Electronics 10 03184 v2
Electronics 10 03184 v2
Electronics 10 03184 v2
Design and Development of Smart Parking System Based on
Fog Computing and Internet of Things
Mohammed Balfaqih 1, * , Waheb Jabbar 2,3 , Mashael Khayyat 4, * and Rosilah Hassan 5
1 Department of Computer and Network Engineering, College of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Jeddah, Jeddah 23890, Saudi Arabia
2 Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang,
Pekan 26600, Malaysia; [email protected]
3 Centre for Software Development & Integrated Computing, Universiti Malaysia Pahang,
Gambang 26300, Malaysia
4 Department of Information Systems and Technology, College of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Jeddah, Jeddah 23890, Saudi Arabia
5 Center for Cyber Security, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia (UKM), Bangi 43600, Malaysia; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected] (M.B.); [email protected] (M.K.)
Abstract: Current parking systems employ a single gateway-centered solution (i.e., cloud) for data
processing which leads to the possibility of a single point of failure, data loss, and high delays.
Moreover, the parking-spot selection process considers criteria that do not maximize parking uti-
lization and revenue. The pricing strategy does not achieve high revenue because a fixed pricing
rate is utilized. To address these issues, this paper proposes a smart parking system based on the
Internet of Things (IoT) that provides useful information to drivers and parking administrators about
Citation: Balfaqih, M.; Jabbar, W.; available parking spots and related services such as parking navigation, reservation, and availability
Khayyat, M.; Hassan, R. Design and estimation. A multi-layer architecture is developed that consists of multiple sensor nodes, and fog
Development of Smart Parking and cloud computing layers. The acquired parking data are processed through fog computing nodes
System Based on Fog Computing and to facilitate obtaining the required real-time parking data. A novel algorithm to obtain the optimal
Internet of Things. Electronics 2021, 10, parking spot with the minimum arrival time is also presented. Proof-of-concept implementation and
3184. https://doi.org/10.3390/
simulation evaluations are conducted to validate the system performance. The findings show that
the system reduces the parking arrival time by 16–46% compared to current parking systems. In
addition, the revenue is increased for the parking authority by 10–15%.
Academic Editors: Andrei Vladyko
and Ammar Muthanna
Keywords: smart parking; pricing strategy; parking-spot selection; availability estimation; fog computing
Received: 1 December 2021
Accepted: 17 December 2021
Published: 20 December 2021
1. Introduction
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral The smart city concept integrates information and communication technologies (ICT)
with regard to jurisdictional claims in to facilitate sustainable development, economic growth, and quality-of-life improve-
published maps and institutional affil- ment [1–3]. One of the directions leading towards smart cities is the development of
iations. intelligent transportation and efficient traffic management systems to optimize drivers’
travel planning and alleviate traffic congestion [4–7]. Currently, drivers obtain a parking
spot themselves by searching all spots until an available spot is found. This leads to a waste
of valuable time that may hinder economic growth [3]. In addition, during the waiting time
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. due to congestion, the vehicles are burning fuel unnecessarily, causing high greenhouse
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. gas emissions [8]. These issues can be addressed using a smart parking system that helps
This article is an open access article drivers to determine and reserve parking spots in advance before reaching their destination.
distributed under the terms and Such systems would become highly significant in almost every major city in the world,
conditions of the Creative Commons especially during large events (e.g., conferences, religious events, sporting events, festivals,
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// and concerts). They would help in tackling traffic congestion, reducing pollution, and
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ minimizing the negative impact on the city landscape and environment [9].
Smart parking systems form part of traffic management strategies and manage parking
processes by helping vehicles to park efficiently in a way that reduces parking arrival time
and traffic congestion. The development of smart parking systems has attracted the
attention of researchers in academia and industry, due to their economic, environmental,
and aesthetic impacts. The Internet of Things (IoT) is emerging as a leading technology
for smart object communication [10]. IoT is the key enabler technology for smart parking
systems, which employ different sensing technologies (e.g., ultrasonic, magnetometers, and
visual sensors) and networking technologies (e.g., ZigBee, Wi-Fi, and cellular). It facilitates
real-time monitoring and control by collecting real-time sensor data and integrating with
other technologies such as machine learning, sensor fusion, and computing [11]. Several
commercial parking systems have been developed such as SmartParking [12], PlacePod [13],
and Sitraffic Scala [14]. These systems offer several features such as remote parking-spot
booking, fee payment, interactive parking maps, and others. However, their main drawback
is the high cost and the limited development capability for public developers since they
are not open source. In addition, the current systems do not meet today’s parking needs
and the expectations of smart city evolution.
The current systems employ a single gateway-centered solution using cloud com-
puting. IoT data are collected and sent to the Internet for processing, which leads to the
possibility of a single point of failure, data loss during network interruption, and high
delays due to data flow across the network to the cloud. In addition, most of the imple-
mented parking monitoring systems are locally operated and do not provide real-time
information to the driver about where to find a parking space [15]. The utilized communi-
cation technologies are based on wired systems or short-range communication methods
such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or ZigBee, which are not reliable in most scenarios of indoor and
outdoor parking. They also face many issues related to interference, energy consumption,
and limited resources.
Moreover, different criteria have been considered for parking-spot selection, such
as the preferences of users and operators. The existing systems consider the demand
and driver preferences only. The selection decision must be based on a criterion that
reduces congestion and maximizes parking utilization and, consequently, revenue. The
pricing strategy, on the other hand, in parking lots, is usually based on a fixed rate per
hour for short-term parking and a fixed subscription rate for long-term parking, which
does not achieve a high revenue. The fixed rate is obtained periodically according to
the previous occupancy rate. Such a strategy does not take advantage of the parking
availability and demand, and hence it leads to sub-optimal pricing. Therefore, this paper
reports on the design and development of a smart parking system based on a multi-layer
IoT architecture to resolve the aforementioned issues. The system considers different
parking plans, including a short-term parking plan with and without advance reservation
and a long-term parking plan. The proposed system is evaluated through implementation
and simulation of a selected area representing our case study (i.e., Kudai parking lot). The
system has the following features:
• A multi-layer IoT architecture consisting of IoT, fog and cloud layers to overcome
the limitations of single gateway-centered solutions. Distributed fog computing
nodes are employed to process data locally and forward essential data only to cloud
servers. Sensor nodes connect to fog nodes through energy-efficient LoRaWAN
communication technology, except for the vision sensors which are connected through
Wi-Fi technology. This is because LoRa communication offers a low data rate that is
suitable for sensor nodes that do not continuously send large amounts of data.
• A parking-spot selection algorithm that considers arrival time to a parking spot as a
parking selection criterion, to reduce waiting time and congestion and, consequently,
air pollution. The arrival information for the parking lot, including the rate of entering
and departing the parking lot, the parking availability rate, and vehicles’ GPS locations
are considered. The visual sensor information at junctions is also used to obtain the
congestion rate.
Electronics 2021, 10, 3184 3 of 18
• Parking availability estimation that facilitates the parking reservation process with
the aim of maximizing parking-lot utilization. Reservation is allowed a minimum of
three hours in advance to give walk-in clients the chance of finding a parking spot
and, consequently, to reduce traffic congestion at the parking-lot entrance.
• A hybrid pricing algorithm to maximize the parking revenue. The algorithm utilizes
an hourly-rate pricing strategy for short-term planning and a dynamic pricing strategy
for long-term planning. The dynamic pricing represents a dynamic subscription rate
that is set to correspond with demand and revenue.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses related studies
on smart parking systems and highlights their limitations and the contributions of our
proposed system. In Section 3, the proposed parking system is described, including the
proposed multi-layer IoT architecture and the operation workflow, parking-spot selection,
parking availability estimation, and hybrid pricing algorithms. Section 4 describes the
details of the implementation and simulation evaluation for the case study considered,
and the utilized hardware and software tools. The obtained results are also discussed
and analyzed. Finally, the conclusions and suggestions for future work are presented
in Section 5.
2. Related Work
Several review articles have been presented in the literature that explore, classify, and
discuss the technical aspects of smart parking solutions [16–19]. This section discusses
related smart parking systems from existing studies, obtained by searching using the
keywords ‘smart parking’ and ‘IoT parking’ in several databases such as ISI Web of Science
and Scopus. Searching using these keywords resulted in 316 articles, with 127 articles from
the ISI Web of Science and 189 articles from Scopus. The duplicated articles from these
two databases were removed, resulting in 275 final articles. Figure 1 shows the review
methodology used to obtain the related articles considered.
The scopes of these articles address different issues, including application and usabil-
ity [20–22], pricing and contracts [23–25], availability prediction and allocation [26–28],
and others. The 275 articles were further scrutinized based on the problem scope, solution
approach, and evaluation method. Applying the review methodology helped in extracting
the 14 articles most relevant to the scope and objectives of this paper. Different criteria
could be considered to classify the systems, including parking environment, provided
services, or core sensing technique. Parking systems can be classified based on the core
Electronics 2021, 10, 3184 4 of 18
Online Parking Reservation Payment Tested Parking
Research Study Availability
Platform Navigation Service Platform Area
√ √
Angelov, K.K. 2020. √ √ x
√ x x None
Anshar, M., et al., 2020. √ √ √ x x
√ Campus parking
Shi, J., et al., 2017. √ √ √ x √ City parking
Barriga, J.J., et al., 2020. √ √ x City parking
Sotres, P., et al., 2018. √ √ x
√ x
√ x
√ City parking
Proposed System City parking
devices (e.g., network device, dedicated server, or computational server). Each node can
simultaneously process multiple sensor nodes with the possibility of sensor-node handover
if there is a high execution load or a connectivity problem. Moreover, a collaborative task
allocation can be performed to share the computational load among fog nodes to reduce
the overall operational latency.
where T is the total number of all edge lanes on the route. The search for the optimal
parking spot starts from a given entrance node to an available parking spot that achieves
the minimum travelling time. Accordingly, the search graph consists of a root node which
is the entrance point, and the next-level nodes which are all the junctions that can directly
be accessed from the previous level (i.e., first root node) and so on, until candidate available
parking spots are identified. The graph constitutes a tree-like view in which the maximum
depth represents the number of junctions and the candidate parking junction within this
depth. The optimal path with minimum travelling time can be found using Dijkstra’s
algorithm [44].
Parking Lot pi
1 Season
Period (Time) Available Spots (Average)
Year Month Day
1439 Safar 5 9 h 56 m 987
1440 Safar 5 9 h 56 m 970
1441 Safar 5 9 h 56 m 950
1442 Safar 5 9 h 56 m 987
1443 Safar 5 9 h 56 m 960
1 Note: Makkah parking lots form the case study in our work, where the historical parking data fluctuate according to the Hijri calendar;
thus, this calendar is used in the system.
For each parking lot, parking states are determined in which each state represents
the parking availability range. The future availability state P Si |S j of a parking spot Si
is obtained using the classic Markov chain model and Kendall’s notation, where S j is the
current state [45]. The Poisson distribution is utilized in the simulation to represent the
arrival process in periods with a fixed mean value for the number of entering and departing
vehicles to/from a parking lot over a single observation period. The proposed parking
availability estimation uses five state ranges for a parking lot, from the highly occupied
state S1 to the highly available state S5 . Figure 5 shows an example of a state transition
matrix for a parking lot with capacity Capi = 1000, which is derived from historical data
with a five-minute period of observation. A normalized transition matrix in terms of
probabilistic weights is also illustrated in Figure 5.
Electronics 2021, 10, 3184 10 of 18
Figure 5. Markov model: (a) availability states, (b) occurrence frequency, and (c) transition matrix.
PT = PF + Ps (h − 1) − XdPs (h − 1) (3)
where PT is the total parking price, PF is the first-hour price rate, Ps is the price rate after
the first hour, h is total parking hours, and X is calculated as:
X = Min(bh/rc, N ) (4)
where N is the maximum value of ranges. For instance, if parking is required for a total of
20 h, the first-hour parking rate is USD 10, the rate after the first hour is USD 5, and there
Electronics 2021, 10, 3184 11 of 18
is a 10% discount for each of 5 ranges where each range consists of 3 h, the total parking
price will be
PT = 10 + (5 ∗ 19) − (5 ∗ 0.1 ∗ 5 ∗ 19) = $52.5
For long-term parking (i.e., subscriptions), a dynamic subscription rate is allocated
to correspond with demand and revenue, similarly to [46]. The objective of the strategy
is to optimize the parking revenue R = ∑kn=1 Pn where k is the number of parking spots
available for subscription and Pn is the subscription price rate of the nth parking lot. This
can be achieved by enabling bidding once or more times during selected seasonal periods.
The subscription price rate is obtained by firstly allocating the maximum bidding value as
the price rate, then reducing it to a rate that matches demand and revenue. For instance,
in the scenario where 20 clients bid USD 200 monthly, 3 clients bid USD 150 monthly,
and 7 drivers bid USD 90 monthly, the optimal pricing rate will be USD 150 monthly. A
maximum bid value will be pre-specified by the parking management to ensure fairness.
Upon setting the subscription price rate, the clients who can pay the rate Un are prioritized
based on their bidding value and time stamp in a descending order. The optimization
algorithm and maximization objective can be expressed as
Maximize R
Subject to :
k ≤ Un
Ratem ≥ Pn ; ∀n≤k
where Ratem is the maximum rate that the mth driver will pay. The sorting algorithms
Merge Sort or Heapsort [35] can be used to search for the optimal maximum value, due to
their low complexity.
Figure 6. Parking lots and transportation stations near the holy mosque at Makkah city.
A Feather 32u4 LoRa board with an 868/915 MHz radio module was employed for
LoRa communication. The serial RX/TX pins of ultrasonic, geomagnetic, and RFID sensors
were connected to the Arduino serial RX/TX pins on the Adafruit Feather. Data were read
from the Arduino serial RX and transmitted through the radio. The data are received by the
onboard LoRa radio and sent through another serial port to the Raspberry Pi, which was
used as a fog node in the experiment. The node collects, processes, and sorts the data locally,
and forwards the data to the back-end server. It processes parking-spot selection, parking
availability estimation, and the hybrid pricing algorithm. A HP workstation running
Ubuntu was employed for back-end analysis to monitor and analyze the network’s overall
performance. It processes the historical data to estimate the parking availability and
accordingly allows or does not allow parking reservation. The communication module and
the sensors are supplied with power through a rechargeable Li-ion battery that is charged
by a compact photovoltaic panel. The Blynk app could be used to display the output of the
algorithms executed in the fog node.
A simulation evaluation was conducted to investigate the benefits of the proposed
parking system, specifically the slot selection and hybrid pricing algorithms. The free
open-source simulator, Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) [48] was utilized to define
each vehicle explicitly with a specific route in the map. The default behavior of vehicles in
SUMO is to drive with highest specified speed with obstacle avoidance. It also contains
a parking package to define a parking area and to route vehicles to a specific parking
spot [49]. The area of the Kudai parking lot simulated was taken from OpenStreetMap
(OSM) and inserted into SUMO to represent the simulation area. Figure 8 shows the Kudai
parking lot in the SUMO simulator.
Electronics 2021, 10, 3184 13 of 18
The system was compared with the traditional parking approach in which the driver
starts searching for an available parking spot from the current location until one is found.
A parking lot with a maximum capacity of 150 parking spots was considered, where 10 and
5 vehicles/minute were the arrival and departure rates, respectively. The initial parking
availability was produced randomly in a uniform distribution with a 90% maximum rate.
The parking lot was considered full if more than 80% of parking spots were occupied. The
measured performance metrics for simulation evaluation were arrival time, searching time,
and parking revenue. The arrival time is the time spent by a vehicle in the parking area
from the entrance until a selected parking slot is reached, while the searching time is the
time spent searching for a parking spot. The parking revenue, on the other hand, is the
total revenue from all parking spots with different parking plans in a parking lot.
Figure 9 illustrates the arrival time considering different congestion rates and available
parking spots, using the proposed system and the traditional approach. The simulation
was executed until an available spot was obtained. Figure 9a shows the arrival time with
only one available parking spot, with a congestion rate between 0.1 and 0.9. It shows that
the arrival time using the proposed parking-spot selection algorithm was significantly
less than for the traditional parking search approach. The traditional search approach
consumes around 20% to 60% more time than the proposed algorithm. Although the
proposed algorithm always outperformed the traditional approach, the arrival time gap
between the two approaches became less with a higher congestion rate because it was
difficult for vehicles to move fast at all junctions. In Figure 9b, the arrival time is shown
with various available parking spots from 1 to 10 parking spots and a fixed congestion
rate of 0.8. The proposed algorithm had an arrival time that was lower than the traditional
approach in all cases. When only one parking spot was available, the arrival time of
Electronics 2021, 10, 3184 14 of 18
the proposed algorithm was notably lower compared to the traditional approach which
searches blindly for all parking spots in the area until an available spot is found. However,
the difference between the arrival times decreased gradually with increasing numbers of
parking spots because more available spots could be found.
Figure 10 shows the searching time with various available parking spots from 1 to 10
parking spots and a fixed congestion rate of 0.8. The results show that the searching time
metric and the arrival time have a similar pattern because the searching time is most of the
arrival time period. The proposed algorithm had a lower searching time and arrival time;
notably lower when only one parking spot was available. The difference between the two
approaches became less when more parking spots were available.
Figure 9. The arrival time using parking selection algorithm and traditional search approach, considering: (a) different
available parking spots, and (b) different congestion rates.
Electronics 2021, 10, 3184 15 of 18
Figure 10. Searching time with different available parking spots using parking selection algorithm
and traditional search approach.
The revenue for hybrid and fixed pricing algorithms was evaluated considering
different parking reservation requests. Here, a parking lot with a maximum capacity of
150 parking spots was considered, in which 50 spots were allocated for the long-term plan
and 100 spots for the short-term plan. Moreover, the number of parking spots available for
subscription was considered to be less than the number of the clients who could pay the
default subscription rate. The fixed pricing rate was USD 10 per hour in the short-term
plan and USD 2000 per month in the long-term plan. For the short-term plan, the dynamic
pricing was USD 10 for the first hour with a 10% discount for the remaining hours, while for
the long-term plan the bidding rate was randomly higher than the default rate. Figure 11
shows the total revenue from all parking plans, including the short-term and long-term
parking plans, compared to fixed pricing. The occupation rate was varied from 10% to
100% for both parking plans. The dynamic pricing scheme increased the revenue notably
for the long-term plan, while it was less than the fixed pricing revenue for the short-term
plan, due to the discount.
Figure 11. The revenue from the parking lot in one month with different occupation rates.
Electronics 2021, 10, 3184 16 of 18
5. Conclusions
Smart cities aim to improve the quality of life of their residents in different aspects of
life including transportation and travel services. In this context, smart parking systems
help drivers to obtain and reserve a parking spot in advance. In this paper, a smart parking
system was proposed based on a multi-layer IoT architecture with a LoRa communication
interface, to overcome the limitations of the current parking systems. The system consid-
ered different parking plans including a short-term parking plan with and without advance
reservation and a long-term parking plan. The acquired parking data were processed
through a fog computing node to facilitate obtaining the required real-time parking data.
Moreover, a dynamic pricing algorithm was introduced with aim of maximizing revenue
for the parking authority. A novel algorithm to obtain the optimal parking spot with the
minimum arrival time was also introduced. The proposed system was evaluated through
implementation and simulation of a selected area representing our case study (i.e., Kudai
parking lot). The results showed that the parking system enhanced the parking arrival time
and revenue. In future work, we plan to develop and install a test field for the proposed
parking system in our case study.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, W.J., M.B. and M.K.; methodology, M.B., W.J., M.K. and
R.H.; software, M.B. and M.K.; validation, M.B., W.J. and R.H.; writing—original draft preparation,
M.B., M.K. and R.H.; writing—review and editing, M.B. and R.H.; project administration, M.K.;
funding acquisition, M.K. and M.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding: This research work was funded by Makkah Digital Gate Initiative under grant no. (MDP-
IRI-10-2020). The authors gratefully acknowledge technical and financial support from the Emirate
Of Makkah Province and King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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