Porter 2018
Porter 2018
Porter 2018
Transfusion combined with chelation therapy for severe b thalassemia syndromes (transfusion-dependent thalassemia
[TDT]) has been successful in extending life expectancy, decreasing comorbidities and improving quality of life. However,
this puts lifelong demands not only on the patients but also on the health care systems that are tasked with delivering
long-term treatment and comprehensive support. Prevention programs and curative approaches are therefore an
important part of overall strategy. Curative treatments alter the dynamic of a patient’s health care costs, from financial
Conflict-of-interest disclosure: J.B.P. is on the board of directors or has served on an advisory committee for BBB, Vifor, Protagonist, La Lolla, Celgene, and Novartis.
Off-label drug use: None disclosed.
This success comes at a price and, unfortunately, the challenge of Improving outcomes in higher-risk patents
providing blood, chelation therapy, adequate monitoring, and patient Modifications to conditioning regimes have improved outcomes in
support can threaten to overwhelm health care systems,2 even in high-risk class 3 patients (Table 1). Intensive pretransplant trans-
areas with relatively well-developed economies such as Cyprus and fusion, intensive chelation, and hydroxyurea combined with im-
Sardinia. Consequently, effective treatment is often not delivered: for proved myeloablative conditioning, improved outcomes (Table 1,
example, as recently as a decade ago, it was estimated that only 12% Sodani, 2004). Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (veno-occlusive
of children with TDT globally receive adequate transfusion therapy, disease [VOD]) is another important complication, particularly in
and ,40% of those transfused receive adequate iron chelation. It has those with significant preexisting liver dysfunction and conditioning
been estimated in the United Kingdom that a lifetime of treatment to with treosulfan rather than busulfan may also improve outcomes.
50 years of age is about £483 454 ($646 934).3 Costs have increased Another approach is to use a “reduced intensity” regimen in the
because of newer chelator regimes and monitoring techniques such knowledge that partial mixed chimerism of donor- and recipient-
as magnetic resonance imaging of heart and liver iron: for example. derived stem cells can produce adequate and stable hematopoiesis
increasing 32% in the United Kingdom in the past 16 years.3 Indirect (Table 1, Andreani, 2008).
Main donor
Reference Year Center population Recipients Innovation Key outcome
5 1990 Pesaro, Italy HLA-identical 222 TM First large series. Class 1: mortality 6%,
family donors age ,16 y Identification of class 1, rejection 0%
2, 3 risk conditioning: Class 3: mortality 24%,
busulfan (3.5 mg/kg rejection 35%
per d for 4 d) 1
cyclophosphamide (50
mg/kg per d for 4 d)
Sodani, Blood 2004 Rome, Italy HLA-identical 33 TM: all class Reduced C 1 add All class 3: mortality 7%,
family donors 3, age ,17 y fludarabine rejection 8%
with azathioprine
chelation. Hydroxyurea
to suppress BM (from
HVP569, LG001 Genetix France Autologous b A2.T 87Q 4 TDT 5-35 y Bone marrow Busulfan 12.8 mg/ 0.6 1 case of Phase 1 started
transplant of encoding or peripheral kg over 4 d; dose transfusion July 2006
transduced human b-globin blood adjusted to PK independence in
CD341 HSC (T87Q) IV 3.9 3 106 Eb thalassemia
LV vector CD34/kg BM with stable clone
HVP569 4.3 3 106 cells/ at 7 y FU; low
kg from PB engraftment in 3
other patients
LlentigGlobin BBB As above As above, with 18 TDT PB GCSF 1 Busulfan 12.8 mg/ 0.3-1.5 Interim published; Phase 1/2
BB305 HGB removal 12-35 y plerixafor kg 6-18 3 106 see text started 2013
2204 of insulator LV CD34/kg b0/b0
vector BB305 5-13 3 106
CD34/kg others
LlentigGlobin BBB As above As above 7 TDT 5-35 y As above Busulfan 12.8 mg/ 0.8-2.1 Interim published; Phase 1/2
HGB-205 kg IV 9-14 3 106 see text started
NCT02151526 CD34/kg August 2014
LlentigGlobin BBB As above As above non b0/b0 n 5 As above Busulfan 12.8 mg/ 2.4-3.2 Interim results Phase 3
HGB 2207 15 12-50 y kg IV 7-8 3 106 presented at
CD34/kg ASH 2017
3/3 at .6 mo
LlentigGlobin BBB As above As above 1 b0/b0 n 5 4, As above Busulfan 12.8 mg/ Ongoing Ongoing Phase 3
HGB 2212 improved 3-7 y n 5 3, kg 3 4 d ongoing
manufacturing to 8-17 y
increase VCN
Was TNS9.3.55 Memorial Transplant of Lentiviral vector 10 TDT .18 y As above Reduced intensity 0.39-0.21 Stable Phase 1 started
NCT01639690; Sloan Kettering autologous conditioning 2 d; engraftment July 2012;
now CD341 HSC busulfan 8 g/kg; without clonal completion
TNS9.3.55.A1 transduced interval 2 d IV dominance17 July 2018?
with TNS9 3.55 11.8-8.4 3 106
ST-400 Sangamo, Transplant of Zinc finger 6 TDT 18-40 y As above Standard NA Change in HbF; Phase 1/2
Bioverativ autologous nuclease to conditioning change in started May
modified boost HbF by anticipated annual volume of 2018; ends
CD341 HSC disruption packed RBC May 2020
of BCL11A gene
TIGET-BTHAL Telethon Transplant of b globin GLOBE TDT 3/$18 y As above Treosulfan 42 g/m2 0.7-1.5 Ongoing Phase 1/2
NCT02453477 Foundation autologous 3/8-17 y 1 thiotepa 8 mg/ Started May
modified 4/3-7 y kg 16-19.5 3 2015
CD341 HSC 106 CD341/kg
BM, bone marrow; GCSF, granulocyte colony stimulating factor; PB, peripheral blood; PK, pharmacokinetics; SCD, sickle cell disease.
beginning in
Stage of trial
be increased by cytostatic agents that disturb the balance between
proliferation and differentiation: such as Hu. In non-TDT, responses
Phase 1
have been highly variable, from very little to .2 g/dL. QOL im-
provement has been reported when Hb increased with EPO plus
hydroxyurea by 1.6 g/dL or by 0.7 g/dL using Hu alone.26 Decreased
extramedullary hematopoiesis, pulmonary hypertension, leg ulcers,
annual RBC ex
mRNA to 39%
vivo; increases
patient sample
Change in HbF;
hypothyroidism, and osteoporosis were reported in a retrospective
(as a ratio of
in g-globin
analysis.27 In TDT, response has been particularly variable. Some
change in
g/a) in 1
reports have been remarkable: 78% of “transfusion-dependent”
patients becoming transfusion independent in an Iranian study.28 A
Cochrane review found no convincing evidence that Hu reduces
transfusion requirement, however. Some of this variability may
reflect the local clinical definitions TDT but underlying genetic
VCN of
11.8-8.4 3 106
BMT conditioning
CD341 infusion
BM, bone marrow; GCSF, granulocyte colony stimulating factor; PB, peripheral blood; PK, pharmacokinetics; SCD, sickle cell disease.
inhibitors, and may have application for non-TDT. Other targets for
HbF manipulation, such as SOX3, KLF1, HBSL1-MYB intergenic
region, DRED complex (TR2 and TR4), and Lim domain biding 1
have yet to be evaluated clinically.29
Patient target
no. and age
TDT (also
BCL11A gene
receptor type IIB. These act as traps for a wide range of ligands of the
transforming growth factor-b superfamily and inhibit signaling by
binding ligands extracellularly, sequestering them away from their
Product and
study name
Sotatercept Trap for Decreased GDF11 Improved Hb and Subcutaneous, Phase 2a for Dose-dependent Hb Celgene, See text
(ACE-011) TGF-b signaling; increased QOL in non-TDT; 3 weekly thalassemia increase 1-2 g/dL Acceleron
activin ligands erythropoiesis reduced transfusion in non-TDT;
receptor IIa effectiveness in TDT decreased
transfusion in
some TDT
Luspatercept As above As above As above Subcutaneous, Phase 3 for Improved anemia Celgene, See text
(ACE-536) 3 weekly thalassemia in non-TDT as Acceleron
activin above; improved
receptor IIb QOL; improved 6-min
walk; decreased
transfusion in
some TDT
PTG-300 Ferroportin Hepcidin mimetic Improved Subcutaneous Phase 1: no Prolonged plasma Protagonist Presented EHA 2018
hepcidin increases erythropoiesis serious adverse half-life and serum Therapeutics (abstract S843)
derivative effectiveness events expected; iron decrease
of erythropoiesis hypoferremia
LJPC-401 Ferroportin Hepcidin mimetic Secondary iron overload Subcutaneous Phase 1: no Expected hypoferremia La Jolla Presented EHA 2018
synthetic synthetic hepcidin distribution toxicity reported, observed Pharmaceutical (abstract S894)
hepcidin healthy volunteers Company
Tmprss6- Tmprss6 As above Improved Subcutaneous Validated in NYR Alnylam Animal model ASH
siRNA erythropoiesis preclinical studies Pharmaceuticals (2013)
Tmprss6- Tmprss6 Stimulates hepcidin Improved Subcutaneous Phase 1 ongoing NYR Ionis Ionis Pharma press
ASO production by erythropoiesis Pharmaceuticals release; in pipeline
SLN124 Tmprss6 As above Improved Subcutaneous Phase 1 NYR Silence Animal data
Tmprss6- erythropoiesis; planned for Therapeutics presented
siRNA iron overload late 2019 EHA (2018)
(abstract S893)
VIT-2763 Ferroportin Ferroportin Prevent iron Oral Phase 1 NYR Vifor Pharma Vifor press release
ferroportin inhibitors overload; improved planned for (2018)
inhibitor erythropoiesis late 2018
MHs (PR65, Ferroportin Hepcidin mimetic As above Subcutaneous Preclinically NYR University of 36
PR73, (mini-hepcidin) validated in early California,
M009, low MW clinical trials Los Angeles
ASH, American Society of Hematology; EHA, European Hematology Association; NYR, not yet reported.