DND Songs
DND Songs
DND Songs
Lyin' next to you in the dark It'll all come out eventually
I can feel your beating heart If I told you all the stupid things I've done Eman/Healer
You've been here beside me through the I've blamed on being young
test of time But I was old enough to know I know ARMOR: None (AC 11)
We've both had our share of doubts If I told you the mess that I can be PRIMARY ABILITY: Wisdom
Waited out those old storm clouds When there's no one there to see
Boy it's nights like this that I know why Could you look the other way? SAVES: Wisdom
Lovers like you and me will never say die Could you love me anyway? SKILLS: Insight, Medicine
What if I told you I don't plan on staying
'Cause there's a long line of folks giving up here HIT DICE: 4
on love My dreams are a million miles away SIGNATURE ABILITY: Orison.
So many hearts get broken in the push and And I know your family is gonna want you
shove to stay As an action, choose
I'll believe in you for the rest of my life You know what I don't blame 'em an ally the healer can see
Baby lovers like you and me will never say So I'll say
die What I don't want to within 30 feet. On their
And I'll just pray next attack or saving throw
Tears of joy and tears of pain You want what I do
Tears say more than words explain If I told you all the stupid things I've done
roll, roll a d4 and add
There's no need for words here tonight I've blamed on being young the result to the ally’s result.
We've both felt each others' power But I was old enough to know I know
A tender touch in the wee small hours If I told you the mess that I can be
Is strong enough to hold us for a lifetime When there's no one there to see CANTRIP: Spare the Dying
Lovers like you and me will never say die Could you look the other way?
Could you love me anyway?
1ST-LEVEL (3/DAY): Guiding
'Cause there's a long line of folks giving up Aww, could you love me anyway? Bolt
on love So before we go any further here 3RD-LEVEL (5/DAY): Minor
So many hearts get broken in the push and Let a week turn into another year
shove There some things you probably don't Heal. An ally the healer
I'll believe in you for the rest of my life wanna hear can see within 30 feet
Baby lovers like you and me will never say But you have to
die If I told you sometimes I get jealous regains 7 (1d8 + 3) hit points.
Sometimes I'm half crazy
Oh lovers like you and me will never say Would you say the hell with me, the hell So, retainers do not track hit
die with me
If I told you I barely know what love is points, but rather health
Shape of you- Ed Sheeran But girl if that's what this is levels. A retainer has health
I'm in love with the shape of blue I don't want to let it slip away
You push and pull like a magnet do No, no, no levels equal in number to
Although my heart is with Glu Glu Could you love me anyway? their Hit Dice or level. Each
He’s in love with your body Please
And last night you were in my room Could you love me anyway? time a retainer is hit by an
And now my bedsheets smell like wooo Could you love me anyway? attack, they make a
Every day discovering something brand Could you love me anyway?
Constitution saving throw.
He’s in love with your body The DC is the average
He’s in love with your body
damage from the attack.
Oh-I-oh-I-oh-I-oh-I If they succeed, they take no
damage. If they fail, they lose
one health level per die of
damage from the attack. If
they lose their final health
If I told you- Darius Rucker
What if I told you about my little nothing level, they drop unconscious
town and use the normal rules for
The two room house where I came from
The man that I got my name from dying.
I don't even know where he is now
What if I told you sometimes I lose my
I wonder why someone like you would
even talk to me
What if I told you there is no fixing me
Cause everybody has already tried
Would you stay?
Would you leave?
Over the next few days, (in game). Grenly would talk to the following people, in this order:
I deeply apologize for my party's behavior
since we met you. It was, and has been, out of line and not fair to you. You had every right to be cautious
of us and withhold classified information from us when we first met, and even now. I am so sorry for all
the progress you lost and want to commend you for your sacrifice, both made for the country of Thacia,
and for giving up your greatest passion, and accomplishments, for the sister of the enemy’s king. You are
one of the most skilled artificers I have ever witnessed.
I want to talk to you about your goals, and how I think they are aligned with mine, or can be aligned. As
you have heard, I am now a Lord in the Kingdom of Aldara. However, that does not make me naive to this
country's corruption and lack of control. It also does not dim my memories of sweet Thacia, and the goals
I have for her. (Grenly will then turn his clothes to his Dimale attire- all Black with a Gold cloak over one
shoulder and Golden Wittlefellow symbols) I wish to be a protector to Thacia, a hidden hand so to speak.
But I also want to create a City of Progress. My plan for rulership is to bring the best of Thacia and Aldara,
and put it into one thriving metropolis of enlightenment. Would you be willing to join me in this cause? I
will help provide you with anything you need to continue your research. I will help recover any equipment
that may be vital that is in Thacia. I want to help elevate the power you have discovered and, in turn, use
it to further our cause. You would report only to me, and I would help recruit anyone you may need to
further your research. I have contacts in Aknautum, Aldara, Zaethas, and Ryugo. I have a contact in the
City of Doors, and some of the Ascended Dragons, and plan on expanding this list exponentially. What are
your goals? Is this something that interests you? I know you care for Thacia even more than I do. I also,
plan to get lands there, so we can work in both places, and have a secure way to move between the
countries as needed. What would I need to do to earn your loyalty, as a friend, and as an ally?
What are you planning to do with Dolav to enhance his powers?
Carissa- Grenly is trying to see how serious Carissa is about me at this point. He has declared and overly declared
my interest in her. He is gauging to see if she will reciprocate, and is skeptical she is sincere.
I want Catch up with her, recount all my poems that I can remember from when I was in Zaethas. Tell her
of my adventure from my point of view. I obviously will tell it dramatically, but truthfully. I will hold out on
the finer details, like about the triumvirate, my soul, but will talk about Tullus, as that was very hard for
me. May tear up at that part.
Ask what she has been up to during this time. What her plans are in life, what she values and is most
afraid of. Really try and develop a deeper connection with her. I am trying to become her best friend and
truly understand her as a person. I might try and slip in a kiss if all goes well, after a little serenade of
Do you have a couriers pouch so I can send you letters? I am much better at expressing myself through
the written word, as funny as that sounds, coming from a Bard by trade.
Other Barons: I would like to meet with as many Barons as possible and understand (Gonna change my shift weave
to be the blue and silver armor with all the intricate embroidery of all the Aldara Houses. The purpose of these
meetings is I am trying to get as many allies here as possible, I want to be trusted by them, as much as is possible,
and respected as a fierce and just person. I will not tolerate any lack of disrespect) and want to know the following:
What do they care about most?
What are their goals as leaders?
What do they want their king to do better at? What is Aldara lacking?
How can I help them accomplish their goals?
Are there any questions they have for me? I know it must be hard to watch their king grant a Thacian-
born title and lands, how can I put their concerns and reservations at ease?
Which other Barons do you most like and dislike, and why?
What are their views on: other races, Thacia, Zaethas, Ryugo, King Keller, Slavery, Band of Aids
What laws work and don’t work in your barony?- feel free to send me them in writing if you do not know
off the top of your head.
Any advice for me as a new Lord?
Grenly’s goals/moves:
Marry Carissa Vanner
o He must love her
o She must love him
Become a Baron
o Find out the names of the rats
o Find evidence to provide to the king without the rats knowing.
o Have them executed and take their place
Become a Lord in Thacia
Free Soul of Connection to Demon
Find the three ingredients to banish Jubilex
o Something to call it back to the Abyss-banish spell (piece of/from the Abyss)
o True Ice
o Ink from Mechanicus
o Something to weaken it- Blood from River Styx, Holy Water
Gain powerful Allies
o Aldara
Other Lords
Mercenary groups
Courier Groups
Educators( to start schools in Aldara)
o Zaethas clans
Give Freedom in exchange for defense and loyalty
Help upgrade the city and makeup spy, and army network
o Aknautum clans
Help with spy network
Trade connections
Employ into army, and look for magical items to collect.
o Efrea creatures
o Ryugo-Clan
Make peace between two groups
Have some sort of trade treaty
o Thacia
Wittlefellow Bank
Herclean Knights
o Spy Network
Mylo to train some of them
Find underground groups
Find a leader to connect underground groups
Find intel on other barons and evil worshippers
Have Counter Intel to make sure ranks are not infiltrated
o News outlet
Control the good news and how to consume the bad news
Spread rumors, good and bad
o Teleportation Network
Learn how to become unbound from this plane- why do the lay lines make teleportation
so difficult
Leaders in Zaethas to get teleportation circles
Ryugo- see if they use some sort of teleportation
Find a way to transport troop-size numbers about 300-400 miles.