Topic Classification

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Topic: Classification

• Classification is the process of sorting living things

into groups.
• Classifying organisms helps us understand their
biology and makes identifying new species easier.
• A species is a group of organisms that can reproduce to
produce fertile offspring.
• Member of a species also often look very similar to each
other in appearance. Apart from small variations
,members of a species are almost identical in their
anatomy, physiology and behaviour.
• Closely related species are grouped into a genus(plural:
• Animal of different species when interbreed offspring are
usually infertile and they cannot form functional gametes
due to difference in their chromosome number.
Binomial Nomenclature
• Using a common name in a global classification system can be
difficult due to differences in language.
• Species must be named in such a way that the name is recognized
all over the world.
• The binomial naming system solves this issue. This avoids confusion
when naming organisms.
• The binomial system of naming species is an internationally agreed
system in which the scientific name of an organism is made up of
two parts , showing the genus and the species.
• Smaller groups
places in larger
groups with no
overlap in
• Each group is
called a taxon.
Dichotomous Key
• A dichotomous key for the identification of organisms is
based on a series of choices between alternative characters.
• Biologists use dichotomous keys to identify unfamiliar
• Each key is made up of pairs of contrasting
features(dichotomous means two branches), starting with
quite general characteristics and moving on to more specific
• When we follow the key and make suitable choices it is
possible to identify the organism correctly.
Five Kingdom Classification
1. Animal: multicellular
2. Plants: multicellular
3. Fungi: multicellular, however, some are unicellular.
4. Prokaryote (bacteria, monerons): unicellular
5. Protoctista :mostly unicellular (Protoctists are of two
types: protozoa that lack chlorophyll and Protophyta
that have chlorophyll.
Main Groups of Animal Kingdom
1. Vertebrates: Animals with backbone or vertebral column
that is made up of vertebrae.
2. Invertebrates: Animals without backbone.
Classification Of Arthropods
Comparison of characteristics of different groups of
Classification Of Plant Kingdom
Flowering Plants
• Flowering plants reproduce by seeds.
• The seeds are enclosed in an ovary.
• Flowering plants are divided into two subclasses:
1. Monocotyledons
2. Dicotyledons
• Land plants with well-developed structure
• The stem is usually completely below ground.
Roots grow directly from the stem.
• The stem and leaves have sieve tubes and water
conducting cells.
• The leaves of ferns can vary from one species to
another. Most of them have an upper and lower
epidermis, a layer of palisade cells and a spongy
• They produce gametes but no seeds, they
produce spores.
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