Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
The proponent of the Project is Sin Agro Murni Sdn. Bhd. (SMSB), a private limited
company incorporated in Malaysia under the Companies Act, 1965. SMSB intends to venture
into forest plantation industry together with an experienced operator in the state by
converting the forest land in forest plantation. The proposed project shall be operated and
managed by the well-experienced Project team with long-standing experiences in the forest
plantation industry. Company registration of the Project proponent is shown in Appendix 1-
In compliance with the environmental laws and requirements, Nilaimas Services as an EIA
Consultant has been commissioned to prepare the EIA Report for submission to the
Department of Environment, Kelantan. The environmental and analytical services for air and
water quality, have been fully supported by ChemVi Laboratory Sdn. Bhd. which is a
qualified laboratory established in Shah Alam, Selangor. Certificate of the Accreditation
Scheme of Malaysia –SAMM 213 for the laboratory is shown in Appendix 1-B. The detail of
project proponent and consultant is shown in Table 1.1.
Any enquiry regarding the proposed project may contact their concerned discipline as stated
below. Organizational chart for the proposed project is shown in Figure 1.1, which shows
detailed information on the roles and responsibility of personnel in SMSB.
8th Floor, Zenith Tower,
Jalan Putra Square 6, Putra Square, 25250 Kuantan Pahang
Tel no.: 019-9379889
Contact Person:
Dato’ Seri Pek Kok Sam
No. 17-2 & 17-3,
Jalan Equine 10D, Taman Equine,
43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor
Tel.: 03-8940 9959, Fax: 03-8940 9958
Contact Person:
Hj. Mohd Nawahidudin Bin Mahamad Isa
No. 22A, Jalan Sungai Jeluh 32/192,
Nouvelle Kemuning Industrial Park,
Bukit Rimau, Sec 32, 40460 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel.: 03-5525 3505/ 5525 3506,
Fax.: 03-5525 3508/ 5525 3509
SMSB as the Project Proponent intends to operate forest plantation at Sultanate Land PT
5358, Block E (408.99 Ha), At Mukim Lubok Bongor, Daerah Kuala Balah, Jajahan Jeli,
Kelantan Darul Naim. The main purpose of this project is to do forest plantation at the
prospected site by clearing the existing forest and replanting with Eucalyptus hybrid and
other species crops. By referring to the lease agreement between SMSB and KDYMM
Sultan Muhammad V Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra Ibni Sultan Ismail Petra as given in
Appendix 1-C, the lease period for the land is for ninety-nine years (99) years.
The plantation site can be accessed with distance of 7.88 km from the junction of Jalan
Sungai Dam- Dabong-Jeli (FR 066) and Jalan Renyuk through Jalan Renyuk. Since there is
no available route yet, project proponent proposed to build a 4.75 km access road connecting
Jalan Renyuk to the entrance of project site.
The proposed Project site will be undertaken on phase by phase basis. Thus, The Project site
is divided into four (4) phases of working area. The area of the phase is tabulated in Table
1.2 and detailed of phase division is given in Figure 1.2.
Machineries and equipment involve in this project are excavator, skidder, loaders, bulldozers,
santaiwong truck, chainsaw and gen-set. For manpower, twenty (20) workers will be required
for this operation including manager (1 person), supervisor (3 person), operators (9 people)
and general workers (9 people). Firstly, the existing vegetation such as hill dipterocarp,
lowland dipterocarp forest, secondary vegetation and shrubs will be cleared in phases. After
land preparation is completed, the seedling of Eucalyptus hybrid and other species will be
planted. The planting sequence process such as fertilizing control will be periodically carried
Section 34A of the Environmental Quality (Amendment) Order 2015 states that any person
intending to carry out any of the prescribed activities shall need to submit an environmental
impact assessment (EIA) report to the Director General of the Department of Environment
(DOE) and get it endorsed by the relevant approving authority before carrying out such activity.
According to the subsection 34A (1) of the Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities)
(Environmental Impacts Assessment) Order, 2015 the project falls under the First Schedule,
subparagraphs 3(1) and (4) which covers Activity 5(e): forest plantation development
covering an area of 100 hectares or more but less than 500 hectares. Thus, requiring the
submission of EIA report to DOE for approval before the Project can be granted the permission
to proceed.
The said report needs to be prepared in accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the
Director General and contains an assessment of the impact of such activity on the environment
and to propose measures to be undertaken to prevent, reduce, or control the adverse impact on
the environment. The preparation of this EIA Report is to ensure that the environmental
feasibility of the project is determined and that environmental management considerations are
taken into account during the project formulation period.
The Project Proponent has provided all the necessary information pertaining to the project to the
Consultant to facilitate for the preparation of this EIA study. The Proponent concurred and
acknowledged the content of this report including the proposed mitigation measures to be
undertaken in the implementation of the project.
Besides meeting the legislative requirement, EIA provides a timely and useful avenue for
integrating environmental considerations into the decision-making process during the planning
of a Project. For the EIA to be effective, the following objectives will need to be met:
To collect and collate baseline data on the existing physicochemical, biological and
socio-economic aspects of the immediate environment of the Project area.
To examine the proposed Project activities relating to the operation of the Project in
order to identify, predict and assess the environmental impacts associated with them,
especially on issues such as soil erosion and siltation, water and air quality, noise,
vibration, and safety and physical well-being of the surrounding people.
To specify effective mitigating measures, where required, to be incorporated into the
present operation.
To identify significant residual environmental impacts, if any, and to specify the
necessary monitoring requirement.
Before this project could proceed, the Project Proponent has to submit an Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) Report to the Department of Environment (DOE) for approval where this
study is being carried out to fulfill this requirement. It is understood that the Project will
commence as soon as the EIA report is approved by the DOE and also approval from other
relevant authorities. As far as the proposed Project is concerned, the present development is at
the ‘Feasibility & EIA’ stage under the “Pre-Production Phase”. The implementation of the
Project includes all aspects of planning, procurement and commissioning of the Project. It shall
start with the construction of haulage road to the hilltop and construction of a working platform
or bench. The procurement of other facilities shall take place concurrently, to be followed by
other activities. The proposed implementation schedule is shown in Appendix 1-D.