Diy Portable Miter Saw Station Plan v7
Diy Portable Miter Saw Station Plan v7
Diy Portable Miter Saw Station Plan v7
● (2) 1×2×8
● (2) 1×3×8
● (7) 1×4×8
● (1) 1×6×8
● (2) 2×4 sheets of ¾” plywood (you’ll have extra)
● 1-¼” Pocket Screws
● ¾” Wood Screws
● 1-¼” Wood Screws
● 1-½” Wood Screws
● 2” Wood Screws
● (2) ¼”×3-½” Lag Bolts
● (2) ¼”×2” Lag Bolts
● (5) ¼”×1-¼” Lag Bolts
● (12) 1-½” Lag Screws
● (56) ¼” Washers
● (8) ¼” Lock Nuts
● (1) ¼” Wing Nut
● (2) 12” Piano Hinges
● (4) 2” Casters (I used these)
● T-Track (I used this one)
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● By using this plan you are agreeing to all terms and conditions.
● This plan is for personal use only.
● Plans are the intellectual property of Saws on Skates® and may not
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● By using these plans, you are agreeing to do so at your own risk.
● This plan contains affiliate links. I may receive a small commission if
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Safety First
● Please wear all personal protective equipment (PPE). Protect
your eyes with safety glasses, ears with hearing protection, and
lungs with a dust mask or respirator.
● Follow all safety instructions that come with your tools
Related: 4 Ways to Make Straight Cuts with a Circular Saw Measure in 2-½” and 1-¾”. I used a ⅞” Forstner bit to drill
down ⅜” at this mark. Then I used a ¼” Forstner bit to drill
Measure in ⅝” on the front and back and drill several all the way through the piece. Next, drill 2 pocket holes on
countersink holes. Attach using 1-¼” wood screws. one side. Repeat for the remaining anchors.
Step 10. Make the Lower Arms Step 11. Make the Upper Arms
Cut 4 pieces of 1x3 to 24-¾”. Measure in ½” on each corner Cut 2 pieces of 1x3 to 20-¼”. Measure in 1-½” and 1-¼” on
and use a compass to draw an arc. I used a disc sander to each end and make a mark. Cut 4 pieces of 1x3 to 3-½”.
round off the corners. Measure in 1-½” and 1-¼” on one end and make a mark. I
used a ¼” Forstner bit to drill all the way through the piece
Measure in 1-½” and 1-¼” on the opposite side of each arm. at each mark.
I used a ⅞” Forstner bit to drill down ⅜” at this mark. Then I
used a ¼” Forstner bit to drill all the way through the piece. Apply glue to 2 small pieces, position on the end of an arm
Repeat for the remaining arms. (I used a spare bolt to align the holes) and clamp. Repeat
for the other arm.
Step 13. Assemble the Arms Attach 2 anchors to the upper arm. Insert a 2” bolt with a
washer into the upper arm hole and attach using another
Layout 2 lower arms and 1 upper arm. Insert a 3-½” bolt washer and a lock nut. Tighten the nut but leave it loose
with a washer into the middle hole in the arms. Then place enough so the arms can move freely. Repeat for the other
a washer on both sides of the upper arm. Attach using set of arms.
another washer and a lock nut. Tighten the nut but leave it
Attach 1 anchor to each lower arm. Insert a 1-¼” bolt with a
loose enough so the arms can move freely. Repeat for the
washer (I needed to use three washers to prevent the nut
other set of arms.
from protruding beyond the back of the assembly) into the
lower arm hole and attach using another washer and a lock
nut. Tighten the nut but leave it loose enough so the arms
can move freely. Repeat for the remaining anchors.
Step 15. Attach the Casters Step 16. Attach the Wings
Flip the base and attach one caster to each corner. Center a wing on each side of the top. Attach the wing to
the top with a 12” piano hinge.
Step 17. Attach the Upper Anchors I attached 1 piece of 1x2 to the back of the upper anchor
with a 1-¼” wood screw. This will help push the arm in the
Reattach the arms to the lower anchors. Center the upper upright position when the wing is closed.
anchors on the wing and clamp in position. Attach using
1-1/4" pocket screws.
Step 18. Attach the Miter Saw Step 19. Make the Wing Tables
Center the miter saw from side to side and front to back. The dimension of each miter saw is a little different. The
Drill holes in the top to match the mounting holes in the length of the wing tables is based on the distance from the
miter saw. Attach using bolts, washers, and nuts. end of the wing table to the side of the miter saw base. This
means the length of the wing tables will be different for
each saw.
Step 19. Continued... The wing table supports are based on the length of the
wing table. Measure from the side of the wing table that will
Cut 4 pieces of 1x6 to 19-½”. These pieces need to fit inside extend over the base of the miter saw station to the
the wing frames. They should be snug, but not too tight. outside edge of the 1x6. Then, subtract a ¼” from this
Otherwise, it will be difficult to install the wing tables in the measurement. Mine measured 33” minus ¼” equals 32-¾”.
wing frames. Adjust to fit if necessary.
Cut 4 pieces of 1x2 to your dimension. I cut mine to 32-¾”. I
Position 2 pieces 3-½” from the end of the wing tabletop placed the supports on the underside of the wing tables
and set in ¼” from each edge. Clamp in position, drill and set in ¼” from the edge. I used some scrap 1x material
several countersink holes and attach using 1-¼” wood as spacers between the 1x6s and the 1x2s. Drill several
screws. countersink holes in the supports and attach using 2” wood
Step 20. Install the Wing Tables Step 21. Attach the T-Track
Insert a wing table into the wing. Place a straight edge (I Cut 2 pieces of t-track to match the length of the wing table.
used a 6' level) across the miter saw table and adjust the Position on the back of the wing table and clamp. Attach
wing until it's level with the miter saw table. Clamp the wing using ¾” wood screws.
table to the wing and drill pilot holes. Attach using a washer
and 1-½” lag screws. Repeat for the other wing table.
Step 22. Make the Stop Coffee is Like a High Five in Your Mouth
Cut 1 piece of 1x3 to 2-¾” and drill a ¼” hole in the center. Did you find value in this free plan? If you
Insert a 1-¼” bolt, washer and wing nut. Slide the assembly answered yes, please consider treating me
onto the t-track. to a small cup of coffee. Thank you for
your support!
Cut 1 piece of 1x2 to 8” and drill two pocket holes on one
end. Place on the wing table and center on the back of the
stop. Clamp in position, flip over and attach using 1-¼”
pocket screws.