Employing Analogue and Digital Solenoid Hydraulic Valves in Position Control System
Employing Analogue and Digital Solenoid Hydraulic Valves in Position Control System
Employing Analogue and Digital Solenoid Hydraulic Valves in Position Control System
During the last decades, the rapid advances in hydraulic valves involving their driver
electrical circuit have made a physical integration of electro-hydraulic system. Such
hardware architecture is widely employed in many industrial applications due to their
ability to provide speed, high force and direction control. These procedures have been
accomplished with considerably greater power/weight ratio and with the help of some
simple components.
Position control system with hydraulic actuators represents one of the most commonly
technologies implemented in several industrial applications. The heart of this system is the
hydraulic solenoid valve which can be subdivided into two categories, conventional and
proportional valve. They are often packaged to provide both direction and flow control of
hydraulic and can be classified as digital if the conventional hydraulic valve was
implemented or analogue for proportional solenoid valves type.
The objective of this work is to build a prototype electro-hydraulic system constructed
from solenoid directional control valves as well as a double acting single ended hydraulic
cylinder with limiting position electrical switches to meet the demands of position control
system. Simulation has been carried out within the mathematical software package
(Matlab / Simulink) to simulate the performance of the electro hydraulic proportional
system and the model of the solenoid proportional valve have been introduced to investigate
the performance of the employed position control system.
Key word: Solenoid Hydraulic Valves, Hydraulic cylinder, PID controller
استخدام ملف الصمام الهيدروليكي (الكمي والرقمي) في منظومة السيطرة على التوقف
شهدت العقود األخيرة حدوث تطورات سريعة وكبيرة في مجال األنظمة الكهروهيدروليكية بما فيها األنظمة
الكهربائية المتعلقة بها حيث أصبحت ألتطبيقات ألصناعية ألتي تستخدم مثل هذه األنظمة ضرورية ومالئمة من ناحية
.سرعة أألداء والحصول على قوة كبيرة,دقة أالستجابة
Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 16, No.3, Sep. 2012 ISSN 1813- 7822
إن العنصر الرئيسي في مثل هذا النوع من المنظومات الكهروهيدروليكية هو الصمام الكهروهيدروليكي ذو الملف
, الكهربائي والذي يمكن تقسيمه من ناحية مبدأ العمل في السيطرة على اتجاه وكمية الزيت المار من خالله إلى نوعين
.)النوع األول صمام اتجاهي عادي( يمكن أن يطلق عليه تسمية رقمي) والثاني صمام تناسبي اتجاهي (من النوع الكمي
إن الهدف في هذا العمل هو استخدام نظام كهر وهيدروليكي يعتمد على تقنية الصمام أالتجاهي الهيدروليكي ذو الملف
الكهربائي مع األسطوانة الهيدروليكية ذات النهاية الواحدة والفعالية المزدوجة وبوجود محددات توقف كهر وميكانيكية
.لتحقيق نظام السيطرة على الحركة الخطية
) لتمثيل المنظومةMatlab/Simulink( تم استخدام نظام المحاكاة في الحاسبة عن طريق البرنامج الرياضي
الهيدروليكية التناسبية التي نحتوي على صمام تناسبي ذو ملف كهربائي للسيطرة على حركة المكبس لالسطوانة
1. Introduction
The inherent advantages of hydraulic equipment were quickly appreciated by the mining
and metallurgical industries, and introduction of hydraulic units proceeded with increasing
momentum. They are characterized by their ability to impart large forces at high speeds and
are used in many industrial motion systems. The basic part of this technology is the
directional spool control valves, with its solenoids, provide the ideal interface for electrical
controls. In Such demand close cooperation of electrical components are totally immersed in
the hydraulic medium [1].
The general classification of the hydraulic valves may be divided into infinite position valves
which can take any position between fully closed and fully open such as proportional valve
and finite position valves which generally switches flow of hydraulic oil between different
ports and can only be fully open or fully closed such as conventional valve. Consequently,
proportional solenoid valves can be considered as analogue devices which provide more
functionality and opportunities within the field of electro-hydraulics in contrast with solenoid
directional valve which represent a digital type since the flow paths can be in only one of two
states either on or off [2,3 and4].
Position control systems require linear movement can be achieved with variety of different
technologies. The most commonly used technologies can be grouped into three categories;
linear actuators, linear motors and precision positioning tables. Linear actuators can be
hydraulic, pneumatic, or electromechanical. Hydraulic actuators provide a rectilinear
movement realized by the stroke of a rod connected to a piston sliding inside the cylinder and
each type has advantages and drawbacks, so their use depends on the application [5 and 6].
Theoretical and practical researches show that hydraulic control system using switching
hydraulic valve can achieve high precision. It is a cheap scheme and can satisfy many
purposes [7].
The suggested approach of position control system is based on implementation an electro-
hydraulic model contains hydraulic cylinder steering by solenoid valve to realize the effect of
utilize the solenoid valves in controller system.
Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 16, No.3, Sep. 2012 ISSN 1813- 7822
The description of the employed controller system has been introduced in the second
section while a detailed of the experimental work and the simulation of the electro-hydraulic
proportional system is presented in the third and the fourth sections respectively followed by
The general description of position control system under consideration can be subdivided
into electro-hydraulic subsystem contains solenoid directional control hydraulic valve
associated with an electrical controller board specifically designed for this purpose beside
hydraulic actuator, in addition to position sensors where electro-mechanical limit switches are
used to sense the required position of the rod of hydraulic cylinder as depicted in figure (1).
Figure (1) the Schematic Diagram of the Suggested Position Control System.
Solenoids are electro-mechanical interface devices that convert electrical input signal into
an applied force [6].As the name indicates, a solenoid consists of a stationary iron frame, a
coil, and a ferromagnetic plunger (armature) in the center of the coil as shown in figure (2a).
Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 16, No.3, Sep. 2012 ISSN 1813- 7822
As the coil is energized, a magnetic field is induced inside the coil. The movable plunger
moves to increase the flux linkage by closing the air gap between the plunger and the
stationary frame, as shown in figure (2b). The flux density (B) follows the right-hand rule and
the magnitude inside the coil is approximately [9].
B H (1 )
H (2)
B (3)
o r (4)
In hydraulic operations, electro-hydraulic valves use a solenoid to move the valve spool from
one position to another and thereby altering the flow direction of hydraulic oil which moves
towards the load. When a voltage is applied to the coil and electrical current flows, the coil
builds up a magnetic field that attracts the piston and pulls it into the center of the coil. The
voltage applied to the solenoid coil (V) is [9]
V RI (5 )
Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 16, No.3, Sep. 2012 ISSN 1813- 7822
The rate flow of energy can be obtained by multiplying equation (5) with i and can be written
VI RI I (6 )
Where VI represents the power provided by electric amplifier and RI2 represents the power
dissipated on the resistor (R) of the coil
R (7 )
The basic components of the solenoid hydraulic valves (conventional and proportional) in
addition to the symbol of the solenoid valve are shown in figure (3).
P represents the high pressure hydraulic port comes from the pump with the pressure supply
line inlet and T the return line to the hydraulic tank.
A and B represent hydraulic conserving port associated with the actuator connection port.
As mentioned before the solenoid valve controls the direction of movement of the piston of
the hydraulic cylinders throughout changing the direction of the flow of the hydraulic oil that pass
from it towards a single ended hydraulic cylinder.
Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 16, No.3, Sep. 2012 ISSN 1813- 7822
The hydraulic cylinder converts hydraulic energy into mechanical energy in the form of
translational motion; it uses pressurized fluid to create a linear motion [6].The hydraulic fluid is
pumped into one side of the cylinder under pressure, causing that side of the cylinder to expand,
and advancing the piston. The fluid on the other side of the piston must be allowed to escape
freely as shown in figure (4).
Both on/off and proportional solenoids have the same basic construction; a wire coil surrounds
a ferromagnetic core with a paramagnetic guide tube and requires an electrical module that
provides an electrical current source to the solenoid [8].
The difference between conventional electro hydraulic valves and proportional ones is the type
of the input signal they have as an input command .The proportional hydraulic valve converts
fluid pressure into motion in response to a signal rather than just electrical switching as shown in
figure (5). The advantage of this step is greater flexibility in system design and operation as well
as a decrease in fluid-power circuit complexity. Hence the electrical voltage can be infinitely
adjusted and they respond to analog signals proportionally to its amplitude, instead of just being
(on/off) as in conventional valve [11].
Figure (5) the Schematic Diagram of the Proportional Valve Technology [11].
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3. Experimental work
Figure (6) the Block Diagram of the Employed Position Control System.
The heart of the hydraulic control unit under consideration is a single-stage, four-way and three-
position, directional spool control valves, either conventional (digital) or proportional (analogue)
valve linked to their associated electrical board via electrical solenoids where a DC voltage
solenoid valve was selected.
The hydraulic power unit of the system comprises all the devices for effecting the movements
or actions and consists of hydraulic pump, relief valve, pressure gauge, and hydraulic tank in
addition to hydraulic cylinder with a 360 mm stroke of the piston as shown in figure(7).
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The hydraulic valve and cylinder that utilized in position control system are shown in figure (8).
Power Unit
cylinder Position
Figure (8) The Hydraulic Power Unit, Hydraulic Cylinder and Position Sensors.
In conventional valve model the spool of the direction valve is either fully opened or fully
closed. Hence; two levels of electrical voltage signals are required to supply the solenoid valve.
The electrical control unit for the directional valve is shown in figure (9) while the electrical
driver circuit for the conventional valve is shown in figure (10).
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Figure (10) the Electrical Directional Model of the Position Control System.
[Introduced by Researcher]
In case of the proportional solenoid valve the electrical controller module is quite difference to
that in directional valve. It consists of a controller unit and an amplifier electronic card specially
manufactured for each type of solenoid [11]. Consequentially several modules of controller unit can
be utilized to actuate the proportional solenoid valve and to steering the hydraulic cylinder. The
suggestion position control system may be subdivided into position sensor, controller unit and
proportional electrohydraulic subsystem to acquire the performance of the proportional solenoid
valve as shown in figure (11).
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The controller unit consists of the microcontroller and its interfacing circuit that contains
analogue to digital converter(A/D) and digital to analogue converter(D/A) circuits where AD 574
and DA 800 chip set are used as shown in figures (12) and (13) respectively.
Figure (12) the Microcontroller and Interfacing Circuit for the Position Control
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Figure (13) the Analogue to Digital (A/D) and Digital to Analogue (D/A) Convertor
[Introduced by Researcher]
The I/O and memory subsystems contained in microcontroller specializes this device as an
entire computer manufactured on a single chip and it can be interfaced with hardware and control
functions of the applications. Developing such a system requires building a software part running
on the microcontroller as well as a hardware part consisting of mechanical and electronic
components [12].
The Position sensors detect the position of the rod of hydraulic cylinder and send a voltage
signal to controller unit interfacing circuit .Microcontroller takes in the sensor readings, and
supplies the electronic card of the hydraulic proportional valve with appropriate voltage signal.
The varying voltage, which applied to the solenoid of the proportional valve, changes the flow
of the hydraulic fluid that passes to the hydraulic cylinders and stop the rod at the required
position. The electrical amplifier card of the proportional solenoid valve is used to amplify an
analogue input signal and converted into an electrical current. This unit also included
Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) controller such that the solenoid can be actuated the
proportional valves to provide a smooth and continuous variation in flow of hydraulic fluid in
response to an electrical input signal as shown in figure(14) [6] .
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Figure (14) the Schematic Diagram of the Amplifier Card of the Proportional
Solenoid Valve [6].
PID controller is one of the earlier control strategies, its implementation was in pneumatic
devices, vacuum and solid state analogue electronics before arriving at today’s digital
implementation of microprocessors.
The PID controller used a simple algorithm as follows [13]:-
G ( S ) ( Kp Kds ) ( 8 )
Where (KP, Ki and Kd) represents respectively the value of proportional, integral and derivative
constants of the PID controller.
The experimental works have been done in the hydraulic laboratory of the mechanical
department in the engineering college of the Al-Mustansiriyah University and the prototype test
rig of the electro-hydraulic model for the position control system utilizing directional control
solenoid valve is shown in figure (15).
Hydraulic cylinder
Hydraulic unit
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4. Simulation Process
Where X(s) represent the desired position of the cylinder, and the output Y(s) may represent
the actual position of the cylinder while V(s) is the input voltage signal required to actuate the
solenoid proportional valve. Simulation process has been carried out to investigate the
performance of the position control system and the electrohydraulic proportional model is
introduced within the MATLAB/ SIMULINK as shown in figure (17).
Hydraulic blockset of the Matlab software package provides a collection of hydraulic
components beside a graphical user interface for building and analyzing system model and the
results can be shown easily and quickly on the display [14].
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In this model the PID controller was implemented in the valve control unit and the
performance of the system such as rise time, overshoot, settling time and steady state error can be
improved by tuning the value of Kp, Ki and Kd of the PID controller. The actuators, valve and
cylinder were modeled using their parameters provided by the manufacturer and the simulated
results for the valve and the cylinder response in the employed model of the position control
system are shown in figure (18).
Figure (18) the Response of the Proportional Solenoid Valve and the Hydraulic
(Kp=20, Ki=0.01, Kd =0.1)
The voltage applied to the solenoid valve is being in the range of ±10 volts and it can be
noticed that the valve voltage is saturated for about 1.5 seconds. The cylinder reached the desired
point with steady state error equal to (0.016 v) with respect to step reference input signal as shown
in figure (19).
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Figure (19) the Steady State Error of the Hydraulic Cylinder Response.
The simulation computer program of the electro-hydraulic proportional system could be run at
different values of the Kp, Ki and Kd gains to predict the effect of tuning the PID controller on the
performance of the hydraulic cylinder. Figure (20) shows that the system is being unstable when
(Kp=Kd=0) while figure (21) shows that the hydraulic cylinder has no response when derivative
controller was implemented only and (Kp=Ki=0).
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5. Conclusions
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