Case Chart
Case Chart
Case Chart
Act was Nothing is Monika was very Statement of Knowing story Client Mukesh deliberately
done in the offence which angry on Mukesh Mukesh and of victim side counseling and attacked in her eye
private is done in the because he was eye witness and her past meeting wth which caused greivious
defence self/ private late. Roshani. conduct and each defence hurt to victim.
under sec. defence. behavior. witness.
96 of IPC Mukesh iis short
1860. When Mukesh Because Monika tempered person.
reached to After the have too many
Every person Monika’s house, cross past criminal
Righ to has a righ Monika came from examination record and sign He had previously
private to defend home in very angry of Monika of her upset assaulted victim.
defence of against and she stand fight (victim) mind.
the body offence which with Mukesh.. And sub
and of is affecting inspector
property human body or Satinder may
under sec. property… Monika tried to be a proof to
97 of IPC scratch his face and find Mukesh
1860. pull his hair. not guilty.