n: empirically derived exponent, again dependent
illustrated using improved model. Simulation results show that ignoring on the cooling method, dimensionless.
the over-excitation effects may lead to transformer insulation lifetime
reduction up to 20%.
C. Equations
The heat transfer equations, and the step-by-step
Supposing the frequency being constant, voltage increase calculation process, are as follows [2]:
will result in transformer over-excitation since Volts per * At each time step, calculate the ultimate top oil rise
Hertz is boosted. When the transformer is over-excited, the from the load current at that instant, using
no load loss and subsequently the hot spot temperature will (1)
increase. The increment in the hot spot temperature due to TO
Lou (R±+1)
long-term over-voltages leads to considerable reduction of * From this, and the ambient temperature at each time
the transformer insulation life expectancy. step, calculate the increment in the top oil
temperature, using
TO dOt [AOTO,U + OA ] -TO (2)
The commonly used model for top oil and hot spot Todt]0o
temperature calculations is described in Clause 7 of the IEEE * Calculate the ultimate hot spot rise using
Guide [1]. The variables and parameters of the IEEE heat AOH U = AOH H.K 2m (3)
transfer model are firstly defined: * Now calculate the increment in the hot spot
temperature rise, using the differential equation
A. Variables (Function of Time, t) dAOH
TH Hdt d AOH tH,U -AOH H (4)
* OA: ambient temperature °C, * Finally, add the top oil temperature to the hot spot
* 0TO top oil temperature °C, rise to get the hot spot temperature, using
* OH: hot spot temperature °C,
* AOH: hot spot rise above top oil temperature °C, OH =TO +AOH (5)
* 0H, U: ultimate hot spot temperature rise over top oil
* OTO,u: ultimate top oil temperature rise over
ambient °C, In equation (1), only the winding losses variations are
* K: load current, per unit. taken into account. On the other side, the core losses which
depend on the magnetic induction are traditionally evaluated
B. Parameters (Constants) by the following equation [3]:
Wi = [khBaf + ktB2f2]Vol (6)
* AOTO,r: rated top oil temperature rise over ambient * Wi is core losses,
* OH,r: rated hot spot temperature rise over top oil °C, * B is the magnetic induction,
The relationship between hot spot temperature, OH, and Ambient temperature (°C)
ageing acceleration factor, FAA(ageing rate), is given by (a) Ageing rate=1
equation (9), for 65°C rise transformers [1]:
FA= exp([15000 0H
F~ exp([383
]) perunit
+ 273~~prui 9
where "per unit" is based on the normal ageing rate, i.e., the
rate that would pertain if OH were continuously at the design 0_
I 4$.
=_ 1.
a 1,
= o
PrimAr 1Vt (. ) ;
Primary Voltage (p.u.)
Fig. 3. Loading capability at varying primary voltage