Lesson 12-14 Ucsp
Lesson 12-14 Ucsp
Lesson 12-14 Ucsp
A political organisation or political organization is any organization that involves itself in
the political process, including political parties, non-governmental organizations, advocacy groups
and special interest groups.
Acephalous Societies
Also known as stateless societies.
There is no central authority, administrative power, and judicial institution.
Small scale groups that create decisions through consensus or voting systems.
Culturally homogenous
Primarily agriculturally-dependent
Marriage practices are polygamous.
Religious beliefs are animistic
Cephalous Societies
Do not not have a formal and organized political structure.- Usually bigger than bands and are
primarily food producers.- Give great value on agriculture and husbandry than hunting and
gathering. – Social order is maintained through a kinship and family system led by a community
More complex than tribes and bands.
Already have a form of social and political structure characterized by a community leader.
Dependent upon the judgment of chief.
Economic activities among chiefdoms are more advanced and successful compared to that of
tribes and bands.
The most politically organized and structurally-developed among the classifications of societies.
Self-governing societies.
Bureaucracy is heavily practiced by states.
Its people and territories are protected by its own military.
Authority and Legitimacy
Authority – refer to an individual’s expertise in a particular topic of interest.
in the political sense therefore, means that a certain political entity has the right to use and
exercise its power over a specific group or society.
Institutions are basically durable systems of established and embedded social rules that create a
social structure for social interactions.(Hodgon, 2001)
Are the formal and informal rules that organize the economic flow and activity of a society. (Kelly,
1. Reciprocity
Is a form of gift exchange between two parties wherin return is expected after product or gift
2. Transfer Payments
Are payments that are made without any good or service being received in return.
3. Redistribution
The act of the government to distribute income from the wealthy business and citizens to the
less wealthy.
4. Market Transactions
Purchases – buyer and seller interact with one another to exchange goods for an amount of
Loans – are money advanced to a business with an interest charge that must be paid and
returned at some point in the future.
Loans (mortgage) – types of loan that was created for purchasers to be able to make
homeownership more attainable.
5. Market and State
Market – a system of private ownership and enterprise that acts based on their own private
and self-interest.
State – the governing body of the society
Economic Realization
Capture a recent economic activity in your vicinity and make a “Hugot” out of that certain scenario.